
Monday, August 13, 2018

HOSEA'S HEART - Linda Wood Rondeau - One Free Ebook

Welcome, Linda. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
I put a little bit of my life or life experience into every character, even the villains. In Hosea’s Heart, I asked myself if I would be that faithful to an unfaithful spouse. Having experienced a divorce, I doubt I would. However, Aubrey’s command for faithfulness came from the Lord. He obeyed, not out of common sense, but out of his allegiance to a greater power.

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
I was once challenged to eat four pancakes. Simple right? Only, at the time, I didn’t realize the pancakes were the size of a plate. I did it, only because I was too stubborn to admit defeat.

When did you first discover that you were a writer?
The old cliché … I was born with a pencil in my hand is almost true. As a young girl, I loved to tell stories to the younger children and write them down for my classmates. My teacher often read my stories or had me read them to lower grades. In high school, I won an award for a poem. I was published in my college journal. I loved to write plays for my church and devotionals for our church ladies. However, I did not consider writing professionally, until I reached my fifties.

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
Like my taste in music, I enjoy an art well done regardless of genre. My favorite books range from sci-fi/fantasy to historical and everything between.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
I am fortunate to have a spouse who keeps me grounded. He tells me to slow down or speed up as the need arises. Since he retired, he likes to clean and cook. I don’t mind. I was primary household manager for the first 35 years or so even when I worked fulltime. Hubs also likes to go for walks in City Park, an occasional movie, or walk in the mall. This change of pace helps me to keep my sanity.

How do you choose your characters’ names?
They come to me. Sometimes, I associate a name with a certain social class or occupation. Sometimes my character’s personality quirks invite a name. Occasionally, I will consult my baby name book or research popular names by year.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
My three children. They are more of a blessing to me than the many books I’ve written or any accomplishment in my writing journey. They may not be perfect, but they bring me such joy, in addition to my nine grandchildren!

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
I’d be a tiger. They are majestic and graceful. 

What is your favorite food?
Is it cliché to say chocolate? Chocolate anything. Although one of my favorite dishes is chicken and biscuits. I rarely have that anymore since my husband is not fond of it. Growing up it was always my request for birthday dinner.

What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
At the moment, I have so many stories pouring out of my brain, I don’t get writer’s block very much as to what to write. However, my creativity is often shut down because of marketing demands. They mentally exhaust me, and I find it difficult to pick up where I left off in my writing. I pull myself out the funk through prayer and writing small amounts. I write something every day even though I might have to put my work in progress aside for a bit.  

Tell us about the featured book.
Hosea’s Heart is a modern day adaptation of the Biblical Hosea’s quest for his runaway wife. Aubrey Beaumont has been in search of his drug-addicted, runaway wife for fifteen years. However, new to faith, she finds him. When they are reunited, Aubrey discovers that she is not only terminally ill, but she is a star witness against a notorious drug lord, her former lover. How much should a wrong husband forgive? The book is set in Washington, DC. Aubrey finds new ministry as a result of his wife’s struggle with addiction. I have attempted to show the human equation in a serious epidemic. Reviewers so far find the book suspenseful as well as heart-warming.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Aubrey Beaumont’s heart pounded as Darlene burst past stodgy Mrs. Donovan and ran into his arms. The girl’s reddened eyes confirmed his worst fears.

“Mommy went away again, Aubrey.”

Darlene sobbed against his overcoat while he absorbed the news. From the entryway, he saw Paul and Bradley at the kitchen table, frozen to their seats, remnants of peanut butter sandwiches on their plates. Paul guzzled the last of his milk, and Bradley rocked back and forth as he hummed “Jesus Loves Me.”

“Thank you for staying with the children, Mrs. Donovan. I rushed out as soon as the seminary gave me your message. I don’t suppose you know where Joanna went off to, do you?”

She handed him a note tucked inside Joanna’s wedding ring.

“Sorry, Mr. Beaumont. I got here my usual time, and your wife handed me this package like it were a present. Then she stormed out the door. Slammed it so hard, she done bust the hinge. Said I was to stay here with Darlene and the boys ’til you came home. Then she slapped a twenty-dollar bill in my hand. ‘For the inconvenience,’ she said. ’Taint no inconvenience. I love these kids as if they were my own.”

Aubrey gripped the parchment paper—Joanna’s curt goodbye. She’d never left a note before. Usually, she slithered away during the night. This time she left while the sun still shone. He slid the gold-edged stationery from its circular perch as he gazed toward Mrs. Donovan. “Did my wife say anything else?”

Mrs. Donavan lumbered toward the coat rack. “Nope. Just high-tailed it out that door.” She twirled as she wriggled her wide body into a coat three sizes too small. “Didn’t even take her purse. Walked out with just the clothes she wore … no coat or nothing.” She grabbed the doorknob with one hand and snatched her straw purse off the counter with the other.

How can readers find you on the Internet?

Thank you, Linda, for sharing this new book with me and my blog readers. I’m intrigued by your storyline, and I’m eager to read my copy when it arrives.

Readers, here are links to the book.
Hosea's Heart - Paperback
Hosea's Heart - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the ebook. This is available for readers outside the United States. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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  1. Thanks for hosting me today

  2. This sounds like an unusual retelling of the Hosea story!
    Dianna (TN)

  3. Diana ... thanks for stopping by. The setting is D.C. Eastern Ave tenements make me sad. The area was once an important area of the city. Love sometimes requires us to go into places nice people stay away from.

  4. Linda what a challenge to write of Hosea in today's world. After our daughter passed, I felt abandoned by God at first. It felt like I could not breathe. A book about Hosea gave me comfort and got me into the book of Hosea for 5 months. I feel like I know and understand a bit of Hosea.

    It would be interesting to read a modern day version of the character who deepened my walk with God.


  5. I enjoyed reading your interview with Lena. Hosea's Heart sounds like a story I'd like to read. You have me heading back into the Bible to reread Hosea!

  6. Thank you, Linda and Lena, for your interview. The Book of Hosea is, in my opinion, one of the most powerful examples of the love of Christ that is found in the Bible. Every time I read it, I am overwhelmed with how much God loves us. This is a message that needs to be told and heard again and again. Thank you, Linda, for doing so in your story. Many blessings!

  7. Delores,

    Prayers. I cannot imagine anything worse than the loss of a child. You will relate to Joanna's parents. Hosea's Heart is multi-level forgiveness, unconditional love, and friendship with God. Thanks for your comments and stopping by.

  8. Sally, Thanks for stopping by. As I reread Hosea over and over again for this book, I, too, am touched by God's call and unconditional love. Though the consequences of our sin will play out, God still stands ready to make us whole again if only we come to him.

  9. MaryAnn,
    Thank you for stopping by and for your comments. My hope is that Hosea's Heart will touch those whose lives have been upended by their own choices or choices of others.The book is an allegory of God's unconditional love for us.

  10. Linda, this sounds very intriguing. I always enjoy an author who tells a modern version of a story found in Bible scripture. These stories always prompt me to go back to their basis.
    Connie from Kentucky
