
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

MaryLu Tyndall - Free Book

Wahoo!!! We have my friend MaryLu Tyndall back with us. Remember, we've had her here before with her first two books in the Legacy of the King's Pirates series--The Redemption and The Reliance. Now she's back with the final book in the series--The Restitution.

Welcome, MaryLu, I'm so glad to have you back. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?

I’ve learned never to try and predict what God will do next. He always surprises me. Of course, I’d love to continue writing stories for Him. He has given me several ideas that are mulling about in my head right now, and I also have a non-fiction book I would love to write someday about battling for the souls of your loved ones. I just need to wait for a few stragglers in my family to come into the Kingdom first!

Tell us a little about your family.

My husband is a scientist with a PhD in Physical Chemistry and I’m a right brained, emotional creative leave-your-logic-at-the-door kind of person, so you can imagine our conversations! I think the Lord loves to throw opposites together. But I love my husband. We’ve been married 15 years and have 6 kids between us, 3 currently in college, 1 at the Naval Academy at Annapolis and one a senior in high school. We also have 4 cats. It seems all the strays in the neighborhood find their way to my house!

Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?

Yes, oddly enough, I have become more critical of what I’m reading and more selective. I like to read award winners and best sellers so I can see what makes them so good, so while I’m enjoying a story, I’m also analyzing it. If I stop analyzing it and get swept up into the story, then I know it’s a good one!

What are you working on right now?

A novel set in 1803 London, entitled The Falcon and the Sparrow. It’s a story of a young half-British, half-French girl who has recently lost both her parents. When her brother is kidnapped by Napoleon’s men, she is forced to accept a position as governess to a British Admiral’s son in London, where she must spy for France or see her brother killed. The British Admiral is a bitter widower who longs to be back out at sea, but finds that the young governess’s devotion to God and love for his son begin to change his hardened heart.

You'll have to visit with us again when that book comes out. What outside interests do you have?

I love to oil paint and have several paintings hanging in my house, but I haven’t had the time to create anything new in quite a while. I also love to cook and garden.

How do you choose your settings for each book?

I try and choose a time period and setting that interests me, that provides an adventurous backdrop in which I can place my characters. Hence, the 17th century Caribbean for my pirate series. For the book I’m working on now, I chose a time (1803 London) when Napoleon was rising to power and beginning to threaten the known world.

Your books are full of adventure. If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?

John, the apostle. He was the closest to Jesus, and I would love to hear all the stories that he didn’t have time to write down about my Lord.

I'd love to join you. What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?

The stress involved. It always seemed like such a glamorous career, but in reality, it’s a ton of hard work, long hours and stressful deadlines. Also you need a really tough skin to deal with an occasional bad review.

What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?

Faith, trust, humility, guarding my mouth, and not judging others. Sometimes I feel as though I’m going through God’s boot camp! I suppose I’m a slow learner sometimes. Thank God for His incredible patience and mercy.

MaryLu, tell us about the featured book.

The Restitution is the third and last book in my pirate trilogy. It tells the tale of Lady Isabel Ashton, a woman once ravished by a pirate, who decided to keep the child even though she is now shunned by her parents and society. Hidden away under a reverend’s care at Port Royal, her baby is suddenly kidnapped and she is forced to combine forces with the child’s father, the infamous Captain Kent Carlton. Captain Carlton’s love for Isabel and his shame at what he did has begun to change his dark heart. Now, all he seeks is her forgiveness and to help her find their son. As the couple encounter sea battles, mutinies, intrigues, deceptions, and fierce natives, Kent is drawn to Isabel’s strong faith in God and begins to give his heart to the Almighty. But will Isabel ever forgive him? Will she give up her dreams of wealth and position to marry a lowly pirate? And what is Kent willing to forsake for Isabel and for God?

I read the book as soon as it arrived. I've written reviews on both Shoutlife and in the newsletter on my web site. I just loved all three of the books in the series. How can readers find you on the Internet?

I have a website that fires cannons at you. Come visit me at
I also can be found on Shoutlife at :

Thank you for spending this time with us, MaryLu.

Readers, you'll have to check out her web site. And if you want a chance to win a copy of this book, leave a comment. Someone wins these books. You have as good a chance as anyone.

Sign up for Feedblitz in the right hand column, and you'll be notified when I post on this blog.

Also, there's still time to leave a comment on these other interviews:

Margaret Daley - Heart of the Home
Bonnie Leon - To Love Anew
Brian Fleming - A Life Worth Living
Tricia Goyer - A Shadow of Treason


  1. Anonymous4:17 PM

    great interview! i loved the first two books in her series! i would love to win a copy of her last book! thanks for posting these interviews and hosting the giveaways!

  2. I already have the book, so don't count me in the drawing. But I wanted to write to say I enjoyed the interview, and I love MaryLu's writing! As I told her, I tingled in places I didn't know I could tingle! I don't know how she kept up with six kids and paintee and wrote so masterfully all at the same time. No wonder she mentioned the stress!

  3. Please sign me up - I'm in the middle of The Redemption right now and would love this one!


  4. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I've been wanting to read this so bad! I haven't gotten the second one yet either, but I loved the first one way too much (if that's actually possible)! I'd so love to win this one!!! MaryLu has such a gift for settings. They're so vivid.

  5. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I met Mary Lou at the Christy Awards this year. Novel Journey (who I do reviews for) interviewed her there. It was so much fun getting to know her and how she felt about writing piriate books. Plesae put my name in for the drawing of her book.

    Nora Stlaurent

  6. Wonderful interview.

    Please enter me to win a copy of this book.

  7. I enjoyed the first two books so much. I'd LOVE to win the third. :D

    DeAnna Julie Dodson

  8. I love MaryLu's writing and the first book in the pirate series. I haven't read the third book, but I'm looking forward to it. Congratulations to MaryLu for her six-book contract. Can't wait to read your new Regency!

  9. I never thought about our life being in God's boot camp before. Thanks for that word picture. Please enter me in the drawing for your book.

  10. How funny that you interviewed M.L. Tyndall. Right now I'm reading her 1st book in the series! I am on the chapter after Kent tried to harm Charlisse. This is such a great adventure! I can't wait to finish the book and continue on to the next one! Her next series sounds just as intriguing!

  11. Hi Lena and everyone! I thought I'd pop in and thank Lena for having me on her blog (yet again!). Her interviews are always so much fun, and she's a real sweetheart too! I'm thrilled everyone has enjoyed my pirate series. What's not to love about pirates, eh? Anyway, Have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving to all!

  12. Great interview! Would love to win a copy of this book.

  13. A very interesting sounding book! Marylu sounds like quite a person. Please enter me in your contest to try and win her wonderful book! Thanks, Cindi

  14. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Don't forget to post your blog contest information at let more people know it.

  15. Oh wow.. How did I ever miss this series? I LOVE Pirates please sign me up.

    I'll blog about it to at :

  16. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I would love to read this book. Great interview!

    blogged ya:

  17. Sounds great!! I'd love to win!


  18. I won the second book and absoultely loved it! I would so love to win this so I can finish the whole set! Please count me in.

  19. Anonymous8:55 PM

    I'd love to read a pirate series. How neat. Sign me up please.

  20. Great interview and the series sounds good so count me in!

  21. awesome interview. the book sounds great. i think i'll check it out tomarrow when i go to the store.

  22. If it isn't too late, please enter me, also. Thanks!

  23. I would love to win this book - I think I will need to look up the first 2 as well.

  24. I am looking forward to this book! I have the others in the series and can't wait to get this one!
