
Thursday, June 23, 2022

FREE FALL - Nancy Mehl - One Free Book

Welcome back, Nancy. Why did you become an author? I became an author after spending most of my life wondering if there was anything special God had called me to do. I wanted a chance to make a difference in the world. When I was in my 40s, I heard someone say that if you thought back to your childhood and looked at what you did naturally, it could lead you to your purpose.

When I was a kid, I read all the time. I even wrote a “book” about my brother. I began to wonder if God wanted me to write. Then came the TV show, Murder, She Wrote. The main character inspired me. For the first time, I had a vision and a clear direction. I sought the Lord about it, and He confirmed that my desire was from Him. I sat down at a computer and tried to write my first novel. By page three, I’d decided I’d really missed it. That I must have misunderstood God. But something inside told me to try one more time. I did, and the words began to flow without effort.

From that moment on, I had no problem coming up with ideas for stories. The most important goal I have when I write a book is to present characters my readers can relate to. I want them to see that with God, nothing is impossible. I love writing. I only wish I’d started earlier!  

If you weren’t an author, what would be your dream job? I’d want to run a rescue organization. I would like to help abused and neglected animals.

If you could have lived at another time in history, what would it be and why? I believe I’m where and when I’m supposed to be, so I wouldn’t change that. However, I wish our country still respected God and family the way it used to. I miss the world the way it was when I was a kid.

I so understand. What place in the United States have you not visited that you would like to? I’ve always wanted to see Alaska. My dream is to take an Alaskan cruise. I want to see whales and the northern lights.

How about a foreign country you hope to visit? There are several I’d love to visit, but I’d have to pick Israel as my first choice. England and Scotland would be next.

What lesson has the Lord taught you recently? He’s teaching me to stop being led by my feelings. As human beings, we tend to listen to our emotions and allow our past to mold us. But our spirits are perfect through Christ. The Bible teaches us that we should be led by the spirit, not the flesh (Galatians 5:16). This has been a struggle for me, but thankfully, God hasn’t given up on me. I realize that my characters also tend to have past hurts that they struggle to overcome. This is an example of a writer inserting themselves into their stories. I believe most of us do this whether we’re aware of it or not.

Tell us about the featured book? Free Fall is about women in Virginia who have gone missing. Two FBI behavioral analysts are asked to write a profile of the UNSUB (unknown subject) so that law enforcement can find his victims before it’s too late. The pair discovers that all the women look similar and that one of analysts, Alex Donovan, matches the same description. When Alex is baited and abducted by the kidnapper, her partner Logan Hart and the rest of the team must find her and the other victims before it’s too late.

Please give us the first page of the book.

The abandoned amusement park reminded Logan of an aging bride waiting for a bridegroom who never came.

From this vantage point, he and Jeff could see Alex get out of her car and walk toward the entrance of a building that looked like it was ready to collapse at any moment. Why had the FBI given its permission for this to happen? It was too dangerous. With the sun slowly slipping out of sight, the park was beginning to disappear into the dusk.

He glanced at Jeff. If his jaw were set any tighter, his teeth would crack. Jefferson Cole, unit chief of BAU4 at Quantico, wasn’t afraid of much. But he and Logan were more than afraid. They were terrified. What if this went wrong? What if Alex didn’t make it out?

They watched as she hesitated at the entrance to the dilapidated Ghost Shack, then reached into her jacket pocket and removed a small flashlight. She appeared to look up to where they’d parked. She couldn’t have known he and Jeff were there, though. This wasn’t protocol. But Logan’s feelings for Alex had forced him to be here, at this place, with her. If he’d had his way, it would be him walking into the forsaken building that had once caused its riders to shriek in fear. He could almost hear the frightened cries from years ago reverberate around them.

When he first met Alex, he could see her imperfections. A wide mouth. A long nose. High forehead. She wasn’t beauty-queen perfect. But as he got to know her, interest in other women faded away. He could see only her. In his mind, she was the most gorgeous woman he’d ever met. Was that love? He wasn’t sure. He only knew he’d never felt like this before, and a voice inside his heart whispered that he never would again.

“This is a really bad idea,” Jeff said. He sighed. “But Alex insisted she had to try to save the women if they’re still alive. So far this UNSUB’s been one step ahead of us. I just wish Alex hadn’t refused when the SWAT captain tried to get her to wear a wire. I know she was afraid the guy would find it, but . . .”

Jeff was talking about an unknown subject who had kidnapped several young women. They suspected there were more spread out across the state, although they hadn’t been able to tie him directly to their disappearances. Typically, a serial killer had a narrower comfort zone. A place where he felt safe to hunt. Of course, they couldn’t actually prove he was a killer. There weren’t any bodies . . . yet anyway. “We should have checked this place out first. Placed agents


“I told you. There wasn’t time.” Jeff shook his head. “As much as I hate to say it, this is our first and maybe our only chance to catch him. Alex is smart and well trained. We have to believe she can handle him.”

How can readers find you on the Internet?

My website is: . I’m also active on the Suspense Sisters:

Thank you, Nancy, for sharing this new book with my blog readers and me. I have it at the top of my to-be-read pile.

Readers, here’s a link to the book.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 2 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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  1. Nancy Mehl is one of my MUST read authors.
    Caryl K in TX

  2. This book sounds so intriguing! Thanks for the lovely interview and spotlight.

    Winnie T in UT

  3. Can't wait to read this book. I love Criminal Minds, and can see the similarities. ;) I also love Murder She Wrote!
    Abigail in VA

  4. After reading the first two books in this series, I can confidently say, I can hardly wait to read this one!!!! I love Nancy Mehl's romantic suspense. She writes some of the best, and is always on my MUST READ list!

    Pam G in OH

  5. This series is riveting and unforgettable. Thanks for your interesting interview. Anne in NM.

  6. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Romantic suspense is one of my favorite genres to read and Nancy’s book is a not to be missed that I would love to read.
    Maryann in New York

  7. Tammy3:36 PM

    I enjoy reading your books

  8. Sharon Bryant7:39 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway.
    Nichols SC.

  9. Sounds like a great read. On my wish list. Blessings from WV. Lucy

  10. Nowadays, going to an amusement park is like going on a vacation. It's expensive and fun. the story brings up fond memories of going to the parks overshadowed by danger.
    From Ohio

  11. Criminal Minds was one of my favorite TV shows. This sounds a lot like something I would see on there. Very exciting. I would love to read it. Linda in SoCal
    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  12. My husband and I will be taking an Alaskan cruise this September. We live in Washington State, very close to where the cruise line begins.

    Terrill R. - Washington State

  13. Looks like an exciting read!

    -Melissa from TN
