
Saturday, March 21, 2009


Katie8407 is the winner of A Promise for Spring by Kim Vogel Sawyer. I spent part of yesterday at Christian Book Expo with Kim. I just love her, and you'll love this book.

Sharon 54200 is the winner of The Naked Earth by Jonathan Adam DeCoteau.

Marla is the winner of Trouble In My Way by Michelle Stimpson. You'll love her writing, too.

Veronica Leigh is the winner of Every Sunrise by Tricia Goyer.

Don't forget to also enter at the link for the contest for the rest of the Tricia Goyer giveaway.

If you weren't a winner of any of these books, go ahead and get a copy. There are links to order the books on most of the interviews.

Sorry to be so late in the day with the winners. I've been catching up from being at CBE all day yesterday.

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