
Friday, September 06, 2013

BEYOND THESE HILLS - Sandra Robbins - One Free Book

Bio: Sandra Robbins, former teacher and principal, is an award winning, multi-published author of Christian fiction who lives with her husband in Tennessee. Angel of the Cove, her first book in the Harvest House Publishers historical romance series Smoky Mountain Dreams, released in August, 2012, and was recently named the 2013 winner in the Single Title Inspirational Category of the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence. This award is given by the Birmingham Southern Magic Chapter of Romance Writers of America for excellence in writing romance. In addition in 2013 her Love Inspired Suspense books Shattered Identity and Fatal Disclosure were both awarded the HOLT Medallion in different categories of the Virginia Romance Writers of America contest to honor outstanding literary talent.

Dangerous Waters the first book in her Cold Case Files Series released the first of August and will be followed by Beyond These Hills, the third book in her Smoky Mountain Dream series in September.

Why did you become an author?
I had always had a dream that one day I would write a book. It suddenly dawned on me one day that I kept putting off what I had always said I’d do. So I decided to finally face up to the goal I’d set for myself years ago and follow through. I think we often do that in life. We have good intentions, but many times we don’t follow through. I’m so thankful I did.

And your readers are, too. If you weren’t an author, what would be your dream job?
Before becoming an author, I was a teacher and then a school principal for many  years. So I would have to say I’ve been blessed to have both my dream jobs. I loved working with children, and I have many happy memories of those years. Now I love connecting with readers who enjoy my books. There’s nothing else that could give me as much as pleasure as what I’ve experienced with these two jobs.

If you could have lived at another time in history, what would it be and why?
I’ve always liked reading about life in the South before the Civil War, especially life along the Mississippi River. I wonder what it would have been like to board one of those big paddlewheelers in Memphis and float down river to New Orleans. Then I think of all the modern conveniences I would be giving up, and I’m thankful for this time in history. It makes me wonder   how life will improve for generations to come.

That’s a good question. What place in the United States have you not visited that you would like to?
There are actually two places I really want to visit. One of them is New England in the fall when the foliage is at its peak, and the other is Mackinaw Island. I’ve wanted to go there ever since I saw the movie Somewhere in Time.

How about a foreign country you hope to visit?
 I’ve been very fortunate to do a lot of traveling and have visited some very interesting countries. However, my grandson is now living in The Netherlands, and I’ve never been there. I would really like to go there and see the tulips in the spring, the windmills, and various places I’ve read about such as Corrie Ten Boom’s house. I would love to tour the place where she and her family hid Jews from the Nazis during World War II.

We hosted an exchange student for almost a year from The Netherlands. I’d love to visit there. What lesson has the Lord taught you recently?
The Lord teaches me lessons every day. One of the things that He’s still working on with me is to make me accept the fact that all things happen in His time, not mine. I may be impatient to hear from a book proposal that I’m hoping will sell, but I have to remind myself that I can do nothing do speed up things. If God wants the words He’s given me shared with others, He’ll pick the time to make it happen.

Tell us about the featured book.
Beyond These Hills is the third book in my Smoky Mountain Dreams Series. The year is 1935, and the government is buying up all the land in the Smoky Mountains to establish the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. In Cades Cove, a remote mountain valley, the residents don’t want to sell the land their family has lived on for generations. As the Martin and Jackson families lead the fight to save their land, Andrew Brady, a young government agent sent to convince the last holdouts to sell, arrives and finds himself attracted to Laurel Martin who is determined to stay in the Cove. These two must find their way to each other and a new life in Christ that awaits them.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Beyond These Hills
Cades Cove, Tennessee
June, 1935
The speedometer needle on the pickup truck’s dashboard eased to thirty miles an hour. Laurel Jackson bit back a smile and glanced at her father. With his right hand on the steering wheel and his left elbow hanging out the open window, he reminded her of a little boy absorbed in the wonder of a new toy.

The wind ruffled his silver-streaked dark hair, and a smile pulled at the corner of his mouth as the truck bounced along. His eyes held a faraway look that told her he was enjoying every minute of the drive along the new road that twisted through Cade’s Cove.

If truth be told, though, the truck with its dented fenders wasn’t all that new. He’d bought it a few months ago from Warren Hubbard who’d cleaned out a few ditches in Cades Cove trying to bring the little Ford to a stop. The good-natured ribbing of his neighbors that he kept yelling “Whoa” instead of pressing the brake had finally convinced Mr. Hubbard he had no business behind the wheel of a truck.

Her father didn’t have that problem. He took to driving like their old hound dog Buster took to trailing a raccoon. Neither gave up until they’d finished what they’d started. Mama often said she didn’t know which one’s stubborn ways vexed her more—Poppa or Buster. Of course, her eyes always twinkled when she said it.

The truck was another matter entirely. She saw no reason on earth they needed that contraption on their farm when they had a perfectly good wagon and buggy. To her, it was another reminder of how life in Cades Cove was changing. Laurel could imagine what she would say if she could see Poppa now as the speedometer inched up to thirty-five.

Land sakes, Matthew. If you don’t keep both hands on the wheel, you’re gonna end up killing us all.

But Mama wasn’t with them today to tell Poppa they weren’t in a race, and he was taking advantage of her absence to test the limits of the truck. At this rate, they’d make it to Gatlinburg earlier than expected. When she was a little girl, the ride in their wagon over to the mountain village that had become a favorite of tourists had seemed to take forever. Now it took them less than half the time to get there.

She glanced at her father again and arched an eyebrow. “You’d better be glad Mama stayed home.”

How can readers find you on the Internet?
Readers can find me at my website or email me at You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter, and  Goodreads. 

Thank you, Sandra, for sharing this new book with us.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Beyond These Hills -
Beyond These Hills (Smoky Mountain Dreams) -
Beyond These Hills (Smoky Mountain Dreams) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Google +, Feedblitz, Facebook, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. From the title to the excerpt, I am already captivated by this story. I can't wait to read BEYOND THESE HILLS! Thank you for sharing Sandra's interesting interview and for the opportunity to win this book.

    Britney Adams, TX

  2. Hi, Sandra!

    I love the storyline of this book (it's based on true facts, isn't it?).

    I am partial to any books written about the Smoky Mountain National Park, & Cades Cove - in particular. I lived in the area for 11 years & vacationed there every summer, as a child. Love the history involved!

    I would love to read/win this book, thanks for the opportunity!



  3. I've visited Cades Cove, it's a beautiful area of our great country!

    Patty in SC

  4. I love the title of this book. Sandra's interview was so interesting. I can't wait to read this book. Thank you.

    Melanie Backus, Texas

  5. Sounds like a great premise for a story. Thanks for hosting these book giveaways and author interviews.
    Brittany McEuen, TX

  6. Anonymous12:43 PM

    This was a neat review. I liked that the book takes place the year I was born. And, I just watched a Documentory about this very time that this book is about. I felt so sorry for those who were made to leave. I hate that the Government can make people sell their homes just because they want to build something. Now-days it is usually roads (or freeways).
    God's ca
    all to you was very strong. I would love to win this book. Thanks to you and Lena for this chance to win it, MAXIE mac262(at)me(dot)com
    From Pasadena, Texas

  7. I haven't read this author yet, so i think I'll start with her first book in this series. Thanks for sharing the interview and giveaway!

    Heidi, CA

  8. Your book looks very good. I haven't read any of yours yet. sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  9. Sandra Robbins9:05 PM

    Hi Britney. Thanks for dropping by. I'm glad my book sounds interesting to you. I would love to have you win it.

    Sandra Robbins

  10. Sandra Robbins9:07 PM

    Hey Bonnie. I love Cades Cove, too, and the Smoky Mountains. I see you live in Kentucky. I'm in Tennessee. Thanks for dropping by.

    Sandra Robbins

  11. Sandra Robbins9:08 PM

    Hi Patty from South Carolina. I'm glad you're familiar with Cades Cove. It is indeed a beautiful sight to see.

    Sandra Robbins

  12. Sandra Robbins9:10 PM

    Hi Melanie. I'm glad you'd like to read my book. Maybe you'll be the winner.

    Sandra Robbins

  13. Sandra Robbins9:12 PM

    Hi Brittany. I really loved writing this story. Although the characters are fictional, the events in the story are based on facts.

    Sandra Robbins

  14. Sandra Robbins9:14 PM

    Hi Anonymous in Pasadena, TX. It is very sad that the people of Cades Cove and throughout the mountains had to leave their homes for the park to be developed. I've wanted to tell their story for a long time.

    Sandra Robbins

  15. Sandra Robbins9:16 PM

    Heidi, I would love for you to start with the first book in the series. The title is Angel of the Cove. The second is Mountain Homecoming. Drop me an email when you read the first one and let me know how you liked it.

    Sandra Robbins

  16. Sandra Robbins9:17 PM

    Hi Sam. I would love to add you to the friends who read my books. Maybe you can start with this one if you win it.

    Sandra Robbins

  17. That you for a lovely first page. I could picture it so clearly.

    Mary P


  18. Have been to the Smoky Mtns and Cades Cove when I was a teenager.
    Would love to win Sandra's book.
    Janet E.

  19. Forgot to leave where I live.
    Janet E.

  20. Growing up in Coastal North Carolina I was a good distance from the Smokey Mountains - North Carolina is a WIDE stage. But as a child, our family did go to the Smokies and to Cades Cove and to Gatelinburg. I remember Daddy was lost, or very near lost, in Cades Cove and we were amazed at the poor little houses we saw. Most were not near the road. You see I was born not long after Sandra Robbins' book is situated so when I visited, things were still pretty rustic in Cades Cove.

    Then when I grew up, my husband and I honeymooned in the Smokies. Beautiful place and I'd love to visit it this Fall and see the splendor of the Fall Foilage that God puts on display.

    As I said, I live in North Carolina.

  21. I live in NC - in the piedmont, halfway between the mountains and the coast. Thanks for introducing me to a new author. I am an elementary school teacher, teaching in the same elementary school I went to as a child. It's my 30th year. Thanks for the chance to win this book.

  22. Oh, I, too, want to tour Corrie Ten Boom's house! Someone gave me The Hiding Place (Focus on the Family's Radio Theatre) for Christmas and it was so well done! I've read The Hiding Place countless time since I was younger!

    Loved Angel of the Cove and have Mountain Homecoming (and A Ladies' Choice) on my TBR list! Would love to win Smoky Mountain Dreams book #3!

    Binghamton, NY

    mybabyblessings AT gmail DOT com

  23. This one sounds great!!!!! Please enter me. I would love to win. I'm from NC.

    63 usinesss

  24. Sandra Robbins10:24 AM

    Hi Mary. Thank you for those sweet words about being able to picture the scenery. The Smokies are indeed beautiful. Thanks for stopping by.

    Sandra Robbins

  25. Sandra Robbins10:26 AM

    Hi Janet,

    I would love for you to win my book also. I've visited Florida a lot, and I enjoy coming there so much. Thanks for dropping by.

    Sandra Robbins

  26. Sandra Robbins10:28 AM

    Hi Vera. I love visiting coastal North Carolina. In fact I have written three books set on Ocracoke Island which is 25 miles from the mainland. That's another favorite place of mine to vacation.

    Sandra Robbins

  27. Sandra Robbins10:30 AM

    Hi Susanlulu. It sounds like we have a lot in common. I also was an elementary teacher for years before I became a principal. But my first teaching assignment in my hometown was in the same school where I attended when I was growing up!!

    Sandra Robbins

  28. Sandra Robbins10:33 AM

    Hi Stephanie. Thank you so much for your kind words about Angel of the Cove and Mountain Homecoming. I hope you enjoy A Lady's Choice. I felt that the story of what the suffragists endured for us to have the right to vote had to be told. Maybe you'll win Beyond These Hills.

    Sandra Robbins

  29. Sandra Robbins10:37 AM

    Hi Katie. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I would love for you to win a copy of my book. BTW, I have a granddaughter named Katie, and it happens to be one of my favorite names.

    Sandra Robbins

  30. Sharon Richmond Bryant1:30 PM

    Enter me!!
    Sharon Richmond Bryant

  31. Sandra, I love your books. You're a terrific author. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you!

    Barbara Thompson in Louisiana


  32. Thank you for this opportunity.

    Jean K
    West Palm Beach, FL

  33. I have been wanting to read this book.I love the Smokey Mtns.and Cades Cove.Cades Cove is the beautifulliest and peaceful place I have ever visited,I would love to live in that area.If I did I would visit there at least once a week or more.Thanks for sharing.

  34. Looks fantastic!!! Please enter me!

    Blanch, N.C.

  35. Love the Smokey Mountains. We can see the tips if them from our farm. I even know where Cade's Cove is! I would love to win a copy of this book.
    Tonja VA

  36. What an interesting time period and place, I love the Smokey Mountain National Park.
    Merry in MN
