
Monday, April 15, 2019

THE CHAPLAIN'S DAUGHTER - Kathleen L Maher - One Free Print or Ebook

Welcome back, Kathleen. Why do you write the kind of books you do?
I am compelled to share the hope that is given to me in Jesus Christ, and the best way I know to do that is through stories of redemption. I set out to show my characters navigating real life situations that are beyond their natural ability to manage. God’s intervention has been real in my life, and I hope to show what that looks like in the lives of my fictional characters. Even though the work may be fictional, I don’t spare the realistic detail of how these answers manifest.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
My happiest day actually wasn’t the day I was saved. I hope that isn’t blasphemy. I know it was the most important day, but I was six years old, my parents’ marriage was crumbling, and I was at a Bible camp surrounded by strangers, away from my safe routine. But something happened in that moment which has given me the peace that has made a foundation for a secure life, despite the odds stacked against the child of an alcoholic. To me, that’s more important than happiness, which can be fleeting.

To answer the question about my happiest day, it was probably my wedding day.

How has being published changed your life?
Having books out there as a hybrid author has done a few things for me. When I landed my first traditional contract, I felt affirmed, that my calling wasn’t just a wish or a want. And then, there’s the longing fulfilled of sharing characters and messages that have been on my heart for ages—it’s a thrill when others connect. I truly hope my stories will make a difference in others’ lives, in the way they see themselves, their circumstances, and the God who cares and still answers prayer.

What are you reading right now?
I’m reading an Indie book called Lane Steen by a talented new voice, Candace West Posey. She weaves a story of an underprivileged young lady who finds redemption through education and the kindness of a mentor, until she meets the Lover of her soul. The writing is lyrical and creates an atmosphere in which I can readily escape. I think we’ll be seeing more from her in future.

I’ll have to look her up and invite her on my blog. What is your current work in progress?
I’m currently working on Book 3 in Sons of the Shenandoah Series, called No Man’s Daughter.
Love was the last thing on Benjamin Sharpe’s mind, seeking to settle the farmstead adjacent to his father’s land. The fiery young lady squatter he encounters is more untamed than the neglected property. If he’s to prove himself to his father and his older Civil War veteran brothers, he’ll have his work cut out for him. Lee may have surrendered, but as far as she’s concerned, the war’s still on!

What would be your dream vacation?
I’ve been dreaming of taking a cross country road trip with my young adult kids to see America. So much is changing, and so fast, I just want to capture this moment in time before revisionist history or catastrophe changes the literal or political landscape.

How do you choose your settings for each book?
I’ve written three novellas and two novels so far, plus two novel works-in-progress, and the settings vary. Of course, the series has common ties. All three have the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia as the axis from which they turn.  But choosing setting also involves my other loves—whether it be my fascination with the history of New York, my home state, or my Irish ancestry. Nineteenth century America is the time period for all but one. That outlier chose a made-up medieval town in Europe as its setting, since the part-fairy tale and part-allegory called for it. Think all the campy fun of The Princess Bride meets Shrek, but without the adult humor. 

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
I think I would love an evening with Melania Trump. I can think of a million questions I would ask her, from being the wife of the most powerful and resolute leader in the world, to parenting a brilliant young man who some speculate might be on the autism spectrum, to asking her beauty tips and secrets. And I suspect there is a strong religious faith there, too. I would love to know more about her.

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
I paint and have an art page on facebook where I take commissioned pet portraits. I am a passionate gardener, but have so much to learn… And I recently forayed into raising puppies. I will probably not do that again soon. They were fun, for sure, and adorable, but the stress was more than I bargained for. But pets will always be a passion.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
I have had a hard time committing to writing due to the general lack of monetary compensation. My husband works in human services, and we will never be rich on his income. I struggled with wanting to contribute, but knew the way I am made, I can’t both write and work—my brain just doesn’t allow it. So it has slowed my progress. I think having a couple of contracts has helped ease my guilt. It enabled me to invest what advances I earned toward the expenses of Indie publishing, so at least I can break even.

Prayer and encouragement from the writing community has been the biggest factor keeping me going forward.

What advice would you give to a beginning author?
I would encourage those starting out to find a critique partner, a mentor, and to write what you love. I am so grateful for ACFW who connected me with my best friends and critique partners. Writing groups like that offer a wealth of resources to help people in all stages grow in craft and business sense.

Tell us about the featured book.
The Chaplain’s Daughter, Book 2 in Sons of the Shenandoah series.

A minister’s daughter abandoned during war must rely on faith to survive. A wounded widower feels God has forsaken him. Will her devout care bring medicine to his soul or rub salt in his wounds?

This series follows the sons of Virginia horse trader Sam Sharpe through and after the Civil War. Book two focuses on the eldest son Captain Gideon Sharpe. It is a story that explores an unlikely hero—a broken man in desperate need of restoration—and the mending of the masculine soul. It explores the roles of men and women, and how modern fads and ideology cannot change who God made us to be—unique and equal but not same or interchangeable.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Chantilly, Virginia
August 30, 1862
Ellen White jolted on her bed roll and her dream of home faded into the predawn hour. A noise filled her A-frame tent, leaving her blinking into the darkness.

The sound which had woken her came again, a moan so near the hairs on her neck tingled. Raising the tent flap, she focused bleary eyes out onto the dim camp avenue. A man lay not two feet away on a stretcher, shivering despite the heat.

Manassas. Her mind connected tracks of thought like severed rail lines. Casualties from battle must have flooded in overnight. She’d retired early after toiling over her laundry cauldron all day, too tired even to change out of her clothes.

Ellen sat up and pushed tendrils of hair from her forehead to gain a better look at the wounded man. His ragged breath and stifled groans launched waves of urgency through her.

But then, knee boots stepped in front of her tent, blocking her view.

How can readers find you on the Internet?
I can be found on the group history blog the 8th of every month:

Thank you, Kathleen, for sharing this new book with my blog readers and me. Both the beautiful cover and the first page have made me eager for the arrival of my copy, so I can dive into the story.

Readers, here are links to the book.
The Chaplain's Daughter (Sons of the Shenandoah) - Paperback
The Chaplain's Daughter (Sons of the Shenandoah Book 2) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. A print book if the winner is from the US. An ebook if the winner is in a foreign country. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Thank you so much Lena for having me on your blog with my latest release. I’m delighted to be here and I look forward to interacting with your readers.

  2. Oh OH Oh, this is a lesson, have to reread this a few times...
    I am so delighted with my signed copy I got today !!! So love this
    Story!!! You write the most enchanting stories..
    Love You...
    Linda Marie Finn
    Faithful Acres Books

    1. You’re an awesome encouragement. Thank you Linda Marie

  3. Vivian Furbay2:15 PM

    I enjoy historical fiction and this sounds like two hurt souls that need healing and may be able to help each other. Vivian Furbay of CO

    1. Hi Vivian. You summarized it well. I hope the happily ever after seems a good fit for their struggles. ☺️ Good luck in the drawing

  4. Wow!! Thanks for sharing this! I read The Abolitionist’s Daughter and loved it!!
    Thank you so much for a chance to win this book!! It sounds awesome!!!

    1. Hi, Paty. Thank you for your kind words about book 1. The characters are like family to me, I spent so much time with them. 😉 Good luck in the drawing

  5. Thanks for this opportunity!
    Connie from Kentucky

  6. Kathleen, I am inspired by your willingness to write your books in hopes of spreading the gospel. In a world against Christianity, it takes someone strong in their faith and commitment to Jesus Christ to carry the gospel. I pray more and more people will start putting God out there.
    You sound like a very wise lady. Knowing yourself enough to know you can’t write and work outside your home and sticking to it, not trying to do so much you can’t do it all well. I have fought with that issue every since becoming an adult.
    I have “The Abolitionist’s Daughter”, but have not been able to get to it yet. I look forward to reading “The Chaplains Daughter”. It would be really awesome to have a signed paper back of it from you. Thank you for the chance to win it. That’s very generous.
    Blessings to a fellow sister in Christ
    Kathy from Central Texas

    1. Aw, Kathy your words really blessed me. Thank you for your kindness. God has been so real to me I just can’t help sharing what I’ve seen and heard, even if it’s through story. I hope Book 1 blesses you, and best wishes with all your endeavors for Him. Maybe Book 2 will find its way to you as well. 😉

  7. Thank you for sharing this great book and the wonderful opportunity!
    Melanie Backus, TX

    1. Thanks Melanie! I appreciate your visit. Good luck in the drawing.

  8. Thank you for the review & giveaway!!! This sounds like such a good read! Jennifer from West Michigan living in West Texas.

    1. Hi Jennifer. I’m a sucker for Cinderella stories and this one came from a place of struggle I didn’t realize I was processing. I hope it brings a few hours of enjoyment and a message of hope

  9. Historical fiction is my favorite. Sounds like a wonderful read. Thank you for the chance.

    1. Thank you Lucy. I hope you get a chance to read it. Good luck!

  10. Civil War era books are so interesting. A lot of wonderful stories have come out of such a challenging time. The cover is lovely & that first page just grabs ahold of you . Thanks for sharing!

    Robin in NC

    1. Even though I am from the north, I have such a fascination for the southern history during the war. I understand that people felt they were fighting to preserve their homes, and that less than 3% of the population owned slaves. I love the chivalry of the time.
      Thanks for coming by Robin. Good luck in the giveaway

  11. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of "The Chaplain's Daughter", it sounds like a wonderful story.

    Wendy in South Sioux City, NE

    wfnren at aol dot com

    1. Hi Wendy. Thank you for visiting. Good luck in the drawing

  12. Can't wait to read this!
    Abigail in VA

    1. Thanks Abigail. I see you are from Virginia. Most of the story is set in your beautiful state. I hope you get a chance to read it. Good luck in the drawing

  13. I live just down the road from where this lovely heartfelt sounding story takes place. Thank you so much Kathleen for sharing your wonderful gift of storytelling with all of us.

    1. What kind words Ansel. Thank you. I might need to pick someone’s brain who lives there locally ;-) Appear in New York where I live, the bed rock is slate. I’m curious what stone walls and foundations would have been made of in the Valley.

  14. The Civil War has long interested me, and I would love to read your books!
    -Melissa M. from TN

    1. Thank you Melissa. I would love for you to read them too :-)

  15. Kathleen, it truly is a small world as I grew up on a dairy farm in the Catskills and my brother lives on Cayuga Lake. The most common field stone in this area of Virginia is exposed limestone and sandstone. We also have many quarries in the area that produce various types of Granite.

    1. That’s wonderful information. Thank you so much. Oh, and Cayuga lake is one of my favorite places!

  16. The Civil War and reconstruction have long been of interest to me. Thank you for sharing and the opportunity to win! jeaniedannheim(at)ymail (dot) com from Phoenix

    1. Hi Phoenix. I’m so glad you came by and best of luck in the drawing. It is a fascinating time that still resonates today.

  17. sounds like a amazing book! Shelia from Mississippi

    1. Hi Shelia! Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my interview. Happy to have you in the running for the giveaway

  18. Sharon Bryant7:11 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Conway SC.

  19. Please enter me in your amazing giveaway Thank you SARAHTAYLOR601974atyahoodotcom Waterloo, Ohio

  20. Please enter me in your amazing giveaway Thank you SARAHTAYLOR601974atyahoodotcom Waterloo, Ohio
