
Friday, August 11, 2023

REVENGE - Tamara G Cooper - One Free Book

Welcome back to my blog, Tamara. How did you come up with the idea for this story? I’m a seat-of-the-pants writer, so I had a vague idea of what might happen in this book. I knew about Aaron, but I didn’t know much about him. An SOTP writer sits down and starts writing. As I do, the story unfolds, the characterizations come to life. That’s the best way I know how to explain it. I don’t have many ideas about the story before I start each day of writing. The story just tells itself. It’s like I jump into the book and watch what happens and write it down. Weird, huh? But…at the end of the book, I have my first draft or my “outline.” Then the editing starts! 

If you were planning a party with Christian authors of contemporary fiction, what six people would you invite and why? All of these authors would be invited because of what they’ve written. Probably my favorite Christian author today is Eric Metaxas because of his phenomenal book, Amazing Grace. I didn’t want that book to end! It profoundly touched me. Alex Kendrick and Dallas Jenkins are both writers whose works have become favorite movies/films. C.S. Lewis makes both lists; his work is mesmerizing. He is no longer with us, but his Narnia series is still very much “contemporary” and loved by my kids. Frank Peretti, because of his thrillers. And Jan Karon. Well, just the name Jan Karon brings Mitford and its characters to mind. Love that series!  

Now let’s do that for a party for Christian authors of historical fiction, what six people would you invite and why? I don’t read historical fiction very much, but I have read some. I’ve read the complete series of Gilbert Morris’s “The House of Winslow” about the founding of our country. Brilliant series, very engaging. Janette Oke, too many books to name. C.S. Lewis makes this list as well, even though he is not with us any longer. He was close friends with Tolkien (Lord of the Rings) and created The Screwtape Letters as well as the Narnia series. Mary Connealy’s feisty lead characters are fun. Angela Ewell Hunt’s Biblical stories are well written. Too many to mention, really, but here are some favorites. 

Many times, people (and other authors) think you have it made with so many books published. What is your most difficult problem with writing at this time in your career? My most difficult problem with writing is not so much finding the time to write, but staying with the writing with all the other distractions that pop up with the writing. Newsletters, communication, events, etc. A writer’s life is full, but I love it! 

Tell us about the featured book. Revenge is a romantic suspense, heavy on the suspense. Here is the synopsis of the book on my author’s page on Amazon: 

The authorities were wrong about Claire's death. She was hunted down and murdered in such a creative way - brilliant, actually - that it only looked like an accident. 

Aaron's life shatters after Claire's sudden and bizarre death. Why didn't he act on his suspicions that she was being stalked, even though she dismissed the idea? The media monitors every step Aaron takes, obsessed with digging up or making up the inside scoop on Claire's last moments. Blaming Aaron for her death is their most frequent story angle. Driven to the brink of despair, he needs a place to hide, a shelter to withdraw from eyes constantly scrutinizing his life. 

Deliverance arrives in an unexpected inheritance: the sprawling wilderness of his great aunt's East Texas estate. No one would expect him - a billionaire New Yorker - to live in East Texas. He is pleasantly surprised to discover that his long-lost first love recently moved back to the area. She intrigued him at fourteen; she completely captivates him at twenty-six. Settling into his new home seems easy enough until the sense that someone is watching him overshadows the pleasure of his long, solitary walks. When he finds the body of a young woman, a stranger, near his walking path on the anniversary of Claire's death, it shakes him to the core. First Claire. Now, this woman. Is someone targeting him? Is he next? Is someone he loves next? 

Suddenly, his secluded sanctuary is no longer a refuge. He fortifies his estate, transforming it into a fortress against the coming attack. Despite his efforts, the killer's tightening noose threatens to ensnare him. Outsmarting this relentless predator has become a deadly game of chess, where every move could be his last. 

Please give us the first page of the book

Aaron stood at the tall windows of the Travel Room overlooking the magnificent grounds of Winslow Manor.  

Trees as far as he could see in every direction.  

Green grass thriving under an achingly blue sky.  

A stillness across the land that spoke of contentment and harmony. 

“It is beautiful, Aunt,” he muttered to himself, “but Texas, of all places. More specifically, East Texas. You actually thought I could live here?” 

His great-aunt Dottie Winslow was a native New Yorker, as was he. Some forty-five years ago, she’d given up her East Coast creds to live outside Wild Stallion, Texas, on six thousand acres of trees, pastureland, and one very large lake. None of the New York Winslows could understand why she’d made such an outrageous move to a culture she knew little about. 

“I’m surrounded by good ol’ boys, rednecks, and cowboys,” she’d told Aaron on one of his family’s rare visits.  

“How can you bear it, Aunt?” 

She’d sent him a quick but sharp look of disappointment. “Oh, Aaron, honey. I also live among ladies in lace, beauty queens, and great cooks. I love them all, every last one of them. Texans are special people. They’re worth getting to know.” 

Getting to know? 

Was she kidding? 

He remembered laughing at such an absurd notion, and he was right. 

Their worlds were complete opposites. He came from wealth, as did she, from an impatience to build something on the land, not live off it. Maybe he was cynical, as all New Yorkers were somewhat, but living among people who worked outside in the dirt with animals wasn’t for him. He'd stay in his own universe and leave her to Texas. 

And yet, here he was, in Texas again.  

The last time he’d seen Aunt Dottie was a short overnight trip with Claire almost six months ago, on their way to Colorado.  

Beautiful, sweet Claire. 

The pain came swiftly.  

It always did when he thought of her.  

It never completely left him, lurking, unforgiving, ready to strike. 

How can readers find you on the Internet? 

My books are on Amazon: 


Thank you for having me on your blog again, Lena. I enjoyed it so much! 

It’s my pleasure to feature you. Thank you for sharing Revenge with my blog readers and me.

Readers, here’s a link to the book.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 2 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link: Http:// 


  1. Elaine B10:50 AM

    Love this author!

  2. I look forward to reading Tamara’s latest book!

  3. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I love Tamara Cooper’s novels. Her character’s are very intriguing and her plots are masterful. I highly recommend all of her books!!

  4. Margaret11:17 AM

    Love Tamara Cooper.

  5. Judy Gallagher12:43 PM

    Wonderful author!

  6. Susan Hodgson12:53 PM

    I have bought this book, and I’m looking forward to reading it. 📖

  7. Tamara G Cooper1:53 PM

    Hello, everyone. Thank you the positive posts! I've noticed that some are not leaving where they are, Tamara G Cooper, from Texas. In order to win the drawing, put where you're from as well. I hope you enjoy "Revenge"!

  8. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Leah White
    De Kalb, Texas

  9. Nancy Pearce2:42 PM

    Of course, I have loved every book that you wrote that I have purchased.

    Nancy -Zwolle, La

  10. Susan Dunham from Morenci, Arizona. Tamara is a wonderful writer and a beautiful friend that has an ability to bring you into her world and wrap you in intrigue . . . enjoy the ride

  11. I love romantic suspense! Thanks for sharing!!
    Connie from Kentucky

  12. Captivating and thrilling. Anne in NM.

  13. Sounds like an exciting story! Cherie J from Florida

  14. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Revenge is a wonderful read. Tamara definitely captures East Texas. Talented author.

  15. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Lesley Sandlin, Texarkana Tx
    All of Tamara’s book are entertaining. She is a superb storyteller.

  16. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Such a great writer ability.
    Gerald, Texas

  17. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Cynthia Rich
    De Kalb, TX

  18. Alison Boss11:43 AM

    Revenge sounds sooo good! I so enjoy a good suspense story full of twists and turns. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of this book!

    Alison from MI

  19. Love all her books! Dekalb tx

  20. Anonymous5:45 PM

    O’Donnell, Texas
    I love mysteries.

  21. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Tamara G Cooper is a talented and gifted writer who takes a story throughout many twists and turns from "where did that come from?" to "wow!what just happened?" moments ending in a beautiful wrapped gift with a big bow on top, all while you're screaming, "no, no it cannot be finished; I want more!" And she brings it, in the next book.

    Love reading all the books written by this beautiful lady.

    Troupe's Mom
    DeKalb, Texas

  22. Tamara G. Cooper8:23 PM

    Y'all are the sweetest posters ever! Thank you for the kind words. Alison Boss, I hope you get to read (and enjoy) Revenge. Cherie J, I hope you enjoy the book! Love the comments from Troupe's Mom! I'm soooo glad you've enjoyed my books! God bless each of you!

  23. Sounds very interesting!
    -Melissa in TN

  24. Sounds like a book I would really enjoy. Thank you for sharing. Blessings from Lucy in WV.

  25. Romantic suspense is one of my favorites! Loved the first page.
    Beth from IA

  26. Trudy Hewitt4:03 PM

    Excellent book.

  27. Sharon Bryant6:47 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Nichols SC.

  28. A captivating and intriguing novel. Pearl-NM.

  29. Great Giveaway, Thank you!!
    Lourdes, Long Island, NY
