
Sunday, March 06, 2011

PLAIN PROPOSAL - Elizabeth Wiseman - Free Book

Glad to have you back, Beth. Tell us about your salvation experience.

There hasn’t been a specific defining moment in my salvation experience—it’s been more of an ongoing journey that continues with each breath I take. But I did have an experience so personal and profound that it changed everything about me, and that light continues to shine in my heart, and hopefully in my writing.

You’re planning a writing retreat where you can only have four other authors. Who would they be and why?

Oh, Lena…this is such an unfair question. There are SO many! But I suppose I would choose my fellow writers at – Kathy Fuller, Barbara Cameron, Kelly Long, and our former member, Amy Clipston. We’ve never all met in person, so it would be a super treat!

Do you have a speaking ministry? If so, tell us about that.

I don’t do a lot of speaking, but when I do, I pray a lot that someone will be positively affected by my words—and my books. Some of my readers are folks who are on the fence about God, angry at God, or searching for God. If one person is moved toward Him by something I’ve said or written, then I have done my job.

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it?

How much blog space do you have, Lena? LOL… I’ll just give you my most recent embarrassing moment (you might have heard about it!). At the last ACFW Conference after the awards ceremony, I spilled a COLD full drink in Allen Arnold’s lap. Pretty much the entire beverage landed in his lap. For those who don’t know, Allen is the ‘top dog’ at Thomas Nelson Publishers and my boss. I tried to make amends by sending him a bottle of Texas hot sauce since I’d been told he loved hot sauce. His response—“Thank you so much for the hot sauce, but you are SO wrong if you think that will get you off the hook. You will be living this down for many years.” Gotta love him. :-)

I guess I missed that at the banquet. Wish I had seen it. People are always telling me that they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you, too. What would you tell someone who came up to you and said that?

Everyone has a book in them. Just do it!

Tell us about the featured book.

Plain Proposal is book #5 in the Daughters of the Promise series. It is a different kind of Amish story, and I loved writing it. Here’s the back cover copy:

Miriam secretly vows to follow Saul no matter what the future holds.

But she never thought that future might take them away from their Amish community.

Miriam Raber could have her pick of any of the eligible bachelors in Lancaster County. But she only has eyes for one . . . Saul Fisher. He captured her heart years ago, and she’s never looked back. Even when rumors circulate that Saul may leave their Amish community to pursue a once-in-a-lifetime apprenticeship, Miriam makes a bold assertion: she will stand by him, whether he stays or he goes, though she knows this decision could break her family’s heart.

Saul Fisher has experienced an inordinate amount of loss in his short life. Saul is raising his two brothers and caring for a grieving father who privately seeks solace in the comfort of his homemade wine. Saul has kept his father’s drinking from the community, but if he leaves Lancaster, the burden of secrecy will be left to his young brothers. How does he balance this with the dream that burns bright within him?

As Miriam and Saul consider leaving their lives behind, God starts revealing things to Miriam that make her think twice about what it means to be a Daughter of the Promise, and what it means to make a home.

Experience this love story with a surprising resolution by one of the most popular voices in Amish fiction.
Includes Reading Group Guide and Old Order Amish Recipes

Sounds intriguing. Please give us the first page of the book.

Miriam stepped back and admired the matching quilts lying on the twin beds in her room. Gifts from her grandmother before she died. The pastel circles of yellow, powder blue, and pink were framed by a simple blue border in a traditional double wedding-ring pattern. They were finally making a debut—just in time for company.

“Your room looks nice.” Mamm walked in carrying a wicker basket filled with towels to be folded. “Your mammi would be pleased that you saved her quilts for a special occasion.” She glanced at the white vase full of pink roses on the nightstand and smiled. “Ach, fresh flowers too.”

Her mother unloaded the towels onto Miriam’s bed, and they each reached for one as Mamm’s eyes traveled around the room. When her mother nodded an approval, Miriam grinned.

“When will she be here?”

Mamm placed a folded blue towel on top of Miriam’s green one. “Not for a couple of hours. Your daed hired a driver, and they went to go pick her up at the airport.”

What a good hook! How can readers find you on the Internet?,
‘Fans of Beth Wiseman’ on Facebook,,

Thanks so much for having me, Lena!

The pleasure is all mine, Beth.
Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment. Here’s a link.


  1. I love the Daughters of Promise series and can't wait to read this one.

    Thanks so much!

    Colletta from Pennsylvania

  2. I love this series. Please enter me.
    Brittanie, Deep South

  3. Marie Ferland5:29 AM

    I would love to win this book, the series is just awesome! Enter me please!


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Jeff Frame5:40 AM

    We here in West Virginia love Beth and her books. They take me back to a simpler time when things seemed more real and heart warming.

  6. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Beth, I haven't read a book of yours that I could put down yet!! ANd Yes, the Daughters of Promise series is GREAT!!

    Have a great day!

    Linda, Ohio

  7. Sarah R.5:41 AM

    I have loved all of the Plain series and am really looking forward to reading Plain Proposal!

  8. Beth is one of the few authors who write Amish fiction that I really enjoy. Her books are more realistic and less "romanticizing" the lifestyle than other Amish fiction authors out there.

    Deborah in VA

  9. Each Daughters of Promise book seems like it is the best...but in fact, they have all been soul satisfying fiction! Linda from Lithopolis (OH)

  10. Oh I can't wait to read this series!! I'm super excited about Amish books and this book looks so good! Thanks for the chance to win!
    Kari in Oregon

  11. I have read all of Beth Wisemen's books and cannnot wait to read this one!


  12. I've read all the other books in this series and can't wait to read this one - it would be great to win one! I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

  13. Thank you for printing your interview with Beth Wiseman. I have all books of the series and can't wait to read "Plain Proposal". I love Beth's books and hope she'll write many, many more.

  14. Karen6:08 AM

    I can't wait to read this book! Enter me please.

    Karen from Ohio

  15. I am a big Wisemanite, and would love to win this book. :-) (I have all the others in the Daughters of Promise series and have been waiting to start them til this one came out so I can read them all in order, back to back. LOL) Thanks for the chance!

    Snowflakes2Hotcakes, Georgia

  16. i have been reading books by Elizabeth Wiseman and i love them all. would love to win and review this one. Thanks for the chance, and also the interview.
    i am in Arizona

  17. I'd sure love to read this one! I live in Pensacola, FL

  18. I have enjoyed reading your books. They bring to life the lives of the Amish. I look forward to your next books.

  19. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I have enjoyed the "Daughters of Promise" series. I am looking forward the "Plain Proposal. It would be delightful if I won this book.

    (Lila from Iowa)

  20. I love this series! Please enter me. Thanks!

    Erin from Virginia

  21. Beth you are a very Blessed writer and write amazing books.I am very Thankful to get to read them. Thank you Dawn Brazee

  22. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I love Beth's books!! Please enter me for a chance to win.

    Sherry from North Carolina

  23. I have read all of the previous books. I would love to win a copy of Plain Proposal. I am a hugh fan.

  24. Larry K8:38 AM

    Great books from a very creative writer. The Daughters of the Promise series is so enjoyable. Every character is so neat. Yes, Beth is my favorite author. I am so blessed to of 'tripped' over Beth's brilliant books. Thanks!

    Larry from Illinois

  25. I, too, have read the whole series and would love to win this! Just read Seek Me With All Your Heart a few months ago, (the first in another series for those who don't know)and WOW...loved it!! I hope God will bless me to win; I don't believe in luck.:)
    South Carolina

  26. I just started to read amish books and really enjoy them
    I'm in Illinois
    msboatgal at

  27. I must say I haven't read any books by Elizbeth Wiseman..yet. Plain Proposal sounds like a wonderful read. After reading the comments of others, it's obvious Ms. Wiseman has a great fan base. Would love to be entered to win a copy of Plain Propasal.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W. from Auburn, Indiana


  28. Please enter me in the contest. I have read all of Beth's book except this one. She's the best.

    Debbie from Oklahoma

  29. Judy B10:45 AM

    I have read all of Beth's books and have never been disappointed. She is a fantastic writer and I do love the Daughters of Promise series. I can't wait to read Plain Proposal. God Bless!

    Judy B from Indiana

  30. I'm so intrigued by this book. I think I'll have to go get the rest of the series, too.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  31. I have read all of Beth's other books. I can't wait to read this one. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  32. lpgrannie@yahoo.com12:05 PM

    I cannot wait to read this. I love the Daughters of Promise series.

    I live in Ohio. We have a few Amish people who live 25 miles or so from us. We are in south central Ohio.

    Cheri H.

  33. i love the Daughters of promise series and i love the interview i would love to win but congrats to the winner

  34. I would love to be entered! :)


  35. lanore1:08 PM

    Ok Beth, So now I am hooked on this one, just from reading that little part. Can't wait to get mine or maybe even win it. Enter me plz. Thanks. <3

  36. Kristin Jager3:21 PM

    Beth, I have not yet read this book, but I have read other books from the Daughters of the Promise series. I am also currently reading Seek Me with all your Heart. I truly love all the novels you write and cannot wait to read Plain Proposal. You are a blessing Beth to all your fans!! Kristin J. from North East (

  37. Love the Daughters of Promise series & all of the other books from Beth. Looking forward to reading this one. E. Jordan from Iowa

  38. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Love your books and hope to win this one.
    Rosemary Travis

  39. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Wow, wow, wow! THANK YOU all for your comments. I am SO blessed and pray that God will continue to guide my hand and bless me with stories to tell. Thank you all for reading them!

    Beth Wiseman

  40. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I love Beth's books. I would love to win a copy of this book.
    Angela from Kentucky

  41. Love this series:) Please enter my name for a chance to win #5!

    Lorna from Alberta


  42. Anonymous9:22 PM

    l love he books!! Jennie T. frome Washingtom

  43. There are always so many comments in Beth Wiseman giveaways that I was wondering if you could pick 20 lucky winners? jk lol! Everyone loves Beth!

  44. Love Beth Wiseman books! This one doesn't look to be the exception to that!

  45. Patsy6:06 AM

    I love these kinds of books! Would love to read this one. I know it will be great.
    From the Bible Belt


  46. So excited about this series!

    Ft. Stewart

  47. Donna7:09 AM

    I would love to win Plain Proposal. I love reading about the Amish by Beth Wiseman. She is a great author!

  48. Iwould love to receive this book. I have read the others & LOVE them. My husband & I both read them. I can't wait to read this one. I know it has to be good.

  49. Can't wait to read book 5 in my favorite series!

    Sarasota. FL

  50. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I love reading Beth's Amish stories. I hope to go back to Amish country someday. Please enter me in your contest for the new book.
    Thank you. Sheila P.

  51. I have read the other 4 books in this series. I'd love to win this book thanks.

    live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  52. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I love all books written by Beth, she is an awesome reader and helped me to believe again, thank you Beth.... please enter me into the contest
    Carol Evirs Quinn
    Taunton, Ma.

  53. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I love reading your books and I would love to win your book! Bonnie from Monroe Michigan

  54. I would love to win a Copy of Plain Proposal!

  55. Please enter me! I love Amish stories.

    I am a follower

    I'm a subsciber

    Brenda from Michigan
    dancealert at aol dot com

  56. Love Beth's books! Please enterme in this contest.
    Mary B. from Western NY, USA

  57. Emily8:20 AM

    Awesome giveaway! Please enter me!



  58. Debbie8:21 AM

    I love Beth's books. She's gifted!
    Sign me up!


    Long Island, NY

  59. Looks like a good read. Can't wait to see who wins!


  60. Lois Klobucher8:23 AM

    I love this series and I would love to win a copy of this book Thank You

  61. Jocelyn Oakley8:23 AM

    I love your books, I own every one of them :] Please enter me in the contest! My names Jocelyn Oakley from Hallstead, Pennsylvania :]

  62. Hannah8:23 AM

    I love your daughters of the promise series! It is one of my favorites. She has been blessed with a gift for writing. My email is

  63. I cannot wait to read this next book in the series! Please never stop sharing your gift with us!

  64. I love the "Daughters of the Promise" series and would love to win this book. Thank you for the opportunity.

    from Kentucky

  65. Tresea Wallis8:35 AM

    It would be wonderful to win one of your wonderful books!! Keep up the good work!!

  66. Kyla S8:35 AM

    i love this series! cant wait to read this one :)

  67. Cant wait to get this book and read it!

  68. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I love this series of books. I can't wait to get the new one to read. I love all your books.

  69. Joanna8:40 AM

    Love your books. Hoping to read this one too!!

    Joanna from Indiana

  70. Congratulations to whoever the winner will be!! I live in hour south of a large Amish Community...we love making our trips through there. Have a Blessed week!!

  71. Amazing series I cannot wait to read the next book!

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Winning Plain Proposal would be thrilling. I love Beth Wiseman's books about the Amish because reading them provides a kind of link to this transplanted Ohioan.
    Kaye Whitney from Miami, Florida

  74. Love her books! I would loveto win! :)
    Shara from Maine

  75. Danielle Cunningham8:56 AM

    Go Beth! Congrats on your success!

  76. kym amaral8:58 AM

    I am really looking forward to reading your books ! I have to admit to being new to your writing, but have books requested at the library !

    All the best, with your new book :)

  77. Thanks for the opportunity to win Plain Proposal! I so enjoy reading your books!

  78. I would love a chance to win your new book!!!

  79. I love this series!!! please enter me in the contest.

  80. This book sounds wonderful- thanks for the entry! :-)

  81. oops!- forgot to write location - Michigan

  82. This was a wonderful series and I love Beth Wiseman! Can't wait to read the newest book! Enter me in to WIN!!

  83. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I would love to win your book, as I just started reading Amish fiction and have not had the opportunity to read any of your books yet. Have a great day Elizabeth.

  84. Niki RM9:42 AM

    Beth's books are the best! It is so refreshing to read books that aren't filled with violence and foulness. Keep writing, please!

  85. jinnie9:50 AM

    I love the series and please enter me in the drawing. Thank you for sharing your gift of writing with us. You have clamied many a heart through your books. I love sharing my books with friends that have never read them. God Bless You

  86. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Beth Wiseman is an exceptional writer... and to win a signed copy of Plain Proposal would be an honor!!
    Donna from Colorado

  87. I can't wait to read the new book for "The Daughters of Promise" series. I always look forward to a book by Beth Wisemen. Thank you so much for all the books you have written. Best of wishes and God bless!! :)

    ~ Gillian from Kansas.

  88. I love all of your books and would love to win one and can't wait to read it.Thanks!!!

    Jamie from Missouri

  89. From upstate New York. Love Beth's books.

  90. Can't wait to read this one! I'm going to have to have my hubby build a new bookshelf for all my amish fiction! :)

  91. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Enjoy the style of writing.
    Brenda from Indiana

  92. Linda Uhls11:19 AM

    Beth is such a anointed author and I love her books. I'm so glad she is still writing more and can't wait to read them. Please enter me for a chance to win "Plain Proposal".

  93. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I love the Daughters of Promise series. I would love to win a copy of your book

  94. I would love to win a copy of Plain Proposal. Beth, is an awesome author.

  95. Please enter me for a chance to win this book.

  96. I have really loved Daughters of Promise and CANNOT wait to read Plain Proposal!!! God has blessed you with a wonderful talent.

    Barbara in Covington, LA

  97. Dara K12:57 PM

    I've read all of your books so far Beth and would love to win one!

    Dara from PA

  98. I love your books and I can;t wait to ready this one. Please enter me.

    Cassi from Alabama

  99. I would love to win this book. Please enter me.

    Judylynn in Tennessee

  100. I love Beth Wiseman!!


  101. Anne Goemmer K2:16 PM

    I have read all of your books, Beth. Can't wait to read the next one in the series!!!

  102. Anne Goemmer K2:18 PM

    I have read all of your books, Beth. Can't wait to read the next one in the series!!!

  103. I'd love to be included in the giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

    ~ Katy
    from Florida

  104. I would love to win! Thank you.

    Katie S, Montana

  105. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I love reading your books and would love to win this one!!! I'm looking forward to reading this series.....

  106. Love Beth Wiseman's books, hope to win this one..

    Mona in Ohio


  107. I can't wait to read this one! Love Beth's books.

    Anne, rural NC

  108. Lisa B4:26 PM

    I have read all of Beth's books and can't wait to read this one.

    Lisa B., Texas

  109. Hello and I am from Michigan!! I love all of the Daughter's Of The Promise series and have been waiting "patiently" for this one..
    Thanks for the chance to win and agisn I am from Michigan. "The Great lake State".. :-)

  110. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I'm just finishing Plain Perfect and look forward to reading the rest of the series. Having a signed copy could just be icing on the cake of life. Keep up the writing. Aloha from AZ.
    Desiree M.

  111. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I absolutely love the Amish authors and their inspiring books.
    I would love to win a copy of the book

    Thanks !!
    Donna from Texas

  112. would love to read beth's masterpiece..thanks for the chance :)

    karenk (from pa)
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  113. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I love Amish fiction probably because of the good hearted people in the books. I haven't read one of your books yet. Maybe this will be my first!
    B. from TN

  114. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Love your books! It would be great to win this new one---can't wait to get it!

  115. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I love all of Beths books. Anxious for the new book to read..I would love a chance to win

  116. I have all of Beth's books so far. I enjoy them very much and am looking forward to Plain Proposal.

  117. I am so excited for this new book ... I have read all Beth's books and Love them !
    Good Luck everyone !

  118. I am so excited for this book. I have read all of Beth's books and Love them!
    Good Luck everyone :-)

  119. Jackie Tessnair7:07 PM

    Please enter me.....I would love to win and read this book...thanks and God Bless.Jackie Tessnair in N.C.

  120. I really enjoy Beth's books and would love to win a copy. Thank you for the opportunity to enter.

    Kathy Faberge

  121. Great Series, Elizabeth!
    Please count me in...
    Thanks, Cindi

  122. Love your books! Please enter me

    Thanks alot!

    Kathy from Maryland

  123. Anonymous10:19 PM

    I would love the chance to start this series! Please consider me in the contest. Kerri Arredondo

  124. Judy Cooper12:21 AM

    It's a treat to read Beth Wiseman's novels. I'm looking forward to reading Plain Proposal here in Southwest Louisiana. It would be great to win it. Thanks

  125. I really would like this book. I love all the amish books.


  126. Ihave read all four of the Daughters of Promise series and am anxiously waiting for Plain Proposal, I love Beth's writing, some of her messages have brought me thur some heavy trials this past year and I thank her for sharing her beautiful gift with us and helping me to keep fighting for our Lord.. I would love to win a copy of her book, thank you soooo
    much, blessings and hugs and prayers,

    Marti from Tennessee

  127. I just started to reading The Daughters of the Promise Series. Finished "Plain Perfect" and Loved it. I love reading novels that have many series. It keeps the stories going and keeps the reading that much more enjoyable. As a little girl I have been so intrigued by the Amish. When I read your books..they come alive in my thoughts and I can't put the book down till I finish it. Thanks so much..You are truly gifted and very Blessed.
    Laura, from Michigan

  128. Please enter me in the drawing. I would love to read this. Obviously, from all the entries you are receiving you get the idea that Beth is a very talented and popular author.

    Cherie from Florida

  129. please enter me =)
    janackeh - Grayson, GA

  130. This sounds fantastic!
    Please enter me
    Kristen from WA

  131. My daughters and I have loved amish fiction for years. We have just recently stumbled upon Beth's books, and they are by far the best we have read! Please enter us in the drawing, thanks!

    Sue K. from Minnesota

  132. I love her books! She is so talented! I have wanted to read this book ever since I heard it was coming out!

    (Beth from Indiana)

    My email is

  133. Please enter me. I love Amish fiction and this one has a different twist than most. Sounds interesting!
    Narita - Oklahoma

  134. My daughters I and love Beth's books. My middle daughter really loves how the characters get into a situation that only God can help them out of. Thanks Beth for wholesome books I can read with my girls!


  135. Beth Eiseman is wonderful reading her books is so insitgul and relaxing always ready for her next nook long before it comes out Cheryl Sanger TX

  136. I think the story of Miriam and Saul looks very good. Thanks for the first page look at Plain Proposal.
    Julie from MN

  137. I love the Daughters of Promise books--what a great mini-series they would make!!! Meanwhile I have read three so far, and they are worded as such that I feel like I am part of the books!!! It is sooo hard to put them down!!!!! Susan, A North Carolina Southern Gal!!!!

  138. Judy B4:27 AM

    I just love Beth Wiseman! She is a fantastic writer and I have read everything she has written. I can't wait to read a Plain Proposal!


    Judy B from Indiana

  139. I've read all the other books, and can't wait to read this one! Please enter me into the drawing.

    Kristen, TX

  140. 139 comments. This must be some book! Makes me think I should check it out. :)
    Ann Lee Miller
    Gilbert AZ

  141. I want to read this. I live in So. California
