
Monday, October 11, 2021

THE PETTICOAT SPY - Elva Cobb Martin - One Free Book

Welcome back, Elva. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon? I see more surprises and a continued writing partnership with the Lord! Back in early 2019 when first I signed a contract with Wild Heart Books for this three-novel Charleston Brides’ series, I was 75 years old. The day I dropped that signed contract into the mail slot at the Post Office, fear landed heavy on my back. Could I, at my age, possibly write three books in less than three years? Voices sounded in my head and a few in my ears. "You've bitten off more than you can chew, grandmama.” "You'll never be able to do it." I spent the next morning REALLY praying. That day an email came into my inbox. The subject heading was: "You'll See He Pulled It Off Perfectly." It was a word from a prophetess in Australia, and she was quoting from Psalm 37:5 in the Passion Translation: "Give God the right to direct your life, and as you trust Him along the way, you'll find He pulled it off perfectly." I have to tell you that word zoomed into my heart and knocked fear to smithereens. My new release, The Petticoat Spy, is Book 3. I give Father God the glory for pulling this contract off perfectly!

I was 77 years old when I signed my 3-book contract with Wild Heart Books. That soon became a 5-book series. With God, we can do it. Tell us a little about your family. My high school sweetheart husband, Dwayne, is retired and a real support of my writing and time I must spend at the computer. He happily does most of the grocery shopping and makes most of the salads for our meals—but I still do the main meal prep except on REALLY rushed days. He can whip up a good fish baked meal we do on a cookie sheet with Sam’s Club breaded flounder fillets, frozen fries, and onion rings. Of course I add a steamed veggie.

We have one son and a precious grandson who live an hour away and often visit. I also have two loving sisters who are supportive in every way.

My husband is also retired, and we cook together. Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how? Reading in my genre, especially romance and historicals, occurs more often now, but I still enjoy a good mystery, too.

What are you working on right now? Since signing a new three-book contract continuing the Charleston Brides series, I’m working on Book 4, The Captain’s Governess. This is the story of  Anna Grace’s war-widowed friend Abigail who accepts a governess position in Jamaica to begin a new life.

I’ll be eager to feature those books, too. What outside interests do you have? My husband and I are active in a local church, and walk or do workouts at a gym most days. I coordinate an internet prayer task force and also manage three rental houses that provide extra income in our retirement. Baking and gardening are also favorite things I enjoy.

How do you choose the settings for each book? I love history and particularly the time period of the1700-1800’s and sailing ships, plantation life, and a quieter, less-complicated lifestyle. All my historical novels so far are in the sailing ship era, and mainly in Charleston, South Carolina, my favorite city. But they move to the Caribbean, the Spanish Main, and the Mediterranean and Barbary Coast. In Book 2 in this series, The Sultan’s Captive, my hero even sails his ship from Charles Town to the far distant Spice Islands. My work-in-progress, The Captain’s Governess, is set in Jamaica but will end in Charleston.

If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would that be and why? Other than famous Bible characters, it would probably be George Washington. I’ve studied him enough to know he had a strong faith. Though not perfect, God used him to help found this great nation and steer it well in its first years. I’d like to ask him a few questions about his experience, especially the one at the beginning of his second term. Ten thousand angry colonists gathered in front of his residence and threatened him bodily harm for refusing to send our fledgling nation back into war to help our ally, France, newly warring against Great Britain. Vice-President Adams wrote in his memoirs that the main thing that saved our baby nation from dropping off the precipice into civil war at the time was probably Yellow Fever. The plague sent the rioters fleeing into the country or behind locked doors.

What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels? How long it takes to write, edit, publish, market a novel would have been great to know.

What new lessons in the Lord teaching your right now? I am continually being reminded that I must trust Him to bring to pass all that pertains to me and our family that He had planned and to pray and thank Him according to Philippians 4:6 without fretting. He’s also reminded me that gentleness is a great fruit to nurture in my life.

What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?

     a. Cover every writing project or idea with prayer and faith.

     b. Become part of a writers’ group to learn the craft. Iron sharpens iron. (Proverbs 27:17)

     c. Never give up! (Philippians 1:6)

Tell us about the featured book. The Petticoat Spy is set in Charleston during the American Revolution. Here’s the back cover.

A Charles Town belle and a blockade runner ignite fireworks in more ways than one during the American Revolution.

To Anna Grace Laurens, the war is like a distant bad dream until her family’s Charles Town plantation is burned and her parents murdered by those loyal to the king. She flees on horseback and leaps into the Cooper River to escape her pursuers.

As John Cooper Vargas sails his sloop down the river, he spots a woman diving into the water. After firing on the Tory raiders chasing her, he rescues her and offers to take her with his parents to an island hideaway for the duration of the war. But she has other plans, including revenge for her parents’ deaths. She insists he drop her off in Charles Town, even with the British planning a massive attack by land and sea to retake the city, the Pearl of the South.

John employs his sailing skills for the patriots, risking capture and death, but he enjoys his skirmishes with the British navy blockade to bring goods from the islands to aid the cause. But when Charles Town falls to the British, he docks his ship in a secret cove and joins Francis Marion's militia. This decision lands him wounded on a harbor prison ship where more men die than on the battlefield.

Anna Grace braves the deprivations, first of a city barricaded against the British, and then one surrendered and ruled by fists of iron under the English flag and injustice. At great risk to her, she spies on the British officers garrisoned in her house, and seeks a way to rescue John before it's too late.

As both American and English armies gather near Yorktown, Virginia, for a pivotal battle, can John and Anna's love for each other and their faith in God preserve them and help forge a new nation?

First Page of The Petticoat Spy


OCTOBER 31, 1779

A traitor is everyone who does not agree with me.

~ King George III, Great Britain 

The wind whipped through Anna Grace Laurens’s hair as she galloped her mare back toward their Charles Town plantation through the hardwood forest she loved. In the fresh morning air, the war her brother fought with the South Carolina militia against the British faded in its heaviness. Woodsy scents of pine, sweet cedar, and birch laced with the damp earthy smell of decomposing leaves wrapped their rich scent around her.

But even as they flew along the familiar trail, something jangled against her nerves like the forewarning rumble of a storm coming.

A burly black form burst through the brush in front of her, and Jolie reared. Anna clung to her saddle and stifled the scream rising in her throat.

Big Jim. Her heart slowed its pace as she recognized their most faithful, loyal servant. His dark skin glistened with sweat and the whites of his eyes blazed in the forest shadows.

Prince, her father’s large brown mixed hound, raced from beside the man and pranced around Anna’s horse. Jolie shook her thick silver mane, snorted, and kicked out at the barking animal.

Anna Grace managed to keep her seat and pointed the tip of her whip toward the pet. “Sit, boy. Quiet.”

The dog moved to the side of the path and sat, but emitted a low whining sound.

She patted the damp neck of her beloved horse and turned to Big Jim standing near, trying to catch his breath. His torn, bloody clothing revealed wounds on his thick arms and chest. A flicker of apprehension coursed through her. “What has happened?”

How can readers find you on the Internet?

Readers, here’s a link to the book.

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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  1. This sounds like a great story, with a vivid beginning!
    -Melissa M. from TN

  2. Sounds great and this is a new author for me so I'm looking forward to reading it.

    Wendy in Nebraska

    wfnren at aol dot com

  3. Melissa and Wendy,
    Thank you so much for responding! I believe you will enjoy John and Anna Grace's romance set in Charles Town during the American Revolution. Here's one reader's review on Amazon:
    Diana S Beall
    5.0 out of 5 stars "The Petticoat Spy" is the most riveting story of the Charleston Brides for me.
    Reviewed in the United States on October 5, 2021
    Verified Purchase
    From the moment I started the book the author draws you into the time, dress, history and culture. I could see myself fleeing from Tories beside Anna Grace with her red hair flying in the wind. The greencoated men chasing her on horseback till she had no recourse but to urge Jolie to jump into the Cooper River. And then Anna Grace's first gaze upon Captain John Vargas. Elva brings you into the story, with scriptures, prayers and historical quotes, and godly love captures you and you can't put it down.

  4. Oh yes! I just came across this book recently and it looks SO good!
    Elly -Indiana-

  5. OH this book looks so good. It looks like it's intriguing, mysterious, Historical, romantic, has lots of twists and turn in the plots which I like and so much more. That book cover just calls to me to automatically read it right away. Love the title & excerpt too. Would love to read and review in print format. Books like this are some of my favorite kind of books.
    The author is new to me but I like finding new authors because it means I get to try new authors, genres, new books and new styles of writing.
    I love how scripture, Faith, Love helps you get through your troubles and find the solutions you need.
    This book sounds like a Best Seller.
    Please Enter Me.
    Hope I Win
    Crystal Stewart from Bruin, PA in the USA

  6. This book looks really good!

  7. Would love to read. Thank you for sharing. Blessings from WV.

  8. Crystal, thank you so much for your kind remarks about The Petticoat Spy. I hope you do get to read it and the others in the series. This is Book 3 in our Charleston Brides series...and I've recently signed a new contract for Books 4, 5 and 6, praise the Lord. So more reading is on the way!
    Elva Cobb Martin
    Anderson, SC

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Abigail and Lucy,
    Thank you so much for commenting. I am busy on Book 4 in this Charleston Brides series and here's a recap of the series and next book coming:
    Book 1 The Pirate's Purchase --love story of Capt. Becket and Marisol
    Book 2 The Sultan's Captive- story of Georgia Ann and Marisol's son Samuel who recues the heroine from a Barbary Coast sultan's dungeon.
    Book 3 The Petticoat Spy - story of Samuel's son John and Anna Grace
    Book 4 The Captain's Governess - Story of Anna's friend Abigail and
    Joshua Becket set in Jamaica releasing in 2022.
    Hope you have a blessed day and some good time to read!
    Elva Cobb Martin, Anderson, SC

  11. Sharon Bryant8:41 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Nichols SC.

  12. I love historical fiction!
    Connie from Kentucky

  13. I love reading about the history of places I've traveled to, and Charleston was a definite favorite of ours! Would love to win The Petticoat Spy!

    Pam in OH
