
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

ALL THINGS HIDDEN - Tracie Peterson, Kimberley Woodhouse - One Free Book

Tracie Peterson and I wrote for the Heartsong Presents a long time ago. Then she became the Heartsong acquisition editor who acquired most of my Heartsong books. I learned a lot from her, and we became friends. Then a few years ago, I was privileged to be a part of a writing retreat where both Tracie and Kim were among the 30 or so authors who spent almost a week together. I love both of these women and their amazing writing. To have them together in a book is a real plus.

I know that this is a collaboration. How did this story come about?
Tracie: Kim and I have been friends for a long time and really enjoy talking story. Since Judith Pella gave me a helping hand to get into Bethany House by co-writing with me, I have done this several times with others, and it just seemed to fit that Kim would be one. Kim and I have so many of the same interests and both of us see our writing as a ministry. As we discussed story ideas, Alaska seemed a natural for both of us since Kim had been a missionary there and I had traveled up there many, many times for research on other Alaska books.

Did you find it easy to work together on it?
Tracie: Absolutely. I think what really blessed this project was that Kim and I decided to do Bible study and weekly prayer together. Wow, what a difference that makes. I would encourage it for anyone co-writing.

Kim: Oh my goodness, yes. And just like Tracie said, our Bible study and prayer time together have been amazing and priceless.

How did collaborating with this team impact you?
Tracie: See #2, but I will add that co-writing with Kim and being her good friend can be expensive. I fell in love with her Vitamix and had to have one. I also was eyeing her Kitchen Aide, but that will have to wait unless I can sneak it out of her house on the next visit.

Kim: LOL! I think we have the same effect on each other. We love sharing not only story ideas but ideas about “stuff” as well. One of us will like something and say, “Ooooh, have you tried this...?”

The other impact it had on me is the deep respect for each other. I've always had a ton of respect for Tracie, but it grew exponentially through this project.

What is the hardest thing about writing as a team?
Tracie: Honestly the only thing I’ve ever found hard is the distance. Sure the internet is great and long distance calls and Skype offer us opportunities we never had in the past, but there’s nothing quite like sitting face to face over coffee. I’ve tried to talk Kim into moving to Montana (I’ve talked to God about it too) and she and her family are trying to pray Jim and I to Colorado.

Kim: Exactly what Tracie said: distance. And it just made me miss her more.

What are you reading right now?
Tracie: Warren Wiersbe’s Jesus in the Present Tense and an old Grace Livingston Hill book and re-reading Corrie Ten Boom’s Defeated Enemies and St. Augustine’s City of God (which isn’t at all a walk in the park J)

Kim: Defeated Enemies by Corrie Ten Boom, The Promise by Dan Walsh, Twelve Extraordinary Women by John Macarthur, and I'm also re-reading The Invested Life by Joel Rosenberg and his mentor.

Wow, you two. I can only read a couple of books at one time. How did you choose your characters’ names?
Tracie: I let Kim have this one. I did find some authentic Athabaskan names that we used.

Kim: As we were developing characters, the names came easily. Once you really know the character and their traits, certain names just fit. I also named the hero (Jeremiah) in honor of my husband (Jeremy) because he is my hero every day.

The hero in one of my books is Jeremiah. When I was writing it, James and I were eating a meal when an idea hit me. “I know what Jeremiah is going to do” burst from my lips. James said he didn’t know anyone named Jeremiah. When I told him he was the hero in the book I was writing, his reply was, “Writers think weird.” That has become something of a catch phrase in our house now.

Would you want to work on another book together?
Tracie: I would love to. Kim and I have a way of just fitting together like a glove in our writing. So readers – get your letters off to Bethany House to beg for more books from us!

Kim: Yes! It was phenomenal working together and I learned so much from Tracie.

What do you want to tell us about the book?
Kim: All Things Hidden is about a fascinating time in our country’s history—the settling of the Matanuska Colony in Alaska—but it’s also about change (which is sometimes hard), secrets, and hope. But through it all, God’s grace and love are always there.

Please give us the first page of the book.
ALL THINGS HIDDEN - Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse © 2013
February 1, 1935
Anchorage, Alaska Territory
Fear twisted Gwyn Hillerman’s stomach just like her fingers twisted the delicate handkerchief into a knot. If she wasn’t careful, the fabric would be ruined. Forcing her hands to still, she glanced out the picture window on the southeast side of the large lodge. Wind whipped at the jagged peaks surrounding the small town of Anchorage, the snow whirling around like a dance. But even the rugged beauty of her beloved mountains couldn’t calm her spirit. Usually the daily sight of God’s handiwork cheered her, no matter how hard the wind blew, how low the temperature dropped, or how deep the snow drifted. It was Alaska, after all—the most beautiful place on the planet.

But today was different. A heavy sigh left her lips. How long must they be kept waiting?

She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. The warm glow from the fireplace couldn’t ease the chill of anxiety. What was this new board? And what would it mean for them?

Where can our readers find you on the Internet?

Thank you, Tracie and Kim, for sharing this new book with us.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
All Things Hidden -
All Things Hidden - Amazon
All Things Hidden - Kindle

Deeper Shopping (click on the box)

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Google +, Feedblitz, Facebook, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Sydney Harries7:53 AM

    Sydney Harries
    Georgia, USA


  2. Looking forward to the New Book 'All things Hidden' Will it Be a Series? MeLoDy of Texas

  3. I have not read Kimberly yet but love Tracies books so would like to read this story, thanks for sharing about these two together...

    Paula O(
    a Ga fan and reader

  4. Thanks Lena, Tracie, and Kim. I really enjoined the double interview. It's great that the two of you were able to work that we'll together even though you live so far apart.
    Tonja S. In cold VA

  5. Know this one will be great! Thank you for the interviews and the giveaway.

    Melanie Backus, TX

  6. I enjoyed this fascinating interview with Tracie and Kim. I am amazed by the talents of these authors and can't wait to read this collaboration. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of ALL THINGS HIDDEN!

    Britney Adams, TX

  7. Would love to win and read this book...sounds great.Jackie Tessnair N.C.

  8. It's always fascinating to see how a collaboration works.

    Mary P


  9. Wow! This sounds like a wonderful read. I would love to win a copy. thank you for the chance.

    Cindy W.

    from Indiana

  10. I am amazed when authors collaborate and write a cohesive story - most often they are in different locales and do their work long-distance. So this would be an interesting read from that standpoint. Tracie Peterson is an amazing writer.

    I'm in North Carlina - a long way from Alaska

  11. A great sounding read for sure! I would love to win a copy.

    Judy B from Indiana

  12. This book is at the top of my wish list.......sounds fantastic.
    I loved this interview! Thanks for the giveaway!
    I live in GA.
    jacsmi75 at gmail dot com

  13. I love Tracie Peterson's books set in Alaska. I'm sure this one will be just as good.
    Odessa, TX

  14. Lena, Great post featuring both Tracie and Kimberly. I have been a fan of Tracie's books for quite some time. They sound like they work together so well I am looking forward to reading ALL THINGS HIDDEN.
    Loved the excerpt.

  15. From OHIO sorry I forgot to add

  16. Sounds like a super book! Looking forward to reading it!

    Binghamton, NY

    mybabyblessings AT gmail DOT com

  17. Anonymous7:49 AM

    would love to win. Angela from KY

  18. Greetings from the not so Sunny state of Florida.
    Thanks for entering me in the book giveaway.
    Janet E.

  19. Thanks for the interview with both of these lovely ladies! I look forward to reading All Things Hidden.

    Patty in SC

  20. The first page got my attention!
    I live in Lancaster County, PA.

    priviesandprims [at]yahoo[dot] com

  21. I am a huge Tracie Peterson fan!

    Jean K
    West Palm Beach,FL

  22. I love Tracie's books and would love to be the winner of a copy of All Things Hidden.

    Cindi Altman from PA

  23. I would love to read this collaboration of two blessed authors! Alaska sounds like a beautiful backdrop - please enter me! I live in Phoenix AZ

  24. Judy Cooper12:18 PM

    The interview was a good one. I have enjoyed many of Tracie Peterson's books. Kimberley Woodhouse is new to me. Without a doubt the book will be a good as Tracie's others. I am also looking forward to learning more about Kimberley. Thank you again, Mrs. Dooley. Judy Cooper Louisiana

  25. We named our oldest son, Jeremiah. He was named for the verse in Jeremiah 1:5- you see, we adopted him! He is our very special miracle straight from God.
    We've traveled to Alaska on a cruise ship all the way from Seattle to Anchorage and back. Would love to win and read your book. sharon, CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  26. thanks for the chance to read this wonderful novel

    karenk....from PA
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  27. All Things Hidden sounds great I love Alaska settings.
    Merry in MN

  28. Would love to read All Things Hidden. I love reading books set in Alaska. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.
    Karen G.

  29. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Tracie's a favorite author of mine. I would love to win it!
    Courtney C. from Arkansas

  30. Anonymous7:30 AM

    This sounds like a great book I would love to read. I love the Alaska setting. So nice to see the two authors working together on this book.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
    Maryann in NY

  31. I love Alaska. We went there on our honeymoon. It was AMAZING. Kristie from Ohio. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you!

  32. Great interview. Sounds like a great book. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.
    Kay from NY

  33. Sounds like a wonderful book. Would love to win. Thank you.

    Kevlin NY

  34. Tracie and I have been on a book tour - so we are so sorry we weren't here sooner to speak with you all - but thank you so much! What a blessing to see all of your comments!
    God bless you all.
