
Monday, July 26, 2010

RIGHTFULLY MINE - Aggie Villanueva - Free Book

This is Aggie's first time on my blog. Welcome, Aggie. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.

In the case of Rightfully Mine it was hard to stay out of Rizpah, as I was drawn to this story because this independent woman who stands up for justice was always getting in trouble with the religious leaders, though she had the best of intentions. Only the highest leader, Moses, and the two men who loved her saw her for what she really was.

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?

(laughing) There’s so many it’s hard to choose. Just ask my children. I would have to say the winner might be when my poor health in KS had me housebound and nearly bedridden for 10 years. I accidentally discovered the climate of the southwest nearly healed me when my Grandfather in AZ was very ill. I took two trips, each with one of my sons, to help care for him, and found to my delight I actually could! So I got myself a used travel van, and me and my white German Shepherd, Seirra, traveled the Southwest for two years. Everyone in KS thought I was crazy. My audacity in doing this gave me back my quality of life. That’s how I settled in the mountains of northern New Mexico.

Sounds like a plan to me. When did you first discover that you were a writer?

I wrote stories & poems when I was five. But I think I knew in the fifth grade. I had poor health as a child and was hospitalized two weeks out of every 9 weeks grading period that year. While under that oxygen tent for all those weeks, I wrote stories on scraps of hospital paper. My physical therapists liked them so much they passed them all around the hospital staff. I was elated.

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.

Suspense, horror, and historical fiction of all genres are my favorite. I’ve always been fascinated with vampires also. I think it’s the question of, can they find redemption as is promised everyone, or are they eternally damned? I guess it’s obvious the lamenting, philosophical vampires are my favorite read. I’ve always enjoyed problems that seem to have no answers.

My friend, Sue Dent, has written/is writing an interesting vampire/werewolf series that includes redemption. What other books have you written, whether published or not?

The first book I wrote, published before I was 30, was Chase the Wind, also published by Thomas Nelson, as was Rightfully Mine. I coauthored Chase the Wind with my good friend Deborah Lawrence. Thomas Nelson invited me to submit a book to the inspiration romance series they were just opening (this was back in 1986 or so). I wish I had, but my health was already deteriorating.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?

Ha. I not only loft my eyes to the hills from whence my help cometh, but I literally run to them. As often as I can get away, I pack up 60 pounds of photo equipment, my dogs, a few days worth of food and water, blankets, and head for my beloved mountains.

How do you choose your characters’ names?

Well, for rightfully mine their names are in the Bible. Thomas Nelson suggested I change Noah’s name, the heroine (though they are all heroines) so she wouldn’t be confused with the Noah of the flood.

Because names were chose for valued personality traits in those times, and many times were prophetic, I also created each sisters’ character traits from the meanings of their names. And it worked so beautifully into the whole Biblical story as it is told in the Old Testament that it guided me into the literary license I took with plot additions.

So in their cases, I believe their father, Zelophehad, was prophetic in naming them. That why I opened the book with his dying prophecies (blessings) for each of his daughters. They were blessed with not only a father’s love, but one who knew them as Elohim would have him know his daughters. I wish we could all have a father like Zelophehad must have been. Those of us who have know it guides the destinies of our lives.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?

Raising my children. I am so proud of the adults and parents each of them grew into.

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?

Probably a dog. They are faithful, love you unconditionally, are uncontrollably happy to see you each time you return, have the bravery to protect you and love to remain with you, and still run free like the wind up and down the mountainsides.

What is your favorite food?

Mexican food. I cherish almost any flavor, but could live on Mexican food.

I fixed Mexican food yesterday for my whole family. My Army grandson was home for R&R from Afghanistan, and he loves it. What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?

Stopping. I don’t want to stop. Don’t want to return to the humdrum, though life is really never humdrum. Actually the way I overcome it is my dogs. They are like children and want me to take breaks and come outside with them. Otherwise I’d probably work more than 10 hours a day.

What advice would you give to an author just starting out?

This is always a hard question because there is so much to say that is vital to writing. I guess I’d have to answer, be sure it’s your destiny. Be sure you’re being led in this direction. My mother always says that I succeed in everything I attempt. Bless our mothers’ hearts! But the truth is I only attempt what I truly feel I’m being led to do. Therein lies success!

I so agree with you. Now tell us about the featured book.

Rightfully Mine: God’s Equal Rights Amendment portrays a women’s equal rights amendment straight out of history, and handed down straight from the throne of God. What I’d like readers to think about through my story is; how much more do we need in order to understand the great worth of women, and our worth to God throughout history, today and tomorrow?

It’s also about justice. The subplot involves a love triangle, greed and murder, and family ties that bind, but that subplot is the parallel of this infant nation finding itself before they can emerge to earn what is rightfully theirs. How could the nation inherit the Promised Land when they denied some of their own (women) their rights to the Promised Land?

The subplot is a parallel on so many levels to the path of Rizpah's life and the life of every believer. Like all of us, she had a public calling, but when she fulfilled it, Rizpah mistakenly believed her calling was completed, and she could go on with life as she had it planned out.

But God had different plans. He knew, though she indeed had fulfilled the great public purpose she was born to, she hadn't yet been circumcised personally, which was the basic physical (personal) requirement for the nation of Israel (all God's children).

I purposely used the male word circumcision for this personal (spiritual) requirement, not because Rizpah did a man's job in the council, but to speak to the calling of each child of God to be cut off from that which is not right for us. Everyone other Christian may be doing a certain thing, but it may not be right for us.

Rizpah’s entire life was grounded in what is right, what is justice and what is love. She thought she knew all about these better than most. She thought they all meant the same thing. When these principals seemed to be in opposition, which would win? Were some false? Were some lacking?

Please give us the first page of the book.

It was inconceivable that after forty years of chastisement in the Zin desert and the recent military successes in the Transjordan hills, the wandering nation of Israel could succumb to the temptations offered by the Moabite and Midianite women, but the tomb-like encampment attested to the sin. As a result, hundreds and thousands of sprawling black tents suffocated their inhabitants with the lingering, putrid taste of the death within them.

The vast camp of Israel lay crippled by plague. They huddled piteously beneath arcing acacia branches along the oasis-like steam of Abel Shittim, the only shelter available in the scorching summer sands of the Moab plains. Israel was halted only a few miles east of the Jordan they yearned to cross.

How can readers find you on the Internet?

Purchase paperback at Amazon

Purchase Kindle version

For more about Rightfully Mine

Visual Arts Junction (teaching site about all forms of promoting your work)

VAJ Buzz Club (Innovative club of group promotion for authors)

Promotion á la Carte (purchase only the promotion services you need now)

Visual Arts Junction on Facebook

Aggie’s profile on Facebook


I’m also a photographic artist:

Photography blog, Aggie Logic

Photo Galleries

Thank you, Aggie, for this wonderful visit.

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment. Here’s a link.


  1. Great interview. I loved the 'gypsy' 2 years of traveling the southwest prior to settling in NM. I wish I had done something like that.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  2. This books sounds amazing! Thank you for the chance!

  3. definitely looks a little different than what I am use to reading...looks good though!

  4. Hi Linda. I know how you feel. And New Mexico definitely makes people want to do the gypsy thing. I'll always cherish the years I spent living without electricity and plumbing or running water. I learned so much, and so much about myself!

  5. Fredamans, I thank you for the compliment. Good luck to all of you in winning a copy.

  6. Hi Katrina. "a little different" is something I've always been called, so you hit the nail on the head describing my book. Thankx. Good luck.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Lena, I have so enjoyed my time here. Our interview was so much fun. Thank you for hosting me today.

    Lena, thankx too for the info on your friend Sue Dent. I went to order her book immediately, but unfortunately I couldn't as it's not yet available in Kindle format. I did click on "let the publisher know..." I look forward to reading it when it's available electronically.

  9. Aggie, Great interview. I wish I was able to travel but my health prevents it. I would have loved to travel to all the States and see America. Have added Rightfully Mine to my wish list. Thanks for stopping by to chat.

    Lena, Thanks for the opportunity to enter this giveaway.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  10. please count me in...thanks :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  11. Greetings KarenK and misskallie2000. I don't travel much lately myself, except my day trips to my beloved mountains. Thankx so much for stopping by to be part of my day!

  12. What an amazing setting and wonderful trailer. I have a feeling Rightfully Mine is going to sell like crazy with its exciting elements of intrigue. Best of luck, Aggie!

  13. I liked the interview. Would love to win the book. Please enter me.
    dancealert at aol dot com

  14. Kathy, thank you so much. My fingers are crossed! I'm really pleased with the outcome of the trailer too.

    Thankx to you too, Brenda. It's been a great day here with you all.

  15. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  16. The storyline of this novel is one that I would love to read.
    I enjoyed the author's interview.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  17. I loved this interview. What fun to read.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  18. Hi Stacie, Marjorie and Robyn. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview. I sure enjoyed doing it. Good luck in the draw.

  19. What a great idea for a book. I would love to read it. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

  20. I really enjoyed reading the interview and have never read anything by Aggie Villanueva but would love to win this book. It goes on my must read list. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  21. I really enjoyed reading the interview and have never read anything by Aggie Villanueva but would love to win this book. It goes on my must read list. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  22. Bakersdozen and Grannyvon, thankx so much for stopping by to read this interview. Good luck to you in the drawing.

  23. Aggie, I enjoyed your interview very much. The premise of your book sound so interesting, I can't wait to read it. Winner or not, this book was just moved onto my to be read list as it sounds fascinating! I was born in New Mexico but haven't been back in years.

    Blessings to you and Lena,


  24. Thank you so much, kamekp. I'm honored. Good luck in the draw.

  25. I love biblical historical fiction books. They make stories from the Bible come alive to me. Would love to win.

  26. I enjoyed the interview and know I would like this book.

  27. Hi Marla and rubynreba! So glad you enjoyed. Good luck in the draw.

  28. Lena, Aggie--terrific interview! I've read the book and can vouch for the fact that it's a wonderful read.

    Aggie, you are so talented; everything you do is golden!

  29. Awww, Linda. You are such a supportive friend and encourager. And a super gifted lady on top of all that! Thankx for the kudos.

  30. Inspiring interview! I enjoyed reading it and now of course, I want to read your book, Aggie!

    angelahipp (at) charter (dot) net

  31. Please enter me in this giveaway - Thanks!


  32. Got my attention. It sounds very interesting! Thanks for a chance to win a copy!



  33. hippmom, judylynn and LeeCTne, I'm so glad you enjoyed! Good luck in winning the book.

  34. I read about this book a few weeks ago and immediately put it on my wish list. I'm so glad to see it featured on today's blog and appreciate the chance to win a copy.

    cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

  35. Hi Carole. Thank you. I'm thrilled you are interested in my book. And good luck to you in the drawing! Have the best day ever.

  36. Aggie, you are an amazing woman!! I've not read your writing before and I definitely want to soon. How you sorted all this into a novel had to have been with the help of God himself. It is eye opening, value forming, rights the wrongs, and is full of education for the learner. My bonnet is off to you!!

    Grace & Joy in Christ,
    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  37. barbjan10, I'm so honored by your kindness. Thankx so much, and great luck in the drawing.

  38. Looks great! Love this interview.
