
Thursday, September 24, 2015

THE METHUSELAH PROJECT - Rick Barry - One Free Book

Welcome back, Rick. Why do you write the kind of books you do?
I write the kind of books I would like to read if someone else had written them. Or, in the case of my two YA novels, the kind of books I would have enjoyed reading as a young adult. My most recent suspense novel for adults, The Methuselah Project, stars a P-47 pilot who gets shot down in World War II (a time period I find fascinating) and used as a guinea pig. I wanted to create an intriguing “What if?” story that combines history, suspense, and romance.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
This is a dangerous question for me. I’d better answer the day my wife Pam said, “I do” at our wedding. But a close runner-up is the day I was blessed to lead no fewer than 25 campers to the Lord in the East European country of Belarus in 2014. Both were thrilling—but in different ways.

Yes, they were. How has being published changed your life?
Well, it certainly has not made me rich or famous. Yet, there was a time a restaurant employee approached me and said, “Excuse me; aren’t you Rick Barry, the author?” That caught me by surprise. (She asked for an autograph.) A fun result has been receiving encouraging notes from readers as far away as South Africa saying how much they enjoyed my books. Less enjoyable is when I hear from complete strangers who want me to help them get their collection of poems or other material published.

I understand that. What are you reading right now?
It’s a contemporary military thriller titled Firestorm by the accomplished author Ronie Kendig.

Ronie is a very good suspense author. What is your current work in progress?
Actually, my current WIP isn’t a novel at all. This morning I finished copyediting all the articles for the next issue of Answers magazine (I do this on a freelance basis). Also, I still write short fiction for Focus on the Family and accepted an assignment for a 2,000-word story. Short stories are fun and provide a creative change of pace. But after that, I plan to develop another suspense novel I have in mind.

What would be your dream vacation?
I like to travel to unusual places. I’ve been to Eastern Europe and Russia over 50 times, plus a number of other nations in Europe and Argentina in South America. But ever since seventh grade I’ve wanted to travel in Mongolia. I speak Russian, so I should be able to communicate with many people there. But so far, Mongolia hasn’t fit into my plans!

How do you choose your settings for each book?
For me, the nature of the stories provides the settings. My first novel was actually a YA fantasy, so for that setting I had to create a whole new world. For my WW II story, Gunner’s Run, the hero ends up trapped behind German lines and tries to make a run across Europe in order to get back to England. In The Methuselah Project, the hero is from Indiana (my home state), so the action takes place in Indiana, Germany (while he’s a prisoner), and also Georgia, the home state of his romantic interest, Katherine.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
Possibly the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. Regardless of whether you like his politics, he strikes me as an interesting man of principle and integrity. It would be fascinating to sit down to dinner with him and probe his thoughts on a various topics.

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
Physical fitness has always been important to me, so I run and lift weights. I also like antiques, which are tangible ties to yesteryear. After my WW II story Gunner’s Run was published, I decorated one guest room all in antiques and memorabilia from the 1940s. It’s been a fun project!

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
Procrastination. Even when I have a block of time available for writing (which doesn’t always happen), I find myself “prepping” by dusting my desk and the monitor, or vacuuming the floor… The only good cure I’ve found is to simply tell myself “Enough!” and force myself to sit and start typing whether I feel inspired or not. If I force myself to start, that primes the pump, and then the words start to flow.

That sounds familiar. What advice would you give to a beginning author?
Several things: First, develop a rhinoceros hide. Your work won’t be perfect, especially in the beginning; so don’t take offense when friends or colleagues suggest ways you could improve it. Next, keep learning. Regularly read magazines for writers or blogs by successful writers and literary agents (not zillions of them, just a pick a few that seem especially helpful, or else reading will siphon away your writing time). Next, although you must keep in mind the question “Will readers want to buy this kind of story?” you don’t want to chase the fads and try to write what’s currently selling. That tide will have gone out by the time your novel is done and revised. Dig into your own soul and write the story that really wants to come out of you.

Tell us about the featured book.
Shot down over Nazi Germany in1943, Captain Roger Greene becomes a guinea pig in a hush-hush German experiment to create fast-healing, long-living soldiers for the Third Reich. When Allied bombs destroy the facility and kill the genius running it, only Roger survives. Within hours, his wounds miraculously heal. The Methuselah Project worked—but how? As the war winds down, a league of SS officers create “the Organization” and an underground laboratory to rediscover the secret process that has enhanced Roger’s physiology. There, a POW for 70 years, Roger doesn’t age, but he nearly goes insane. Not until he reads a Bible does he find an anchor for his sanity and his soul.

When youthful-looking Roger finally escapes the present-day version of the covert Organization, the world has become a place he no longer understands. Katherine Mueller offers to help him, but can he convince her he’s really a fleeing WW II pilot? Can they dodge Organization bullets long enough to fall in love?

Sounds really interesting. I can’t wait until my copy arrives. Please give us the first page of the book.
Sitting in his cockpit, Captain Roger Greene scanned the heavens. He searched left to right, overhead, below, and behind. No sign of enemy aircraft. Just formation after formation of B-17s droning along below, plus his own umbrella of Thunderbolts providing escort cover.

Come on, you cowards. Come and defend your precious Fatherland. I dare you.

He glanced into the sun, then jerked his eyes from the blinding glare. When searching for enemy planes, he preferred his naked eyes, but his eyesight would surely suffer if he kept doing that. He probed the pocket of his flight jacket for his green aviators. Instead of sunglasses, his gloved thumb and forefinger fished up a ten-dollar bill.

Ten bucks? How the . . .

Then he noticed the message printed along the edge in blue ink: To my good buddy, Roger Greene. On loan until I bag the next German fighter! Walt.

Roger laughed and glanced to his right, where Walt Crippen piloted his own Thunderbolt in the wingman position. Walt, too, was performing visual sweeps.

Good old Walt. He’d have to do some fancy flying if he hoped to score another kill before Roger. He found his sunglasses, then slid the ten-spot back into the pocket.

How can readers find you on the Internet?

I’m currently tweaking a brand-new website. Readers can find me at My Facebook page is I tweet at @WriterRickBarry.

Thank you, Rick, for sharing this new book with us. I know my readers will love it.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
The Methuselah Project -
The Methuselah Project: A Novel - Amazon
The Methuselah Project - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. What a good interview! I appreciate the sample text cause I think I might be hooked now on his writing style. :) I live in Florida.

  2. Anonymous9:28 AM

    My sister is a WWII nut. I know she'd love to read this!
    J.C. -Indiana-

  3. Hi Terri and Anonymous. Thank you for your kind comments and enthusiasm!

  4. Great interview - I haven't read any of Rick Barry's books yet. I am fairly new to the WWII historical novels, and this one sounds so interesting! Jeanie in Arizona

  5. Brenda Arrington7:10 PM

    I enjoyed the interview. Your book sounds like a must read.

    Brenda in VA

  6. I am intrigued by this one!

    Melanie Backus, TX

  7. Thanks, Mama Cat and Brenda and Melanie. I can't guarantee you'll like it, but I hope you will. It seems this new story has already found a home in many hearts, for which I'm very grateful.

  8. An intriguing idea for a story.

    Mary P


  9. This book sounds wonderful book. I love books set during WWII as well. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

    I live in Indiana.

    Cindy W.

  10. I sincerely appreciate each of you who are dropping by and reading the interview. Blessings to you, Mary Preston and Cindy W.!

  11. Sounds like a very interesting read. Love the cover! Putting this one on my wish list! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Beth in Montana

  12. Does sound like an interesting read. kamundsen44ATyahooDOTcom. North Platte NE

  13. WWII is a fascinating era. My parents are part of the Greatest Generation and all of them certainly earned that title. Rick, your book sounds great!
    Connie from KY
    cps1950 at gmail dot com

  14. Once again, I appreciate your kind comments, Beth and Kim and Connie. And I have passed along to the folks at Kregel Publications quite a few compliments about the cover, so thanks for yet another, Beth Gillihan!

  15. I would love to win this book. It sounds quite interesting. My dad fought in WW II, so the time period holds a lot of interest for me.
    Edward A in VA

  16. This sounds like a fascinating book. I enjoy reading this time period and would enjoy reading this.
    Deanne in PA

  17. Sharon Richmond Bryant5:43 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Conway, SC.

  18. I don't read sci-fi or speculative fiction often, but when I do I enjoy time travel. Now I know this isn't time travel per se, but it is similar in the sense that a character is displaced in a time he is foreign to.

    Terrill - Lynden, WA

  19. Sounds like an intruiging book! Thanks for the giveaway :)
    Raechel in MN

  20. Trosado is right: The Methuselah Project isn't actually a time-travel story. But many of the results are similar, since my WW2 pilot ends up in our present time, but still looking young and energetic. To me, the story is more about suspense and romance, but draw your own conclusions. I'm much encouraged by all of your comments!

  21. I always enjoy books in the WW2 era. This looks like a suspense filled book that I would enjoy.
    Beth from IA

  22. Looks awesome! I love books that take place during WWII. Please enter me.
