
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Margaret Daley - Free Book

What a joy to introduce my friend Margaret Daley. I've loved reading her books, and I'm sure you will, too.

Margaret, tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.

It’s hard not to put some of myself into each of my characters. Usually it’s bits and pieces that probably someone who knows me could pick out. How I feel about certain topics will come out, too.

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?

I went swimming in shark infested water. I didn’t know it at the time I went off the boat and started swimming toward the island. I discovered it was when a man with a gun stood on the boat, ready to shoot any sharks that came after us. On that same trip with a friend, we got stuck across Rio de Janeiro at a museum near closing without a way back to the hotel. No one spoke English and my friend and I envisioned ourselves having to walk miles back to the hotel because there wasn’t a taxi in sight when we left the palace where the museum was. Thankfully after pacing and trying to decide what to do, a couple arrived in a taxi which we grabbed. Also on that trip I nearly drowned in the surf when a seven foot waved crashed into me and took me under. My friend hurt her leg and I lost my prescription sunglasses, but we were alive. We learned when they warn you about the undertow, you need to listen. No wonder there wasn’t anyone else in the ocean that morning!

Wow, Margaret, I didn't know we had so much in common. On a trip to Mexico, I was caught in the undertow and lost my prescription sunglasses before I was rescued. My husband said probably some nearsighted fish was wearing them. When did you first discover that you were a writer?

After I finished my first book which no one will ever see. I had fun putting my story down on paper and decided to do it again—and again. Now fifty-one books later I still think it is fun to make up characters and stories. Hard work but fun.

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.

My favorite books to read are suspenseful adventures, but I also like to read romances, both historicals and contemporaries as well as mysteries and thrillers. I’ve even read science fiction books, too.

What other books have you written, whether published or not?

I have written many books both historical and contemporaries. For the past seven years I’ve been writing for Steeple Hill Love Inspired and Love Inspired Suspense. I enjoy alternating between a romance and a romantic suspense.

I'm sure that keeps you from getting into a rut. How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?

Sometimes not so well. I try to exercise, take some time for myself and I talk to God often. I am trying to learn to say no, but that is hard for me because I like to help others.

How do you choose your characters’ names?

A certain name will strike me and I will use it. I play around with first and last names until they fit together.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?

My son. He is a wonderful dad and has grown up into a fine young man.

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?

A black jaguar because I think they are sleek and beautiful. I love so many animals that I could just as easily have chosen another big cat, a panda, a dolphin, a gorilla, an elephant—the list goes on.

What is your favorite food?

I love shrimp, crab and lobster (but I hate any kind of fish). Go figure.

What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?

Description is one of my biggest problems. I have to force myself to stop and describe a character or a scene. I usually keep adding some with each read-through I do of my story.

What would you like to tell us about the featured book?

Heart of the Family (December 2007) is my second book in the Fostered by Love series I have for Love Inspired. The first one was Once Upon a Family (a top pick from Romantic Times). This story is about Dr. Jacob Hartman and Hannah Smith.

Women, Dr. Jacob Hartman knew, were a mystery. Take the first time he met social worker Hannah Smith at the Stone Refuge home for foster children. The woman stared him down as if he’d come at her with castor oil. Why? His past was full of heavy-duty heartache, but he was positive they’d never met. And as a former foster child himself, Jacob was deeply touched by how much she cared about the kids at the home, how loving she was—to everyone but him. Which was where, he figured, the mistletoe came in!

Fostered By Love: A family guided them to faith, but only love could heal their hearts.

Sounds like a wonderful read, Margaret. Another Christmas book for us this holiday season. Thank you for spending this time with us.

Readers, you'll want to check out all Margaret's books at . Be sure to leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of Heart of the Family.

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  1. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Great Interview. Please put my name in for the drawing for Margaret Daley's Christmas book. Thanks so much.

    Nora St.Laurent

  2. I love Margaret's books. They are always interesting and different. I'm amazed how she can write so many books and each one is wonderful. I'm surprised she didn't mention wanting to be a flamingo since she likes shrimp and has flamingos all over her blog page. :)

  3. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I've never read any of Margaret's books, but I sure plan to now. Of course the puppies on the cover drew me in right away.

    Another great interview, Lena.

    Bonnie Engstrom

  4. Lena: You interview the most interesting writers! Great interview! I would love to win a copy of Margaret Daley's new book. Please enter my name in the drawing. Thank you!

    lightstone writer at mac [dot]com

  5. Loved the interview. please enter me.
    Blessings! Melody

  6. Thank you for stopping by and reading the interview--Nora, Vickie, Bonnie, Dona and Melody.


  7. Delightful interview! I love Margaret's books. Please enter me in the drawing, too! Thank you!

  8. That really was a marvelous gift for your readers! I love reading techniques and "fun facts" about authors... I'll be back!
    - Jo

  9. Heart of the Family sounds like a wonderful holiday read. I haven't had the chance to read Once Upon a Family yet, but I've added it to my list also.

    Fun interview.

    Please include my name in the drawing.

  10. great interview! i love her books and i've yet to read her new Christmas book so please add my name to the drawing! hsmuda[at]gmail[dot]com

  11. I'd love the opportunity to get to read this book. Please enter me in the drawing.
    Pam Williams

  12. please toss my name in the hat for the drawing.

  13. I discovered Margaret's books about a year ago and fell in love with her writing. Please count me in for the draw.

  14. Thank you for the great interview...I'd love to read this book! Please enter my name too, thanks.
    carolynnwald at hotmail dot com

  15. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I love Christmas stories. I'm over half way done with Montana Mistletoe. I'm going to need a new one so I'd love to win this one.

  16. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Great Interview. I love Margaret's books. Heart of the Family sounds like a wonderful holiday story. Please enter my name in the drawing. Thank you!

  17. I would love to win!

    I posted your contest at :

  18. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Thank you for the opportunity to win. It sounds like a great book.


  19. oh please enter me :)

  20. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I would love a chance to win this book.

  21. I love Margaret's books and would love to read this one. Enjoyed the interview!

  22. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Great interview and the book sounds interesting.

    Count me in please.

    blogged ya:

  23. Thanks everyone for visting the blog and reading my interview.


  24. Happy Thanksgiving! Please enter me in the draw for this wonderful book. I appreciate it. Cindi :)

  25. I love to read Christmas books the whole month of Dec. so sign me up! thanks, rose

  26. This book sounds great - please enter me.

  27. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Please put my name in for the chance to win the free book.

    Thank you,
    Cathy Vander Meulen
