
Friday, November 01, 2019

LESSONS ON LOVE - Kathleen L Maher - One Free Print or Ebook (see info below)

Welcome back, Kathleen. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?
Amen! With God’s help, I hope to continue my Sons of the Shenandoah indie series, and pick up more contracts through Barbour. So many causes, stories, and thoughts are clamoring to be shared. All to give the glory to God.

He is so good to fill our heads with stories. Tell us a little about your family.
My family is my life. I was a single mom to my oldest son for seven years before the Lord brought me my kinsman redeemer. John and I have been married for 21 years. We have another son and daughter together. Katie is at Alfred University, in her second year studying art. My oldest, Dan, teaches digital media arts for the local vocational tech school. And my middle son, Andrew, is a budding author and erstwhile game lounge lizard. Our family is complete with an embarrassment of riches in the pet department—four dogs and four cats.

Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?
Yes, sadly I find I am able to read less often, which is disappointing in many ways. So many great stories are begging to be read, but I seem to have so little time. I learn from each book and author I read. I intend to spend less time on social media and more with a good book. But then, there’s marketing demands…. There’s always a trade-off, isn’t there?

Yes, I’m not sure I’ve found the correct balance yet. What are you working on right now?
I am beta reading for a talented new writer, Candace West. She writes stories set in the Ozarks. And I am plotting and putting together proposals for novella collections and possibly some full-length novels. I have two projects I started that need attention. I’m a bad story mom to my book babies—some of them have been suffering neglect. Book 3 in Sons of the Shenandoah is underway, and I hope to have it done for Nanowrimo next month.  Gulp! Wish me luck and discipline.

I spent several of my growing-up years in the Ozarks. Be sure and tell Candace, I’d love to feature her books when they are published. What outside interests do you have?
Painting has been a hobby of mine for many years, and I’ve recently dabbled in other crafts, such as homemade cinnamon dough ornaments. I paint and create animal art for gifts and keepsakes. I tell my husband it keeps me out of trouble.

How do you choose your settings for each book?
Some of my stories are set in my hometown, some are set in places I have visited or where family history occurred. And sometimes, a place I have never been draws me to explore it through imagination and photos and research. Settings help me create atmosphere and almost become another character as I am shaping stories. I try to immerse myself in the sights, scents, sounds and details of each place.

I spend a lot of time researching my settings, too. If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?
Believe it or not, I would choose Melania Trump. She and her husband are shaping history in amazing ways, and I would love a glimpse into the woman of grace and refinement behind the man of great power and controversy.

What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
I wish I had thought to save a list of story ideas over the years, even before I committed to write them. I’ve always had vivid dreams, almost like watching movies, and many of those inspired ideas have been lost to my poor memory.

That’s why I have a pad and pen in each room of my house. What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?
It has taken many years for my husband and I to find a vital fellowship where God’s calling on our lives is affirmed. We are learning body life all over again, and it’s a very sweet season. But in the midst, we are crying out for our children to find the same, and the theme of trust and intercession continues. God’s faithfulness never ceases to catch my breath.

James and I have started looking for God in everything that happens, even the things that could be considered bad. What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?
I don’t consider myself successful yet, since I still have so much to learn. But certain things have been indispensable to me in my writing journey. Narrowing it down to three, I’d say:
Have at least one good, honest critique partner, and give good, honest critiques for them as well. Cheer for one another, pray for each other, and grow in the craft as a team.
Grow your social media presence and engage with people! Love on them, weep when they weep, rejoice when they rejoice. So many are looking for connection and I believe that is one of my primary calls as a writer—to offer genuine connection in a lonely and disengaged world. Word of mouth is still the best way to build an authentic brand.
Maintain a hunger for new ideas and embrace the fact that learning never ends. The influx of fresh ideas helps with crafting more original plots and memorable characters, out of the box marketing, and sharpening craft in general. If you can cultivate a relationship with a mentor, even better!

Tell us about the featured book.
Lessons on Love is a 4-in-1 novella collection of historical romances centered around schoolteachers. The talented and award winning authors Carrie Fancett Pagels, Suzie Dietze, and Rita Gerlach each contributed a story as well as me, to offer a diverse and enchanting sampling of classroom romances, from 1840 New York, 1870 Kansas, 1896 Michigan, and turn of the century Virginia.

“4 Teachers Find More Than They Bargained for in Their Contracts”

Please give us the first page of the book.

“Something Old, Something New”

Cortlandt, Westchester County, NY
September 1840
“Hadassah, hurry, it’s almost sundown.”

Gilda turned from the stairwell cupping her hand in front of the taper as she moved so the flame wouldn’t sputter out. Keeping one ear attuned for her younger sister’s response from the upper floor, she set her focus on her other sibling.

“Hannah, do you want to be late for Papa’s Kaddish?”
After this first year, only four Yizkor dates on the Hebrew calendar provided for mourning. Would it be enough to memorialize Eliezer Jacobs? To light his candle and commemorate a life which had shaped her entire world?

She passed the looking glass hanging in the dining room and instinctively faced it, but a white sheet met her gaze rather than her appearance. Of course, the looking glasses were all covered. She was certain hers would have been a disheveled reflection anyway, running around and making all the preparations for Mama as she was, and giving no thought to vanity on this day. At least, not much thought.

Mama sat, as she had for weeks since Papa’s passing, in her rocking chair by the hearth. The slats made a rhythmic sound over the polished wood floor as she rocked slowly, enshrouded both in silence and her black shawl.

Gilda set her candle in its holder next to the Yahrzeit Mourning candle on the lampstand and approached Mama softly. “Would you like to conduct the Minyan, Mama, or should I?

Deep brown eyes shuttered, and a long sigh escaped her mother’s petite frame. “You say it, Gilda. I have no breath to recite.”

Gilda fixed the shawl that slipped from Mama’s shoulders and nodded assurance. “I’ll do it.”

The click of hardware and tread of boots announced a guest entering the front door. A sigh similar to Mama’s threatened to pull from Gilda’s chest, but she cleared her throat and attended to her mitzvahs—her sacred duties.

“Shalom, Miss Jacobs.”

“Aleichem Shalom, Mr….”

She looked up from her woolgathering to meet a piercingly blue gaze. This man, she’d never met before. Startling and yet heartwarming, that a stranger to her thought enough of her Papa to come. His tailored waistcoat of gray blue fit his trim figure, accentuating a narrow waist and broad shoulders. He could not have been much older than her own age of twenty-one, mayhap a year older. This man was not of great height, apparent once he removed his top hat, nor did he have the rough hands of a laborer. He was neither neighbor, schoolmate, or synagogue congregant. Was he a business associate of Papa’s?

Surely this man, she would have remembered.

How can readers find you on the Internet?
I love hearing from readers! They can reach me at my:

Thank you, Lena! I am blessed to be invited back to your blog and look forward to sending a print copy of Lessons on Love to any of your readers within the US, or an e-copy to a winner outside the United States.

Thank you, Kathleen, for sharing this collection with my blog readers and me. I am reading the book right now. I absolutely loved your story. And I like that the second one has Swedish characters. I’m ¼ Swedish.

Readers, here are links to the book.
Lessons on Love: 4 Schoolteachers Find More Than They Bargained for in Their Contracts - Paperback
Lessons on Love: 4 Schoolteachers Find More Than They Bargained for in Their Contracts - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Thank you once again Lena for having me on your beautiful blog. I look forward to interacting with your readers and I can’t wait to see who wins the book. I’m delighted you enjoyed Gilda and Josh’s story.

  2. Hi, I live in west Texas in the U.S.A., your book sounds like a very good read and I love the cover. I would love to read your book. Have a Great weekend.

    1. Hi, Licha, thank you so much for coming and sharing. Wishing you luck in the drawing

  3. Hello, I now live in London, KY. I was born and raised in Birmingham, ALABAMA
    . I would love to read this book, it sounds very interesting.

    1. Hi Granna. Thank you for your encouraging words. I really enjoyed writing my story. Best of luck to ya!

  4. "LESSONS ON LOVE by Kathleen L Maher sounds very good.PA.Thank you for the opportunity to win.

    1. Thank you Tina. I’m in with such wonderful co-writers in this collection. Carrie Fancett Pagels, Rita Gerlach, and Susie Dietze are all amazing. Hope you get a chance to read the collection.

  5. Love these Collections!! Thank you for offer to win a copy. Kathleen ~ Missouri

    1. Hi Kathleen. So nice to see my half Irish friend here! ☺️ Good luck in the drawing

  6. Betsy Tieperman7:06 PM

    As a former schoolteacher, this book is right up my alley and I would love to read it! Thank you for this opportunity.

    Betsy Tieperman, PA

    1. Hi Betsy. I would love to see what you think of these stories and I would really love to hear your experiences as a teacher. Thank you for coming by, and best of luck in the drawing

  7. Hi Melanie. Thank you for entering. Good luck!

  8. Would love to win a print copy! Thanks for the opportunity to enter a giveaway! God bless! Lual Krautter

    1. Hi Lual, thanks for coming by. Don’t forget to tell Lena where you’re from. ☺️

  9. Hi I’m from Mississippi! I love this beautiful book! Thanks for another giveaway!

    1. Nice to see you Brenda. Thank you for coming and commenting. Good luck in the drawing

  10. We all can use extra Lessons on Love! Thank you for sharing.

    Robin in Raleigh, NC

    1. Hi Robin. I’ce Been trying to get a hold of you but don’t have your email. Your name was selected for this book on DebbieLynne Costello’s blog a couple weeks ago! Let me know how to get a hold of you. My email iskathleenleemaher@gmail(dot)com

  11. Hello Kathleen from Waterloo, Ohio Would love to win a print book Thank you for the chance! SARAHTAYLOR601973(at)YAHOO(dot)COM

    1. Hi, Sarah. I’m so blessed by your enthusiasm. ☺️ Good luck in the drawing

  12. Thank you for the interview with Kathleen L Maher. Always love learning more about both author and book. LESSONS ON LOVE sounds like a great book and one that I would really enjoy reading. Can't wait for the opportunity to do so.
    Mountain View, AR
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Hi, Kay, I hope you get a chance to read these stories. Thank you for sharing!

  13. Trudy4:25 PM

    This book sounds really good!! Thank you for doing the interview! I'm on the Space Coast of FL!!

    1. Hi Trudy. Thank you for coming by and reading and leaving a comment. Good luck in the drawing!

  14. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Lessons on Love sounds like an awesome book that I would love to read. Thank you for considering me.

    1. Aw, thank you! Don’t forget to tell Lena where you’re from and your name :-)

  15. Enjoyed the excerpt! I'd love to read more.

    Caryl K in TEXAS

    1. Hi, Caryl! Thank you for visiting and commenting. I hope you get the chance to read these stories. Carrie, Rita and Susie are so talented! I’m beyond blessed to have the chance to contribute a story with them.

  16. Sharon Bryant6:06 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Conway SC.

    1. So nice to “meet” you Sharon! Thank you so much for coming by. Good luck in the drawing

  17. Sounds like a wonderful novella written by 4 great authors!
    Beth from IA

    1. Hi Beth. I was so blessed to be in with these amazing ladies whose talents I greatly admire. I hope you get a chance to read each of these charming stories.

  18. I love collections like this and have missed the last few Barbour has put out! What a fun post to read today, thank you for sharing Kathleen. :-)

    1. Thank you so much for joining the conversation! Don’t forget to tell Lena where you’re from to enter. 😉

  19. These stories will definitely be a joy to read, and I love to learn more history through Christian historical fiction. Barbour's collections are some of my favorite books. I am in New Hampshire.

    1. Hi, Roxanne. I have a sister in Milford, NH. New England is glorious place to visit!
      Thank you for your kind words. I learn so much from the stories of other writers. Good luck in the drawing.

  20. P.S. Trixi from OR

    Sorry I forgot to add that to my earlier comment!

    1. Oh, I’m so glad you came back and checked in with your state! Thanks Trixi.

  21. Thanks for the reminder Kathleen! :-)

  22. Thanx for the glimpse into your writing journey. I am looking forward to reading this. Historical's are so much fun to read, especially ones from familiar areas. I am from Michigan, living in my husband's beloved West Texas.

    1. Hi Jennifer. You’re going to love Carrie’s Novella set in Mackinac Island. Each of the stories is special. Good luck!

  23. Congratulations to Alicia Haney! I see Lena announced you as the winner!

    A big thank you to EVERYONE for making this a terrific week visiting and chatting. Lena, you are such a gracious hostess. I am blessed to have been your guest once again.
