
Thursday, November 05, 2020

MURDER, MYSTERIES, AND ROMANCE in Tarrytown, Missouri - Alice K Arenz - One Free Ebook

Welcome back, Alice. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about? The easiest thing to say would be that faith in God and His faith in us runs through all my books. Some of the characters are more fervent, while others are lukewarm or search. Honestly, I can’t really pinpoint anything that would truly answer your question. I don’t actually think along those lines as I write—just let the story and characters carry me through.


What other books of yours are coming out soon? Though there are many I WANT to do—sequels to Hiding from Christmas and The Wedding Barter, as well as a third in the Bouncing Grandma Mystery series—nothing is actually scheduled to come out any time soon. I’ve been struggling to write this year, but not because of the pandemic. Family health issues took priority for several months, and it’s taken me some time to get back into the swing of things. I’m trying to complete a book that God placed on my heart years ago—about spousal abuse—and am hoping and praying this is the year it will be finished. Something very different from what I usually write.


If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member), who would it be and why? Um, that’s a tough one—especially with this pandemic keeping me away from my family... It would have to be one of the first responders on the front lines—doesn’t matter who or what part they’ve played in the fight against the pandemic, as each and every one of them are vitally important. I would love to sit with one of these brave men and women and thank them for all they’ve done, give them the chance to just BE. No rushing around, no worrying about anything for an evening. A complete and total break away from what they’ve been going through. You know, to offer them comfort and respite as they have given it to so many.


What historical person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why? I’ve always been fascinated by stories of the Underground Railroad, so I’d have to choose Harriet Tubman as my person from history. She embodies a faith in God, bravery, and determination that you can’t help but admire and want to learn more about. And, getting the opportunity to hear it directly from her instead of through historical records would be incredible. The people she helped called her Moses—that, in and of itself, speaks volumes.


How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers? When I finally determined that I was going to reach for my dream of becoming an author, it started with learning all I could through books like Writer’s Digest and many, many of the books they offered through their book club. I went over and over the instructions for submissions to various agents and editors, tried my best to choose carefully, and then crafted the best cover letter, synopsis, and whatever else requested that I could. Still, I ended up with enough rejection letters to paper the walls—and probably the ceilings—in the 1008 sq. ft. house where I lived. But, I didn’t give up. It hurt, was sometimes demoralizing, and made me question what I was doing. Yet in amongst all these thoughts was the one thing that kept me going—I felt deep in my soul that this was the direction God wanted me to go. And in those quiet times when those negative voices were stilled, I heard “Never, ever give up.” All this to say that if you believe this is what God wants for you, then you keep working, keep trying and continue to learn. And, listen to His voice.


Tell us about the featured book. Murder, Mysteries, & Romance in Tarryton, Missouri is a four-book boxed set which contains the full-length books that take place in the fictional Missouri town of Tarryton. The books include The Case of the Bouncing Grandma, The Case of the Mystified M.D. (both cozy mysteries from the Bouncing Grandma Mystery Series), The Wedding Barter (a romance with a twist), and Hiding From Christmas (a fun, light romance). The following is the back cover copy of each book: 



Fifty-two year old Glory Harper is stuck in a wheelchair with a broken leg, bored, and itching for some excitement. She doesn’t expect it to come in the form of a foot dangling out the back of a carpet as it’s carried into her new neighbor’s house. But Glory’s past “run-ins” with the police makes her latest report more difficult to believe. And, just when she thinks someone’s taking her seriously, Glory realizes Detective Rick Spencer, a Harrison Ford look-alike, appears more interested in her than in her story.

 Despite little to no support from family and police, Glory is determined to solve the mystery—racking up laughs for the reader along the way!

THE CASE OF THE BOUNCING GRANDMA was a 2009 Finalist in American Christian Fiction’s Carol Awards in the mystery category. 



When her puppy finds a severed hand on a walking trail, it’s obvious to “Bouncing Grandma” Glory Harper that the signet ring belongs to the missing college professor who caused a lot of trouble around town before his disappearance. Despite warnings from her boyfriend, Detective Rick Spencer, to stay out of the investigation, her insatiable desire to solve the mystery of his murder finds her in over her head with a community filled with secrets, blackmail, and arson.

With her sister otherwise engaged, Glory latches onto an unlikely partner and soon feels as though she’s stepped into an episode of the Twilight Zone—where nothing is as it appears, and danger lurks around every corner . . .

THE CASE OF THE MYSTIFIED M.D. was the 2010 winner of American Christian Fiction’s Carol Awards in the mystery category. 



While Amy Lawton awaits her discharge from the Army, she’s left her best friend Riley in charge of arranging “a very small, intimate ceremony with no fanfare” for her and her fiancĂ©. But this childhood friend has something else in mind... she just doesn’t know if it will work.

 After presenting her “wedding barter” idea to the groom, his conditional agreement is dependent on whether his best man, Mike Todd agrees to the strange proposal. And, getting the giant of a man on board seems next to impossible. Todd is threatening, overbearing, doesn’t like Riley or her ideas, and gives her an ultimatum: Produce results in three weeks or he takes over.

Todd might be tough, but Riley’s determined to not only succeed in throwing Amy the wedding of her dreams, but to prove Todd wrong. . . about everything. 


No matter how hard she tries, Maddie Kelley can’t seem to fit in at Ornamental, a company founded by her great grandfather and his best friend. Now, after yet another screw-up, she’s been sent into the “enemy’s” camp—two hours away from home for the next two months.

A punishment or a blessing?

Her life is turned upside down when the mundane turns unexpected, and she finally discovers where her heart truly lies.

This is the fourth novel set in the fictional Missouri community of Tarryton. Come visit old friends and make some new ones! 


Please give us the first page of the book (text only).
Since there are four books involved in this set, instead of the first page of one, I’m giving you a little slice of each. 

The Case of the Bouncing Grandma: 

Confined to a wheelchair and bored out of my mind, I found watching the neighbors move in at the end of our cul-de-sac more entertaining than anything on TV. But the storm front that settled over us early this morning managed to take away even this questionable diversion.

Other than the mysterious man with a limp hanging around the moving van in the middle of a downpour early on, things were pretty dull.

     Once it stopped raining, I expected the action to pick up, but it didn’t. Even the people who flocked to dead end streets for the sheer joy of driving around the circle at the top stayed away. Several hours had passed since I witnessed any real activity, and what I did observe seemed, well, a little odd. 

The Case of the Mystified M.D.: 

Thursday, August 11 

I inhaled and almost choked from the heat as it seared my throat and lungs. The air was more than humid, it actually fit the meteorologist’s most recent terminology of juicy. The deep blue of the late afternoon sky was so hazy it seemed a bit out of focus. Or maybe that was just the sweat pouring down my forehead.

As I turned toward the sound of a tractor in the nearby field, an enormous horsefly dive-bombed, landing smack between my eyes. Batting at it only seemed to make it angrier. The more I tried to dodge its attempt to take out one of my eyes, the more determined it was to harass me.

All the activity increased the excitement of the puppy at my side. Misty took my strange gyrations to discourage the ardent bug as a new form of play and began barking. But it was her jumping around and tugging on the leash that nearly landed me on the asphalt walkway. 

The Wedding Barter: 

“You have to look at this!” I passed the pages I’d printed to Natalie, indicating she should give the extra one to Hannah, who’d already begun munching on a crunchy breadstick—one of Marcello’s specialties.

“Wha’s this?” Hannah spoke around the food in her mouth. A trim finger, with hot pink nail polish, covered her lips—probably to keep crumbs from falling out.

“It’s obviously important, Han, or she wouldn’t have asked us to read it.” Nat flounced in her chair, or would have if she’d been wearing anything other than jeans. She just naturally had that attitude—all super girly girl. There was nothing pretentious about her, never had been. Just because she was always “put together,” even when covered with dirt, some people believed she was not only stuck up but stuck on herself. Quite the reverse was true; Nat was an introvert on steroids—unless she knew you well. 

Hiding From Christmas: 

“You can run, but you can’t hide!” My co-worker’s voice bellowed. “I know you’re back here, Maddie.”

Holly Denton lumbered past me, intent on searching the storage closet on the opposite side of the hallway. All the huffing and puffing should have made me feel guilty. I was, after all, the cause of the extra effort she expended.

I should feel guilty but didn’t. Did that make me a bad person? I hoped not.

Besides, I wasn’t hiding. Long before Holly became the official—in her mind—holiday queen of Ornamental, I’d created this secret little nook in the copy supply room. No one knew about it but me... and Daddy. He’d helped set up the false “wall,” brought in a comfy chair, a reading lamp, and an assortment of books. Of course, that had been a long time ago when I’d needed a place to hang out after school. He would never have guessed I’d still be using it fifteen years later when I was supposed to be working. If he was alive, he’d know right where to look.

But if he were, I’m certain I’d no longer need a secret hideaway. 


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Thank you so much, Lena, for this opportunity. God Bless you and all your readers! 

And thank you, Alice for sharing this collection with my blog readers and me. I’m eager to read all the stories. 

Readers, here are links to the book. 

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.) 

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

 The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book. 

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:



  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Thanks again for inviting me to your blog, Lena. I really appreciate it! God Bless, Alice K. Arenz

  2. All of the stories sound terrific. It will be hard to choose which one to read first.
    Linda in SoCal
    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  3. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Hi, Linda, Alice here! If you need a little Christmas, I'd go with Hiding from Christmas. If you love cozy mysteries, The Case of the Bouncing Grandma & The Case of the Mystified M.D., would be the way to go. The Wedding Barter is a romance with a twist, something for everyone--a little mystery, potential romance, serious subjects like PTSD, all wrapped up into one. Good Luck! God Bless, alice

  4. Marion Ryder2:35 AM

    Hi I am Marion Ryder. I live in the town of Newport, Maine. I have never read one of your books before but they sound like the ones I enjoy and can't wait to read one. I am entering your givaway, Thank you so much for this chance. My is mlrnrgr@hotmail. My profile on goodreads is Marion Ryder and my Amazon profile is Marion R.

  5. Thank you for the chance to win these books, they sound great!

    Wendy in Nebraska

    wfnren at aol dot com

  6. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Hi, Marion & Wendy! Alice, here. Thanks so much for stopping by Lena's blog & for your comments. Please consider following me:
    Follow me on BookBub:
    Follow me on Goodreads:

    Good Luck!

    Take Care, Stay Safe, and God Bless, alice

  7. This box set sounds like a fun, intriguing, mysterious and romantic read. Would love to read and review in print format. I love cover for the box set. The book cover intrigues me and makes me want to read it right away.
    I look forward to learning about you and your books.
    Really enjoyed reading about you and your books.
    Hope I Win.

  8. Sorry if this seems like a duplicate comment. Forgot state. OOPS.
    This box set sounds like a fun, intriguing, mysterious and romantic read that's fantastic. Would love to to read and review box set in print format. The book cover intrigues me and makes me want to read it right away.
    I look forward to learning about you and your books.
    Really enjoyed reading about you and your books. I was so interested I followed you on Amazon, Bookbub and Goodreads.
    Thanks for chance to win.
    Hope I Win.
    I live in Bruin, PA

  9. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Hi, Crystal, Alice here. The book only comes in e-book form--far too large for my publisher to issue as a paper book. Sorry. But if you're up for possibly winning an ebook, good luck! Take Care, Stay Safe, and God Bless, alice

  10. These sound like interesting reads.

  11. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Hi, Sally Jo, Alice here! Something there for everyone! :) Take Care, Stay Safe, and God Bless, alice

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Had to delete and repost, since I forgot to follow all the rules, lol. I Love the cozies you've written, so I know I'll love the other two titles. Bless you and your writing journey. I pray that you'll get your other novel finished this coming year.
    I live in East Texas.

  14. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Hi, Kassy, Alice here. Thank you for stopping by--and for the compliment. A QUESTION OF SURVIVAL is coming along. First run-through has about 40 pages left to go over--a painstaking thing since some of it is from the original short story I wrote almost forty years ago. Meshing pieces together have been rough since I usually write in chronological order. With SURVIVAL, it's been an ongoing project with starts and stops for so long, there are often major changes and surprises God has in store for me as I write. Thanks for the prayer for it to finally come to fruition and get out in the public. It's got hard subject matter, but I know it's the project God wants me to finish before I begin anything else. Thank you again! Take Care, stay safe, and God Bless, alice
