
Thursday, January 09, 2020

HIDDEN SECRETS - Janet Sketchley - One Free Book

Welcome back, Janet. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
Prayer and forgiveness are recurring themes in my books. And while fiction is about the characters solving their own problems without miracles saving the day, I like to show characters of faith remembering God is with them even in crisis and looking for the help they believe He will give. It’s a good reminder to all of us to rely on His loving presence in our own lives. I often sign books with the phrase, “Whatever happens, Jesus will be there.”

What other books of yours are coming out soon?
There are four more stories in the Green Dory Inn Mystery series, and I’m deep into plotting the next one. It doesn’t concern the inn directly like the first two books have, but Landon is still based there. She’s involved in a mystery with Ciara, a minor character to date. Anyone who’s familiar with the series will know these two women have a strained relationship. As for me, I have a strained relationship with Ciara’s Chihuahua, Moxie. We’ll see how that turns out! We’ll also see if Landon and Bobby can get started on a relationship. I’ve extended this series from four to six books because they’re such slow movers.

If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?
Jen Ledger, from the band Skillet. I listened to an interview with her last year, and I’d love to hear more from her on fear and faith.

What historical person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why?
Nathanael of Cana. The one in the Bible who went from a derisive “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” to “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.” (John 1:46 and 49, NIV) If he’d permit me, I’d love to ask what happened while he was under the fig tree when Jesus said He saw him.

How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
Keep writing, and keep learning your craft. Serve God (and your characters) by making the best story you can make. If at all possible, attend writers’ conferences where you can meet not only the types of publishers and/or agents who accept your type of writing, but also other writers who can be encouraging companions on this long and often difficult journey. Take time with the Lord in prayer and waiting, to discern any changes in direction He may have for your writing. Ask Him, too, to reveal any attitudes He may want to address. It’s dangerously easy for our desire to be published to take first place in our hearts, and that place is His. Choose to trust His timing and to persevere in writing so you’ll be ready when opportunities come along. And think back to why you started writing—recapture the pleasure of the craft if it’s waning. We can’t control the outcome, but we can choose to enjoy the process. [As an indie author, let me add that if you decide to go indie, be sure to hire a skilled editor and cover artist as well as any other freelance professionals you need to produce a quality book.]

Very good advice, especially to indie authors. Tell us about the featured book.

The secrets of Captain Hiltz may not have died with him.
When Landon Smith returns to the Green Dory Inn, she finds innkeeper Anna Young still shaken by the recent vandalism and unable to cope when the inn is targeted in an online vendetta. Prickly neighbour Bobby Hawke can help with Anna’s cyber woes, but when the attacks escalate to physical threats, Landon and Bobby must work together to unmask the culprit.

A cryptic message about a tunnel points to the property’s original owner, a notorious Prohibition-era sea captain rumoured to have left hidden wealth. Contraband, treasure, evidence of things better left buried…

How far will Anna’s enemy go to claim the tunnel and its contents? Protecting Anna will require courage and faith as Landon battles the locals’ attitudes and the scars of her past. Even then, she and Bobby are tracing the faintest of clues. With Anna on the brink of emotional collapse—and danger rising like the tide—time is running out.

Sounds interesting. Please give us the first page of the book.
The air in the university hallway hung thick with dust and summer heat. Dead, even though light glowed through windows in a few office doors.

Landon moistened her lips and drew a deep breath. The polished brass nameplate with its precise black letters reflected her anxiety back at her. Magnified, like a distorting mirror in a creepy carnival. She tried again to calm her thumping heart. Professor Tallin wouldn’t have agreed to this meeting if there’d been no hope.

She rapped on the frosted glass pane. Assertive, but not demanding. Tallin should approve.


At the brisk command, she eased open the door, the handle slick beneath her sweaty palm, and stepped inside to beg for her future.

The woman behind the plain wooden desk could have doubled as a department store mannequin, with her expressionless face and long white arms. Close-cropped dark hair, ice-blue silk blouse. Except a store display would complete the outfit with a coordinating necklace or wispy scarf. She focused on her laptop screen, eyes tracking side to side. Eventually, she snapped the laptop shut and pinned Landon with a cool stare. “Yes?”

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Thank you, Janet, for sharing this book with us. I’m eager to read it.

Readers,  leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Thank you for inviting me back, Lena!

  2. The story sounds very interesting. I am putting it on my TBR list.

  3. Thanks, Kim. I hope you like it! Have you read other books set in Nova Scotia?

  4. No. That is what makes this book even more interesting.

  5. Hi Janet, I absolutely love your response of Nathaniel as the person you'd like to meet. It would offer an interesting perspective, I'm sure!
    Connie from Kentucky

  6. Thanks for the chance to win! My email is
    Best wishes

  7. I love reading wholesome books & add intriguing mystery & it qualifies for my to read book & authors. E thankful of all things. Betty

  8. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Thank You for this giveaway.

  9. Connie, Nathaniel's words caught my imagination... I wonder if he'd been praying, and had asked something like "Do You even see me?"

  10. Kim, it's great how reading can let us travel anywhere.

  11. Betty, I agree about wholesome books and mystery :) One of my favourite combinations!

  12. I love a good mystery and Hidden Secrets got my attention. I will add it to my need to read list. A great interview also.

  13. Thank you, J.E. Grace!

  14. Love the writing of Janet!

    1. This is by myself, Trela Sexton.

  15. Some flub in the system! Oh well.

  16. I'm adding to book to my must read book. Thanks for the chance. I live in Canada.

  17. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I live in Wasola, Mo. Close to Arkansas border. jrs0350 at yahoo dot com

  18. I love reading books with forgiveness in them, as so many people become hard hearted because of unforgiveness. Love the cover. Blessings from WV.

  19. Trela Sexton, some days the internet is so frustrating. Third time worked!

  20. Victoria K -- a fellow Canadian! Hello from the east coast!

  21. Thanks, Melanie and Lucy! Lucy, so many people struggle with unforgiveness, and it's easy to see why, but it's a poison. Forgiveness is so important, and I love how God can help us do it when the hurt is so great we can't make the step on our own.

  22. Phyllis Whitaker6:33 AM

    The book sounds interesting. Would be a great way to spend a bad weather afternoon. I live in Virginia.

  23. Yes, Phyllis, indoors with a book on a stormy day is a bonus! This time of year, I'd add a cozy blanket and a cup of something warm :)

  24. Another great read from a talented storyteller.

  25. Sharon Bryant7:47 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Conway SC.

  26. I enjoyed the interview and review of Hidden Secrets. Beautiful cover and I look forward to reading it!
    Beth from Iowa

  27. Thanks for your interest, everyone!

  28. Janet, I appreciate your advice and kind words about rejection. I wish you best with all of your book sales. This one sounds like a winner!

  29. Thank you, Becky. It's hard not to get discouraged by rejection, especially when it keeps coming, but we need to persevere so we'll be ready when the opportunity comes.

  30. Thank you for sharing this interview and excerpt. This sounds SO good!
    Connie from Kentucky

  31. Hey, Victoria K, you're the winner! Pop over to Lena's "winners" post to see how to claim your book. Be sure to tell her whether you want print or ebook (and which format if it's an ebook).
    Everyone else, thanks for participating!
