
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

LOOKING FOR LEROY - Melody Carlson - One Free Book

Welcome back, Melody. As an author, I know it takes a lot of people to birth each book. Who were the people involved in the birthing of this book, and what were their contributions? I’m not sure how to define the “birth” of a book. The concept for this story was born during a drive through Northern California’s beautiful vineyard country. Because we were in a hurry, we couldn’t stop and visit some of the lovely locations. So we planned to make a return trip in our motorhome. But life got busy and Covid hit, and travel plans were set aside. Then the book was “birthed” through a lot of online research and a vicarious visit to an imaginary vineyard, which actually provided a much welcome escape during our “social isolation.” Now I want to actually go there in person!

If you teach or speak. What’s coming up on your calendar? Again, thanks to Covid shutdowns, I don’t have anything scheduled right now. But I hope to plan a motor-home tour, visiting libraries, schools and bookstores. We’ll see what gas prices look like next fall.

If you had to completely start over in another place, where would you move, and why? That’s a tough question because I love where I live—a charming small mountain town in Oregon. But I sometimes enjoy the idea of a winter getaway in a warmer climate.

If you could only tell aspiring novelists one thing, what would it be? Finish writing your novel before editing it. Too many new novelists get trapped in editing and re-editing their work before they’re done. It’s easy to get stuck there—and then your novel never gets written.

You’ve been asked to be in charge of a celebrity cruise. Who would you ask to take part, and why? (AS in what program, singers, etc. [it doesn’t have to be writing related]) Oprah Winfrey could speak, Martha Stewart could be in charge of food and décor, and Emmylou Harris can perform. And no one would be allowed to talk politics. LOL.

Tell us about the featured book. Looking for Leroy is a lighthearted romp through Sonoma vineyard country, with two school teachers searching for a first crush and a fun summer adventure. But when they finally locate Leroy’s family vineyard, is Brynna Philips ready for what comes next?

Please give us the first page of the book.

Early June

Portland, Oregon

“Hey, if you want to believe in fairy-tale endings, go for it.” Brynna Philips paused to wave goodbye to a cluster of her third-grade students as they walked across the grassy lawn in front of the school. “All I’m saying is it’s not for me.” She forced a smile for the sake of her two younger colleagues.

The three teachers were visiting on the sunny front steps of the grade school while saying last-day-of-school goodbyes to their students. Tasha and Gwen seemed determined to convince Brynna to join their summer escapades of finding Mr. Right. But Brynna was not having it. Tasha elbowed her. “Seriously? You’ve completely given up on men and dating?”

“That’s right. But I wish you two the best of luck.” Brynna watched as little Taylor Thompson raced toward her from her mother’s parked car. Bouncing precariously in Taylor’s hands was a potted plant.

“I have something for you, Mrs. Philips!” Taylor yelled happily. Then, just a few feet away, she tripped—falling forward onto the plant.

“Oh, Taylor!” Brynna rushed over to help her. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, but I ruined your flowers,” Taylor sobbed.

“No, no, they’re not ruined.” Brynna helped the girl to her feet, trying to repair the bruised and broken flowering plant. “It’ll be beautiful, Taylor.” She smoothed the girl’s mussed hair. “This was very thoughtful.”

“I asked Mommy to get pink flowers.” Taylor frowned down at the bruised blossoms.

“Thank you. I’m sure I’ll enjoy more pink blooms throughout the whole long summer.”

“I wish school wasn’t over.” Taylor hugged Brynna tightly. “I don’t see why we need a summer break. I’m gonna miss you so much!”

“I’ll miss you too. But I hope you get in lots of reading.” Brynna patted Taylor’s head. “You’ve become such a good reader. I want you to go to the public library a lot. Just like I used to do when I was your age.”

Taylor nodded, jumping at the sound of her mom’s car horn as she called out for Taylor to hurry up. “I gotta go, Mrs. Philips.”

Brynna thanked her again for the plant, then waved as Taylor jogged off.

“Bittersweet, isn’t it?” Tasha said quietly. “The last day of school.”

“Not for me.” Gwen laughed. “I’d like to be doing the Snoopy happy dance right now.”

“Save it,” Tasha warned. “Here comes Sergeant Bart.”

“And here I go.” Gwen winked as she made her exit.

Brynna grimaced, wishing that teachers didn’t treat Jan Barton like the plague. It wasn’t easy being vice principal. And, other than being a bit brusque sometimes, Jan did a good job.

Jan greeted them as she glanced across the school grounds. “Looks like the place is nearly cleared out.”

“Speaking of clearing out, I better go attack my room. Our last day party got a little messy.” Tasha’s smile looked nervous. “I know you say no food in the classroom, Jan, but Jessie’s mother sneaked in cupcakes and punch. What could I say?”

Jan grimly shook her head. “Well, the janitor will probably complain about ants again.”

“Sorry.” Tasha took off.

“So, what were you girls gossiping about?” Jan asked Brynna.

“Oh, nothing. They were just telling me their summer plans.”

“Anything special?”

Brynna chuckled. “They think this will be their summer of love. They’ve joined a dating app.  They actually wanted me to join it too.”


“No thanks.” Brynna firmly shook her head.

Where can we find you on the Internet? or my facebook [Melody Carlson] author page

Thank you, Melody for sharing this book with my blog readers and me. Sounds like a fun summer read.

Readers, here’s a link to the book. 

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 2 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link: Http:// 


  1. Sounds like a fun, romantic read! I've had my eye on this one for awhile so hoping I'll win it. 😃 The cover is great! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity and the interview.

    Diana in SC

  2. Thank you for the interview with Melody Carlson.

    Would LOVE the opportunity to read and review LOOKING FOR LEROY! Sounds like a fabulous read and one I would very much enjoy.

    Appreciate the chance to win a copy making it possible to read this book on my TBR list sooner instead of later.
    Kay Garrett of Mountain View, AR
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. I enjoy Melody’s books tremendously. I need to read this one as it sounds very good. I love the cover. Blessings from Lucy in WV.

  4. Looking for Leroy sounds captivating and wonderful. I know I would enjoy and treasure this story. Anne in NM.

  5. This sounds like a fun read and I do enjoy Melody's books. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of this book.

    Wendy in Nebraska

    wfnren at aol dot com

  6. I always enjoy Melody Carlson's books. Thanks for sharing.
    Connie from Kentucky

  7. Anonymous4:11 AM

    I love every book of Melody Carlson’s that I have been able to get my hands on!!! I read through them very quickly and then wish there was a book!! Louise

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      I am Louise from MINNESOTA and spent most summers with my family traveling to California to visit relatives…especially my grandma who lived in wine country in California. I wished I had a book about that!!!

  8. Sharon Bryant7:59 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Nichols SC.
