
Thursday, September 05, 2013

DANGEROUS PASSAGE - Lisa Harris - One Free Book

Readers, I've known Lisa Harris for a long time. She was in the critique group that meets in my home before she went to Africa, and I love her writing. I had been looking forward to the release of this book, and I started reading it the day it arrived at my house.

The story gripped me from the first, and the pace of the plot kept me turning pages as fast as I could. And the characters. They grabbed my heart and didn't let go. You will not want to miss this romantic suspense novel!

Welcome back, Lisa. Tell us a little about yourself and your background.
I live in Mozambique with my family where we are church planting missionaries. I've spent the last six years homeschooling, but am stepping into a new empty nest phase while my kids attend a missionary boarding school. So lots of changes in my life right now!

How did you become interested in writing?
I grew up wanting to be a writer. I started seriously writing after my first child was born. While he napped, I would write. I eventually finished my first book and haven't stopped since. :-)

What compelled you to write a book on this subject?
I love writing stories that are not just suspenseful but that also deal with a real world issues. This story deals with the domestic slavery side of human trafficking in the US, an issue that thankfully many are becoming more aware of and are getting involved to help stop it.

What is the main theme or point that you want readers to understand from reading your book? Are there any other themes present in the book?
I hope that people will first of all become aware of the very real issue of people being bought and sold today. I also hope that each one of us will let God use us to impact the lives of others no matter who we are. God definitely uses ordinary people to impact the world.

Are there some specific lessons you hope readers will learn and apply to their lives after reading your book?
In this story my main character, Avery, struggles to balance life as a single mom with a career. She has to come to the point where she realizes her weaknesses and fears and comes to rely fully on God. In our own lives we often feel inadequate to follow God' call, but we can't forget that he loves us and wants to be our strength. He came to heal the empty and broken hearted, those searching for freedom and hope.

What makes your book different than any other books similar to yours that are in circulation today?
I hope readers will find this book both page-turning and thought-producing as it deals with real world issues along with plenty of suspense and romance!

I’ve read this book, and it does all these things. How does the book intertwine with God’s call on your life and how you are currently serving Him?
I often find God teaching me things alongside my characters as I write, so in some ways they reflect things I grapple with. In my ministry, I feel called here in Mozambique to minister especially to the women, orphans, and their caregivers who need hope.

Do you have a favorite Scripture verse?
"But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved." Hebrews 10:39

When you are not writing, what do you like to do? Do you have any hobbies?
I love spending time with my family. Beyond that, I love photography, cooking and reading.

Please share the back cover copy with us.
When two Jane Does are killed on the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia, detective and behavioral specialist Avery North discovers they share something in common—a tattoo of a magnolia on their shoulders. Suspecting a serial killer, Avery joins forces with medical examiner Jackson Bryant to solve the crimes and prevent another murder. But it doesn't take long for them to realize that there is much more to the case than meets the eye. As they venture deep into a sinister world of human trafficking, Avery and Jackson are taken to the very edge of their abilities—and their hearts.

Dangerous Passage exposes a fully-realized and frightening world where every layer peeled back reveals more challenges ahead. Romantic suspense fans will be hooked from the start by Lisa Harris's first installment of the new Southern Crimes series.

I’ve read the book, but please give us a peek at the first page for my readers.
After another grueling weekend wrapping up a homicide, Detective Avery North was not about to let anything get in the way of her one nonnegotiable indulgence on her first day off in two weeks. She pulled into the parking lot of Glam Day Spa and stepped into the sultry Atlanta morning. The rest of her Monday might end up being a marathon, but she didn’t care as she had the next hour to look forward to being pampered.

The petite dark-haired manicurist greeted her at the front counter. “Morning, Miss North. You’re right on time.”

“Morning, Riza.”

“You’re off today?”

“Thankfully.” Avery finished the rest of her iced tea while following Riza back to an open chair. “I managed not to cancel my appointment a third time. Crazy weekend.”

“Then you need to sit down and relax completely. We could add a manicure? I have a new color that would look stunning with your red hair.”

Avery melted into the padded chair, kicked off her sandals, then dipped her feet into the hot, bubbly water, feeling herself relax for the first time in days. “Maybe next time.”

As we close, is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you so much for having me!

Where can my readers find you on the Internet?
I'd love to hear from you! Come visit at

Thank you, Lisa, for sharing this new book with us ... and for giving us a peek into your life.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Dangerous Passage -
Dangerous Passage -
Dangerous Passage (Southern Crimes Book #1): A Novel - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Google +, Feedblitz, Facebook, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Charlotte Kay7:43 AM

    This book sounds great!
    Thanks for the chance to win it!

    Many Blessings and Smiles:) :)
    Charlotte Kay, Ohio

  2. This is something that I have an interest in and would love to read the book. Thanks for the chance!


  3. Sounds wonderful! Please enter me. I'm from NC.

  4. Thanks so much for having me here, Lena, and for stopping by, ladies!! Happy reading!

  5. This sounds interesting. Count me in, please.


    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  6. Great interview, Lena! Thank you so much. I can tell this book is going to be a real page turner. Love and suspense, what a great pair!

    Melanie Backus, TX

  7. Awesome interview! This book looks so good and I can't wait to read it! My sister has been getting involved with ministries that are working to end human trafficking and I love that you chose to incorporate it into your book!
    Abbi (PA)

  8. Thanks for this opportunity.

    Jean K
    West Palm Beach, FL

  9. I can't wait to read this first book in Lisa's new Southern Crimes series. Thank you for the great interview and giveaway!

    Britney Adams, TX

  10. Glad you enjoyed the interview. Thanks for stopping by!! Lisa

  11. I'd like to read this. Thanks for the giveaway!

    -Melissa M. from TX

  12. Dangerous Passage is a book that I am looking forward to reading. I am recently learning more about human trafficking and slavery in the United States. I love reading suspense, so I know I will enjoy this book. Thanks for offering a copy.

  13. Been waiting for this book!
    - Alyssa Faith, Northern California

  14. Sign me up!
    Kandra in OK

  15. Wow! Another one! Welcome back to the states. Give your mom hug from me. Vancouver, WA

  16. DANGEROUS PASSAGE does sound fantastic.

    Mary P


  17. Enjoyed your interview, Lisa!

    Thanks for writing this book & calling attention to human trafficking in the U.S.!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of your book!



  18. An issue we typically don't consider exists. We know the really dark side of human trafficking but this side is right there on the edge of the darkness. I'd like to read this one by Lisa, too.

    I'm in middle North Carolina

  19. Love reading through your comments and appreciate all of you for taking the time to stop by. I'm so excited about this series and hope you all enjoy this story! Happy reading.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. This book sounds wonderful - especially addressing an issue that is important for all Christians to learn about. Thank you for the opportunity to read it! Mama Cat in Phoenix, AZ

  22. Lisa's comment wanting readers as reading her book, they see the real world with suspense and romance. I love that about a book. Her book sounds fantastic. Please enter my name in the giveaway. Thank you!

    Barbara Thompson in Louisiana


  23. The more I read About this book the more I want to actually READ it!

    Jasmine A. in cool Montana

  24. Sharon Richmond Bryant1:22 PM

    Enter me this book looks thrilling and I can't wait to read it!!
    Sharon Richmond Bryant

  25. Great interview. Thank you for entering me, in a chance to win your book.God bless you.
    Norma from Ohio

  26. My daughter and I love to read suspense! Please enter me in the contest.
    Tonja VA

  27. Dangerous Passage sounds like an exciting, suspense read. Please add me!
    Merry in MN
