
Tuesday, November 02, 2021

THE ART OF DUST - Mel A Rowe - Giveaway, a copy of first 2 books in series

Intro: Hello everyone, my name is Mel A ROWE, I’m an Australian Bestselling Author, who creates escapes for today’s busy women. Delivered with a dash of drama, witty humor, and quirky family units, I’m known for reinventing romantic versions of home, taking common characters on uncommon journeys that lead from boardrooms to billabongs as they try to find their own HAPPILY EVER AFTER.

Welcome, Mel. How did you come up with the idea for this story?
I live in one of the most unique places in Australia, the remote Northern Territory outback where there are more cattle and crocodiles than people.

I’ve trekked, travelled, boated, flown, and wandered throughout Northern Australia for most of my life. I love exploring my big beautiful backyard, including the neighbouring Kakadu National Park. And this is where I find the inspiration for my stories, offering a rich insight into this amazing landscape that only the few ever visit. I also include a touch of local history to create a truly unique journey for the readers to enjoy.

Many times, people (and other authors) think you have it made with so many books published. What is your most difficult problem with writing at this time in your career? I absolutely love writing the first draft, getting the story on paper, and learning all about the characters.

But then… (*inserts moody music*)

After I’ve rewritten the manuscript and have taken it as far as I can before the editor sees it, that’s when I suffer with imposter syndrome. I worry if this is the book my readers will hate.

Sadly, this never leaves me until I receive the first round of reviews from my fabulous First Reader’s Team who I value for their honesty.

To me, it’s my readers who matter most.

But they’ve loved every one of my books while consistently asking me for more, while putting me on International Bestseller Lists, and nominating me for various awards, such as 2 x 2021 ROMANTIC BOOK(S) OF THE YEAR AWARDS.

Tell us about the featured book.


She ran away when younger.

Now, she returns to the only place that ever felt like home.

But for how long…

At the request of her unwell uncle, Kat is back in Elsie Creek, doing her best to forget the past while focusing on her family’s unknown future.

Kyle is about to propose to another woman when his ex-muse, Kat, rolls into his workshop seeking his help.

For Kat, Kyle was her best friend —her first and only love. But his rejection tore her heart apart.

Kyle’s scars still sting over Kat’s desertion—especially when he’d needed her the most.

Yet, these long-lost soulmates are compelled to team-up for a man they both care for. But can they work together without re-igniting that spark shared all those summers ago?

In this second-chance rural romance, discover the authentic essence of the rugged and romantic Northern Territory outback in this bestselling, award-winning, small-town series of Elsie Creek.

Are you ready to Escape to a HAPPILY EVER AFTER?

The Reading Order for ELSIE CREEK SERIES:
The Art of DUST
Diamond in the DUST
Caked in DUST
Muster in the DUST

Rolled in DUST

Written in DUST (coming 2022)

 **The Elsie Creek Series can be enjoyed as a standalone or beautifully binged in order**

Please give us the first page of the book.

*Pst, I write in Australian English, so some words like color is colour. *

It’s a strange sensation being weighed down by guilt. It made Kat grip the steering wheel tighter while her internals stirred with the giddy sensation she’d once loved as a child. All from the faded road sign that read, Welcome to Elsie Creek.

‘Did you live here, Mummy?’ Kaytlyn asked, brushing away the auburn strands freeing themselves from her pigtails. Her sparkling, lapis lazuli blue eyes, took in the passing view.

‘Only for the summers.’

‘When?’ Kaytlyn asked, straining her neck to see while her finger marked the page of the colouring book nestled within her purple tutu.

‘Before you were born.’ Back when life was so much simpler.

‘How come you’ve never told me about this place?’

Kat never wanted to. She didn’t even want to make this trip.

‘Is that a tractor? And it’s…moving.’ Kaytlyn waved energetically at the farmer like he was a famous movie star, driving a slow tractor as they passed him on the road. ‘This is the country, isn’t it? Like real milk-making country?’

‘Not that kind of cow, sweetheart. They’re beef cattle.’

Their hire van, with the U-Haul trailer rattling behind them, slowed as they approached the herd spilling over the sides of the road. Men in sweat stained Akubras steered their quads around the cattle with horns bigger than the handlebars on their bikes. Stocky Blue and Red Heelers yapped at the Brahman’s heels, while more stockmen on horseback whistled as the odd stockwhip crack rang in the air.

‘Mum, they’re cowboys rounding up the herd!’

How can readers find you on the Internet? I believe in spoiling my readers! So do visit my website and join the newsletter to receive free stories and other fabulous goodies.

Visit the Website Here:

More on Elsie Creek:

I’m also found at:







I’d like to extend a huge heartfelt thank you to Lena Nelson Dooley, for this fabulous opportunity to share my story with you.

Happy Reading.


Readers, you can find your copy of this book by visiting  or AMAZON:

Thank you, Mel, for sharing this series with my blog readers and me. We will be featuring each of the books in other interviews. I am eager to read them all. I fell in love with Australia decades ago before it was easy to connect with people who live there. I’ve read literally way over 100 books set there. I always hoped I would be able to visit , but it hasn’t happened yet.

Readers, Mel is giving a copy of the first 2 books to 1 lucky winner. Because she’s in Australia, it will have to be ebooks.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link: Http:// 


  1. Thank you so much Lena for featuring me in your blog post. And a big 'G'day' from Downunder to all those who read this. It's so lovely to meet new friends who will venture into this outback world of Elsie Creek. Happy reading. Mel. Xx

  2. Thank you for sharing a new author to me. I would enjoy reading. Blessings from WV.

  3. I would enjoy reading this story. It sounds terrific. Linda in SoCal

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  4. Sharon Bryant6:02 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Nichols SC.

  5. It looks like a sweet story with cowboys to boot. I want to read this tale.

  6. Would love to win looks so good!!!
