
Monday, January 21, 2019

LOVE'S DELICATE BLOSSOM - Ada Brownell - One Free Book

Welcome back, Ada. Why do you write the kind of books you do?
Since I completed Love’s Delicate Blossom, the third novel in the Peaches and Dreams series, I’m going to rewrite the courses I taught for mid-grade youth in an after-school program when I retired. They are God in American History, Love is Dynamite, and Dynamite Decisions for Youth. Each will be a short, non-fiction book.

In addition to working 17 years as a newspaper reporter so I’d have a real job, I’ve written inspirational non-fiction and fiction for years because I feel the Lord called me to a be a witness about Him, His love, and humankind’s need for Jesus. He shed his blood to forgive our sins, give us abundant life, and most of all, eternal life. My brand is Stick-to-Your-Soul Encouragement that covers both fiction and non-fiction.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
I believe joy is an ongoing blessing when you live for Jesus. The Bible says, “In His presence is fullness of joy,” and I’ve experienced that. My husband makes me happy frequently. One time he gave me a new piano with big red bow around it. Our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and friends make me happy. Those joys are difficult to measure.

How has being published changed your life?
I’ve grown into a different person than I would be otherwise. I was 15 when I began writing ideas for youth services 65 years ago for a leadership magazine. I’d already had hunger to know the Word, and I became a Bible student, and spent a lot of time in prayer. Everywhere I’ve been, God opened doors for ministry, and all I expected to be was a secretary someday. I taught Sunday school. I became the youth leader. In a little town in Utah that had no church, I started a Sunday school and every kid in town enrolled. I was just beginning to write. I sold an article to David C Cook, so I enrolled in a writing course, advertised my accordion, and bought a typewriter. On the advice of my writing instructor, I became a newspaper correspondent and later moved to staff jobs, taking out nearly 20 years to be a stay-at-home mom, and then going back.
The rest is history.

What are you reading right now?
I’m going through the devotional Jesus Calling again. I’ve started Faith and Physics by Joseph Callender. A favorite recently is Living Like Lions and I’m leaving that in my Kindle for re-reading. I pick up a lot of free books and my fiction right now is Temporary Bride by Linda Ford. Recently I read The River Between by Jacquelyn Cook and The Shepherd’s Voice by Robin Lee Hatcher.

How do you choose your settings for each book?
I try to choose places I’m familiar with and fit the story line.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
I would like to see my friend that helped me start that Sunday school in Utah, Doris Louton. I lost track of her and she was a miracle God sent to me. I told God if he’d sent me a helper to that town with four bars and no church, I’d start a Sunday school. Within a week God sent Doris, a born-again Baptist gal with two little boys and all sort of talent.

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
I used to like to swim and play tennis. I love to sing in groups, play the organ and piano, and board games such as Rook.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
Marketing, and I overcome it by just doing it and learning, learning, learning.

What advice would you give to a beginning author?
Study, pray, practice and do it.

Please give us the first page of the book.
September 1917, Woodburn, Iowa
A horse and buggy clattered toward Ritah O’Casey, rocking. The elaborate fringed buggy swayed, and the woman sitting beside a man nearly tumbled into the street.

Ritah jumped aside, her packages scattering on the boardwalk. Clutching her pocketbook to her chest, she gasped, as Tulip Quinlan, almost fell into her path. The driver grabbed the girl’s arm and yanked her back into the buggy.

Her friend looked mighty strange. Her eyes nearly shut as a frown twisted her lipstick-smeared face into a ghastly masque.

The buggy turned the corner, the left wheels lifting off the road and Ritah shivered at the driver’s scraggly beard, bushy brows and the crooked scar puckering one eye. His vision caught hers as she stared. His dark beady eyes pulsed a warning.

Her chest heaved, while her body shaking and her throat dry, she reached for the strings binding her three packages. How she wished her young friend had responded to the gospel when she went to church with her. The girl, two years younger than Ritah, matured early and looked much older than fourteen.

Only a few weeks ago, Ritah had tried to leave a Christian witness with the girl when her parents died of diphtheria.

“Move into town,” she told her. You might be able to stay with my parents. I’m leaving for college and maybe you could use my room.”

Her lovely chin set firmly Tulip had said, “I’m not moving. I am young, but I want to stay home and try to make it on the farm. I know how to do farm work. My parents are buried on this land. What I need is a good older man who needs a job and knows how to farm to help me.”

How can readers find you on the Internet?
Connect with Ada:
Amazon Ada Brownell author page:
Book Fun Network:
Twitter: @adabrownell
Blog: Stick-to-Your-Soul Encouragement

Thank you, Ada, for sharing this new book with my blog readers and me.

Readers, here are links to the book.
Love's Delicate Blossom (Peaches and Dreams) - Paperback
Love's Delicate Blossom (Peaches and Dreams Book 3) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Thanks, Lena for inviting me to be your guest. You have a great blog!

  2. Thank you for the interview with Ada Brownell and the information on "LOVE'S DELICATE BLOSSOM".

    Really enjoyed reading the first page which makes me want to read the book all the more. LOVE the cover with the silhouettes!

    Appreciate the chance to win a copy of this book which is now on my TBR list.
    Kay Garrett from Mountain View, AR
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. Vivian Furbay1:28 AM

    Ada is a great author.
    I recently read her book about prayer changing things. Now it is being passed around to friends at church. This sounds like a great book. Vivian Furbay of CO jtandviv(at)q(dot)com

  4. Tulip sounds like a brave girl. Can't to see how God works in her life. Thanks for sharing.
    Robin in NC

  5. OH MY! After reading this first page this book is a 'must have' and has been added to my TBR pile, thank you for bringing it to my attention.

    Also, thank you for the chance to win a copy!!!

    Wendy in South Sioux City, NE

    wfnren at aol dot com


  7. Thank you Wendy for your comment and interest in the book. God bless you.

  8. Kay Garrett, My designer will appreciate your comment on the cover. We're almost neighbors since you live in Arkansas and I live in Missouri. God bless you!

  9. Sarah Taylor,

    I'm so glad you're interested in the book and my characters' lives. Blessings!

  10. Vivian Furbay,

    I thought your name sounded familiar. That's wonderful that you're passing What Prayer Can Do around. That's the reason I put all those true testimonies into a book -- so they won't be lost, and more people will hear what God has done.
    This fiction book, Love's Delicate Blossom, is different, of course, but many of the things that happen to some of the characters came from events that occurred in my family and show how God intervened. But it's still fiction because I wasn't there. But the way things turned out, God was.
    Bless you!

  11. Travel write for us,
    Thank yuu for stopping by and giving your encouraging neon comment! Be blessed!

  12. Ada, thanks for sharing your first page and your thoughts.
    Connie from Kentucky

  13. sounds good! Shelia from Mississippi

  14. Sharon Bryant6:49 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Conway SC.

  15. This one sounds like a winner! Melanie Backus, TX
