
Friday, April 08, 2022

THE MARQUIS'S PURSUIT - Lorri Dudley - One Free Book


Welcome back, Lorri. Tell us about your salvation experience. I call my salvation “the drawer that saved me.” I grew up going to church, but once I was old enough, I decided to find my own way. Unfortunately, that meant tucking God away so I could pursue worldly fun. Thankfully, He didn’t give up on me as easily as I had given up on him.

My mom didn’t either. She would send me devotionals, prayers, and Christian books, including the Left Behind book by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins. For years, I shoved all of these items into a drawer. One day, I ran out of reading material. I opened the drawer and pulled out the Left Behind book. I’d barely made it through the first chapter when the realization startled me like a clap of thunder that I’d turned my back on God. I remember praying, “God, I’m so sorry. I don’t want to do this life without you.”

Even though I’d ignored Him for years, God was forgiving and ready to get back in the driver’s seat. I prayed for Him to help me find a church, and He moved my husband and me across the street (literally) from Connect Church, where we’ve now been members for over twenty years. I greet at the front door on Sundays, and when I see a new guest walking in, I always wonder how long a mother, friend, or relative prayed for them to pass through those doors.

Many of us have friends and family members we’ve been praying to come to know Jesus. Don’t give up. Keep filling their “drawer” because there will come a day when they open it, and God will step into the driver’s seat. God is patient and doesn’t want anyone to perish. His word does not come back void, and He hears the cry of our hearts. Of that, I am a testament.

You’re planning a writing retreat where you can only have four other authors. Who would they be and why? There are so many I would love to glean from, but here are my top four:

Misty Beller – because I’m so impressed by her work-life balance. She’s an author, publisher, marketing guru and still finds time to home school.

Erica Vetsch – because she has a passion for the Regency Era like no other and is a social media queen. Plus, we could chat over tea.

Heidi Chiavaroli & Jody Hedlund – I’ve gotten a chance to speak to them both at different conferences, and they are so inspiring, uplifting, and talented. They write historical but also other genres and are sweet, lovely women.

Do you have a speaking ministry? If so, tell us about that. My first book launched in 2020, right before the world shut down, so my speaking ministry is in its infancy. I mentor and have spoken to a few groups within my church but mostly minister through my weekly blog of short inspirational messages. I would love to develop a broader speaking ministry in the future.

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it? I tend to get myself into ridiculous situations, but this one, I credit myself with some fast thinking. I have three boys. With my third, I was working and had to pump breast milk to pack for daycare. I did my best to be discreet about pumping, but the older boys figured out it had something to do with breasts. One day, while at the grocery store, my middle son pointed up at a voluptuous woman in a snug dress and high heels and announced in his loudest voice, “Mommy, that woman has big pumps.” Every pore, nerve-ending, and cell in my body shrank in horror, but I blinked at the woman, scooped up my son’s hand, and said, “Yes, she has very nice shoes.” I turned him around, and we headed for the checkout line.

I love that story. People are always telling me that they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you, too. What would you tell someone who came up to you and said that? I tell people it takes fortitude, grit, and passion. There’s a wall I hit around 60,000 words where doubts plague me. I wonder if my manuscripts are any good, if I’m making any sense, and if people will hate it. I thought this would get easier after the first book, but then there’s the added pressure of questioning whether this book is as good as the last one. I’ve had to muscle through and keep my fingers on the keyboard.

Learning how to be a better writer and the process of getting published takes grit. One must constantly be seeking feedback, critiques, and criticism. It’s how we improve, but the process can be brutal. At first, I shed a lot of tears, but over time, I’ve learned to shake off the hurt and appreciate different perspectives. I’ve also worked on creatively finding solutions.

Writing is much easier when it’s a passion. If no one purchased my books, I would still write. It’s my creative outlet where I get to play pretend as a grown-up. The catharsis I gain from writing has helped me not to give up when in the valleys of the writing/publishing cycle.

Tell us about the featured book. The Marquis’s Pursuit is book five of the Leeward Island series but can be read as a standalone. In my first book, The Duke’s Refuge, we see Max as a spirited eight-year-old son of an island schoolmaster, who happens to be a duke in hiding. I couldn’t resist creating a mature grown-up Max and seeing how he grew into his role as a marquis. It was fun discovering what it would be like for him to return to the island he remembered as a child and the kind of woman who would capture his heart. Here’s the back cover copy:

As the son of a duke, Maxwell Oliver Weld, Marquis of Daventry, is allowed entry into the finest of London’s ballrooms, access to political figures, and advice from the best physicians. Yet, his wealth and contacts won’t heal his friend, Charlie, who’s dying from consumption. Hopeful for a miracle, Max persuades Charlie to sail across the Atlantic to stay in the Artesian Hotel on the island of Nevis and bathe in its famous healing springs. Max’s optimism is washed in doubt as the truth unravels about the hotel, its hot springs, and the beautiful caretaker.

The blaze of Evelyn Mairi Sheraton’s fiery side has long since been snuffed out. Hunted by a vengeful man from her past, only fortitude and the island’s sanctuary have kept Evelyn alive. She will do whatever it takes to keep her precious secret safe, even work for the demeaning Artesian Hotel owner, Edward Rousseau. However, when a jaunty marquis and his ailing friend arrive, sparks ignite, but Evelyn fears the revealing of her secrets will burn her to ash.

The elusive Evelyn may tend to Charlie’s well-being, but she stirs Max’s protective nature. He’d like nothing more than to remove her from the wretched employment of Edward Rousseau, yet that might endanger Charlie’s health even more. Refusing to give up on a miracle, Max waters her guarded heart, certain beauty will rise out of ashes. But when her secrets come to life, will love be worth the price?

Please give us the first page of the book.

“It’s as good a place as any to die.”

“Enough of such talk.” Careful to balance his movements and not rock the rowboat, Maxwell Oliver Weld rounded to face his closest mate from university, Charles Hayward. “We’re here to prove the physicians wrong.”

Charlie rubbed his chest as if to ease the soreness of his consumption-plagued lungs.

The gesture only solidified Max’s determination. “You’re going to show them God is a God of miracles despite their diagnosis.” God knew Max had tried everything in his power to heal his friend. Yet for all the authority that being the eldest son of the Duke of Linton and holding the title Marquis of Daventry afforded him, Charlie’s condition continued to grow worse. With God’s help, Nevis, and its famous healing springs, would save his friend from this terrible wasting disease.

The beloved island of Max’s youth welcomed them with its lush greenery, the colorful storefronts, and a promise of restored health. “Besides, sea air has already improved your constitution.” Max gripped the dinghy’s side as seasoned sailors propelled them from under the ship’s shadow. “Your face is tanned instead of sallow, and the daily strolls above deck have restored your energy. Nevis will improve your health even more. Look around you.”

Max gestured to the cloud-topped, sleepy island ascending out of the clear aquamarine waters. Its long stretch of white sand beaches outlined the isle like a sugared ring.

He inhaled the molasses scent floating on ocean breezes. “Smell the glorious sea air and feel the warm sun’s rays. It’s not only good for your health, it good for your soul.” He lifted his palms. The sun held such strength that its beams could have been weighed in ounces. “I told you coming to Nevis would be a splendid idea.”

A wave rocked the dinghy, throwing them off balance. Max grabbed the boat’s lip while Charlie gripped the bench seat. Crewmen from the main ship grunted as they pulled back on the oars. V’s of sweat darkened the backs of their shirts.

“You’d never get this close to paradise in England. It’s almost heaven.”

“Good.” Charlie quirked a smile. “Then, I won’t have far to travel.”

How can readers find you on the Internet?


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Thank you, Lorri, for sharing this book with my blog readers and me. I loved the other four, and I’m eager to read this one.

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 2 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Ooh! I’ve been looking forward to reading this series! They sound really good and those covers look amazing😍
    Elly -Indiana-

  2. I love the embarrassing story. Delightful! Thank you for sharing this nice interview. I look forward to reading. Blessings from WV.

  3. This looks really good!
    Abigail in VA

  4. Elly, thank you for your kinds words. The Leeward Islands are waiting for you. I hope you enjoy a great reading getaway!

  5. Thank you, Lucy. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview and hopefully got a chuckle out of my embarrassing moment. Having three boys, that was just one of many. Sometimes, I'm able to slip into my writing some comical scenes inspired by my embarrassing moments. I appreciate you stopping by to read the interview, and I hope you enjoy The Marquis's Pursuit.

  6. Abigail, thank you for your kind words. I hope you get to enjoy The Marquis's Pursuit. Happy reading adventures.

  7. Sounds like a touching story that I would enjoy reading.

    Cherie from Florida

  8. Looks like a good one!
    -Melissa from TN

  9. Sharon Bryant5:51 AM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Nichols SC.

  10. Cherie, I'm so glad you think The Marquis Pursuit is a story you'd enjoy. Happy reading!

  11. Thank you, Melissa! I hope all is well in TN.

  12. Sharon, thank you for stopping by and reading my interview. Give my regards to all those in SC. I'm sure spring is in full bloom.
