
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

TWO BRIDES TOO MANY - Mona Hodgson - Free Book

Welcome, Mona. I'm so glad this book is now in bookstores everywhere. Why do you write the kind of books you do?

I write children’s books because the exercise prompts me to think like a child with curiosity and wonder while sharing truth with ages two to twelve.

I write novels because of my love and respect for story and the women I write them for. And the historical fiction gives me an excuse to visit museums and other times and places.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?

The day our daughter Sara was released from the neo-natal preemie unit.

I can only imagine. How has being published changed your life?

I think the biggest change has come as part of the process of getting and being published. The people who have mentored me and the people I have mentored along the way have impacted me greatly on many levels—writing, personal, and spiritual.

What are you reading right now?

The Flame Trees of Thika by Elspeth Huxley.

What is your current work in progress?

Beyond a Bride, Book Three in the Sinclair Sisters of Cripple Creek Series. The youngest of four sisters travels from Portland, Maine to Cripple Creek, Colorado for a fresh start that seems to have more twists and turns than the train she rides west on.

Too Rich for a Bride, Book Two, is in production and will be available in Walmart stores October 2010.

What would be your dream vacation?

A month in a beach house within walking distance of the Pacific Ocean.

How do you choose your settings for each book?

I live in the southwestern United States and its history fascinates me, especially the late 1800’s when so many women found themselves displaced and called upon to do hard things.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?

Maya Angelou. I’m drawn to her poet-spirit and her heart for all peoples.

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?

I enjoy traveling, snorkeling, and playing table games.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?

Sandwich generation responsibilities that are requiring more and more of my time and energy. I’m learning to maximize bits and pieces of time for writing. Figuring out what energizes me so I can refuel for those bits and pieces of time.

That's a difficult time in all of our lives. What advice would you give to a beginning author?

Recognize and remember that writing for publication is a process and a journey that requires intentional and persistent steps. Expect detours. Enjoy the adventure! Make the most of writers’ conferences, writers’ market guides, and critiques by published writers.

Tell us about the featured book.

Two sisters.

Two missing misters.

Kat and Nell Sinclair are headed west—away from the manicured lawns of Maine to the boisterous, booming mining town of Cripple Creek, Colorado, to start new lives for themselves as mail-order brides.

Aboard the train, romantic dreamer Nell carries a photo of her intended close to her heart and imagines an exciting and love-filled future, while her pragmatic older sister, Kat, resigns herself to marriage as a duty, not a delight.

But when the ladies disembark at the train depot, neither fiance’ awaits them with open arms. The well-bred Sinclair sisters find themselves alone in the wild, frontier town—a place where fire threatens to reduce the buildings to rubble, the working women strut the streets, rogues will gamble for the shoes on one’s feet, and God’s grace is found among the most unlikely of folks.

Please give us the first page of the book.

1895, Portland, Maine
“I have you cornered.”

Kat looked up from the writing desk to the table, where Nell was grinning. Nell’s match with Ida had been particularly animated on this Sunday afternoon. Both were fiercely competitive, and Kat knew better than to challenge either one of them at checkers, or most any game.

Ida perched on a cushioned chair, face to face with Nell. The oldest of the four Sinclair sisters wasn’t accustomed to losing, and it showed in Ida’s furrowed brow. She stared at the board, but the pattern of the red and flack disks didn’t change. When she finally made a move, Nell snatched the red game piece off the board, her blue eyes sparkling.

“That’s five out of seven, Ida.” Vivian, the youngest at sixteen, called the tournament from the sofa where she lounged with Sassy, her Siamese cat.

“You’ve been dethroned, sis.” Kat closed her journal. “We have a new Sinclair Checkers Champion.”

While Ida lifted an imaginary crown off her head, Nell stood and smoothed her skirt. Ida placed the invisible trophy atop Nell’s wheat-blond twist. “I present the new queen of checkers.” Ida bowed. All four of the sisters giggled.

Kat picked up her journal and walked to the window. Fabric ties held tartan curtains open, framing the idyllic outdoor scene. Crimson and golden leaves adorned the maples and oaks outside, and a couple of squirrels frolicked while a handful of leaves twisted and twirled above them like autumn acrobats.

Acrobats in fall colors

Twist and twirl . . .

Kat hurried back to the writing desk and recorded the words in her journal, her pencil flying over the page. Sunday was the most inspiring day of the week. The Sabbath’s time of rest and reflection always left her refreshed and full of new ideas.

Nell cleared her throat. “I don’t suppose you’re writing about my victory for the Portland Press Herald.”

“A recounting of your conquest, as great as it was, isn’t Kat’s cup of tea.” Vivian laughed. The name Sassy fit Vivian as well as it did her cat.

“Now if Nell were the writer in the family, we’d all be reading a most romantic love story,” Ida said, returning the checkerboard to the bookcase.

“I believe in love.” Nell shrugged. “Is that so bad?”

“Believing in love is not at all bad, Poppet.” Father’s warm voice drew their attention to the doorway. He wore a herringbone suit, his auburn mustache and beard neatly trimmed. He leaned against the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest.

“We have a new checkers champion, Father.” Nell raised her hands to her head and formed a crown. “Me.”

“And such a humble winner.” A weak smile turned up one side of Father’s mouth, and an uneasiness began to niggle Kat’s stomach. Something wasn’t right.

You can read the first chapter at . Go to Mona’s Novels page and click on Sneak Peek.
What are some ways that readers of your books can help you as an author?

Besides buying copies for everyone they know? LOL

• If you’ve read one of my books and liked it, please mention the book on Twitter or Facebook, on your blog, or in gatherings with people you think might enjoy it.

• Write book reviews for,,, and other online bookstores.

• Are you in a book club, or know anyone who is? Please tell them about Two Brides Too Many and let them know that Book Club Discussion Questions are available at my website: .

• Visit your favorite bookstore, if you don’t find Two Brides Too Many, please tell the owner/manager about the book and encourage them to carry it in their store.

• Write a book review for your local newspaper, church newsletter, denominational magazine, or for other appropriate magazines. Online too.
How can readers find you on the Internet?

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Thank you, Mona, for visiting with us again.

Readers, here's a link to the book. By using the link when you order the book, you help support this blog.

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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  1. Two Brides Too Many Sounds delightful. I just love Cripple Creek! Even now it takes us back to a different time, and the natural beauty is unmatched. Mona, I hope it sells like crazy. I'm already inspired enough to book a trip to Colorado!

  2. Hi Kathy,
    Thaks for your interest in Two Brides Too Many. Cripple Creek and that whole region and time period is inspiring and intriguing. I'm with you...I'm ready to book a trip to Colorado too.
    In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the Sinclair sisters in the pages of my book.

  3. I grew up in Maine and eventually moved to Colorado, and I'm in love with both settings. Wishing you the best ...

  4. Hi Darlene,
    How fun. Visitng Maine is still on my wish list. The closest I've gotten is giving the Sinclair sisters their start in Maine.
    Thanks and blessings,

  5. Hi Mona,
    Good to see you! I'm so in awe of what you're doing and writing about. Thanks for talking to our Christian Writers of the West group.

  6. This book sounds so good! Please enter me in the drawing!

  7. please enter me

    mjagears AT gmail DOT com

  8. This was a very intresting interview and the book sounds delightful with a little supense. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  9. Interesting subject. Times sure have changed.


  10. This books is on my must read list. My Hubby and I have visited Colorado...beautiful!
    Thank you!

  11. Enjoyed the interview and would love to read this book. Please enter me. Thank you!

  12. oh my goodness, this seems like an awesome book! I'm from Maine so that makes me want to read it even more ;)
    please enter me to win it!

  13. I love the premise behind this story. Can't wait to get a copy to read.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  14. This book sounds great. I love historical fiction and I am sure this book would be hard to put down. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

  15. This sounds like an interesting story.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  16. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Wow, everyone. I took my mom to the doctor and out to lunch, and you all decided to post. Thanks so much for your comments, and your interest in TWO BRIDES TOO MANY. I'm having a blast writing about the Sinclair sisters. As a matter of fact, I'm doing a final read-through of the typeset copy of TOO RICH FOR A BRIDE and can't wait for you to read Ida's story too.

  17. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Pam, I had a great time with the Writers of the West. Thanks, again, for the invite. And, yes, GrannyVon, there is some suspense added to the humor, mystery, romance, and faith thread.

  18. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Wow, everyone, I took my mom to the doctor and out to lunch, and you all decided to post. Thanks so much for your comments, and your interest in TWO BRIDES TOO MANY. I'm having a blast writing about the Sinclair sisters. As a matter of fact, I'm doing a final read-through of the typeset copy of TOO RICH FOR A BRIDE and can't wait for you to read Ida's story too.

  19. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Pam, I had a great time with the Writers of the West. Thanks, again, for the invite. And, yes, GrannyVon, there is some suspense added to the humor, mystery, romance, and faith thread.

  20. What a great first page! I can't wait to read the rest - either from winning or buying.

    Thanks Lena!

  21. I love western themes - thanks so much for the chance
    msboatgal at

  22. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I would love to win this book. thank you trishbazin

  23. Hi,
    Sounds like a wonderful book. Thanks for the interview and giveaway.
    Have a blessed day.
    Trinity Rose

  24. I always like a good sister story, thanks for the info and chance to win.

  25. Oh, count me in this sounds like a book I'd love. Thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  26. Please enter me.

  27. I would love to read this book. It sounds wonderful. Please enter me. Thanks!


  28. Please enter me. I'd love win this book.

    letrassantas at hotmail dot com

  29. The first page hooked me--TWO BRIDES TOO MANY--sounds like a great read.

  30. I already love Two Brides Too Many and can't wait to read. Thanks for the lovely interview Mona and I have put your book on my wish list. I love books set in this time period when the West was young and cruel but growing by leaps and bounds with more settlers coming from the East to try to make a living and provide for their family. The women had to work the hardest to maintain their dignity and compete in a mans world. Thanks again for this wonderful story.

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway Lena and pls add me to the draw.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  31. Please enter me! I've been wanting to read this book for a long time!

  32. Sounds like a book I would really enjoy. Thank you.

  33. Sounds great. Please enter me

  34. Please enter me for this book. Thanks!

  35. My little boy was also extremely premature, so I know how you feel about the day your daughter came home!
    I would love to be entered. :)

  36. thanks for the chance to read this fabulous novel :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  37. The book sounds fabulous! Please enter me!

  38. First, many thanks to you, Lena, for the invite to your blog and for the interview.
    Then to all who visited, thanks so much for your comments and encouragement. I appreciate your interest in TWO BRIDES TOO MANY. I wish you could all win a copy, but.... If not, I hope you'll check it out at your favorite bookstore.

  39. This sounds like a very fun read.

  40. Well, what fun!! I enjoy this type of story and plan to laugh and cry. The time period is my favorite and Colorado easily imagined during the script activity. I'm very well acquainted with the people and culture of both states mentioned and look forward to a fascinating read.
    Thank you for adding me to the giveaway.

    Grace & Joy in Christ,
    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  41. I like children books. I think we'll always have a portion of our kids inside us.

  42. I put Mona's book on my wish list when I first saw it publicized and appreciate the chance to win a copy. I also enjoyed getting to know a little about her in the interview.

    cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

  43. Two Brides Too Many really appeals to my taste for the romantic. I enjoy stories about brides and the West. I'm adding this book to my hope to read box. Thanks for the chance to win this delightful book.

    Grace & Joy in Christ,
    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com
