
Thursday, January 25, 2024

ON MOONBERRY LAKE - Holly Varni - One Free Book

Bio: Holly Varni is a native Minnesotan of strong Norwegian and Swedish descent, who was raised in the Lutheran Church that Garrison Keillor made a career depicting. Between the lutefisk, grumpy grandparents, and crazy neighbors who mowed their lawn wearing pajamas, the seed to becoming a storyteller was planted in Holly. Though she, her husband, and their three sons live along the Central Coast of California, her beloved Midwest roots continue to haunt everything she writes. She hosts the Moments from Moonberry Lake podcast where she shares more stories of her beloved characters.

She is poised to captivate readers with her heartwarming novel On Moonberry Lake. Drawing on her Midwestern upbringing, Varni crafts a tale filled with quirky characters and homespun charm set in the Minnesotan town of Moonberry Lake. Sure to appeal to fans of Jan Karon, Garrison Keillor, Fannie Flagg, and Debbie Macomber, On Moonberry Lake will lure readers into an enchanting story of reconciliation, growth, and community to discover how friendships can transform into families and how genuine love can heal even the most brokenhearted.

About the Story: Cora Matthews life has been turned upside down. She has just broken off her engagement and her mother has died, leaving behind explicit instructions to be buried in the small Minnesota town she grew up in. Cora returns to Moonberry Lake with unresolved questions about her mother’s past and tugging memories from her own childhood that continue to haunt her.

Cora’s “quick” trip to Moonberry Lake is thwarted when she learns that her grandparents’ dilapidated lakeside lodge is her inheritance. But it comes with a surprising stipulation—she must live there for a year. With her life uprooted and nagging questions to answer, Cora resolves to accept the year in Moonberry Lake.

However, challenges abound for Cora, and the disheartening condition of the lodge is only the beginning. The residents of Moonberry Lake present their own set of conundrums, including a cantankerous handywoman, an eccentric artist, a grumpy neighbor, an elderly woman who spends all her time talking to the “residents” in the cemetery, and a very handsome neighbor who always manages to catch Cora at her worst. As Cora seeks to put together the physical and emotional pieces of her past, she must decide if she is also willing to open her heart to a new family and home that is more than she could have ever imagined.

This homespun tale of new friendships, sweet romance, and ordinary miracles will have readers wishing they could spend a summer (or a lifetime) on Moonberry Lake.

What was the inspiration for your story? My Minnesota upbringing and quirky neighbors collided in a collage of memorable encounters growing up. I was raised in a very close-knit community where everyone’s business was everyone’s business. I was also surrounded by elderly people who I found fascinating. I was so curious about their life and memorized their most unique characteristics, which always emerge in my writing.

Why did you set your story in a small Minnesotan town? Growing up in Minnesota, I was enchanted with the natural beauty and change of seasons. Some of my best memories are visiting my grandparents at their cabin on a lake. I love small towns and all the coziness and drama that comes with them.

My father was half Norwegian and half Swedish, and his parents had emigrated to middle Minnesota when they were children. Even though I have lived in the South all my life, I understand the love of Minnesota from my visits there. What are some of the underlying themes in On Moonberry Lake? My intention from the beginning was to show how people do not have to be related by blood to be family. I wanted to remind people of the power of community. I’m not only redefining family but expanding it. And then the themes of grit, perseverance, forgiveness, and being open to difference come into play.

Your protagonist, Cora Matthews, has a lot of unresolved questions surrounding her childhood visits to Moonberry Lake. Without giving any spoilers, can you provide some hints about why Cora and her mother left this small town? The one thing that separates, frustrates, binds, or breaks everyone is family drama. I don’t believe there is anyone who is spared the heartache, disappointments, and work of being in a family. Remaining close to family once you’re grown up is dependent on how much effort and commitment you are willing to make. It comes down to one’s willingness to not only accept but love individual differences and forgive past mistakes.

The unresolved questions about Cora’s childhood visits to Moonberry Lake reflect the outcome of not fighting for reconciliation but stubbornly holding on to grudges and refusing to forgive. Her mother’s actions changed the course of Cora’s childhood. After Cora learns the truth of her mother’s past, it is her turn to decide if she wants to forgive and move on.

What led to Cora’s eventual return to her hometown? When Cora’s mother passes away unexpectantly, Cora learns that it was her mother’s wish to be buried in the town of Moonberry Lake where she grew up. Cora has vague memories of visiting until she was seven years old, and then for mysterious reasons, her mother refused to ever go back. Cora’s time in Moonberry Lake is extended as she uncovers a family secret.

There are a number of unique characters in this book. Which character was your favorite to write about? Oh, that is as unfair as asking a mother to pick her favorite child! I love and am fiercely protective of all my characters, but if you ask me which ones are the most fun to write, it would have to be Widgy and Kitty. I don’t write them as much as copy down what they are saying to me as fast as I can. These beloved characters are so real to me; all I try to do is capture and honor their personalities.

What do you hope readers will gain from reading On Moonberry Lake? I hope readers embrace the incredible examples of friendship and community and in some small way reach out to those around them. We live in a time where we are isolated and no longer know our neighbors, which is so sad. My hope is that On Moonberry Lake not only reminds readers of how things once were but how they can create a warm and eclectic community of people who are wildly different from them now. It is a reminder that even though we may think we have nothing in common with someone, we all share the need to be loved and have connection.

Can you provide some insight on your writing process? My writing process is a bit unconventional and wild. Nothing is ever planned or even brainstormed. As crazy as it sounds, I wait for a character to come introduce themselves to me in a dream or while I’m doing something mindless around the house. Once I can see and hear them clearly in my mind, I sit down at the computer and write. The first lines of the book and the first page are my entire anchor. I do not move ahead until I have perfected that. I start at the first sentence and write straight to the end. I don’t skip around the book because I don’t know what’s going to happen. It sounds a bit mad, but my imaginary world leaves me endlessly entertained.

Please discuss your podcast, Moments from Moonberry Lake, and how it relates to the novel. Oh, I have so much fun with the podcast! It is completely fictional and remains in the Moonberry Lake world. All I do is read sections from the town newspaper. The idea was actually birthed out of the pandemic. While everyone was hunkering down at home, I began to write these short commentaries to entertain some friends. We would meet on Zoom and I’d read two or three. They became hooked and began requesting a recording of them so I wouldn’t have to keep rereading them. I only began the podcast because I started getting calls at night with someone asking, “Can you read me ‘A Moment with Martha’?” Hearing the thoughts and wisdom from this elderly character helped distract them from the chaos in the world.

A surprising element that I didn’t take into account was how many people would love hearing me read the newspaper clippings. I’ve been told by countless listeners how my voice has a calming effect on them, which I get a kick out of. My only intention for the podcast is to bring a smile to someone’s day.

What are you working on next? My second book set in Moonberry Lake is scheduled to come out Fall 2024. Readers will get to meet some more side characters who live in town. The second book introduces Delphinium Hayes, who owns the flower shop on Main Street. There was a snippet about her in On Moonberry Lake, but now readers will get to know her and her crazy life. The book is filled with love, laughter, and flowers.

Between the unique and mysterious ability Delphinium possesses, hilarious shenanigans from a group of elders, and an unexpected love story, readers will not be disappointed in another mix of the most quirky and endearing characters.

Where can readers purchase a copy of On Moonberry Lake? Everywhere! They can buy it online through Amazon or Barnes & Noble. But I hope readers will go into local bookstores and, if it’s not there, order a copy and ask them to carry it.

How can readers connect with you? I would love for my readers to connect with me through my website,, or through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Thank you, Holly, for sharing your book with my blog readers and me.

Readers, here’s a link to the book.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 2 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link: Http:// 


  1. Sounds great! Thanks for the chance to win a copy. Cherie J from Florida

  2. Definitely a story I want to read!!

  3. Thank you ever so much for the interview with Holly Varni! I love it when I get to meet a new to me author. After reading the interview and about ON MOONBERRY LAKE, I've already found her on Facebook and Twitter and am now following her on both.

    ON MOONBERRY LAKE sounds like an absolutely wonderful book and one I know I am going to enjoy reading and have added it to my TBR list.

    Thank you so much for the chance to win a copy of ON MOONBERRY LAKE. I would love the opportunity to read and review it.
    Kay Garrett from Mountain View, AR
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  4. On Moonberry Lake would be greatly enjoyed. This story sounds captivating, meaningful and unforgettable. Anne in NM.

  5. On Moonberry Lake sounds like such a great book! Thanks for sharing Sarah T. from Ohio!

  6. Brenda Murphree4:29 PM

    Brenda from MS. I would definitely love this book.

  7. That cover invites me to sit awhile and enjoy. Thank you for sharing. Blessings from Lucy in WV.

  8. I've heard so many good things about this book! Thanks for sharing.
    Connie from Kentucky

  9. Sharon Bryant5:20 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Nichols SC.

  10. I added this book to my Amazon wish list when I first started hearing about it, but haven't gotten my hands on a copy yet,

    Patty in SC

  11. This sounds like a great book by a "new to me" author! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

    Pam in OH
