
Monday, November 06, 2023


 Dear Blog Readers,

I'm very sorry that I haven't posted since October 17, the day my husband went to his heavenly home. I miss him a lot. Tomorrow would have been our 59th anniversary. I  can't wish him back, because he was so sick the last few weeks.

Because of missing the last three weeks, here are three books that are free on Kindle Unlimited.

Maggie's Journey

A girl who’s been lied to her whole life...

Near her eighteenth birthday, Margaret Lenora Caine finds a chest hidden in the attic containing proof that she was adopted. The daughter of wealthy merchants in Seattle, she feels betrayed both by her real parents and by the ones who raised her. 

Maggie desires a place where she belongs. But her mother’s constant criticism and reminders that she doesn’t fit the mold of a young woman of their social standing have already created tension in their home. With the discovery of the family secret, all sense of her identity is lost.

When Maggie asks to visit her grandmother in Arkansas, her father agrees on the condition that she take her Aunt Georgia as a chaperone and his young partner, Charles Stanton, as protection on the journey. Will she discover who she really is and, more importantly, what truly matters most in life?

Esther's Temptation

Saddle weary, former deputy US Marshal Jac Andrews rides into Denton, Texas. He’d hunted a swindler and his daughter—or identical twin daughters if Jac is right—and he feels he finally has caught up with this criminal gang. Unfortunately, He is immediately distracted by the lovely redhead, Esther Brians.

Esther, feeling like an old maid surrounded by all her close friends who are happy married couples, is drawn to the intense gaze, blue as the Texas sky, of an unknown cowboy. But several things cause her to become wary of his intentions—and his spiritual well-being.

Has this unsaved lawman captured Esther’s heart or will the Lord deliver her from the temptation of Jac’s presence?

What will it take for Jac to win this lovely lady and become Esther’s husband?

Mary's Blessing

When her mother dies, Mary Lenora must grow up quickly to take care of her brothers and sisters. Can love help her to shoulder the burden? 

Mary Lenora Caine knows she is adopted. As she was growing up, her mother called her “God’s blessing.” But now that she’s gone, Mary no longer feels like any kind of blessing. Her father, in his grief, has cut himself off from the family, leaving the running of the home entirely in Mary’s hands. As she nears her eighteenth birthday, Mary can’t see anything in her future but drudgery. 

Then her childhood friend Daniel begins to court her, promising her a life of riches and ease. But her fairy-tale dreams turn to dust when her family becomes too much for Daniel, and he abandons her in her time of deepest need.

Will Daniel come to grips with God’s plan for him? And if he does return, can Mary trust that this time he will really follow through?


  1. Anonymous4:47 PM

    These were the first books I read when I got my first kindle. They are still my favorites.

  2. My deepest sympathy and prayers dear, Lena. Hugs

  3. Oh, Lena! I'm sorry for the loss of your dear husband.

  4. Brenda Murphree10:05 PM

    I completely understand. The hardest thing I ever been through was losing my husband of 45 years. He passed away 26 months ago and it’s still hard.

  5. Thank you, keeping you in prayer!
