
Monday, April 30, 2012

THE CHASE - DiAnn Mills - Free Book

Welcome back, DiAnn. Let’s do some fun questions first. What song most closely resembles your life?
“Great is Thy Faithfulness”
Do you have a favorite Bible verse? And why is it a favorite?
Jeremiah 20:9 ESV: If I say, “I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name,” there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in and I cannot.

This verse is the story of my life in Christ.

What is the one thing you wish you could go back and change in your life?
That I’d have taken writing classes from the masters before making mistakes and having to edit them! Seriously, more wisdom before making choices.

What is the most important characteristic for a good friend to have?
Trust. Without that essential ingredient, two people cannot be friends. And second, although you didn’t ask :) is respect.

What extracurricular activities did you participate in when you were in school?
Choir, band, Latin club. I was very shy then, so it was hard to get involved. :) I did attempt girl’s basketball once ... nice a good move with my height.
What is your favorite movie of all times?
Now that’s tough. Used to be Gone with the Wind, but now I’d say the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The characterization, plot line, setting, and the symbolism is so rich that I haven’t         seen anything since that compares.

Tell us about why you wrote this book.
I heard about the cold case, Beloved Doe, from a friend, who is the media coordinator for Houston’s FBI. The case was cold for five years, 2003 - 2008. A child was found in a dumpster, died of starvation. The FBI, Houston Police Department, Texas Rangers, and Crime Stoppers couldn’t let the case go, and they worked together to eventually solve it. The case wouldn’t let me go either ... a helpless child with no identity. Like the heroine in The Chase, I had to write the story.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Present day
Kariss had fulfilled all her dreams but one by age thirty-five. Most women would bask in such a claim, but not Kariss. The one mountain yet to climb beckoned her to strap on hiking boots and make her approach. The peak held her in fascination, and failing meant losing everything she’d ever gained.

Her heels clicked along the marble flooring of the Marriott hotel’s lobby adjoining Houston’s Intercontinental Airport. Ten minutes early for her appointment with her literary agent and she could use the time to make sure her responses to Meredith were gracious and resolute. A mouthful for sure.

Sinking into a plush chair, she took a deep breath and waited. With all of her prolific abilities, why couldn’t she respond with words that relayed her passion for this story? But now she had the opportunity to convince Meredith of her sincerity. A little encouragement went a long way when calling up the powers of inspiration and creativity.

Right on time, Meredith Rockford slipped into a chair across from Kariss, sipping on a cup of tea, no doubt Earl Gray. Dressed in a black traveler’s knit jacket and pants, the only color emitting from Meredith was her crimson lipstick.

“You could have texted me that you were early,” Meredith said.

Kariss smiled. “Just got here. Did you have a good night’s rest?”

Meredith lifted a brow while taking a sip of her tea. “My head is killing me. I had to fly from New York to Houston. Arrived late and had to cancel our dinner appointment, and you ask me if I slept well?” She set the cup on a table in front of them. “The only thing that will give me a good night’s sleep is for you to abandon this ludicrous idea of changing genres.”

How can readers find you on the Internet?
Thank you!

Thank you, DiAnn, for giving a peek inside your new book.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
The Chase: A Novel (Crime Scene: Houston) - paperback
The Chase: A Novel (Crime Scene: Houston) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Anonymous9:29 PM

    would love to win.
    Angela from KY

  2. I wish I were more wise before the fact sometimes.

    The LORD OF THE RINGS is a great read and movie experience.

    I look forward to reading THE CHASE.

    Mary P


  3. I appreciate readers and Lena for posting this interview!

  4. Great interview! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

  5. Please include me in the giveaway!
    Sounds like a good mystery!
    Thank you!
    Lisa Nelson

  6. Great interview. DiAnn, I was also very shy and was through a good portion of my adulthood as well.

    I look forward to reading "The Chase". It sounds great!

    Jo from Southern Arizona

  7. Lisa E.8:39 AM

    Loved DiAnn's favorite movie choices, those are two of my favorites as well.

    I've read and loved two of DiAnn's historicals, and I've heard really great things about her contemporary suspense. Would love to read The Chase, it sounds very exciting!

    Lisa E. from Washington State

  8. Hi DiAnn,
    I would very much like to read your book "Chase". The storyline sounds fascinating, also the way you discovered the subject matter.
    Please enter in the draw.
    Jan from B.C., Canada

  9. Thanks for sharing this informative content. More power to you.

  10. would love to read this fabulous novel...thanks for the chance :)

    karenk...from PA
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  11. I would Love to win a copy of this book.
    Joanna Richmond
    Blanch NC

  12. Thank you Lena and DiAnn for the awesome opportunity to win this novel! and also, thanks for the great interview. Your novels, DiAnn are must haves as print books, library loaning or ebooks don't do for yours.

    marianne from northern Alberta

    mitzi underscore wanham at yahoo dot com

  13. Wow, please enter me in the drawing! This one sounds terrific!
    Kandra in Tennessee

  14. Trust and respect are what I look for in a friend too. Love to read this book.
    Beth from Iowa

  15. I would love to read this book!
    Thanks and God Bless!
    Blanch, N.C.

  16. Sharon Richmond8:07 AM

    Enter me I would absolutely love to win a copy of this interesting book it sounds and looks great!! Thanks for the chance to win and God bless!
    Sharon Richmond
    Blanch, NC.

  17. Diana Gardner9:38 AM

    Looks like a great book. Would love to win a copy.
    Portsmouth, VA

  18. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Liz R in AL


  19. Please enter me for this book giveaway if it's not too late, Lena! I want to read this book. Diann is one of my favorite suspense writers!

    Anne, rural NC

  20. The Chase sounds like it would keep me on the edge of my chair. Please add me!
    Merry in TX

  21. Anonymous4:42 AM

    I have read the first two chapters online and am already hooked. Unfortunatly, that is all there is and i am dying to know what happens. I would really like a free copy of the book.

    Diann mills is an amazing author. I have read only a few of her books and already admire how she rights and how great they are. Each book that i have read so far is full of suspence ond keeps me reading until the end. Then i mope around for a few days wishing the book was longer.

