
Thursday, August 12, 2021

THE INN AT CRANBERRY COVE - June Foster - One Free Book (Print edition if winner is from the US. Ebook if winner is not.)

Dear Readers, it gives me great pleasure to introduce you to June Foster again. This book The Inn at Cranberry Cove won the Selah Award this year. I’m very happy for June.

Welcome back, June.  Since you’re being published regularly, what new avenues will your future books take? I love to write book series. My recent romantic suspense books, The Cranberry Cove series, has proven to be popular. I love reading series, myself. I recently finished Martha Rogers' The Homeward Journey, set in the 1800's. In 2022, I plan to write a three-book series of contemporary romance stories. So far, I haven't determined the setting, but I feel sure the characters I envision will tell me where they live.

What conferences will you be attending this year? Will you be a speaker at any of them? This last June, I wanted to go to the Blue Mountain Christian Writer's Conference in North Carolina since I knew my book, The Inn at Cranberry Cove, was up for an award. Unfortunately, my husband was in the hospital, and I couldn't go. Some of my Word Weaver friends kept me informed. I will be a speaker in August at my church talking about my writing journey and my Christian faith.

If you were in charge of planning the panel discussion at a writing conference, what topic would the panel cover, and who would you ask to be on the panel, and why? Great question. I've attended many ACFW conferences but have never run into this topic. “Painting Word Pictures.” By this I mean, I'd like to learn how to better manipulate and maneuver words to create an image in the reader's mind. Before becoming a writer, I taught elementary school. In teaching sentence construction and grammar, I simplified my instruction to a level an 8- or 9-year-old would understand. Sometimes, I think I'm stuck in that same mode. I'd like to see a panel discuss various literary devices and how to use them. Perhaps each panel member could talk about how the creative writing process works for them. The very first person I would ask is someone who doesn't write fiction but is head of a ministry called OneHome—Rob Hoskins. He is a master with words. His devotionals are inspiring.

How important is it to you to be active in writing organizations? Very important. I need the support that writers can give each other. Only other writers understand the unique challenges of creating characters, plotting a story, and the various conventions we follow. I attend a monthly writer's meeting in a nearby town, Word Weavers International. I hope to attend the ACFW conference when we meet once again in person.

Where in the community or your church do you volunteer? Mostly at my church. My husband and I are Sunday morning greeters, and we also help once a month in the church kitchen with the mid-week supper. Since I spend most of my time writing, my hubby volunteers more than I do.

I understand that. Who are the five people who have made the most impact on your life, and how? Jesus Christ would be number one. Becoming a Christian changed my life in every way. Jesus gave me a purpose and assured me I am valuable to Him. Besides the Savior, I'd say my pastor in El Paso, Texas, Fay Lamb for her patience in helping me learn to write, my husband for the great difference Jesus made in his life, and my two daughters for becoming my best friends.

If you could write the inscription on your tombstone, what would it be? A child of God, saved by His grace.

Tell us about the featured book.    

The Inn at Cranberry Cove: After her boss fires her on unfounded grounds, twenty-nine-year-old Ashton Price leaves Denver for Cranberry Cove, Washington. She's inherited her aunt's B and B and is determined to carry on her legacy. Upon preparing for guests, she learns of a century-old tale of treasure within the inn. Many have searched for the illusive gems but to no avail. She discovers a man working on the inn's grounds, but is he the gardener Gina Price hired? Perhaps he's searching for the hidden treasure.

James Atwood, corporate executive, works in the Atwood's thriving cranberry business. Tragedy strikes, and he's numb and riddled with guilt. Befriended by Gina Price, he finds solace working evening and weekends in the fresh earth, fescue grass, and aromatic blossoms of the inn's gardens, helping to divert his mind from his dishonest cousin Robert, bent on destroying the Atwood business. He continues tending the grounds after Gina passes, and the new owner believes he's a gardener. After she calls late one night upon hearing a prowler, James races to her rescue and discovers his feelings are more than protective.

Ashton's first guests, the Claxton's, appear out of nowhere saying they've had reservations for a year though she finds no record of a deposit. She chalks the failure up to faulty accounting before she arrived. When an elusive intruder continues to make frightening midnight visits, Ashton fears for her own safety and that of the Claxtons. But then, their odd comings and goings cause Ashton to wonder. Are they really vacationing visitors from California, or do they have other motives for staying at the inn?

Can two people allow the majestic northwest and fragrant coastal air heal their wounded hearts? Will they discover the secret of The Inn at Cranberry Cove?

Please share the first page with us.

Ashton Price took the keys offered by the executor of her aunt's will.

"As her attorney, I can tell you your aunt would be grateful if she knew you were perpetuating her life's dream. If only she could be here to witness the inn filled with visitors and bustling with activity once again."

Ashton sighed. She could barely believe that Aunt Gina would leave her entire life's work, her beautiful inn to Ashton's care. "After all she did for me…" Her memory meandered to the rebellious young Ashton of fifteen, and she cringed. "I've always wanted to be in business for myself."

He returned to the mahogany desk and handed her the box with Aunt Gina's jewelry. "She gave orders that I should present this to you upon her passing. She wanted me to advise you to put her valuables into safe keeping as soon as possible. She wanted me to expressly warn you that people have not forgotten the legend and to vet your visitors carefully. Some come looking for the treasure and snoop into places they shouldn't go."

Ashton smiled. Aunt Gina had often told her stories about the rumors. Early ancestors of the inn's previous owners had a cache of precious gems hidden in the home somewhere. She'd even allowed Ashton to search on her own. But Aunt Gina had assured her that it had only been a myth.

"I understand her reasoning, and that'll be the next order of business after I get settled." Ashton slipped the key in her purse and gripped the ornate wooden container. "I appreciate your work as her lawyer and hope I can depend on you as well."

"Of course. Gina always spoke of what a blessing you were to her."

"She changed my life. I'd probably be in prison today if it hadn't been for her."

Mr. Bradford stared at her. "What do you mean?"

"I'm surprised she didn't tell you. When I was a teen, my parents planned to send me to a girls' correctional ranch."

He frowned. "I can't imagine why."

"Let's just say I was a rebel and heading for a very unpleasant life until Aunt Gina stepped in. That's why I intend to keep her legacy."

Mr. Bradford smiled. "Well, in Gina's own words, you're an outstanding, college-educated young woman now." He looked at his watch. "My next client is waiting, but I wish you the best. I hope The Inn at Cranberry Cove prospers as it did when your aunt was alive."

Ashton shook the lawyer's hand. "I'm going to give it my best though no one can take Gina Price's place."

She walked out of the office, butterflies whirling in her stomach. Life in Cranberry Cove would be nothing like it had been in the big city of Denver. Operating the inn was a challenge she'd never faced before. Even more challenging than her accounting job she'd left six weeks ago. But carrying Aunt Gina's legacy meant everything to her. If she failed, her aunt's dream would be lost forever.

Where can my readers find you on the Internet?

Amazon Author page


Thank you, June, for sharing this book with my blog readers and me. My copy arrived this week, and when I finish the rewrites on my next book, I plan to read it next.

Readers, here’s a link to the book.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link: Http:// 


  1. Lena, thanks so much for hosting me on your blog today. I can't wait to see what reader wins the paper copy of my book. I hope everyone enjoys the preview and the first chapter. Blessings to you and your family.

  2. I’ve always wanted to own a B&B so this sounds wonderful to me. Thank you for sharing. Blessings from WV.

    1. Lucy, thanks for commenting all the way from Wyoming. We spent a summer there and I wrote a book inspired by my stay. A Home for Fritz. Loved Wyoming.

  3. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of this book.

    Wendy in Nebraska

    wfnren at aol dot com

    1. Wendy, hope you're having a wonderful summer. Best wishes.

  4. This book sounds captivating, unforgettable and beautiful. Thanks. Anne in NM.

    1. I love NM. I went to NMSU in Las Cruces.

  5. I am entranced with this story. How special and delightful. Wishing you much happiness and success. NM.

    1. Petite, love this name. Thanks for commenting.

  6. This sounds like a great book!
    Melanie Backus, TX

    1. Thanks, Melanie. I enjoyed writing it.

  7. Thank You for the chance to win a copy of this book It sounds like such a great book! Sarah from Ohio

  8. Sarah, thanks for stopping by.

  9. Thank you for the interview with June Foster. I always love learning more about the author's of the books on my TBR list.

    THE INN AT CRANBERRY COVE sounds like a fabulous book and one I just know I'm going to enjoy reading. After reading the first page, I wanted to just keep reading.

    Thank you for the wonderful chance to win a copy! Shared but oh so hoping to be the fortunate one selected.
    Kay Garrett from Mountain View, AR
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  10. Kay, thanks for your interested in The Inn At Cranberry Cove. I loved writing it as well as the entire series. Book 2, Love Found in Cranberry Cove, is out and book 3, Christmas at Cranberry Cove will be out soon. Blessings, June

  11. Sharon Bryant8:37 PM

    Enter me!!
    Nichols SC.

  12. Sharon, Thanks for your interest!


  13. "THE INN AT CRANBERRY COVE sounds good. PA. Thank You for the chance to win a copy of this book.
