
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

TANGLED LIVES - Carol McClain - One Free Book

Welcome back to my blog. Why did you become an author? I taught English for many years. My favorite subject was my AP English Language and Composition. Here we studied syntax and diction and elements that made writing memorable. Coupled with my regular classes with students who always wrote, I wondered—could I write a book?

Obviously, I did.

That said, you’ll never read my first writings—Praise God.

As I reflect, I always had been a dreamer and in the dreaming, a writer. I started in third grade, paused in my authorial skills until the horrible, angst-filled poetry stage in high school. I moved on to Sunday school plays until the day I asked myself that fateful question: Could I write a book?

If you weren’t an author, what would be your dream job? I already had my dream job and am still living it. Teaching.

I always joked I lacked imagination. As a child, my parents thought school was necessary. At play at home, I acted out classroom scenes with me as the teacher. After college, I couldn’t think of anything else I wanted to do, so I “did” school.

I’ve retired from the classroom, but I supervise student teachers and teach Bible studies.

I love school.

If you could have lived at another time in history, what would it be and why?

I’m not so sure I’d change. If I lived in the 1700 or 1800s, I’d be dead from a hemorage after childbirth, or from the cancer I had in my thirties or my ruptured appendix. Earlier in the 20th century we had World War I and World War II. Any earlier epoch was probably worse: bubonic plague, serfdom, sweating sickness, slavery.

Our society is on the wrong path today and is mentioned daily in my prayers, but I’ve been fortunate to have been born when higher education didn’t mortgage your life and all our mores didn’t sell our souls.

What place in the United States have you not visited that you would like to? Alaska! My husband and I have watched every show about Alaska. The state is gorgeous. To see glaciers and the Alaska Range and Denali and the tundra would be a dream come true.

My protagonist in Tangled Lives dreams of Alaska and mimics my longing (except for the cold, and my love for the Smokies).

The bugs, rain, darkness, and -50F temps would keep me from living there, but I’d love to see the state—the whole state.

How about a foreign country you hope to visit? I’ve been fortunate to see much of Europe. Spain and Italy are my favorites. I’d go to either of those countries again and again. I love art and architecture, and these two countries abound in both.

What lesson has the Lord taught you recently?

“Hang on.”

“Pain produces beauty if you allow the Lord to work.”

Recently, I had a spate of hard situations. After a year of decline and suffering, my mother died. A couple of months later, I had a ruptured appendix which I think was worse than any doctor told me as I lay in the hospital on heavy pain medication for five days.

During that time, my dear brother died suddenly. My daughter had elective surgery. Then her father died.

I knew people prayed for me, but I couldn’t feel God. I dug into worship and my Bible. I believed without feeling Him, that God carried me.Andrew Ripp, a contemporary Christian singer, has a line in his song “Roses” that makes me cry every time I hear the lyrics because of its beauty and truth: “Love is the blood-red stain, the beauty that the pain exposes. Maybe that’s why God made roses.”

As I exit this stage of my life, I cherish this “Blood-red stain.”

Tell us about the featured book? Tangled Lives is a contemporary novel. Two sisters love the same man. They share a past one can’t remember and the other can’t forget.

Tangled Lives is the third, and final installment, of the Treasure Lives series. The story follows the life of Roxie and Crystal Snow, two of the sisters found by Meredith Jaynes in Book 1, Borrowed Lives. The past tangles their future as they learn forgiveness and decide to follow their dreams rather than their prescribed lives.

Please give us the first page of the book.


Childhood behaves like the morning mist. Children dance and delight, then grow and vanish into the light of their days. So many nights, I wished my girls would mature, would give me grandchildren, would give me a moment to myself. First, of course, go to college.

When the time arrived, and they left me, they took their magic. Without magic, the scent of childhood wafted away in the morning fog. How could I have understood, all those years ago, the bedraggled waifs I fostered would steal my heart? In my reluctance to mother the abandoned children, I never fathomed the temporary fostering would turn into everlasting love when I adopted them.

Once more, I bit back tears as Crystal Joy, my youngest girl, climbed into her car. Last week, we outfitted the Honda with hand controls, so she could drive despite her spina bifida. Parker and I watched as she drove away to the University of Tennessee to join her sister.

I imagined I heard her singing. Never was Crystal without a song even as a child. Back then she hammered on pots and Tupperware to make music. Her alto, always on pitch. Her fingers twitched on guitar strings or dulcimers. In the end, my youngest daughter settled on the violin. Never did the spina bifida slow Crystal down or make her feel inferior. Could a mother call one child perfect?

The dust from the road settled, and I stood next to Parker like the day Lisa Simpson tried to adopt Crystal’s sister.


Always the most sensitive. Perhaps the proverbial middle child. Sweet, insecure Roxie. Too independent and too needy. Her biological parents died of drug overdoses. Roxie had been old enough to understand abandonment, too young to realize her parents’ issues had nothing to do with her worth. Her oldest sister’s grandfather adopted her when she was eight. The hole bored through my heart. It compounded sweet Roxie’s belief in her lack of worth. Roxie believed I loved everyone more than her.

Parker looped his arm around me.

His closeness soothed. Always.

“Meredith, the girls will be home before you realize they moved out. Now’s the time for them to heal, live their passions, and find themselves.” He kissed the top of my head. “They’ll be okay.”

In Parker’s eyes, I hoped to see the truth of his words. This time, I didn’t run away and hide. I let God take my fears and prayed the sins of my daughters’ parents would no longer descend on their innocent offspring. I prayed the love of adoptive parents and a heavenly Father would redeem.

Here are my buy links:

Tangled Lives print book:

Tangled Lives ebook:

How can readers find you on the Internet?

My website lists my appearances, my releases with buy links, and my blog. You can find me at:

Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter. I’m on Facebook as Author Carol McClain

Thank you for sharing this book with my blog readers and me. I love your unique writing voice.

Readers, Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 2 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link: Http:// 

Monday, August 14, 2023


IMPORTANT: Instructions for winners  - When you send me the email, make sure your subject line says this: Winner - (book title) - (author's name) If you don't do this, your email could get lost in my hundreds of emails per day. I WILL SEARCH FOR POST TITLES STARTING THAT WAY.

Some people don't read the instructions of how to enter. Unfortunately, they don't have a chance to win. so next time you come and leave a comment, be sure to read all the instructions if you want a chance to win.

Connie  (KY) is the winner of Murmur in the Mud Caves - Kathleen Denley.

Sherry  (MN) is the winner of The Lieutenant’s Secret Love - Elva Cobb Martin.

If you won a book and you like it, please consider giving the author the courtesy of writing a review on Goodreads,,, Barnes and Noble, or other Internet sites. Reviews are such a blessing to an author.

Also, tell your friends about the book you won ... and this blog. Thank you.

Congratulations, everyone. If you won a print book, send me your mailing address:
Click the Contact Me link at the top of the blog, and send me an Email.

If you won an ebook or audio book, just let me know what email address it should be sent to. Remember, you have 2 weeks to claim your book.  

Friday, August 11, 2023

REVENGE - Tamara G Cooper - One Free Book

Welcome back to my blog, Tamara. How did you come up with the idea for this story? I’m a seat-of-the-pants writer, so I had a vague idea of what might happen in this book. I knew about Aaron, but I didn’t know much about him. An SOTP writer sits down and starts writing. As I do, the story unfolds, the characterizations come to life. That’s the best way I know how to explain it. I don’t have many ideas about the story before I start each day of writing. The story just tells itself. It’s like I jump into the book and watch what happens and write it down. Weird, huh? But…at the end of the book, I have my first draft or my “outline.” Then the editing starts! 

If you were planning a party with Christian authors of contemporary fiction, what six people would you invite and why? All of these authors would be invited because of what they’ve written. Probably my favorite Christian author today is Eric Metaxas because of his phenomenal book, Amazing Grace. I didn’t want that book to end! It profoundly touched me. Alex Kendrick and Dallas Jenkins are both writers whose works have become favorite movies/films. C.S. Lewis makes both lists; his work is mesmerizing. He is no longer with us, but his Narnia series is still very much “contemporary” and loved by my kids. Frank Peretti, because of his thrillers. And Jan Karon. Well, just the name Jan Karon brings Mitford and its characters to mind. Love that series!  

Now let’s do that for a party for Christian authors of historical fiction, what six people would you invite and why? I don’t read historical fiction very much, but I have read some. I’ve read the complete series of Gilbert Morris’s “The House of Winslow” about the founding of our country. Brilliant series, very engaging. Janette Oke, too many books to name. C.S. Lewis makes this list as well, even though he is not with us any longer. He was close friends with Tolkien (Lord of the Rings) and created The Screwtape Letters as well as the Narnia series. Mary Connealy’s feisty lead characters are fun. Angela Ewell Hunt’s Biblical stories are well written. Too many to mention, really, but here are some favorites. 

Many times, people (and other authors) think you have it made with so many books published. What is your most difficult problem with writing at this time in your career? My most difficult problem with writing is not so much finding the time to write, but staying with the writing with all the other distractions that pop up with the writing. Newsletters, communication, events, etc. A writer’s life is full, but I love it! 

Tell us about the featured book. Revenge is a romantic suspense, heavy on the suspense. Here is the synopsis of the book on my author’s page on Amazon: 

The authorities were wrong about Claire's death. She was hunted down and murdered in such a creative way - brilliant, actually - that it only looked like an accident. 

Aaron's life shatters after Claire's sudden and bizarre death. Why didn't he act on his suspicions that she was being stalked, even though she dismissed the idea? The media monitors every step Aaron takes, obsessed with digging up or making up the inside scoop on Claire's last moments. Blaming Aaron for her death is their most frequent story angle. Driven to the brink of despair, he needs a place to hide, a shelter to withdraw from eyes constantly scrutinizing his life. 

Deliverance arrives in an unexpected inheritance: the sprawling wilderness of his great aunt's East Texas estate. No one would expect him - a billionaire New Yorker - to live in East Texas. He is pleasantly surprised to discover that his long-lost first love recently moved back to the area. She intrigued him at fourteen; she completely captivates him at twenty-six. Settling into his new home seems easy enough until the sense that someone is watching him overshadows the pleasure of his long, solitary walks. When he finds the body of a young woman, a stranger, near his walking path on the anniversary of Claire's death, it shakes him to the core. First Claire. Now, this woman. Is someone targeting him? Is he next? Is someone he loves next? 

Suddenly, his secluded sanctuary is no longer a refuge. He fortifies his estate, transforming it into a fortress against the coming attack. Despite his efforts, the killer's tightening noose threatens to ensnare him. Outsmarting this relentless predator has become a deadly game of chess, where every move could be his last. 

Please give us the first page of the book

Aaron stood at the tall windows of the Travel Room overlooking the magnificent grounds of Winslow Manor.  

Trees as far as he could see in every direction.  

Green grass thriving under an achingly blue sky.  

A stillness across the land that spoke of contentment and harmony. 

“It is beautiful, Aunt,” he muttered to himself, “but Texas, of all places. More specifically, East Texas. You actually thought I could live here?” 

His great-aunt Dottie Winslow was a native New Yorker, as was he. Some forty-five years ago, she’d given up her East Coast creds to live outside Wild Stallion, Texas, on six thousand acres of trees, pastureland, and one very large lake. None of the New York Winslows could understand why she’d made such an outrageous move to a culture she knew little about. 

“I’m surrounded by good ol’ boys, rednecks, and cowboys,” she’d told Aaron on one of his family’s rare visits.  

“How can you bear it, Aunt?” 

She’d sent him a quick but sharp look of disappointment. “Oh, Aaron, honey. I also live among ladies in lace, beauty queens, and great cooks. I love them all, every last one of them. Texans are special people. They’re worth getting to know.” 

Getting to know? 

Was she kidding? 

He remembered laughing at such an absurd notion, and he was right. 

Their worlds were complete opposites. He came from wealth, as did she, from an impatience to build something on the land, not live off it. Maybe he was cynical, as all New Yorkers were somewhat, but living among people who worked outside in the dirt with animals wasn’t for him. He'd stay in his own universe and leave her to Texas. 

And yet, here he was, in Texas again.  

The last time he’d seen Aunt Dottie was a short overnight trip with Claire almost six months ago, on their way to Colorado.  

Beautiful, sweet Claire. 

The pain came swiftly.  

It always did when he thought of her.  

It never completely left him, lurking, unforgiving, ready to strike. 

How can readers find you on the Internet? 

My books are on Amazon: 


Thank you for having me on your blog again, Lena. I enjoyed it so much! 

It’s my pleasure to feature you. Thank you for sharing Revenge with my blog readers and me.

Readers, here’s a link to the book.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 2 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link: Http:// 

Tuesday, August 08, 2023

A NOT SO PEACEFUL JOURNEY - Sandra Merville Hart - One Free Book

Welcome back to my blog, Sandra. How did you come up with the idea for this story? A Not So Peaceful Journey is Book 3 in my Second Chances series. John and Cora Welch were fourteen-year-old twins when we first met them in A Not So Convenient Marriage, Book 1. Cora’s story is told in A Not So Persistent Suitor, Book 2, and John plays a supportive, protective role in that book. Though there were many characters to choose from for Book 3, I chose to tell John and Rennie’s story in A Not So Peaceful Journey.

When I originally wrote the first book, I had no idea that John’s secret dream was to become an author in the manner of Mark Twain. The twins work at a train meal stop when we first meet them and their lives dramatically change for the better by the end of Book 1. What I didn’t know was that train eating stations would play a role in Book 3—a nice surprise for me as an author as well as for readers.

John played such a strong, supportive role in the lives of his family. He’s loyal to those he loves. It was his turn to search for his dream that he’d long put aside for the sake of his sister. John must go on a journey to find his dream yet doesn’t feel supported by his girl.

In fact, Rennie doesn’t support any career that won’t provide a steady income for their future family. She fully expects him to propose and forget this nonsense of a Western adventure. It builds a chasm between them. Can she build a bridge before it’s too late?

If you were planning a party with Christian authors of contemporary fiction, what six people would you invite and why? After writing for several years, I have many Christian author friends so this isn’t as easy as one might expect to narrow down. For my party, I’ll imagine that distance is not a hindrance to attendance. I’d invite Deborah Sprinkle, Ane Mulligan, Eddie Jones, Lisa Carter, Jodie Bailey, and Starr Ayers. I’d love to see each one again and catch up!

Now let’s do that for a party for Christian authors of historical fiction, what six people would you invite and why? The same rules apply as for Question 2. I’d invite Pegg Thomas, Ann Tatlock, Cindy Sproles, Misty Beller, K. Denise Holmberg, and Linda Dindzans. They’re all talented writers and I’d love to visit with them all again. Pegg Thomas was my editor on three books and I’ve never met her in person.

So much of an author’s work requires sitting alone in front of a computer. A party with author friends sounds amazing. Of course, you must come to both parties, Lena!

I would love to attend. Many times, people (and other authors) think you have it made with so many books published. What is your most difficult problem with writing at this time in your career? Meeting my writing deadlines and goals while balancing time for family and friends has been a struggle. Every good opportunity also comes with a cost—the days and weeks it will require to accomplish the task. Praying for guidance along the path is essential.

Tell us about the featured book.

Dreams of adventure send him across the country. She prefers to keep her feet firmly planted in Ohio.

Rennie Hill has no illusions about the hardships in life, which is why it’s so important her beau, John Welch, keeps his secure job with the newspaper. Though he hopes to write fiction, the unsteady pay would mean an end to their plans, wouldn’t it?

John Welch dreams of adventure worthy of storybooks, like Mark Twain, and when two of his short stories are published, he sees it as a sign of future success. But while he's dreaming big with his head in the clouds, his girl has her feet firmly planted, and he can't help wondering if she really believes in him.

When Rennie must escort a little girl to her parents' home in San Francisco, John is forced to alter his plans to travel across the country with them. But the journey proves far more adventurous than either of them expect.

Please give us the first page of the book.


Rennie Hill picked her way across tufts of grass in the churchyard toward the Great Miami River at John Welch’s side, one hand firmly tucked in her beau’s arm and the other holding a colorful quilt. For an hour, she’d waited outside the church in the hot sun with her family for him to arrive from Cincinnati. She’d worn her favorite peach gingham dress with a bustle and small puffs at the shoulders leading to tight, elbow-length sleeves. He’d often complimented her on it. As he had when he’d arrived today.

 “I know it doesn’t seem like it, but my job was done today in record time.” John carried the basket as he maneuvered them around families and couples who’d already picked their spots for the Fourth of July picnic. His new brown suit enhanced his dark good looks.

Children dangled their legs over the riverbank or climbed trees while indulgent mothers emptied food onto blankets beside plates, utensils, and bottles of tea or lemonade. Men,

How can readers find you on the Internet? I’m happy you asked! I love to connect with my readers in the following ways:

my website




Amazon Author Page



Thank you, Sandra, for sharing A Not So Peaceful Journey with my blog readers and me. I love reading your books.

Readers, here’s a link to the book.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 2 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link: Http:// 

Monday, August 07, 2023


IMPORTANT: Instructions for winners  - When you send me the email, make sure your subject line says this: Winner - (book title) - (author's name) If you don't do this, your email could get lost in my hundreds of emails per day. I WILL SEARCH FOR POST TITLES STARTING THAT WAY.

Some people don't read the instructions of how to enter. Unfortunately, they don't have a chance to win. so next time you come and leave a comment, be sure to read all the instructions if you want a chance to win.

Melissa  (TN) is the winner of Revealing the Truth - Lorri Dudley.

Rebecca  (NH) is the winner of Lilac Cottage - Carrie Fancett Pagels.

If you won a book and you like it, please consider giving the author the courtesy of writing a review on Goodreads,,, Barnes and Noble, or other Internet sites. Reviews are such a blessing to an author.

Also, tell your friends about the book you won ... and this blog. Thank you.

Congratulations, everyone. If you won a print book, send me your mailing address:
Click the Contact Me link at the top of the blog, and send me an Email.

If you won an ebook or audio book, just let me know what email address it should be sent to. Remember, you have 2 weeks to claim your book.    

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

THE LIEUTENANT'S SECRET LOVE - Elva Cobb Martin - One Free Book

Welcome back to my blog, Elva. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon? I see more writing of historical romance and more prayer about it. I believe it’s a great day for Christian, hope-building, fiction. People are looking for some relief and God’s help for our tense days. I believe they are especially happy to find both in the pages of well-written Christian fiction.

Tell us a little about your family. I’m married to Dwayne, my high school sweetheart. We have a grown son and one grandson who is 15. I am the third daughter of five children, so I love big families, too. We raised our son in the country to give him those special experiences with cows, horses, and planting things that I enjoyed when growing up on a farm. Now my husband and I live closer in town in a subdivision. Animals and growing things? We are “down to” two tomato plants in a bucket and a small rose garden to tend and enjoy. And we get to love on my sister’s baby goats she raises on her nearby farm.

Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how? I usually advise aspiring writers to read in their genres, and I still do myself. But at times, to rest my brain, I like to read something different, like mysteries and biographies.

What are you working on right now? I am working on Book 6 in our Charleston Brides historical romance Series. The working title is, The Gamekeeper’s Reluctant Bride. I think it will be my most interesting story so far!

What outside interests do you have? My husband and I are active in a local congregation, in an exercise program at our local gym, and I coordinate an internet prayer task force to pray for our leaders and crisis developments. I also enjoy baking, gardening, and hiking.

How do you choose your settings for each book? They usually come to me with the first idea for a book—and all my books so far start out in my favorite historic city, Charleston, South Carolina. Southern plantations, sailing ships, horses, children, and dogs are always a part, as well as gardens, tea time, adventure, and of course, lots of romantic encounters between my hero and heroine!

If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why? Of course, we could quickly say Jesus Christ, but I invite His presence daily, and He never leaves me. So, I’d say our early president, Thomas Jefferson, who plays a big part in my current release, The Lieutenant’s Secret Love. Most people are not aware that our first American president, George Washington, due to the financial straits of our fledgling nation, disbanded the small navy we had after the American Revolution of 1776. And we ended up paying thousands of dollars to Barbary pirates for the safety of our merchant ships in the Mediterranean and for ransom for our poor sailors captured into slavery. Thomas Jefferson decided we must have a navy, a strong one. He didn’t coin but he certainly lived the slogan, “Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute.” During his presidency (and described in my novel) our young U.S. Navy and Marines defeated the Tripoli Barbary pirates and made our new navy one to be reckoned with all over the world. I love writing about our nation’s history, which is constantly interspersed with God’s intervention.

What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels? I wish I had known how long it was going to take to learn how to write well and get a novel published! I have a blog series and class I’ve taught to writers to encourage them, “My Journey to a Book Contract.” It can be found at this link:

What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now? He’s teaching me more patience, gentleness, and compassion for the many hurting, confused around us. We must take time to reach out. He’s also teaching me (again) the principle of “first the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear” Mark 11:28. I encourage troubled people believing for a breakthrough in healing, or in the life of a relative, or for financial breakthrough, to watch for the first, little green blade of progress and to praise God right then as if one can see the entire thing done. This illustrates a supernatural growth principle in the kingdom, according to Jesus, in the earlier verse. I also see my novels in this growth pattern and stay encouraged.

What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful? Here are the five steps from my above blog of getting to a book contract:

1) NEVER Give Up! (I wrote the first draft of my first novel 30 years before gaining a contract. Life and ministry took the driver’s seat until God opened the door.)

2) Hone your craft - a big, continuing step

3) Attend conferences and network with writing groups

4) Learn how to submit to editors and agents

5) Help other writers. When you sow help, you will reap it when you need it.

Tell us about the featured book. I had a great time researching and writing The Lieutenant’s Secret Love. Here’s the blurb:

An exposed family secret changed her life forever and blindsided his Marine heart.

From the day Hannah was abandoned as a newborn, her adoptive parents have kept the truth of her origin from her and her siblings. But when that secret is exposed, a threat arises which forces her to leave the only family she’s ever known and the adoptive brother she adores. She must start her life anew in Charleston.

U.S. Marine Lieutenant Adam White, harbors a secret—more confidential than patrolling the Caribbean for French corsairs, more threatening than the fight against Barbary pirates in the Mediterranean. Adam carries a personal, burning secret in his heart. He's fallen in love with Hannah since discovering she is not his blood sister. And the thought that she might only ever see him as her loving big brother may be the greatest threat to him yet.

As the Charleston men seek to win Hannah’s heart, she never loses touch with the man who had been her older brother. The man her heart can’t help seeing in a whole new light. But when Adam’s squadron sets out for the Mediterranean on the most dangerous mission of his life, only God can keep him—and their love—alive.

Please give us the first page of the book.

Charleston 1784

The dark lines of the master’s brow and his loud drunken command shot tremors through Ezekiel as he stood in the doorway of the master’s study. Cuddling a newborn wrapped in a blanket in his black, bony arms, he lowered his head, and a long, heavy breath gushed from his lips.

“I said take that baby and leave it far out in the woods to die. I’ll not have another female in my house. This ‘pose to be a son.” Carter Seymour’s harsh words echoed through the plantation house. He sat forward behind his desk and pointed his finger. “You hear me, boy? Don’t think I’m too drunk to mean this.” He slumped back in his chair where he’d spent the night as his wife struggled to give birth before she died.

“But, sirrah. She’s a healthy one. A real blessing on this Good Friday.” Ezekiel’s large hands shook, holding the small bundle from the previous night’s birthing. He bent his gray head down to look once more at the girl child with her curly blond wisp of hair, wrapped in a Seymour white baby blanket. “I’se real sorry about Miz Seymour. And look, this baby’s got that crooked little finger just like her mama.” He held up a little hand with its miniature fingers spread. The smallest finger on the left hand bent at the middle joint.

Seymour’s eyes widened when he saw the peculiar trait of his wife. “Take it out of my house. I never want to see it again,” he thundered, and reached for his whiskey bottle.

The child stiffened at the loud, angry words, and Ezekiel clasped her closer. He looked down at the tiny infant wrapped in the lacy covering with a C and S embroidered on one corner.

The little one whimpered and pushed a tiny fist toward her rosebud mouth. Her face wrinkled, and she began to cry. Turning, he stumbled out the door, shaken in mind and heart. He had no choice but to obey his master. His old heart hammered in his chest and made his legs heavy and slow.

Ezekiel passed down the long hall lined with servants who’d heard the master’s loud, drunken command and the babe now weeping. The maids and footmen stared at him with rounded eyes and stunned faces.

He walked through to the kitchen where his wife Molly stood wringing her hands. Tears streamed down her face. She handed him a sugar tit she had dipped in milk. Ezekiel gave it to the baby, whose tiny mouth stopped in the middle of a sob and latched on the little ball of old linen with a spoonful of sandy sugar gathered in its center. He headed out the back entrance of the large house and swiped a tear that trickled down his weathered cheek before it dripped from his chin onto the little one in his arms.

Leaving the plantation grounds, he trudged deep into the woods. Scents of pine, sweet cedar, and the damp earthy smell of decomposing leaves flowed around him and the child. The morning sun moved higher in the sky with the promise of more heat to come. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the sweat from his brow.

The baby slept after the sugar tit ran out, but soon awakened and cried. He fell down on his knees next to a dirt road at the edge of the forest. “Lord Jesus, you knows I don’t want this baby to die. I ain’t no murderer. I needs your help. I’se in a terrible place on this Good Friday ‘fore yo Resurrection, Lord. Show me what to do.”

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Thank you, Elva, for sharing The Lieutenant’s Secret Love with my blog readers and me. I’ve loved reading your books.

Readers, here’s a link to the book.

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Tuesday, August 01, 2023


Welcome back to my blog, Kathleen. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about? My main focus is on helping readers view themselves as God views them instead of how the world views them.

What other books of yours are coming out soon? Book 4 of my Chaparral Hearts series, Murmur in the Mud Caves, released on May 16, 2023. Book 5, Shoot at the Sunset, will release in 2024.

If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why? I would love to pick the brain of any historian who has studied nineteenth century Southern California. As much time as I spend researching, there is always more to learn.

That’s so true. What historical person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why? I think I would like to meet Clara Barton. From what I have learned of her life, she seems like a very interesting person who would have a lot of experiences to speak about.

How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers? Seriously consider the reasons given for the rejections, if offered. Keeping studying your craft. Ask published authors in your genre if they're willing to look over your work and offer feedback. And always pray—for comfort and guidance.

Tell us about Murmur in the Mud Caves.

He came to cook for ranch hands, not three single women.

Gideon Swift, a visually impaired Civil War Veteran, responds to an ad for a ranch cook in the Southern California desert mountains. He wants nothing more than to forget his past and stay in the kitchen where he can do no harm. But when he arrives to find his employer murdered, the ranch turned to ashes, and three young women struggling to survive in the unforgiving Borrego Desert, he must decide whether his presence protects them or places them in greater danger.

Bridget “Biddie” Davidson finally receives word from her older sister who disappeared with their brother and pa eighteen years prior, but the news is not good. Determined to help her family, Biddie sets out for a remote desert ranch with her adopted father and best friend. Nothing she finds there is as she expected, including the man who came to cook for the shambles of a ranch.

When tragedy strikes, the danger threatens not only her plans to help her sister, but her own dreams for the future—with the man who’s stolen her heart.

Please give us the first page of the book.

June 6, 1873

San Francisco, California

Bridget “Biddie”Davidson’s future might hinge on this next bite. The tick-tock of the mantel clock in Mr. Green’s office seemed loud in the near silence of his elegant home. She held her breath as he took his first taste of her mille-feuille. The ingredients for the complicated pastry had cost her two weeks of pin money, and preparing it had taken the majority of her day after a week filled with the frenetic baking of each of her best dishes. Yet it would all be worth it if Mr. Green agreed to invest in her bakery. Well, not her bakery, exactly. Not at first.

If, after sampling the half-dozen baked dishes Biddie had prepared for him, Mr. Green believed her talent worthy of investment, he would purchase and remodel the newly vacant building on the corner of Eastwood and Bradbury. He’d even provide funds to purchase the supplies she would need to get started. She would then run the bakery in exchange for twenty percent of its profits until she’d saved enough to purchase the business from him.

Mr. Green took another bite, his expression inscrutable.

Biddie swallowed down the urge to jump with excitement. This is it, Mama. I can feel it. Mama would be so proud of her. So would Mother and Father.

From the first, her adoptive parents had encouraged Biddie to follow in Mama’s footsteps as a baker. They’d even offered to purchase the building she needed to start her bakery, but Biddie had declined their generous offer.

Any money spent on her would take away from the good works they did through the Davidson Home for Women and Children, which desperately needed expansion to accommodate more of the city’s vulnerable citizens. After nearly a year of fundraising and saving, her parents almost had enough to move forward with the project. In three months, they were due to receive the remainder of the needed funds, thanks to an investment they’d made in Mr. Green’s latest venture. Purchasing the building for Biddie’s bakery would have meant delaying The Home’s expansion. She was determined to find a better way.

Her parents had sacrificed enough for her. This bakery was her only hope of beginning to repay them.

Mr. Green set his fork on the plate and reached for his tea. Sipping, he eyed her over the rim of his cup.

She returned his calm, dark gaze. What was he thinking? Golden afternoon sunlight added an almost angelic glow to the thick brown curls crowning his head. The clock on the mantel of his study ticked loudly in the silence. She held her spine straight, chin level, ignoring the urge to fidget.

How can readers find you on the Internet? Readers can find me at where they can learn more about me and my books. They can also sign up to join my Kathleen's Readers Club which will give them access to my KRC Freebie Library. In that library, members have access to loads of exclusive content, including a free ebook copy of the prequel novella for my Chaparral Hearts series, Ribbons and Beaus.

Thank you, Kathleen, for sharing Murmur in the Mud Caves with my blog readers and me. I have loved reading your novels.

Readers, here’s a link to the book.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 2 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link: Http://