
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

A WARRIOR'S HEART - Misty M Beller - One Free Book

Welcome back, Misty. Tell us a little about yourself and your background. Sure. J I’m a wife, mom of four kids with one more on the way, and full-time writer. I was raised on the family farm in South Carolina and trained horses professionally for a few years. As much as I loved working with animals, for multiple reasons, I knew it couldn’t be a long-term career for me. I took a job in the corporate world and worked there for about 13 years. It was during that time that I began writing fiction.                       

How did you become interested in writing? I was putting together my bucket list, and realized that I really did want to write a novel. So, "Write a novel that's published" made it near the top!

I decided, it's now or never, and made the commitment to do it. So, I had a general idea that I wanted it to be a Christian western romance. But where to start? I finally decided I needed to find a good book to help me plan. I stumbled upon (a.k.a. God led me to) the best possible book to help me get started with a great plan: Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell. For all you writers out there, I can't recommend it highly enough! 

From there, I've soaked in every bit of writing instruction I can from some amazing groups and individuals. And I've spent countless hours sitting with my laptop pouring out words onto the screen.

What compelled you to write a book on this subject? I was listening to a historical podcast a few years ago that talked about the Vikings and the female warriors who would sometimes gain fame among them. As the hosts talked about the first Viking raids to North America, I started thinking… “What if one of those groups went farther west than any of us thought? What if they found the Canadian Rockies and lived there in a hidden community for centuries?” The thought took hold, and little by little, the idea for the Brides of Laurent series came to life. I eventually changed the village to be a French settlement named Laurent. The village’s primary warrior was a woman named Brielle Durand, who’d worked hard to win her place as Le Commandant, leader of the Guards and Hunters. I love Brielle’s strength and wit, but also how real her personal struggles became as I wrote her character. Add in a mountain man spy working for the United States government, and you have the secret for a romance with sparks to light up the mountain sky!

What is the main theme or point that you want readers to understand from reading your book? Are there any other themes present in the book? One of my favorite themes to write about is God’s love, and the way He guides us in His plan if we’re intentional about seeking His will in each decision. This book dives even deeper into what it’s like to fully submit to the Father, being willing to step back and fight our battles through intercessory prayer when that’s how God directs.

Are there some specific lessons you hope readers will learn and apply to their lives after reading your book? I pray this story draws readers closer to God. I pray they seek His will for their life each step of the way and aren’t afraid to be bold in their prayers and submit fully to the Lord’s leading.

What makes your book different than any other books similar to yours that are in circulation today? Aren’t there so many amazing books these days?! I’ve been loving all the great new releases this year, not to mention all the fabulous older titles. J My brand is very much adventurous historical Christian romance set in the Rocky Mountains. Readers of my stories know they’re in for an exciting story and strong characters. J The hidden village of Laurent that lives only in caves is definitely a unique to this series! They’ve been cut off from civilization for a hundred years. Can you imagine?

How does the book intertwine with God’s call on your life and how you are currently serving Him? Great question! I guess the theme about God’s love and following his leading is a consistent theme in my books because it’s been so vital in my own life. I NEVER would have dreamed God would lead me to become a full-time writer, but I’m so grateful He has! I pray daily that He would give me the story and words He wants me to me to write, and that He would use them for His work in the lives of readers. 

Do you have a favorite Scripture verse? That’s like asking which of my kids I like best. J One of my favorites is Matthew 6:33, which has been my year verse for the past couple of years: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (NKJV)

When you are not writing, what do you like to do? Do you have any hobbies? My four kiddos keep me busy! They currently range in age from 2 years to 14 years, with one more due in November, so they always have things going on, it seems. J

Tell us about the book.

Brielle Durand is still haunted by the massacre that killed her mother a dozen years before. Vowing to never let it happen again, she's risen to be the key defender for her people's peace-loving French settlement living in hidden caves in the Canadian Rockies. When a foreigner wanders too near to their secret home, she has no choice but to disarm and capture him. But now, what to do with this man who insists he can be trusted?

Hoping to escape past regrets, Evan MacManus ventured into the unknown, assigned to discover if the northern mountains contain an explosive mineral that might help America win the War of 1812. Despite being taken prisoner, Evan is determined to complete his mission. But when that assignment becomes at odds with his growing appreciation of the villagers and Brielle, does he follow through on his promise to his government or take a risk on where his heart is leading him? Either choice will cause harm to someone.

Brielle and Evan must reconcile the warring in their hearts to have any hope of finding peace for their peoples.

Please give us the first page of the book.

September 1814
Rocky Mountains, Rupert’s Land (Future Canada)

Another ten paces and she’d have to shoot.

Brielle Durand steadied the arrow fletching against her cheek, then pushed her body farther into the bow to draw the cord tighter.

The man in her sights rode calmly forward, his breath blowing white in the early morning air. The mount beneath him snorted, releasing its own cloud as it bobbed against the bit. The animal must sense the nearing danger.

In truth, the beast had more intelligence than its rider. As was usual in the ways of animals. Especially when compared to an Englishman like this fellow appeared to be.

Five more strides.

She narrowed her gaze, focusing on the point of aim so her arrow would hit his midsection. Should she give him warning? Perhaps the cry of a mountain lion would plant fear in his chest. She caught her breath, preparing to make the fierce scream she’d practiced so oft.

But the man spurred his horse faster, as though eager to charge through the opening in the rock. Surely he couldn’t see the sheltered courtyard just beyond. The place forbidden to outsiders—especially Englishmen.                                                                                                                                                  

As we close, is there anything else you would like to add?

First, thank you so much for sharing your readers, Lena! You’re been such a blessing to me and countless other writers.

Readers, I know this year has been hard for so many, but please know I’m praying for you! I pray that God would strengthen and protect you and your loved ones, and give you peace. Hugs and blessings to you!

Where can my readers find you on the Internet?

I love to connect with readers! One of my favorite ways is through my newsletter, and readers can get a free copy of my book, A Pony Express Romance, when they sign up for the newsletter. Here’s the link for that:

I can also be found at these links:

Thank you, Misty, for sharing your books with my blog readers. It gives me great pleasure every time we introduce a new reader to your books.

Readers, here’s a link to the book.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link: Http:// 


  1. "A WARRIOR'S HEART by Misty M Beller sounds very good. PA. Thank you for the chance to win this book.

  2. It's great to meet you, Emma! I pray you enjoy Brielle and Evan's story. :-)

  3. I am certainly intrigued by this book.
    Melanie Backus, TX

  4. This book sounds so fascinating! Thanks for the author interview and chance to win.

    Winnie T. from Utah

  5. Would love to read this story!

    Pam in OH

  6. Reading now. Misty is a wonderful author.

  7. I'm looking forward to this book. Thanks for sharing!
    Connie from Kentucky

  8. Sharon Bryant9:12 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway.
    Nichols SC.

  9. A Warrior's Heart sounds like a must read!
    Caryl K in TX

  10. The idea of hidden settlements either lost in a time period or just separated from the rest of society has been an intriguing thought for many. Is it wrong for them to not interact with the rest of the world, or is their isolation what is right and good for them? A WARRIOR'S HEART sounds like an interesting and enjoyable exploration of this.

    Patricia B. Jonesborough TN
