
Thursday, January 06, 2011

SEEK ME WITH ALL YOUR HEART - Beth Wiseman - Free Book

I'm thrilled to have my friend Beth Wiseman back with us. This book was chosen to be one of the Women of Faith books this year. What an honor! Welcome, Beth. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?

I tend to write about forgiveness the most. We all seem to know it’s the right thing to do, to forgive, but it doesn’t come easy sometimes. I also write characters who are on the fence so to speak. They sort of believe in God, but they don’t really have a relationship with Him, and it’s life-changing when they discover the friendship, that God isn’t just an idea or something we’ve been taught in church or Sunday School. He’s our best friend.

What other books of yours are coming out soon?

My next release will be book #5 in the Daughters of the Promise series—Plain Proposal. And in Oct. 2011, book #2 in the Land of Canaan series will release—The Wonder of Your Love. An Amish Wedding will release Dec. 2011, a collection of novellas by me, Kathleen Fuller, and Kelly Long. From there, I will be releasing my first women’s fiction book (non-Amish) tentatively titled Let Me Love You.

A lot is going on in your writing life. I'd love to feature all those books, too. If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?

This is always a tough question for me, and I’m sure I should pick someone else, but the same name always comes to mind. Donny Osmond. I guess I fell in love with him all over again on Dancing With the Stars, but it’s not just the dancing, the music, etc. He reminds me of simpler times—fresh cut grass in the 60s, helping my dad wash the car, playing baseball in the cul-de-sac, posters on the wall, friends, and let’s face it—he’s aged well! My husband took me to Las Vegas recently to see "Donny and Marie," and he kept his hand on mine the entire time. I’m pretty sure he was afraid I would storm the stage.

How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?

I believe that anyone can get published if they don’t give up. I was 45-years-old when I sold my first series to Thomas Nelson, and I have enough rejections to paper my walls. The turning point for me was when I realized that being a good storyteller is not enough. You have to master the craft of writing. And, the right manuscript has to land on the right editor’s desk…at exactly the right time. And on God’s timeframe, not ours.

That is so true. Tell us about the featured book.

Seek Me With All Your Heart follows a real-life trend—Amish making the trek to Colorado for cheaper land, more room for future generations, and in some cases…to flee strict bishops with long memories. My characters are both running from their past, hoping the distance will help erase their painful memories. What they find is a new beginning in the Land of Canaan filled with hope; that God longs to give them the desire of their hearts if only they will seek Him first. This first installment in the Land of Canaan series is the 2011 Women of Faith Book of the Year.

This sounds different from the other Amish novels I've read. Please give us the first page of the book.

Chapter One

Emily stood behind the counter of her family’s country store, watching as the tall man walked down each aisle, the top of his black felt hat visible above the gray metal shelving. First thing that morning, he’d strolled in and shot her a slow easy smile, white teeth dazzling against bronzed skin. He moved slowly, sometimes glimpsing in her direction.

Emily twisted the strings on her apron with both hands and tried to slow down her breathing. Her heart pulsed against her chest as she glanced out of the window toward her family’s farmhouse in the distance. Where is Jacob? Her brother knew she didn’t like to be left alone in the store, and he’d promised to be right back.

Their community was small, and all the members in the district knew each other, which was the only reason Emily agreed to work in the shop. But this Amish man was a stranger. And Amish or not, he was still a man.

Emily jumped when the man rounded the bread aisle toting a box of noodles in one hand and a can in the other. With the back of one hand, he tipped back his hat so that sapphire blue eyes blazed down on her. As he approached the counter, Emily clung to her apron strings and took a step backward.

“How come everything in this store is messed up?” Tiny lines creased his forehead as he held up a can of green beans with a large dent in one side. Then he held up the box of noodles. “And this looks like it’s been stepped on. It’s mashed on one side.” He dropped them on the counter, then folded his arms across his chest and waited for her to answer.

He towered over her. Emily stared straight ahead, not looking him in the eye. The outline of his shoulders strained against a black jacket that was too small. Her bottom lip trembled as she turned her head to look out the window again. When she didn’t see any sign of Jacob, she turned back to face the stranger, who looked to be about her age—maybe nineteen or twenty—which didn’t make him any less threatening. His handsome looks could be a convenient cover up for what lies beneath. She knew he was not a married man since he didn’t have a beard covering his square jaw, and his dark hair was in need of a trim.

I'm liking this already. How can readers find you on the Internet?,,, and on Facebook.

Thank you, Beth, for this wonderful interview. I look forward to seeing you at conference again.
Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment. Here’s a link.


  1. I am a HUGE Beth Wiseman fan! Wonderful Interview!

  2. Wow...what an interview. i want to win this book. Thanks, and i went to your blog.

  3. I am a big fan of Beth Wiseman and love her stories on Amish life. Having lived among the Amish her characters become real to me. I enjoyed the section on her new book and hope to read it someday. Thank you for the work you do, which brings joy to us readers when the authors are made real to us. Thank you.

  4. Great interview. I, also, love that Beth writes about characters that are "on the fence" with their faith. Her stories are a great reminder that we all need to let our faith consume all parts of our lives.

  5. Beth from Indiana8:21 AM

    Beth Wiseman is a wonderful author! I have to say she is one of the best Amish fiction authors I have ever seen! Her books are so inspiring and uplifting.

  6. JoEllen8:27 AM

    When you read Beth's books you feel like these are people you know, your neighbors, they become so real.

  7. Cookie Davis8:41 AM

    Great interview! Once you start reading one Beth's novels, it's hard to put it down! Can't wait for her next release.

  8. I love Beth Wiseman's books. From Western NY

  9. i can't wait to read this!

    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

  10. jennie9:42 AM

    thank you for the great interview! I realy enjoy Beth Wiseman booke!

  11. Anonymous9:43 AM

    sherri in iowa:
    I love Beth's books.The simple faith and love speaks to my heart. I highly recommend Beth's books and a trip to the Amana Colonies in Iowa.

  12. Sherry Shook9:52 AM

    I love Beth Wiseman's book. Great interview.

  13. Krystal Smith9:59 AM

    Great interview ... Love reading all your books Beth !
    Happy New Year !!

  14. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I can't say enough about Beth Wiseman, she is a great author of Amish fiction. Seek Me With All Your Heart is a must read.

  15. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Who, but, you can thrill readers with each of your books.
    Bless you,

  16. I loved this interview. Her books sound good.
    Buffalo, Mn

  17. I love to read about the Amish. Great interview. I also like Donny Osmond. :-)

  18. Huge fan!! Great Interview!

  19. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Wow! Thanks SO much for all these great comments! I love being a guest on Lena's blog. Hope everyone is having a great start to the New Year!

    Beth Wiseman

  20. Anonymous11:15 AM

    grI love beth books and wait for each new one........diane from wisconsin

  21. Love Beth Wiseman books! Great interview!

  22. Great interview.It made me want to read this book.

  23. Picturesque Monte Vista ... no better setting and the Amish details I love! Definitely a Wisemanite here!

  24. Can't wait to read this next book! Gotta find out what happens with all the characters in the Promise series. :)

    priviesandprims at yahoo dot com

  25. Lois Klobucher12:10 PM

    Beth is one of my FAVORITE Authors, she is so talented and this is a wonderful interview I really enjoyed it

  26. Big fan of Beth Wiseman! What a great interview! :)

  27. Karen Schulz12:37 PM

    Major Beth Wiseman fan! I have all the ones that are due out on hold thru my library. Your #1 fan in Janesville WI!!

  28. I, too, love Beth Wiseman's book. Thanks for the chance to win this one!

    I'm from PA!


  29. I'm in! From Ohio.

  30. Beth all your books are winners in my opinion! I am currently reading "Plain Paradise"--it's wonderful! I would love a chance to win the new one. Keep writing PLEASE.

  31. Roxanne Lewis (GA)3:36 PM

    I love Beth's books. She puts her faith, heart and soul into her writing. I haven't been able to read Seek Me With All Your Heart yet. I'd love to win!

  32. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Would love to win, The best thing I can say about forgiveness is itswe tend to forgive others easily but when it comes to forgiving ourselves I think we lack.

  33. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Love Beth Wiseman's books, and would love to win any one of them!

  34. God longs to give them the desire of their hearts if only they will seek Him first. What a powerful statement! So True! I can't wait to read SEEK ME WITH ALL YOUR HEART!

  35. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I love your books.. Am reading Amish Love now, finally got a copy. Hard to put down..Cheryl Callan.

  36. Love reading Beth's books. Would love to win a copy of Seek Me with All Your Heart.

  37. Marie Ferland6:44 PM

    What a great interview! The first page of the book sounds so intriguing, I can't wait to read it! You are a wonderful author Beth!

  38. Pam K.6:50 PM

    I've not read any books by Beth Wiseman but "Seek Me With All Your Heart" sounds like a good one to read. We are blessed with so many good authors of Christian fiction now. Thanks for the interview; I'd love to win this book.
    from Kansas

  39. Renee Mc7:32 PM

    This western Kentucky gal loves Beth Wiseman and would love to win this book. Great interview.

  40. I have not read any of Beth's books....but would love to. Thanks for the chance! From GA.

  41. I really enjoyed your interview with Beth and I would really love to read her book...
    Many thanks, Cindi

  42. Judy Cooper11:06 PM

    Would love to win this book. I always enjoy Beth's books.

  43. Ive seen this book around - it looks like a great read! Please count me in.

    Keep up the good work, Beth!!


    from Florida

  44. I like the fact that this book sounds different than other Amish novels. It sounds great. Please enter me.
    Carly in NC.

  45. Terrific interview. Thanks for the encouragement for those of us who have only had a taste of success with our writing. I'm looking forward to reading this book!!!

  46. Live in upstate NY. This sounds like a different Amish read and I would love to read it.


  47. I love Amish fiction and would love to win this book!

  48. Live in ND. Would love a chance to win thanks
    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  49. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I am a big fan of Beth Wiseman. I would love to win a copy of her book. Angela from Kentucky

  50. I really enjoyed this interview. I have read other books by Beth and I would love to win this book! I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Great way to introduce tension between the two potential love birds! I'd be scared even if I wasn't Amish at the man's question about the groceries!

  53. please count me in...thanks :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com
    from PA

  54. I am another fan of Beth and look forward to starting this new series. Thank you so much for the interview and chance to win Seek Me with All Your Heart.

    Atlanta, GA area

    cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

  55. I don't think I've ever read an Amish story = this looks really good
    I'm in Illinois
    msboatgal at

  56. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I so enjoy reading Amish Fiction and Beth Wiseman does a great, great job.. I am currently reading Seek me with All Your Heart and having a hard time putting it down.. Rosemary

  57. I enjoy reading Beth Wiseman and also Amish books. I would love to win this book! Thanks for the chance.

    Nancye in KY
    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth

  58. Anonymous3:56 PM

    I love all your books. Seek Me With All Your Heart touches me because I had to wait eight years to have my daughter, and I have not been able to have another child since. My husband was diagnosed with cancer two weeks prior to finding out we were expecting. God always shows up at the right time. I love the Englisher in this story as well. She is so funny! Enjoyed your interview!!!

  59. Please enter me! Great interview!

    dancealert at aol dot com

  60. Anonymous5:33 PM

    i love that interview please enter me tina henry

  61. Cindy Adams7:22 PM

    Hello! My name is Cindy and I'm from east-central Kentucky. I live in an Amish community and have a good friend who is Amish. I love reading Amish fiction and love Beth's books.

  62. I have been wanting to read her books. I live in S. California. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

  63. Mandy3:04 AM

    I love anything and everything "Beth Wiseman"! If she writes it, I read it! She inspires me so much by using the gift God has given her. I'm so glad she didn't ignore that special gift! This was a wonderful interview!

  64. Great interview! I enjoy reaeding Amish books so please add me to the drawing.


  65. I have never read a book on the Amish theme that I didn't like. This one will be no different. Thanks for the chance to win it!

  66. pamela6:46 AM

    i love beth wiseman great interview thanks

  67. Trudy6:46 AM

    Beth is a wonderbarr gut author!!! She is my favorite writer. I am so proud to be a Wisemanite!!!

  68. Anonymous7:00 AM

    My name is Tammy and I live in Mount Airy, NC. I love the Amish books. I have been wanting that book since I heard about it. I'd be thrilled to win it!

  69. Madison from Missouri7:01 AM

    i love Beth Wiseman's books they are amazing i would love to win but congrats to the winner

  70. A wonderful interview, Beth, and I love reading her books and am an avid fan of hers.

  71. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I've read "Seek Me with All Your Heart" Loved it!!! Just finished reading "An Amish Love" It was my favorite over all! Thank You so much Beth!! Proud to be a Wisemanite!!!

  72. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I've read "Seek Me with All Your Heart" Loved it!!! Just finished reading "An Amish Love" It was my favorite over all! Thank You so much Beth!! Proud to be a Wisemanite!!!

  73. Beth i just love your books. Please don't' stop writing.

  74. Great interview, can't wait to read the book! Ontario, Canada

  75. Just found your site, and am anxious to read one of your books!! I am not a big reader but LOVE TO WRITE!!

  76. One of the popular statements we hear often is "I love Amish stories." That's the way I feel too. Thanks for offering this book for giveaway and for the chance to win this sweet book. I hope I do win.

    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. One of the popular statements we hear often is "I love Amish stories." That's the way I feel too. Thanks for offering this book for giveaway and for the chance to win this sweet book. I hope I do win.

    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  79. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I love to read your books. I used to share my books with my aunt until she passed away last March. Now I share with my friend. Thank you for shareing your talent with us. May GOD BLESS you always.

  80. Beth I just finished "Plain Paradise"--what a beautiful story.
    Also I agree with Linda & Josie in their love of meatloaf. That is one of my favorites, too. My grandmother, mother & I always used the same ingredients, but each tasted differently. So I understand completely why Josie likes Mary Ellen's better than hers.

  81. I agree with Lena. This sounds like a reaaly unique book about the Amish. Please enter me to win.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  82. I love Beth's books and have been wanting this one!

    Michelle V of Texas

  83. I love the different setting in CO, I'd love to win Seek Me With All Your Heart.
    Merry in TX

  84. I love your books!!! Such a different setting. Thank you! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com

  85. Beth
    I discovered your books recently and have fallen in love with the characters of the books I have read so far starting with Lillian and Samuel. I long for the love of a man that loves God the way these men do. I am looking forward to reading the other books. I am hooked.

  86. I LOVE Beth Wiseman books! I live in KS

  87. i left a comment the second and didn't tell you i was living in Arizona! hope it still counts

  88. I just finished my first Beth Wiseman Book. I picked it up on Friday, and as the mother of a toddler, that is a feat! LOL I currently live in Pensacola, FL.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Oooooh.... this sounds like another interesting read! Congratulations it being chosen as one of the Women of Faith books of the year - what an honor and what a blessing. Enjoyed the interview and look forward to reading the book. HUGS... Christie in SE Nebraska

  91. Would love a chance to win a copy! Thank you!

  92. I am 48 yrs old and I have always hated to read. Some gave me one of your books to read to our residents at the nursing home I work at, and I couldn't put the book down. I am now on a 3rd book of yours and I have been on line looking for another book of yours. Thank you so much for bringing a love of reading to me. I truly love your books and I am so glad to have found a type of reading that I care about.

  93. What a great interview. I would love to win this book. Sunny

  94. This was such a great interview! I loved reading about Beth and getting to know her better! She has a lot of new books coming out which I'm excited to read! Thanks for the chance to win!

  95. I am LOVING reading amish fiction atm, and would love to have another book to read esp one by Beth Wiseman.

  96. Debbie12:08 PM

    I love to read about the Amish. I feel like in some ways that I live very much like them. Always am looking for a good book to read.

  97. Great Interview. I agree Donny has aged well! I loved your books and I wonder how you publish so many, but thank you so much for that! Karen

  98. Just finished "Seek me with all your heart." I loved it. I loved Emily and David. Terrific work. I can't wait to read what happens to Katie though. That was sad.

    I've read all the Plain series and have ordered your newest one, Plain Proposal just today.
