
Thursday, January 26, 2023

THE GHOST YOU CAN'T SEE - L. G. Nixon - One Free Book

Welcome, L. G. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters. I try not to write too much of myself into the characters, other than perhaps to give them wisdom I wish had developed sooner in my life, but then wisdom comes with life experiences. I didn’t become a Christian until a young adult and then the Word of God had a profound impact on me.

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done? I rode the ski-lift to the steepest hill and disembarked. I waggled my pole at my date to catch his attention as he stood at the bottom of the run. Pushing off, I gracefully carved my way down the slope. That is until an icy patch sent me tumbling. Looking like a rolling banana in my yellow ski suit, I landed in a spectacular heap at his feet, my hat askew. Lying on my back, poles bent, and missing a ski, my confidence shattered. Making light of the situation, I smiled and said, “I’ve fallen for you.” His mouth dropped open, then he burst into laughter. We were married a year later.

I love that story. When did you first discover that you were a writer? Mom said I was writing by the time I could hold a pencil, which was an exaggeration. As a child, I filled journals with stories about the heroine and her happy-ever-after, but it wasn’t until the creative writing courses in college that I discovered a latent talent. Two of my college professors encouraged me to pursue a writing career. However, practicality took over, and I went into business administration, which served me well through the years, though the urge to write was always there. School newsletters, business journals and various newspaper articles helped keep the creative flame going.

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading. I read a variety of genres, from action adventure, murder/mystery, historical romance, biographies, and young adult fantasy. I enjoy adventures from Dani Pettrey and Susan May Warren. A couple of years ago I read The Boys in the Boat, by Daniel James Brown, the true story of the American Olympic rowing team in Nazi Germany during the 1936 Olympic games. While the story focused on one young man, Joe Rantz and his teammates, Brown wove a poignant story interlaced with history. By the end of the book, I was in tears because I realized how each of those young men had struggled to overcome extreme hardships to become the successful men they were. The power of story to affect readers is immense.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world? Prayer, Bible reading, soft music, a dancing fire in the grate, and a relaxing cup of cappuccino, hold the whipped cream. These days it’s decaffeinated but still so yummy. I also love to listen to the Bible. One app uses soft background music for a relaxing experience. Hearing the Word spoken has a calming effect, at least for me. My husband is another source of strength for me when I get riled up over something. This wise gentleman has a way of seeing things where I am usually blinded by the heat of the moment. It’s good to talk things out. Sharing strengthens the bonds.

How do you choose your characters’ names? I create character sketches for each member of the story, hashing out what they look like, how they act, what their reactions would be in a particular situation. Sometimes I even give them a background. Once I have the character firmly in mind, I research names and genealogies, searching databases for the type of character I see. One such character, Malpar, was a Hayyothalan. Hayyothalan is from a Jewish hierarchy of angels. Then I searched databases for angel names and came up with Malpar, a compilation of two names whose information fit the character.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of? After I left the workplace behind, I pursued writing. The Issachar Gatekeeper series is my best accomplishment. While I always wanted to write, it wasn’t until I set out to create the storyline that I realized the time and commitment involved in such an endeavor. It’s not a pursuit for the lighthearted. The hours of course study, seminars, research, writing bootcamps, and time away from family are huge. I could not have achieved four books in the series so far without the love and support of my husband and family or the gift of talent from God. This quote from Longfellow touches my heart and speaks volumes about the writing journey: the heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.    —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why? A dog! These God-given companions are so loyal and love unconditionally, they bring joy with their antics and their sloppy kisses. I grew up with dogs, and we have a dog and a cat, both of which seem to understand and respond to our needs. My husband and I laugh so much over these two critters, it’s hard to imagine life without them. I only hope I am as good a person as my dog seems to think I am. With God’s grace!

What is your favorite food? A grilled hamburger with lots of olive sauce! And fries, and a milkshake. I love to dip fries in my chocolate milkshake. So yummy! And, yes, I am still a kid at heart—I don’t want to grow up! Which is probably why my granddaughters say I’m the “cool” grandma. Gotta laugh!

What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it? Finding time to write. Since I work from home, it’s a challenge to keep to a writing schedule. There are always a million things that need doing: laundry, grocery shopping, housecleaning, interruptions, and such. Creating a schedule and sticking to it has been very helpful. We divide our office space into two areas, so we each have our own computer and desk. My husband knows when he sees the grumpy gnome statue outside the office door, I am busy writing. The gnome holds a sign that says, “Leave!”

Tell us about the featured book. Lucy Hornberger didn’t believe in ghosts until a spirit followed her home from the flea market. Now she knows there is a spiritual realm existing alongside our own, filled with angels, demons, spirits, and ghosts, and the heavenly city of Ascalon. With the help of her best friend Schuyler, Lucy must protect a magical artifact from an evil spirit, Prince Darnathian. But now a new level of spirit hauntings, deception and treachery brings Lucy to a halt. Darnathian is getting closer to obtaining his objective—annihilate the High King and destroy Ascalon forever.

Please give us the first page of the book.

Prologue. Bohemia, early thirteenth century. 

The scriptorium was a hive of activity. Candlelight flickered over the domed frescoed ceiling with scenes of prophets and scholars engaged in intellectual activities or sharing a cup of wine. The floor-to-ceiling bookcases were filled with books, manuscripts, and scrolls containing a vast amount of knowledge acquired and maintained over thousands of years. Chairs and pews usually lined the large hallway-like room, providing a comfortable resting place where the monks could sit and read. The scriptorium was one of the most beloved rooms in the old monastery.

But not tonight.

Tonight, rows of hooded monks huddled over wood tables, heads bowed, their quills scratching at huge vellum pages. They dipped their quills into the thick and pungent ink in small pewter pots, which magically refilled. They covered each page with details of a hideous, vile, and mysterious knowledge of ancient magic. They also documented spells, forbidden languages, and good and evil images. The information punctured and invaded their minds.

Their handwriting, identical in every detail, was not their own. It belonged to the Dark Prince who had uttered the curse. Now, even the knowledge contained in all their books could not help the black-robed monks break the spell.

Somewhere in the ancient church, a clock tolled the hour, the deep tones echoing unnaturally along the corridors in the oppressive darkness. Tonight, the tones were discordant and jarring, symbolic of the terrors inside the old monastery. The windows were a dark backdrop reflecting the room’s abnormal activity; the candlelight quivering in the panes.

The Dark Prince meandered among the writing tables, his hand elegantly floating up and down as though he were conducting a symphony orchestra. His footsteps were loud in the relative silence of the room, his boot heels thudding against the flagstones. He stopped and lazily considered the monk before him as a devious smile creased his face. The Dark Prince leaned over the desk and pushed the monk’s hood back to reveal the man’s face. The monk was sweating.

“Herman, what’s this?” Darnathian asked innocently. He pulled a chair close and sat, leaning toward the monk. “You’re sweating profusely. Is the temperature in the room too warm for you? I can remove a few of the fires in the grates if that would make you more comfortable.” He made a pretense of glancing about the room.

Evenly spaced along the inner walls, recessed stone fireplaces danced with low, glowing fires, which kept the scriptorium dry and comfortable. The room’s stone construction meant it was warm in the winter months and cooler in the summer. The green flames danced with grotesque images and tickled the cursed logs without consuming them, emitting an even heat.

How can readers find you on the Internet? Readers can find me at: or at or The books are also available on my website, at, and by order through your favorite bookstore.

Thank you, L. G., for sharing this book with my blog readers and me. I just received my copy earlier this week.

Readers, here’s a link to the book.

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 2 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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  1. This book is intriguing. I enjoyed this entertaining and wonderful interview. Pearl-NM.

  2. I am most interested in this unique novel. The author is talented and has a great sense of humor. Anne in NM.

  3. Sounds good. Thank you for sharing. Blessings from Lucy in WV.

  4. Sounds intriguing. Thanks for the chance to win a copy. Cherie from Florida

  5. Sharon Bryant7:52 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Nichols SC.
