
Monday, March 07, 2011

REDEEMING LIBERTY - Diane and David Munson - 2 Free Books (Thanks, Munsons)

Welcome back, Diane and David. My husband just finished reading one of your other books, and just started the second one we have. He loves reading your work. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?

In the last five years, five of our High-Velocity suspense novels have been published, the most recent being Redeeming Liberty. Each one of our thrillers reveals an aspect of one of our cases or true events. We’ve showcased international terrorism, the deepening relationship between Mexican drug cartels and Hezbollah (now in the news), the Kennedy assassination, Chinese espionage linked to the birth of Christ, and now modern-day slavery. We have explored themes of forgiveness, God’s protection in difficult circumstances, and what happens when the accused man federal agent Eva Montanna is investigating, is from her church (Facing Justice).

For the future, readers want to read and we want to share more about our CIA hero, Bo Rider and how he continues to be influenced by the growing faith of his wife, Julia. Also, we hope to acquaint readers with certain ancestors of our ICE heroine, Eva Montanna, particularly her grandfather, Marty VanderGoes, who readers know helped hide Jewish people in the Netherlands during WWII. Eva is helping Marty write his memoirs so look for some historical flavor in future novels. Mostly, we strive to write what God seems to be showing us. Each day we aim to listen for His still, small voice.

Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?

Isn’t it amazing how much time writing takes? As a result, we’re not reading for pleasure as much as we’d like and have created new habits. We toss in an audio book as we drive for research or book signings. But, some things never change, such as Diane’s love of classics by Jane Austen and George MacDonald.

In fashioning our novels, we conduct a fair amount of research, so we divide up subjects and delve into separate topics. This takes up much of our reading time. For example, Redeeming Liberty touches on human trafficking so David stays current on that subject and what is happening in Sudan with the election. As we season our novels with tomorrow’s headlines and meet folks on our travels, we are inspired to remain in God’s Word, gathering His strength to face each day in these tumultuous times. On a final note, we read about writing to keep honing our craft.

I understand what you're saying about not getting to read for fun as much as you used to. What are you working on right now?

It’s classified! Well, okay, here’s the declassified version of the upcoming, Rider’s Storm: CIA Agent Bo Rider faces the storm of his life. What we have planned for him hasn’t been revealed yet—either to him or the public—so please stay tuned. Hint: We are waist deep in a Middle East conflict. Hopefully, the contents of our next thriller will be declassified by the time of publication ….

If it is, please let us feature it on this blog. What outside interests do you have?

Thanks for this question. It’s critical that we tear ourselves away from pen and pad and the computer. David enjoys marketing our writing and has created a “fan page” for us on Facebook and Twitter. He’s launched into writing scripts for our videos/book trailers and has put our first two novels into e-book format. David was an NCIS agent early in his career and we now enjoy watching those TV episodes. David still has his love for flying. At the sound of an aircraft overhead, you’ll see him with his eyes fixed on the skies. Besides trying out new recipes for healthier eating, Diane spends time trying to convince David that they are good for him. His tastes tend toward saturated fats and high fructose corn syrup, but he’s learning to enjoy avocado and artichokes. Diane just learned scrapbooking from a real pro and has fun documenting travels and events. We both love digging into our family genealogies and want to preserve these histories on CDs for family members. We both love hiking and taking photographs of nature. Today we got to see diving ducks and American coots and listen to their quirky sounds. We wonder just what they are saying.

How do you choose your settings for each book?

Our fiction is “factional” because we base our thrillers on our careers in law and law enforcement. As some readers know, David was an undercover DEA agent and Diane is an attorney. David traveled to foreign countries where he deceived international drug smugglers who didn’t know his true identity. Some of our settings take place in these countries. Also, we enjoy creating plots in places where we’ve spent time, such as on short term mission trips around the globe. Because better communication and increased travel are shrinking our world, much of the crime impacting America involves foreign countries. We write what we know, but we also go where crime and intrigue flourish to bring readers a realistic picture of the fight for law and justice. Also, we season in courtroom dramas, the Washington D.C. area where we lived for many years, and other parts of America that we love to visit. If we show up in your town, you could find your streets in one of our thrillers!

If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?

David – Martin Luther, a man of great convictions and guts.

Diane – The Apostle Paul’s life changed after meeting the Lord Jesus on a road to Damascus. A lawyer and writer who wrote many epistles and books of the Bible, he began the early Christian church and was used mightily by God.

What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?

Novels on the shelves of bookstores don’t sell themselves. The process requires us as authors to promote and convince readers to buy that book. Publishers expect authors to sell at least 50 percent or even more of total sales. It’s a tremendous amount of work. We are fortunate we can travel and labor together.

What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?

That worshiping and following Him comes first, then writing. When we appear at events in stores, libraries and churches, we meet folks who are in dire need of prayer and God’s healing touch in their lives. The writing is secondary to the greater good. We want to live smack dab in the center of God’s will. That is hard as our eyes and hearts tend to dwell on aspects of the business, such as the number of books sold. Our Heavenly Father promises us in Jeremiah 29:11 that He knows the plans He has for us, plans to give us hope and a future. Thank you Lord, from whom all blessings flow!

What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?

Pray without ceasing. If God is for you, who can be against you?

Don’t be too influenced by critique partners. One size does not fit all. So believe in what God is gifting you to do.

Attend at least one writer’s conference in your area. That is where we met our first publisher. The contacts you make may last a lifetime. Immersing yourself with others who love writing will inspire and challenge you.

Tell us about the featured book.

In Redeeming Liberty, a young woman in a Sudanese village took the name Liberty while in a refugee camp waiting to immigrate to the U.S. Although other lost Sudanese children fled to the U.S., Liberty returned to her village where many adults had been murdered or taken into slavery by rebel militias. Now, years later she agrees to marry, Wally a boy from her village, who lives in the U.S. Before that happens, Liberty is kidnapped by a raiding party and sold into slavery to a country that plots against Israel and the U.S. Federal probation officer, Dawn Ahern, risks her life and job trying to save Liberty. When she does, only CIA agent Bo Rider can help, and he is shocked to discover a weapon is being developed that is even more dangerous than a nuclear bomb. As readers turn the pages, they glimpse not only tomorrow’s headlines, but also the truth that in Jesus Christ, our liberty is eternal. Men, women, and teens will enjoy the international intrigue, legal drama, which delivers a healthy dash of romance.

Sounds just like a book I'd love to read. I'll move it to the top of my to-be-read pile. Please give us the first page of the book.

Dawn Ahern couldn’t have dreamed of a more picturesque afternoon for a May wedding. Lofty breezes played Cupid with her warm cheeks, ruffling her hair. Surely a master painter had dipped the Potomac River gold and crimson for the occasion. But neither the shimmering water nor gently rolling green hills meant anything to her.

Everyone was inside, but not the most important man. Dawn fought back fear something terrible had happened to him. She hurried on her silver pumps toward the glass doors of Grace Church, stopping to gaze down Lyon Street, expecting to see his car come roaring up any moment. Her emotions spiked—he was nowhere to be seen.

She shielded her eyes against the bright sun, straining to see beyond the corner. Fingering the white rose that adorned her long black hair, Dawn didn’t know what to do. Sounds of quiet music from inside the sanctuary drifted past. She must go in!

Dawn yanked open the door, and in spite of apprehension bubbling inside her, she glided into the narthex where the sweet smell of roses was overpowering. Red and violet light streamed through stained glass windows, showcasing the altar at the end of a carpeted aisle. Everything was beautiful, yet nothing was right. Where was Griff Topping?

Family and close friends jostled in narrow wooden pews, trading whispers, and Dawn caught a snippet: “The groom’s not here.” Then a powerful hand seized her shoulder. “You do look stunning.”

Her heart quickening, Dawn whirled to face Griff, the man she loved.

“Why are you so late?” she asked, no joy lifting her smile.

Did he have second thoughts about being here?

“A bank robbery kept me up all night,” Griff grumbled, blowing out an uneven sigh. “I’m beat, but glad I made it. Where do you want me?”

He leaned over, planting a welcome kiss on her cheek. To quiet her beating heart, she playfully nudged him away.

“It’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. That also goes for bridesmaids.”

How can readers find you on the Internet?

Please visit our website where you can sign up for our free quarterly email newsletter and where we often host contests. Readers can find us on Facebook and Twitter. Here are all our links. God Bless you all.!/pages/Diane-and-David-Munson/143446772367345

Thank you so much for stopping by Diane and David.

Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment. Here’s a link.


  1. This book looks so interesting and I haven't read these authors before. I love to discover a new favorite!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

    Colletta in Pennsylvania


  2. Liked the video. Thanks for sharing, the book looks like a great read.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  3. Great interview. Thanks for the chance to win the book.
    Debbie in Michigan
    bigpinelodge at gmail dot com

  4. I love legal thrillers...would love to read this book:) My husband and I both love adventures:)

    Please enter my name for a chance to win this book!

    Lorna from Alberta


  5. Lena - Redeeming Liberty is based on the lives of several of our friends who are "Lost Boys and Girls from Sudan" who survived starvation and wild animals as they fled Sudan. Now some are returning from the U.S. to serve as missionaries. Please pray for "Wally" and the others like him. We are contributing a second copy of "Redeeming Liberty" to the drawing, so please continue to comment.

  6. Sounds like the type of novel I'd enjoy. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.

    Debbie from Arkansas

  7. Oh, can't wait to read this book.

    Lourdes in Long Island, NY

  8. I have been entering giveaways hoping to win this book:) Please enter me!! Thanks so much from Nauvoo, IL.


  9. this book looks good. Please enter me thanks

    live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  10. This book looks great - please count me in!

    ~ Katy
    from Florida

  11. I would love to read this book.

    Linda in California

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  12. Would love to win this book.

    Mona in Ohio

  13. Pam K.5:03 PM

    This sounds like a fabulous book! I haven't yet read any books by these authors but I think I need to put them on my list of "to read."
    Thanks for making me aware of these books.


  14. thanks for the chance to read this novel :)

    karenk (from pa)
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  15. I would love to read this fascinating couple's book!
    Suspense is one of my favorite
    Many thanks, Cindi

  16. Looks great! The authors are new to me, so I'd love a chance to read this.

    Jordan in SC


  17. Absolutely love thrillers that are work-related! Plus I love to read "new" authors to me. Please enter me.
    Linda in MN

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  18. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I would love to win a copy of this book. Angela from Kentucky

  19. Oh this books looks amazing! Can't wait to read it. Thanks for the chance to win!
    Kari in Oregon

  20. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Just signed up for your site, please enter me in this contest to win one of your books....Thanks


  21. I'd like to win it
    northeastern Ohio

  22. The book looks interesting and I haven't read either of these authors before. Count me in!
    I subscribe to your blog by email.

    dancealert at aol dot com

    Brenda in Michigan

  23. Thankyou, Lena, Diane and David for a chance to win your books. Thrillers are what i love to read but i will read anything i can get my hands on! and now that i blog about books, i feel better about reading every minute, because i feel i am redeeming the time by telling others about these great books! mitzi_wanham{at}yahoo[dot}com

  24. Great first page, I really want to keep reading! Thanks for the info and chance to win from MN!

  25. Redeeming Liberty sounds like a book that I would truly enjoy. Thank you so very much for the chance to win a copy.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W. from Indiana


  26. I'd love to win a thriller.
    Ann Lee Miller
    Gilbert AZ

  27. I really want to read this. I live in So. California
