Thursday, November 10, 2011

JOURNEY'S END - Dora Hiers - Free Book

Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
Only an occasional character trait. Why would I want to stare at myself for two hundred pages?

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
Does joining Facebook count? No? OK. How about allowing my husband to talk me into driving into Canada during one of our many vacations—without a passport or birth certificate! It took two hours, constant prayer, an interrogation, and a few phone calls to reenter the US.

When did you first discover that you were a writer?
When my son started middle school and didn’t want me hanging out at school with him anymore. I know, I know. Sad, isn’t it? An avid inspirational romance reader, God planted a story idea that pinged around in my head for a few months until I finally confessed my desire to write to my husband. With his enthusiastic support, I devoured online writing courses, attended a writing conference, and pounded out the story. I was hooked!

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
Rarely do I stray from reading inspirational romance and romantic suspense.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
Sweet fellowship with God every morning definitely helps! And my husband and I plan weekend getaways. We pack our espresso maker, load up our spoiled golden retriever, and drive a couple hours to tuck ourselves into a cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

How do you choose your characters’ names?
I spend a lot of time developing them—who they are, what they do, how they live, what they look like. Most times a name pops in my brain during that process. When that doesn’t happen, I fuse first and last names from my favorites list. Then, I Google the name to make sure it doesn’t belong to some negative history maker and, if not, the name is born.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
Twenty-two years of marriage to a wonderful man who still makes my heart race.

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
Hmm. You’re not asking which animal I want to be, but which one I would be. So, I’d have to go with a beaver. Quit laughing. I don’t mean a rodent or pest, but a quiet and diligent beaver, hard at work caring and providing a loving, comfortable home for her family.

What is your favorite food?
Ice cream, just about any flavor except Butter Pecan (ick!). A thick, juicy hamburger. A tall, glass of iced tea. In that order.

What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
Self-discipline. Forcing my rump to sit in the chair and create, to not be distracted by overflowing laundry baskets, the grass that’s about six inches too high, personal phone calls, you name it. When you work from home, it’s tough to overlook household tasks and particularly difficult to say “no” to personal requests. But, one thing I can’t refuse is watching a sick grandchild. To overcome my self-discipline issue, I’ve learned to set priorities and rearranged my schedule to maximize writing time.

Tell us about the featured book.
Devastated after the brutal murder of her husband, Chelsea Hammond vows never to love another lawman. Intent on rebuilding her shattered life, she turns her focus to helping troubled teens. But when an angry father bent on retaliation, threatens her, Chelsea must turn to the one man she never thought to trust: Deputy U.S. Marshal Trey Colten.

Trey wants only to protect Chelsea, but she blames him for her husband’s death. Trey can relate. He blames himself, also. As danger lurks, Trey begs Chelsea to heed his warnings. He let down one Hammond. He won’t let down another—especially one who now holds his heart.

When Chelsea is snatched from her home, can she put aside her fear, and trust Trey with her life? Can she forgive him for destroying her past and let him help to rebuild her future?

Where one journey ends, another begins…

Please give us the first page of the book.

The mystery man with haunted eyes was back.

Chelsea Hammond placed the lawn chairs next to the cooler in the trunk, but kept her eyes on the man. He stood alone, farther up the hill, tucked under some towering maple trees. Far enough away that she couldn’t make out all his features, but close enough for Chelsea to glimpse his pain. The slight slumping of his expansive shoulders; the hands clenched at his sides; the haunted eyes that stared out into the distance when he removed his sunglasses; the lips set in a straight, hard line. 

And the words “Deputy U.S. Marshal” that blazed from the front of his polo shirt. It had taken her three years, but this year she determined to talk to him, to rid her dreams of those haunted eyes. To hear his story. To offer closure if his version somehow connected to hers. 

Chelsea closed the trunk of the old Cadillac and turned to her in-laws. “There you go, Henry. You’re all set.”

“Thank you, dear. We appreciate you lugging those lawn chairs for us.” Henry opened the door for his wife while she wrestled to get into the car, sweat beading on her upper lip. Henry and Stella always made a day of it when they visited their two sons.

“You’re welcome. You take it easy going home.”

How can readers find you on the Internet?
My website ~
Facebook ~ Dora Hiers, Author

Thank you, Dora, for the interesting time with us.

Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog. Journey's End

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


Anonymous said...

Hello, Lena, hope this finds you doing well.... it has been a while since I have entered a drawing... this sounds like a wonderful book and author and I appreciate the chance to win a copy... the weather here in Hamlin, Texas is still pretty nice, with the days mild and the nights getting a little colder now... I enjoyed this interview and appreciate your time and the time that Dora spent answering your questions and creating the book...

Coolestmommy said...

"Journey's End" sounds like it will be a thrilling page-turner. Can't wait to read it.

coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

Dora Hiers said...

Good morning!

Lena, thank you so much for your hospitality. I appreciate the chance to visit.

Cleda, my hubby and I were just discussing the difference in NC weather this year. The days seem to be unusually warm, but the nights are snuggle-cool. Delightful! Thanks, Cleda.

Hi Robyn. JOURNEY'S END would fit into "Inspirational Romantic Action" if there was such a genre. Thanks for your kind words, Robyn.

Angie A. said...

Great interview questions, Dora!

Lena, I have the same problem: getting my BICHOK - Behind In Chair Hands On Keyboard. There are so many distractions and not enough hours in my day to get them all done.

I like that you take your espresso machine with you on your getaways. Too cool! Can't write without my cappucino! :)

Carol Ann said...

Great interview, Dora. Wow, I cannot imagine anyone not liking butter pecan ice cream. My favorite!

Unknown said...

Ooooo- Lena this sounds like a winner. Please count me in. Thanks for the interview and giveaway, Dora and Lena.


from Peace River Country, Alberta

Patty said...

It does sound like a page turner! A little suspense thrown in is always fun.

Patty in SC

Lorna Faith said...

Sounds like a fun Romantic Action book:) I love the first page have me hooked!
Please enter my name in the hat:)

Lorna from Alberta

lornafaith at gmail dot com

Dora Hiers said...

Hey Angie. Yep. Have espresso maker, will travel. Hubby grew up in Tampa, where cafe con leche ruled. Guaranteed to kick-start your day. Love it! Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to stop by, my friend.

Good morning, Carol Ann. You can have it! lol. Thanks for stopping by.

Hey Marianne/Mitzi from Alberta. Thanks for your kind words. Good luck!

Good morning, Patty. Check out the Amazon reviews and count how many "page turner" and "action" words you see. I'm thrilled that readers find Journey's End a "page turner." Thanks for stopping by. Good luck.

Hey Lorna. Another Alberta fan? Wow! That's fabulous. I'm glad I hooked you with the first page. Thanks for entering. Good luck!

scottsgal said...

I like your beaver analogy - hard working and diligent
cheryl in IL
msboatgal at

Marianne Evans said...

Dora, I'm such a fan!! I don't need to be entered, already read and loved Journey's End... Keep up the great work, and can't wait for what's next!!!!! God bless!

margie said...

I would love to win a copy of Dora's sounds amazing!!! If I were an animal, I would be a favorite animal!! I live in sunny South Carolina...margie at mijares dot net

Dora Hiers said...

Hey Cheryl/Scottsgal. I won't tell you how long I spent researching to come up with that answer. lol. Thanks for stopping by.

Hey Marianne. Thanks for your support. I appreciate you, dear friend! Congrats on your recent release of HEARTS KEY.

Hi Margie. I love horses, too. Is South Carolina sunny today? God flipped the switch from fall to winter here in NC. Thanks for your kind words, Margie. ;-)

Lilly Maytree said...

Nice interview, Dora... your cabin getaway sounds heavenly. Nothing like the refreshment of beautiful places to get the creative ideas flowing (good coffee helps, too). Looking forward to reading JOURNEY'S END! Oh, and I think beavers are wonderful, too.

Anonymous said...

Great interview, Dora and Lena! Dora, what I wouldn't give to have a cabin to hide out in now and then...

Mary Preston said...

I would love to read JOURNEY'S END it looks wonderful.

I'm dropping in from QLD, AUSTRALIA. Spring has sprung. I'm taking a break from my Spring cleaning. A diligent beaver may be handy right now.

Dora Hiers said...

Good morning, Lilly. There's nothing quite like sitting on a deck, sipping coffee or hot chocolate, feeling that sense of peace settle in your spirit, knowing God made those mountains. He is still in control. Love it! Thanks for visiting.

Delia, surely you can find a cabin by a lake somewhere in Oklahoma? I don't know about the hiding part, but it sure does feel great to kick back and relax for a bit. Thanks for stopping by.

Hey Marybelle. Australia? Spring? Yowzee! Why is it so hard for me to wrap my brain around season differences? We're just sliding into winter now. This beaver isn't so good with dusty ceiling fans or spider webs. Eww! Thanks for your kind words about Journey's End.

Nathanael Richmond said...

Looks interesting!Please enter me in the drawing.
Would love to win!
Nathanael Richmond
Blanch, N.C.

Sarah Rebekah Richmond said...

It looks interesting!!
Please enter me in the drawing.
God Bless,
Sarah Richmond

Abigail Mitchell said...

Looks interesting. Please enter me in the drawing!
Thanks and God Bless!
Abigail Richmond
Blanch, N.C.

Dora Hiers said...

Good afternoon, Nathanael, Sarah, and Abigail Richmond from Blanch, NC. Am I correct in assuming you are all related? Thanks for your interest in Journey's End! Best wishes to win.

Courtney said...

Sounds like a great book!! Thanks for the chance to win!

from WA state

Laurean Brooks said...


A beaver? I'd never thought of the beaver that way. But he is a hard worker and provider.

I love the sound of your book. name it. Plenty of conflict to keep my fingers flipping pages.

Please enter me in your giveaway.
I sure hope I win. (I guess you knew that, though)LOL

Laurean Brooks said...

Oh! Did I forget to mention that butter pecan is the lowest on my list of flavors, too?

Give me Moose Tracks, Rocky Road... Anything with plenty of chocolate, caramel and nuts.

Sharon Richmond said...

Enter me I would love to win a copy of this book! Thanks and God bless!
Sharon Richmond

Ingrid said...

Lena and Dora, thanks for the Interview, it made me laugh and memories came back when my husband talked me into driving in to Canada, by then all I was still a German Immigrant and had a green card but left it at the Hotel Room in New York all i had was my Drivers license and oh what trouble i was in, it took me 6 hours before they let my husband go to get the green Card. i never forget that one (smile).
Please add my Name to your Contest, i would love to win your Book, it sounds amazing.
Blessings to you and Lena.

I live in S.Illinois

Kristie said...

I do not think that I could marry a lawman. I'm too afraid of the danger. I'm such a sissy. I love ice cream too. I can eat a container of Ben and Jerry's in under twenty minutes. Never mind that it is SO bad for you and that a container is supposed to be FOUR servings! Shocking I know. *LOL* Take care! I'm from Ohio. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com

Dora Hiers said...

Hey Courtney. Thanks for your interest in Journey's End! Best wishes to win.

Hi Laurean. Hey, you and me both. Have you tried Breyer's new Waffle Cone? Oh my stars! One of my new faves. Thanks for stopping by. Awesome post on White Roses in Bloom, btw!

Hey Sharon. Another Richmond? Wow! Thank you so much! I appreciate your interest in Journey's End!

Oh, Ingrid, I can only imagine. My hubby will never live that trip down. Precious memories, right? Tough to live through, but elicits laughter later on. Much later...

Hey Kristie. Chelsea couldn't imagine falling in love with another law enforcement officer, either. You never know...
Hubby and I toured the Ben & Jerry's factory in Vermont this year. What a treat! Thanks for stopping by.

Patsy said...

Sounds really good! Count me in!

from South MS


Bakersdozen said...

This "Inspirational romance action" book sounds like a good read. I live in S. CA.

Janet Kerr said...

Great interview,
I would love a chance to win your book "Journey's End". I am here on a rainy British Columbia day.

Please enter me in your draw,

Jan K.


A.Jones said...

Sounds like a page-turner:-) Please enter me in this giveaway!

I live in New York

Dora Hiers said...

Hey Patsy. Thanks so much! I appreciate your visit.

Bakersdozen. Hmm...that's an interesting screen name. Making me think about eating now. Thanks for stopping by.

Hey Janet. Thanks so much! Sorry it's raining there in BC. We enjoyed an absolutely gorgeous day in NC. I appreciate your interest in Journey's End!

Hi Aizess. Thanks for entering the giveaway! Best wishes to win.

Anonymous said...

I'm hooked already! Journey's End sounds so fascinating. Can't wait to read it!

from MI

Dora Hiers said...

Why, thanks, Samantha! I appreciate your interest in JOURNEY'S END. Thanks for entering. Best wishes!

peachykath said...

This book sounds really intriguiging. I can't wait to read it. Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you

Katherine from Northern California


Dora Hiers said...

Hi Katherine. Thanks for your interest in JOURNEY'S END. Best wishes to win!

rubynreba said...

Can't wait to read this!
I'm Beth from Iowa on a cold windy day!

Dora Hiers said...

Hey Beth! Cold and windy in Iowa today? It's a bit frigid here in NC, too, with high's in the low 50's. I appreciate your interest in Journey's End. Thanks for entering!