
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

UNDER THE STARRY SKIES - Tracie Peterson - One Free Book

Bio: Tracie Peterson ( is the award-winning author of over 100 novels, both historical and contemporary. Her avid research resonates in her many bestselling series. Tracie and her family make their home in Montana.

Award-winning novelist, Tracie Peterson, has been praised for her captivating historical novels. While each novel weaves a different tale, Peterson packs her signature elements of history, action, and romance into each work while also offering underlying life lessons. In her newest novel, Under the Starry Skies, Peterson crafts a story about facing your past and learning to forgive others and yourself.

About the Story: Sensible and independent, Cassandra Barton never expected to be on her own at thirty-two. But after the death of her father and the marriage of her sister, she’s found joy in her work as a seamstress. When a minor accident leaves her unable to sew, she decides to use her time to compile a book of stories about the men working on the Santa Fe Railroad. But worry begins to grow in San Marcial as Mexican revolutionaries set out to destroy the railroad—and put many lives in danger.

With Europe at war and his longtime friend Cassie injured, railroad worker Brandon DuBarko is burdened by his troubles. And when a vengeful man reappears in Brandon’s life intent on causing conflict, Brandon must face his past before he can move forward.

As the danger intensifies, Cassie and Brandon must rely on their faith to overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of a brighter future.

Welcome Back, Tracie. Please provide a brief description of your new novel, Under the Starry Skies. This book is a historical romance set during WWI in New Mexico. Mexican revolutionaries are destroying the Santa Fe Railroad, and as the danger intensifies, Cassie and her longtime friend Brandon must rely on their faith to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way.

After a minor accident, your female protagonist, Cassandra Barton, has to take a break from her current role as a seamstress. What did she do to occupy her time while she was recovering? Cassie fondly remembers the stories her father told of working on the Santa Fe and decides to collect stories from other railroad workers and put together a book.

Cassandra’s friend, Brandon DuBarko, is a railroad worker with a troubled past. Without giving away any spoilers, can you please give readers a hint about Brandon’s troubles? Brandon acted out of anger as a youth, and it completely altered his life.

What did you learn from researching the lives of railroad workers during the early 1900s? One of the main things that jumped out at me was the true brotherhood of the men who worked the rails. There was a deep camaraderie that bound them to each other, not only for the sake of getting work done but also for the safety of their lives.

Under the Starry Skies relays how Mexican revolutionaries tried to destroy the railroad. What was their motivation for the destruction, and how did this impact the lives of railroad workers and the community?  The concern that Mexican revolutionaries were trying to destroy the railroad came about due to Pancho Villa’s raid on Columbus, New Mexico. After that, every time something went wrong, people were quick to believe Villa had returned to cause more harm.

Facing your past is one of the underlying lessons found in Under the Starry Skies. Are there other lessons embedded in the pages of your book? My stories always deal with forgiveness. Cassie and her sister have to learn to let go and forgive the past. Brandon has to learn to forgive, as well. Forgiveness is critical for these characters to move forward.

Why did you choose Santa Fe as the setting for your novel? I chose the Santa Fe Railroad for this series because it’s always been near and dear to my heart. My grandfather and other family members once worked for the Santa Fe. I chose San Marcial because it was once a divisional headquarters for the Santa Fe, and my research provided some very interesting stories about the place.

You have received high praise for your award-winning historical fiction novels. What do you love most about writing books in this genre? I love sharing little known bits of history, as well as bringing to life a time long gone by. I also like to explore the past because it proves there really isn’t anything new under the sun. Problems that were prominent in the 1800s were also prominent in the 1900s and 2000s.

What are you working on next? I’m working on a three-book series with each book again standing on its own. The setting is the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition of 1909 in Seattle, Washington.

How can readers connect with you?

Readers can reach me at my website or on Facebook at

Thank you, Tracie, for sharing this story with my blog readers and me. I absolutely love your books.

Readers, here’s a link to the book.

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 2 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link: Http:// 


  1. Tracie Peterson is one of my MUST read authors!
    Caryl K in TX

  2. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I haven’t read a Tracie Peterson novel in quite some time, so I’m sure i’m overdue. I enjoy railroad stories and remember that my uncle worked on the railroad as a lifetime career until he retired. There is much truth to the fact that railroad workers take care of their own!
    Perrianne Askew in central Texas
    perrianne (DOT) askew (AT) me (DOT) com

  3. A wonderful author. Would love to read. Thank you for sharing. Blessings from Lucy in WV.

  4. Great cover & a wonderful author! Thanks for sharing.
    Connie from KY

  5. Love the cover Sounds like such a great book would love to read this one Sarah T. from OHIO

  6. I'm interested!
    -Melissa in TN

  7. Looks wonderful!
    Abigail in VA

  8. I love historical fiction and this one sounds wonderful!

    -Abigail in OK

  9. Sharon Bryant7:49 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Nichols SC.
