
Tuesday, January 07, 2020

TALITHA, THE TRAVELING SKIRT - Becky Van Vleet - One Free Book

Dear Readers, as a great-grandmother to seven children from 13 down to a 1 year old, I love buying books for all of them and reading the books to the little ones. Today’s book is a picture book I love.

Welcome, Becky. What has drawn you to writing for children? 
Having been an elementary teacher and later a principal, and reading aloud to eight grandchildren these days, I can’t put enough emphasis on the benefits and the joy of reading aloud to young ones. So naturally, as I set about to capture a true family story into book form, I just knew my target audience would be children.

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
When I was a young mother, I cheered for my four daughters at swim meets and ran them back and forth for swim practice. As for me, I never learned to swim as a child, so I finally took swim lessons as a young mother many years ago. In the summer of 2019, I told my adult daughters, “It’s my turn!” I entered the Rocky Mountain State Games for two swimming events as a 65-year-old grandmother—it was great, and yes, a little quirky for me!

Way to go! When did you first discover that you were a writer?
I don’t know that I can pinpoint a specific time in my life. But what I do know is that I taught 6th and 8th grade writing classes, and I realized that my own writing kept improving.

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I enjoy reading historical and contemporary fiction and biographies as well as romance. And I very much enjoy reading children’s books, even to myself!

I love reading good children’s books, too. What other books have you written, whether published or not?
Talitha, the Traveling Skirt is my only published book to date, although I have a companion book ready to submit for publication, Harvey, the Traveling Harmonica. I have also written A Dog’s Best Friend which is unpublished at this time.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
I would say my age has naturally slowed me down and I can’t argue with my age! As I have put on the brakes, I can now invest more time into my family and hobbies, and especially reading, all of which keep me sane and stable.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of, besides family?
I would have to say that I am most proud of the publication of my first children’s book, Talitha, the Traveling Skirt. I was able to preserve a true family story which was my goal.

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
I really just want to be a human being, myself, Becky, as the way God made me. But I think this is a fun question for the imagination! If I could become a bird, I would enjoy the “bird’s eye view” looking down upon the world.

What is your favorite food?
I have so many favorite foods, but I will have to go with pork chops.

Is it hard to break into the children’s market?
I really don’t know. I submitted Talitha, the Traveling Skirt only one time to one publisher, Elk Lake Publishing Inc., and they offered me a contract within a month. It was a lucky break for me, or really, I should say it was a blessing.

What advice would you give to an author wanting to do that?
I would encourage all potential children’s book authors to not give up. If one publisher rejects, try another. And Indie and self-publishing paths are great options as well.

What would you like to tell us about the featured book?
There is a story behind the story of Talitha, the Traveling Skirt, which can be found on my website at We have had a little skirt traveling around in our family since 1948, more than 70 years, three generations. To create an imaginary tale appealing to children, I personified the skirt as the main character. My very talented illustrator, Courtney Smith, captures the passage of time in her detailed illustrations. My children’s book sparks imagination, family traditions, children, adventure, and family life, and is geared for ages 3-8. The story ends with simple discussion questions, and I believe wholesome family discussions about traditions and family life will be generated when this book is used as a read-aloud.

How can readers find you on the Internet?
You can find me on FB, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn as well as my website at  The tagline for my website is “Where Creating and Preserving Memories Happen.” If you are into family memories, traditions, connecting one generation to another, please check out my website! I welcome your family ideas so that I can share with my readers. As a baby boomer, I believe it is important for my generation to encourage the generations after us to share stories and create new traditions.

Thank you, Becky, for sharing this new book with my blog readers and me.

Readers, here are links to the book.
Talitha, the Traveling Skirt - Paperback
Talitha, the Traveling Skirt - Hardback
Talitha, the Traveling Skirt - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. I have a little seven year old granddaughter who loves to read. I think she would so enjoy this book.
    Melanie Backus, TX

  2. Hi Melanie! Thank you for visiting Lena's blog. I think your granddaughter would enjoy the book, too, all humility aside! I say this because my own granddaughters have enjoyed it and I've received similar feedback from other readers and friends. Children seem to love the pictures and especially the little dog, Tippy, who also appears throughout the book.

  3. Oh Becky, my little granddaughter loves dogs so again, this would be right up her alley! Keeping my fingers crossed!
    Melanie Backus, TX

  4. Melanie, the little dog's name is Tippy. Because I was inspired to write this book based on a true family story, naturally I used this doggy name because I had a real dog named Tippy when I was a young girl, back in the 1950s!

  5. Hi, Becky! The Traveling Skirt sounds adorable and filled with learning opportunities. I would love to win this book to donate to the Christian Preschool and Kindergarten my daughter directs. I know the teachers would use it as a valuable learning tool. If I don't win it I may just order it. I hope it's in print.

    Bonnie Engstrom in AZ

  6. Thank you, Bonnie! Yes, it's in print. It was released last August. I read this book at story time for my daughter's preschool class at her Montesorri school. The kids all loved it, even the boys. Thank you for visiting Lena's website and blog!

  7. Sharon Bryant7:43 PM

    Enter me!!
    Conway SC.

  8. Thank you, Sharon, for stopping by Lena's blogspot. I'm excited to find out who will win the free book drawing. In the meantime, if you are into making and preserving family memories, please feel free to visit my website at My latest blog is about a traveling wooden mouse in my house!

  9. For Bonnie Engstrom: Bonnie, I thought of something else mention to you. If you win this book (or order), please feel free to get in touch with me to get some coloring sheets for the preschool and kindergarten. I have two children's coloring sheets that go along with the book the young children can enjoy!

    Also, for anyone else who might win/order this book, please feel free to let me know if you'd also like the two coloring sheets!

  10. I am also a grandmother who gives books. Thanks for sharing.
    Connie from Kentucky
