
Thursday, May 02, 2019

AS THE INK FLOWS - Melony Teague and other authors - One Free Book

BIO: Melony Teague is a freelance writer who believes everyone has a story to tell and each story is unique and sometimes wilder than fiction. She loves to uncover the good news in society and writes human interest and community pieces. As co-author of As the Ink Flows, she loves to inspire and motivate others through her written words. In her spare time, she reviews books and interviews authors on her website. She also teaches seniors in her local community to write their own personal story. She writes Contemporary Romance with a dash of humor. Member of ACFW. Melony Teague was born in South Africa and now lives in Toronto with her husband, their two teenagers, and two cats.

Welcome, Melony. What would you like our readers to know about you personally?
I am been blessed to part of a writers group who have been my loudest cheerleaders and dearest friends. And writing our devotional together bonded us in such a way that we are like family. God knew what He was doing when he put us together. We still meet and cheer each other on after all these years.

That is a special blessing. Tell us about your family.
My husband and I were born in South Africa and we arrived in Toronto, Canada, to make a new home in 1999. I now have two Canadian teenagers and have made a life with my beloved husband, although the winters are a tad too long for my liking.

Have you written other nonfiction books?
I am honored to be included in an all-Canadian anthology called, Christmas with Hot Apple Cider, where I was able to tell the story of our first new year’s eve in Canada from the perspective of new immigrant who was still getting used to North American ways.

I’d love to feature that book during this year’s Christmas season. Do you have any other books in the works right now?
Yes, I am dabbling in fiction at the moment. I write Contemporary Romance with a dash, okay, a large helping of humor on the side. My aim is to bring laughter and escape to those who are facing the difficulties of life. I’m also in the midst of revisions on a YA Rom Com.

I’d love to feature those when they are published. What kinds of hobbies and leisure activities do you enjoy?
Does drinking coffee and eating chocolate count as hobbies? I sure hope they do. I excel at those. I also am good at answering to the demands my two cats put on me. When they are that cute, I am helpless to resist. I also love to read. And if I won the lottery, I’d travel more.

Why did you write the featured book?
Our writers group wanted to write a devotional that would inspire and uplift writers and speakers. We particularly felt it was important to address issues pertaining to writers and the challenges we face. It was important to us to include a writing prompt at the end of each entry so that there would be a call to action.

Sounds wonderful. I look forward to reading my copy. What do you want the reader to take away from the book?
First, my co-authors and I want the reader to be inspired and to know they are not alone in their journey. As Christians, faith plays a role in what we write because of our worldview and how we write because we do it with and for Christ.

Is there anything else you’d like to tell my readers about you or your book?
The book of 90 devotions is divided into themed sections: The Craft, Inspiration, Know Yourself, Well-Being, Personalities, and Faithfulness. This enables the reader to pick out whatever they need on any given day based on which themes appeal to them at the time.

Please give us the first page or two from the book.
Here is a sample link of the book: Grab your free sample copy of the e-book here:

Where on the Internet can the readers find you?  

Book links:
Barnes & Noble:

Thank you, Melony, for sharing this devotional with my blog readers and me.

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Melony, you mentioned your writing group. Do you have any advice for someone looking for crit partners or a writing group?

  2. Alynda, that is a good question. I'd say with much prayer. It's a leap of faith to trust other people with your work. I think it has to happen organically and grow out of established relationships. So it's all about reaching out and supporting others on the same journey.

  3. Hi Melony and Lena! Thanks for the fun spotlight! I don't need to be in the drawing, as I already have a copy.

  4. Hi, Alynda Long, I agree with Melony's comments regarding starting or joining writers' group. I would also add that we discussed what everyone wanted from our group in the first couple of meetings and from this we were able to see if we had compatible goals and expectations. We also wrote a mission statement to help us keep a focus. Producing our book gave us a common project with vested involvement and commitment. However, like all things life changes our needs and abilities to commit over time, so it is good to reevaluate everything occasionally.
    Carol Ford, Co-author

  5. Hi, Winnie
    So glad you have the book and find it valuable. Have you used it for positing blogs or other applications?

  6. This is a book I've had my eye on for a while! It would be great to win it, but if I don't, I will still try to buy it when the opportunity arises!

  7. Sharon Bryant6:44 PM

    Enter me!!
    Conway SC.

  8. Sounds like a great resource!
    Connie from Kentucky

  9. Congrats to Connie for winning. Email Lena to claim your prize.
