
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

SURRENDER THE HEART - M L Tyndall - Free book

Welcome, MaryLu. As an author, I know it takes a lot of people to birth each book. Who were the people involved in the birthing of this book, and what were their contributions?

You’re so right. Every book is touched and helped along by so many hands! I’d have to first thank my friend and fellow author, Rita Gerlach for accompanying me as I toured Baltimore doing research for this series. She and her husband were so kind to me and even bought me lunch, then attended the War of 1812 Reenactment at Fort McHenry with me! Secondly, my critique partners: Laurie Alice Eakes, Louise M. Gouge, and Ramona Cecil. Wonderful authors and great friends. Then, Traci Depree, my Barbour freelance editor who really helped iron out the kinks in my story. She’s fantastic. My agent, Greg Johnson, who submitted this series to Barbour. And last but not least, Becky Germany and the entire staff at Barbour, from the editors to the cover designers, to the sales and marketing departments! They all work so hard for me. I’m extremely blessed and humbled by it all.

If you had to completely start over in another place, where would you move, and why?

Along the coast in the southeast: Northern Florida, Georgia, South Carolina. I grew up in the south and I miss it. I miss the warm beaches and the tropical storms and the southern way of life. Either that, or Hawaii!! Well, just about anywhere with a warm beach, I guess. LOL

 If you could only tell aspiring novelists one thing, what would it be?

Only God knows whether you will be published and when, so keep your focus on Him and no matter what the world tells you, write what He puts on your heart. In other words, write because you love to write, not because you hope to get published some day.

You’ve been asked to be in charge of a celebrity cruise. Who would you ask to take part, and why? (AS in what program, singers, etc. [it doesn’t have to be writing related])

Glenn Beck because I believe he’s one of the few people in the media telling the truth anymore and I admire him very much.

Sarah Palin because I would love to get to know her. She’s such an interesting and independent woman.

The writers of the TV show LOST so some of their awesome creativity might rub off on me!

Jim Caviezel because he’s one of the few actors I know who’s a Christian but also because he’s real nice to look at. :-)

The band Kutlass and Casting Crowns because their music really glorifies God.

Wow! I want to come on your cruise. Now tell us about the featured book.

On the brink of the War of 1812, Marianne Denton must marry to unlock her inheritance. Without the money, her mother can’t receive medical care and her sister will be destitute. But Noah Brenin needs to sail his cargo to England before the war commences in order to prove his worth to his father and make enough money so he won’t have to marry at all.

But when Noah walks out on their engagement party, Marianne chases him down and ends up on his merchantman out at sea. The situation worsens when Noah’s ship encounters a British man-of-war and the couple are impressed into the British navy.

While a young lad’s prophecy of destiny looms over them both, Marianne and Noah are forced to face their darkest fears as they desperately try to find a way to escape and fulfill their destinies—destinies that could change the course of the war and history forever.

Sounds intriguing. Please give us the first page of the book.

Chapter 1

June 18, 1812, Baltimore, Maryland

“I would rather boil in oil than marry Noah Brenin.” Marianne tossed the silver brooch onto her vanity.

“Hold your breath and stay still,” her friend Rose said from behind her. “Besides, it is only an engagement party, not a wedding.”

“But it is one more step to that horrid destination.” Marianne sucked in her breath as Rose threaded the laces through the eyelets on her stays. “Why must women wear these contraptions?”

“To look our best for the gentlemen in our lives.” Cassandra appeared on Marianne’s left, a lacy petticoat flung over one arm. With shimmering auburn hair and eyes the color of emeralds, Marianne’s other friend, Cassandra, had no trouble looking her best for anyone.

Marianne huffed. “I don’t care what any gentleman thinks of my appearance.”

“Which is why you are still unmarried at five and twenty.”

“Then what is your excuse at three and twenty?” Marianne arched a brow, to which Cassandra gave a shrug. “I have not yet met a man worthy of me.” She grinned.

“Where on earth is your chambermaid?” Rose grunted as she squeezed Marianne’s rounded figure into the stays and tied the final lace tight. “Shouldn’t she be doing this?”

“I dismissed her.” Marianne waved a hand through the air. “I prefer to dress myself.” She hoped they didn’t hear the slight quaver in her voice. She didn’t want her friends to know that her mother had been forced to let the entire staff go and the ones here today were hired just for her betrothal party.

“There.” Rose finished fastening the corset and stepped back.

Marianne took the petticoat from Cassandra and slipped it over her head. “Truth is, I do not wish to marry—ever.” She squared her shoulders as Cassandra slid behind her and latched the petticoat hooks.

Rose put her hands on her waist. “Noah Brenin is a fine man and a good catch.”

Marianne gazed at her friend. She couldn’t help but smile at the motherly reprimand burning in her crystal blue eyes. Tall and slender, with honey blond hair, Rose turned many a head in Baltimore. Just like Cassandra.

Marianne wished she had the same effect on men. .

“He is a boor.”

“Why so low an opinion of him? Haven’t you and he been friends since childhood?” Rose cocked her head and gave Marianne a look of censure.

“I wouldn’t call it friendship, more like forced acquaintance. And my knowledge of him is precisely why I know him for the churlish clod he is.”

Gathering a cream-colored silk-embroidered gown from Marianne’s bed, Rose and Cassandra tossed it over her head, assisting her as she wiggled into it. She adjusted the ruffled lace that bordered her neckline and circled her puffy sleeves. Cassandra handed her a jeweled belt which Marianne strapped around her high waist and buckled in front. She pressed down the folds of her gown, admiring the pink lace that trailed down the front and trimmed the hemline. After slipping on her white satin slippers, Marianne moved to the full-length looking glass and paused to eye her reflection.

Plain. Despite the shimmering, glamorous dress, plain was the first word that came to her mind. That was how she had always been described. Brown hair, brown eyes, average height, a bit plump. Nothing remarkable, nothing to catch an eye.

Simply plain.

I love it. Where can we find you on the Internet?


Thank you, MaryLu, for another wonderful interview.
Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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  1. Marianne and Noah's story sounds really good! I enjoyed today's q and a!

  2. I've been wanting to read this one. Enjoyed the interview.

    mchapman (at) windstream (dot) net

  3. Patsy6:14 AM

    This sounds like an interesting book. Looking forward to reading it. Thanks for giving away a copy.

  4. I love her books! Thanks for offering it.

  5. I want to go on your cruise too Mary Lu!


  6. loved the q&a, sounds like a good book.
    -stacie may

  7. Linda Cacaci7:42 AM

    This boo looks like a wonderful read. Please enter me into the contest.

  8. Thanks so much for entering me!

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  9. Thanks, ladies, for your comments and interest in my book! When I get this cruise together, I'll let you know, Nise! Actually, I learned a great deal about the War of 1812 while researching this series, and it had an amazing effect on me. It really pumped up my patriotism at how wonderful our country is! I'm hoping my enthusiasm came through in these stories! God Bless you all!

  10. Sounds like a terrific story! Thank you for the contest!

  11. Debbie Mitchell debsbunch5@jesusanswers.com10:17 AM

    Hello, here I am again at yet another site to win this book! I have been holding off buying it, because I would love to have an autographed copy of one of MaryLu's novels. Please enter me in the contest and God bless.

  12. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I'm still waiting to read my first Tyndall book, although she's on my watch list! Thank you for the chance to win.

  13. Great interview. The questions and answers were very interesting to read. For me personally, it draws the reader in to feel like you know a little bit about the author. Thanks :)!

  14. Tabitha2:20 PM

    Oh, this book sounds so good! I would love to be entered to win a copy! Thanks so much for the great writing!!! stc1125(at)yahoo(dot)com

  15. I would love to read this. Thanks so much for the interview and info. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

  16. Surrender the Heart sounds like a wonderful read and I love the cover art. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  17. I would love to be entered!:)

  18. Interesting book, interesting author. Enjoyed the interview.

  19. Looks like another great one from her. Great historical! :O)

  20. Can I come along when she meets all those celebrities? Great list:)

  21. Very intriguing! Sounds like a great read!!

  22. MaryLu is one of my favorite authors! I would love to win her newest release!

    mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com

  23. Right up my alley. Can't wait to read it.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  24. Enjoyed the review and this one is already on my must read list. Thanks for the chance to maybe WIN it!

  25. This book sounds wonderful. I would love to read this.

  26. Would love to read the book, the cover art is great!

    dancealert at aol dot com

  27. I hope to get a copy of this for my own Cassandra and then read it myself! Thanks for posting this interview and part of the book.

  28. Great story line. Added to my wish list..

    Pls add my name to draw.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  29. I really enjoyed the other books I have read by M L Tyndall. I hope I get to read this one soon.

  30. Sounds like a great book! Thanks for the chance.

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  31. please dont enter me just had to say I finished this book last night and it was soooooo good. I knew nothing about the 1812 war its not mentioned much if at all so was interesting hearing about it.

  32. Shayna11:34 AM

    Sounds like a great book, MaryLu Tyndall's books are always the greatest!!!

  33. Please enter me. I already have a copy but would love to win another to give to a friend. :)


  34. please count me in...thanks :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  35. Enjoyed the interview. I love her writing.

  36. Great interview. Historical fiction has become my new favorite:) I'd love to win.


  37. Can I join that cruise with you, Mary Lu? Sounds like fun. Good interview and I enjoyed the first page of the book, can certainly see there will be lots of humor as well as the tough moments in this story. Please add me to the giveaway. I appreciate the author giveaways and always hope to win.

    Sharing God's Love,
    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  38. Ooh, I love the names Marianne calls Noah-- "boor" and "churlish clod!"
    I am sure I would enjoy this book!

  39. I'd love to be included in this giveaway! The book sounds good!


  40. Sounds great...please enter me.

  41. Anonymous1:20 PM

    The book sounds good and the interview was interesting.

    Thank you for the giveaway.


  42. It sounds very interesting. I sure would love to read this.

    mmgilley104 at gmail dot com

  43. This book looks like a wonderful read. Please enter me into the contest.

    letrassantas at hotmail dot com

  44. please enter me! It sounds great!

    God bless!

    ~Katie G.

  45. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I would love to have this

  46. I'd love to win this book. Please enter me! Thank you.

