
Friday, September 25, 2015

A WEDDING AT THE ORANGE BLOSSOM INN - Shelley Shepard Gray - One Free Book

Welcome back, Shelley. Why did you become an author?
I started writing because I wanted to make up books that I liked to read. Writing, for me, is an extension of my favorite activity, which is reading. I feel blessed to be able to share that writing is still one of my very favorite things to do. 

If you weren’t an author, what would be your dream job?
I love to travel, so my dream job would have something to do with cruises. Maybe be a travel writer or reviewer? Being a chef would also be a dream job for me.

If you could have lived at another time in history, what would it be and why?
I would probably enjoy living in Texas in the late 1800’s, because that is one of my favorite times to write about. That said, I probably would find myself missing all sorts of modern conveniences —including air conditioning!

What place in the United States have you not visited that you would like to?
I’ve traveled most of the country, but I’ve never been to see Mount Rushmore. I would love to drive up there, go through the Bad Lands, and see the beautiful Dakotas.

How about a foreign country you hope to visit?
I’ve been wanting to visit Buenos Aires for quite a while. One day, I’m going to take a year of Spanish lessons and book a trip to Argentina! My husband and I want to sit in a little cafĂ© in Buenos Aires and sip coffee and watch the world go by.

What lesson has the Lord taught you recently?
I’ve recently been working on a committee at church that has really challenged me! The Lord has taught me to be more assertive and positive. Serving on this committee has been such a positive experience. I’m so glad He encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone!

Tell us about the featured book.
A Wedding at the Orange Blossom Inn is the third book in this year’s Amish Brides of Pinecraft Series. It features two single parents who fall in love again. It’s kind of like The Brady Bunch. The novel has lots of characters, two romances, and one mischievous beagle named Frankie. I loved writing this book.

I loved reading this book Please give us the first page for my readers.
Frankie was on the loose. Again.
“Mandy, dear, are you sure you didn’t see where he went off to?” Emma Keim asked her six-year-old daughter.
Mandy shook her head, the long white ties of her kapp swinging with the movement. “I was talking to Frankie about my daisies, but I guess he weren’t too interested in them.”
“I fear his actions have less to do with your daisies and more to do with the scent of pizza,” Emma said around a frown. “He’s never smelled a pizza he didn’t want.”
“I’m sorry, Mommy. I thought the gate was closed.”
Walking to the freshly painted white fence that surrounded their house like pretty icing on a cake, Emma examined the gate. The latch was in place. Then she noticed the beagle-sized hole underneath it.
“Looks like Frankie dug his way out this morning.”

How can readers find you on the Internet?
I’m online a lot! Readers can follow me on Twitter at @ShelleySGray,
Look for me on Pinterest at Shelley Shepard Gray,
Or visit my website, at

Thank you, Shelley, for sharing this book with us. I love books set in Pinecraft, Florida.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
A Wedding at the Orange Blossom Inn -
A Wedding at the Orange Blossom Inn: Amish Brides of Pinecraft, Book Three (The Pinecraft Brides) - Amazon
A Wedding at the Orange Blossom Inn: Amish Brides of Pinecraft, Book Three (The Pinecraft Brides 3) - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Shelley's books are always well-written and very accurate in the portrayal of the Amish. Thanks for sharing this interview and excerpt.
    Connie from KY
    cps1950 at gmail dot com

  2. I love Shelley's books and this looks like yet another good one, thank you Shelley!

    Wendy in FL

    wfnren at aol dot com

  3. I'd love to win!

    Colletta in PA

  4. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Shelley is a favorite of mine. I would love to win her new book. Angela in Ky

  5. Sign me up, please! Shelley is a wonderful writer and I would love to read this one! Thank you for the giveaway!

    Melanie Backus, TX

  6. What a wonderful author, Shelley is. I really look forward to reading this.
    Deanne in PA

  7. I love to read Amish books. This book sounds like a great read. Thank you for having the giveaway. This is the only way that I find out about the new books.

  8. I love Shelly's books and love getting to know more about her. I would love to travel for a living too. I had the bug since I was a little girl. My family used to take us on cross country trips a lot. Thanks for the chance to win!

    Kelly from Arizona

  9. I am reading The Proposal at Siesta Key now!

    Phyllis from Illinois.

    Gpk 1946 @ gmail dot com

  10. This sounds like a series I will enjoy.

    Mary P


  11. I just picked up the first book in this series from my local library.

    Terrill - Lynden, WA

  12. Such a sweet beautiful cover. Thanks for sharing your review, interview & chance to win!
    rw620 AT aol DOT com

  13. I have been a fan of Shelley's books for a long time. I've read many of her books and have loved them all. I would be thrilled to win a copy of, A Wedding at the Orange Blossom Inn.

    I met this beautiful sweet author in person a couple of years ago at a book signing in Shipshewana, Indiana.

    Judy B from Indiana

  14. Love her books. kamundsen44ATyahooDOTcom. North Platte NE

  15. My husband's grandparents used to own a trailer in Pinecraft. We never went and always wished we had. (No, they weren't Amish.) Someday we'll go and check it out to see one of the places they looked forward to traveling to every year. Have enjoyed Shelley's Pinecraft series so far! It's pretty cool to see this through someone else's eyes.

    Pam in Ohio

  16. Oh, I love Amish books and love Shelley's writings as well thanks for the chance to win
    live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  17. Amish books are one of my favorites to read! I've enjoyed the reviews & would like to read this one.
    Deanna in Nebraska...

  18. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I love that Shelly describes this book as somewhat like an Amish Brady Bunch.It sounds delightful and I would love to read it.
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
    Maryann in NY

  19. Sounds like an interesting book. I think my wife and I would enjoy reading it.
    Edward A in VA

  20. Melissa from Mechanicsville VA. I would love to read this story.

  21. Brenda Arrington11:43 AM

    I love Amish books. I'm sure to enjoy this one. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
    Brenda in VA

  22. Sharon Richmond Bryant6:29 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Conway, SC.

  23. Love this post.Looking forward to reading this book.Thanks...Jackie Tessnair N.C.

  24. Anonymous10:03 PM

    hello lena. Thanks for having Shelley here. Great author. I love Amish books and this one sounds interesting. Love the cover and title Shelley. Would love to win it. Maxie (TX) > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  25. Love Shelley's books! She's one of the first Amish fiction authors I ever read. Thanks for the giveaway.
    Anne~ Chesapeake Bay, VA

  26. Amish books are my favorite. I always enjoy Shelley's books.
    Beth from IA
