
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Author Beth Wiseman - Plain Pursuit - Free Book

Why do you write the kind of books you do?

People are looking for peace – the kind of peace that only comes from a relationship with God. I have been blessed with a lot of wonderful emails from readers, but my favorite was a simple email from a young woman who said, “Your book made me want to be a better person.” I had a very strong calling to write the kind of books I write, and there is no greater reward than to know that you are touching people through words that glorify Him.

That is so true, and those letters and emails confirm the calling. Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
The day I married Patrick. But a close second would be the day I sold to Thomas Nelson. Of course, that’s not counting births of children.

How has being published changed your life?
I work harder than I have ever worked in my life! Where’s the bon-bons? I could have sworn someone said bon-bons came with this job? The idea of being published and the reality are two very different concepts.

No bon-bons, but I have to have dark chocolate some days. What are you reading right now?
This Side of Heaven by Karen Kingsbury.

What is your current work in progress?
Up until a week ago, I had two works in progress. But I just turned in book #3, Plain Promise in the Daughters of the Promise series to my editor, and I’m currently wrapping up a novella that is due next week. Working on two books at once is challenging for me, but I will be doing the same thing again soon when I start book #4 in the series and another novella. In addition to the six series books, there are also two novellas on the horizon, and I’m honored to be partnering with two fabulous authors – Kathleen Fuller and Barbara Cameron. The first novella, An Amish Christmas, will release in August of this year, followed by An Amish Gathering, scheduled for release in the fall.

What would be your dream vacation?
A trip to Italy that includes cooking school. The best lasagna I ever ate was made by a woman who went to culinary school in Italy, and I’m determined to master the perfect lasagna before I die.

How do you choose your settings for each book?
All of my books are set in Amish Dutch Country, the fascinating world of the Plain People. Most of the scenes are based on actual places I have visited in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, or farms in Texas near where I live.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
The President of the United States – whoever it is at the time. I have questions…

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
I love to travel, play tennis, fish, and cook.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
Besides the weight I’m gaining by never leaving my computer? Hmm… It would have to be balancing everything – home, family, friends, and writing (and everything that writing entails aside from the actual writing – i.e. websites, emails, blogs, book signings, etc.) Writing these books is a calling for me, and as such – a huge blessing. But my friends and family are also very important to me, and relationships have to be nourished. So, I’m still working on balancing everything.

It is a delicate balance indeed. What advice would you give to a beginning author?
I know it sounds cliché to say, “Never give up,” but I spent years reading all the debut author stories, and you do get to a point where you think it just won’t happen for you. But then it does. So, never give up.

Tell us about the featured book.
Plain Pursuit is the second book in the Daughters of the Promise series. Each book in the series features one woman’s journey into an Amish community where she discovers new meaning to the words faith, hope, and love. I have brought the characters from book #1, Plain Perfect, forward in Plain Pursuit, but I have incorporated two new main characters. Here is the blurb for the book:

Carley has given up chasing her dreams, now her dreams are chasing her.

Carley Marek is traveling from Texas to Amish country to visit her friend Lillian and to write a newspaper article. Lillian is married to an Amish farmer and has found happiness in adopting the Plain life. Carley hopes some of Lillian’s newfound peace will somehow rub off on her.

Just when Carley is getting used to the peaceful nature of the Plain community, Lillian and Samuel’s son, David, falls ill. Strangely, the local doctor who can offer the most help, Noah, was shunned by the Amish community and is forbidden to intervene. As David grows worse, Noah is determined to do whatever it takes to save the boy’s life. Now Carley is caught in the middle—drawn to Noah, loyal to her Amish hosts, searching for ways to be helpful in the crisis . . . and confused by all the talk about a God she neither knows nor trusts.

Carley must decide what in life is really worth pursuing . . . and what to do when she finds herself pursued by a love she never expected.

Includes Reading Group Guide and Authentic Old Order Amish Recipes

How can readers find you on the Internet?
I have a website at, a blog at, and I’m on Facebook and Shoutlife. I’m excited about a new co-authored blog that just launched this month with myself and three other authors of Amish fiction – Kathleen Fuller, Barbara Cameron, and debut author Amy Clipston. features news about our book releases, interesting facts and news about the Amish way of life, and authentic Amish recipes. We’ll be hosting book giveaways and contests also.

Lena, thanks so much for having me! Your blog is popular with readers, so it’s always an honor to be a guest.

Blessings, Beth
Thank you for spending this time with us. I love having you. So do my readers.
Readers, I'm including this link to the where you can order the book, for your convenience:

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Don't forget to check back in two weeks, on Saturday, to see if you won.


  1. What a great interview. Please include me in your giveaway the book sound great.

  2. Great interview! I would love to be entered this this giveaway.

  3. please enter me! i love Amish fiction and I enjoyed the first book in the series!

  4. I absolutely LOVED Plain Perfect so I'm excited to read Plain Pursuit! Please enter me to win!!


  5. I've only read two or three books set in Amish country, though I've seen a lot in the stores. I loved this interview, and I'll look out for your books.

  6. Reading books about the Amish is fun to me. I find their beliefs and life style quite interesting. Thanks, Cindi

  7. Great interview! I'd like to know how Beth writes 2 books at once AND has children! She looks way too young to have older kids. :)

  8. Anonymous4:12 PM


    You are my new best friend! I'm plenty old! My sons are 25 and 17. Otherwise, would be difficult to write two books at one time if I had small children at home.

    Thanks for all the great comments here!


    Beth Wiseman

  9. Enjoyable interview. Please add me for Plain Pursuit, thanks.

  10. Please add me in your giveaway. I really enjoyed Ms. Wiseman's interview, and would love to read her book, Plain Pursuit. I love Amish fiction, and read alot of it.
    Thank you!



  11. I find it intriguing to come across someone who writes about the Amish. I grew up with them close by and they are a facinating people. I would be interested to read how Beth incorporates their deep faith into their lives.

    God bless!

  12. I read Plain Perfect and loved it. I'd love to win book #2.

    Abreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  13. I just finished reading another Amish book and it was great. I would love to read this one too!


  14. Wonderful interview with Beth! How nice to have someone write and tell you how a book has impacted their lives! The first Amish story I had ever read was Plain Perfect, and I LOVED it. It was a wonderful introduction to that genre! Please enter me in this giveaway.



  15. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Please enter me for this giveaway as I really enjoy reading about the Amish folk.

  16. This sounds like a good book, please enter my name in the drawing. Thank you.

  17. Amish fiction is one of my favorite genre of books. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!

  18. It sounds interesting~! martha(at)lclink(dot)com

  19. I love books set in Lancaster Co. Please include me in the giveaway.


  20. Anonymous5:05 AM

    As always a very good interview.... always appreciate an opportunity to be included in your drawings..... the best to everyone....


  21. Please enter me into the contest for a free book, May God Bless

  22. Anonymous2:08 PM

    This sounds like a great book. I love books about the Amish.

    Please enter me in the contest.

    Thank you,

    Becky C.


  23. Please enter me, I would love to read the book, thanks!

  24. Please enter me!

    ohiobuckeye91 [at]gmail [dot] com


  25. Oh this looks so good I have book one would love this book to read also

  26. I haven't read any of your books yet and I am so looking forward to reading this one. Great interview.

  27. I confess to loving Amish fiction, and am glad to see a new voice in this genre. Thank you for the interview and chance to win a copy.

    cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

  28. Karla Hanns10:00 AM

    I am just now reading Plain Pursuit. It is a fabulous book, showing the value of the Christian faith of our Amish friends. I can hardly put this book down. It was preordered after I read your first book and I spent each day waiting for it to arrive!! What really is interesting to me, is that we visited Lancaster last year and stayed at a B and B in Paradise- so all the places mentioned, are in my memory bank. We are going back this year- so I can buy more books and take a quilting lesson!!Your characters are so real. Your interview just confirmed my feelings of you as a fine Christian author. Write more and fast!!!
