
Wednesday, December 07, 2022

HOLDING THE LINE - Jennifer Delamere - One Free Book

Bio: Jennifer Delamere’s debut Victorian romance, An Heiress at Heart, was a 2013 RITA Award finalist in the inspirational category. Her follow-up novel, A Lady Most Lovely, received a starred review from Publishers Weekly and the Maggie Award for Excellence from Georgia Romance Writers. Jennifer earned a BA in English from McGill University in Montreal, where she became fluent in French and developed an abiding passion for winter sports. She's been an editor of nonfiction and educational materials for nearly two decades, and lives in North Carolina with her husband.

About Holding the Line: A widow at just 30 years of age, Rose Finlay is determined to put all ideas of marriage and family behind her and pursue an independent life. But when she notices a young woman about to be led astray by a roguish aristocrat, bitter memories from her past arise, and she feels compelled to intervene. The unintended consequences of her efforts will ultimately force Rose to reexamine her life in a new light.

As the overseer of his two widowed sisters' financial and domestic affairs, John Milburn carries heavy responsibilities for a single man. But he's faced with his biggest challenge when his headstrong niece falls prey to the attentions of a powerful man who could ruin both her and her family.

When Rose and John join forces to protect his niece, they put everything they hold dear—including their growing attraction—in jeopardy.

Welcome, Jennifer. Please provide a brief summary of your new novel, Holding the Line. Rose Finlay is a young widow who teams up with wealthy businessman John Milburn to shepherd his niece through her launch into society. It’s an unusual move for Rose, who revels in her own independence and has built a successful career through years of hard work. She is spurred on by memories of her own unhappy past and a desire to keep the girl safe from unscrupulous men. When she thwarts the questionable intentions of a powerful aristocrat, the results are disastrous. John and Rose must fight to save the things they hold dear—including their growing attraction to each other.

Can you tell us a little more about what and who were the inspirations behind this book? The series is largely tied together by three women who all work in the field of telegraphy. For Holding the Line, I tried to envision a situation where a telegraph operator might struggle over whether to keep important information confidential if it had a direct negative effect on someone they cared about. Another perhaps unusual inspiration was a tidbit I came across in a history book, that Richard Henry Lee, one of America’s Founding Fathers, was heavily involved in helping the widows of his two deceased brothers oversee their estates and their children. That gave me the idea for John’s family situation.

What did you enjoy most about creating a resilient and independent protagonist like Rose Finlay? I love that even though she is happy living alone, she also cares deeply for her friends and family. She doesn’t hesitate to help others when she sees a need. She’s fearless about stepping into new situations, and she doesn’t shirk from unpleasant tasks if she feels they are important and necessary. The fact that Rose is a widow gives her character depth, and her successful career as a business manager gives the story a more modern twist.

In your opinion, what about the character of Rose do you think your readers will most resonate with? We see Rose’s emotional growth from an overconfident young woman who made some disastrous early choices, to one who is more circumspect. Her efforts to save another young girl from the same fate makes her an admirable and endearing heroine. However, even the most self-assured people can have times of doubt. When Rose begins to care for John, she finds herself tested in the one area where she is not so confident, where she doubts her ability to know what is right. Can she really trust where her heart seems to be leading her? Her uncertainty is understandable, and yet it makes us root for a happy ending for her. Who doesn’t love a second chance at love?

Without giving away any spoilers, what makes Rose Finlay and John Milburn such a captivating duo? They are hesitant in their relationship with each other, and yet the chemistry is undeniable. I love that they are both avid readers, and this is one of many things that draws them together. Both have been through difficult trials, but John has retained a touch of humor and whimsy that often helps lift Rose out of her more serious approach to life. Rose and John are fiercely loyal to their families and friends. They share a concern for the welfare of others, and are willing to go out of their way to protect them. This sensitivity bodes well for a happy union, as they will be able to show that same kindness and empathy to each other—a requirement for a true, intimate connection.

Did you explore anything new as a writer while working on Holding the Line? What continues to motivate your writing? This is the first book I’ve written where there were so many extended family members directly influencing the story, and where the heroine is a widow. She will be approaching the idea of love and marriage with a very different viewpoint than someone who has never been married before. In my books, I love exploring the many ways the women of this era were navigating the expectations of society while forging their own new paths in the workplace. It was a challenging balancing act at times.

What sets Holding the Line apart from your previous novels? One interesting difference is that Rose’s character arc actually spans all three books in this series. Although Holding the Line can be easily read as a standalone, we do see a lot of Rose in the previous books and can see how she changes. I haven’t ever given a character that much buildup before the book where they are the main protagonist.

What lessons do you hope readers will gain from reading Holding the Line? The lessons are subtle, I think, and yet powerful, too. We plan our lives based on our past experiences and our hopes for the future, but often our plans are upended in unexpected ways. Throughout the upheavals, God is there and is able to direct us to new paths that are better than those we’d imagined. Rose had been embittered by the tragedies of her past, but we see how God can gently mend a broken heart with the master’s touch.

How can readers connect with you?

At my website,, readers can contact me and sign up for my newsletter. I’m also on lots of social media:

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Twitter - @JenDelamere

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Thank you, Jennifer, for sharing this novel with us.

Readers, here’s a link to the book.

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 2 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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  1. Loved this series. A great book. I’m not entering. Blessings

  2. Jennifer Delamere is an excellent author!
    Caryl K in TX

  3. I can't wait to read this. It looks and sounds so good!
    Abigail in VA

  4. This novel is a real treasure. I grew up and lived in Mtl. Fluent in French too. Love to read this wonderful novel. Anne in NM.

  5. Thanks for this lovely feature which interests me greatly. Intriguing and special story. Pearl-NM.

  6. I read Jennifer's previous series and I have the first two books of this one so I'm excited to get a copy of Holding the Line to complete it. Thanks for the interview and giveaway Lena.

    Loraine in Indiana

  7. Thank you Lena for this amazing giveaway I haven't read any of this Authors books but it sounds amazing Sarah T. from OHIO

  8. Thanks to everyone for the kind comments! I loved writing this series.

  9. I'm from North Carolina and have really enjoyed the other two books in this series. I look forward to reading this one and love the theme of the telegraph. It's so fascinating!


  10. Suzanne Wilson5:20 PM

    I'm from Louisiana. I really enjoyed this interview! The series sounds intriguing, I can't wait to read it! Thanks for the giveaway chance. 🙂

  11. Thanks to all who have commented! I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have about this book or this series.

  12. Anna may braley4:54 AM

    Sounds great! I'm from ny

  13. Brenda Morton- Gordon4:27 AM

    Brenda Morton-Gordon says. Love the Victorian time period. I'm in North Carolina.

  14. Sharon Bryant7:29 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!
    Nichols SC.

  15. Thanks for sharing. Please enter my name.
    Connie from Kentucky
