
Wednesday, October 26, 2022

FOLLOWING THE GHOST LIGHTS IN TEXAS - Connie Lewis Leonard - One Free Book

Welcome back, Connie. How did you come up with the idea for this story? Following the Ghost Lights in Texas is the fifth book of my “In Texas” series. I didn’t set out to write a series, but God . . . The idea for the first book, Somebody Somewhere in Texas, popped into my head while sitting in our cowboy church. Before I finished that book, the idea for the second one came to me. That’s how it’s worked with all of the books in this series. Although each book stands alone, Following the Ghost Lights in Texas closely follows Hidden Away Somewhere in Texas. They are both set on the Riley Ranch (which is fictional) outside of Marfa, Texas. The main characters Reed and Ryanne Riley are named after my grandchildren, and the horse girl on the cover of Following the Ghost Lights in Texas is our granddaughter riding our horse Sugar. While writing this book, a new idea began churning in my mind. I think the next book will be titled Ranch Reunion in Texas. A cowboy church is essential in each book.

If you were planning a party with Christian authors of contemporary fiction, what six people would you invite and why? Sibella Giorello is my favorite writer. I love her Raleigh Harmon books, and I would like to ask why she hasn’t published anything recently. DiAnn Mills was my mentor in the Jerry Jenkins Christian Writer’s Guild. I feel comfortable with her, and she’s a great teacher. Christy Barritt is a prolific, best-selling writer. Her books are quick, easy reads, and I’d like to know how she writes so fast. Ruth Logan Hearne is an admirable person, a farmer’s wife, as well as a best-selling author. I love the profound insights she shares on Facebook, and I’d like to meet her and talk to her face-to-face. I have met Susan Mae Warren at ACFW conferences. She’s a gifted teacher, personable, and friendly. I feel like I know her from reading her newsletters.

Now let’s do that for a party for Christian authors of historical fiction, what six people would you invite and why? That’s more difficult because I don’t read as many historicals. Lena Nelson Dooley, you would be my first guest because I consider you my mentor and friend. You have generously helped me with critiques and by featuring me on your blog. I consider Patricia Carroll a friend. I admire her and enjoy her books. Paula Babb Peckham is just getting started, but I expect great things from her. She is in our critique group, is multi-talented, and has a good eye as an editor. Lisa Prysock has allowed me to be part of her online Whispers in Wyoming Christmas Extravaganza—what fun! We haven’t met, but I feel like I know her through her Facebook group. I met Robin Lee Hatcher at the very first RWA Conference I attended. She was part of the Faith, Hope, Love group, which is how I learned about ACFW. Robin also gave generously of her time by answering my questions about one of her books.

I like all the other authors you mentioned. I’d love spending time with them. Many times, people (and other authors) think you have it made with so many books published. What is your most difficult problem with writing at this time in your career? Actually, my most difficult problem is having more ideas than I have time. When I was told by a Christian editor that my writing was “too Christian for the Christian market,” I decided to Indie publish, which is extremely time consuming. I want to maintain the continuity of my “In Texas” series, so I have no plans to pursue traditional publishing with them. However, I have other books planned, and I struggle with whether or not I want to try to go the traditional route. I know several small presses are publishing books with a strong Christian message rather than a watered down “Christian worldview” with no overt mention of Christ. I would love to have help with marketing and would only sign with a traditional publisher if they would help promote my work.

Tell us about the featured book.

Here is the back cover copy:

Can an innocent horse girl rescue a cowboy with a beastly past?

Can he awaken her heart to the beauty of true love?

Ryanne Riley wanted a quiet, ordinary, predictable life on her family’s ranch. After a bad experience at college, she’s back home studying online, working with horses, using Equine Assisted Therapy to help abused, neglected, and forgotten girls. When a new filly proves too challenging with its biting and bucking, her brother hires a horse trainer—her former classmate, big man on campus, a roping champion, a drummer, and a good-looking notorious playboy. She doesn’t trust him with her horse—or her heart.

Myles Moya had been on the fast track to becoming a world champion, winning major roping competitions. Following in his dad’s footsteps, making the same stupid mistakes, he caused the accident that ruined his plans. All his hard work, drive, and ambition died on that icy road in Wyoming. The time lying in a hospital bed brought reality crashing down on him. What a train wreck of a life!

Someday Ryanne wants a man who will love and cherish her, somebody who is steady and trustworthy, honorable, faithful and true—she wants the fairy tale happily ever after. Myles can’t be that man. He’s not a Christian. But why does being near him create warm, fuzzy feelings, flutters, and tingles?

Please give us the first page of the book.

Ryanne shivered beneath her heavy coat. The oppressive heat of the interrogation room clashed with the ice circulating through her veins. Her head throbbed. Pain shot through her ribs with every breath.

The door opened and the obnoxious officer stepped inside. “Are you ready to make your one phone call?”

“You confiscated my cell phone.”

“Follow me, and you can use the precinct phone.”

She rolled her eyes. Mother may I, you moron.

Ryanne bit her bottom lip to keep it from quivering. Oh, come on, answer the phone.


“Reed, let me talk to Hope.”

“Ryanne? It’s three o’clock in the morning. What’s wrong?”

“Just let me talk to Hope. I don’t have much time.”


Reed turned on the bedside lamp, put the phone on speaker, and handed it to his wife. “Hope, honey, it’s Ryanne.”

“Ryanne, where are you?” Hope rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

“I’m in jail. Here in Alpine.”

“What!” Reed and Hope said in unison.

“I asked you to let me talk to Hope.”

“Talk! We’re both listening.” Reed tried to control his anger. What had his sister done now?

“Honey, what happened?” Hope’s soft counselor voice whispered through the line.

“Two guys attacked me in the parking lot of my dorm. I defended myself, and when I called the cops, they arrested me.” She exhaled a loud puff of frustration. “Can you believe it?”

That sure grabbed my attention. How can readers find you on the Internet? That’s one of my weaknesses. I have a Facebook page, Connie Lewis Leonard and an author Facebook page, Connie Lewis Leonard, author. I have a blog that I haven’t kept up with but keep telling myself I’ll get back to it. I do send out a newsletter with updates on my writing, recipes, and encouraging, inspirational messages. Anyone interested in receiving my newsletter may send me an email:

Here’s the buy link: Following the Ghost Lights in Texas - Kindle edition by Lewis Leonard, Connie. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @

Thank you for sharing this new novel with my blog readers and me. You know I love your books. I’m eager to read this one.

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 2 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link: Http://


  1. I love reading new authors to me. I’m glad these can be read as a stand-alone as I’m late to the party 😜. Thank you for sharing. Blessings from Lucy in WV.

  2. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Thank you, Lucy. I hope you will check out my books. Even though the "In Texas" books are a family saga of sorts, each book stands alone. I hate when a book "ends" and you have to buy the next book to find out what happens. I feel cheated when that happens and refuse to buy the next book. However, I always offer an epilogue which leads into the next book. By the time I finish one book, the next one is simmering in my mind.
    Connie Lewis Leonard

  3. Hello this is a New to me Author and your book sounds so amazing please enter me in this giveaway! Blessings from SARAH T. from OHIO

  4. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Thank you, Sarah. I love this book and story, but of course, it's my new book baby.
    Connie Lewis Leonard

  5. Sounds like a great story! Thanks for the chance to win a copy. Cherie J. from Florida

  6. Sharon Bryant7:20 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Nichols SC.

  7. This sounds like a great read! Thank you for sharing.
    Connie from KY

  8. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Thank you all for reading about my book. If you don't win a free copy, I do hope you will check out my "In Texas" series. If you would like to receive my newsletter that talks about my books, writing, recipes, promotional sales, please send me an email at
    Connie Lewis Leonard
