BIO: A native of
west Tennessee , Dorothy Love makes her home in
the Texas
hill country with her husband and their golden retriever. An award-winning
author of numerous young adult novels, Dorothy made her adult debut with the
Hickory Ridge novels. When she isn’t busy writing or researching her next book,
Love enjoys hiking, traveling, and hanging out with her husband Ron and their
rambunctious golden retriever. The Loves make their home in the Texas hill country.
Welcome back,
Dorothy. Tell us about your salvation experience.
I grew up in the Presbyterian Church and from a very early
age was taught that as believers we belong to God. I don’t have a specific
salvation story to tell. I can’t remember when faith was not a part of my life.
You’re planning a
writing retreat where you can only have four other authors. Who would they be
and why?
Only four? There are so many writers I admire. For this
question I’m going to limit my answer to writers I have not yet met and not the
ones who encourage and inspire me every day with their talent and friendship.
As a southern author born and bred and as one who writes
almost exclusively about the South, I’d have to invite Pat Conroy because he
loves the South Carolina
lowcountry as much as I do and writes about it with such grace. Lee Smith for
her realistic portrayals of Southern families in all their messiness, Kaye
Gibbons because her book Ellen Foster
is a masterpiece and I’d love to pick the brain of such a genius, and Cassandra
King who is a very good writer in her own right and happens to be married to
Pat Conroy. I figure Sandra might persuade Pat to accept my invitation.
What is the most
embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it?
I locked myself out of my house twice in one day. Luckily a
sympathetic neighbor came to the rescue the first time. When I did it the second
time, it was late in the afternoon and I just waited for my husband to get home
and let me in.
People are always
telling me that they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you,
too. What would you tell someone who came up to you and said that?
Go for it. Enjoy the process. But be prepared. It’s harder
than it looks.
So … so true. Tell us
about the featured book.
A Respectable Actress is inspired by the life of Frances Anne
(Fanny) Kenble, a very popular British actress who toured America in the 1800’s when
actresses were considered undesirables.
Fanny married Pierce Butler and went with him to his St Simons Island
plantation where much of my novel is set.
My fictional lead character, India Hartley, comes to Savannah as a visiting actress on a tour of
theaters across the south. On the second night of her Savannah engagement, her leading man, a
popular local actor is shot dead onstage in front of a packed house. India is
accused of the crime. Celia McKay, a character from my novel The Bracelet hires her friend Philip
Sinclair, the best lawyer in town to defend India . To protect her from pre-trial
gossip, he takes her to Indigo Point, his rundown plantation on St Simons where
they work on her defense, and where India makes startling discoveries
about Philip’s past as she looks for clues to the disappearance of a slave girl
and seeks to unravel the mysteries of a woman in a portrait.
Romantic Times
named the book a Top Pick and commented on its “gothic vibe.” It’s a bit of a
departure from my earlier books but I hope readers will enjoy it.
I can hardly wait to
read my copy. Please give us the first page of the book.
Gunfire exploded to the right of the stage, a burst of sound
that temporarily deafened her. When the ringing in her ears subsided she was
aware of screams, of shouts for a policeman and a doctor, of the ensuing chaos
as officers arrived and began ushering patrons out of the packed theater. Two
burly officers leapt onto the stage, seized her by both arms, and manhandled her
into a police wagon parked in the alley, the officers with their weapons at the
ready, the horses stamping impatiently in the cold.
Now it was midnight and the city of Savannah slumbered beneath a veil of winter
moonlight, the deep silence broken only by a rush of wind that rattled the
palmettos and the Pride of India trees lining the deserted streets.
Inside the Chatham County Jail the walls rang with the
shouts of drunken sailors and their painted escorts, the clang of metal bars
and snatches of lewd songs sung off key. Jaded-looking policemen armed with
nightsticks moved along the dimly lit corridors checking the locks and
admonishing the prisoners to quiet down.
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
My website :
Twitter at WriterDorothyThank you, Dorothy, for sharing this new book with us. Your snippet intrigues me. I usually only read Christmas books in November and December, but I probably will slip your book in very soon. I can hardly wait to read it. I'm sure my readers feel the same way.
Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
A Respectable Actress - (best price today)
A Respectable Actress
A Respectable Actress - Kindle
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This sounds soo interesting! I'd love to read this book if I get the chance.
J.C. -Indiana-
Very interested in reading books about Savannah, GA. I want to visit there someday. sm CA wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com
Thank you for a great interview. Getting locked out twice in the same day...oh my!!! A Respectable Actress sounds like a wonderful book. Thank you for the opportunity.
Melanie Backus, TX
After reading the first psge, I also look forward to reading this book. Thank you for this interview and giveaway.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Connie from KY
cps1950 (at)gmail(dot) com
Great Q&A with Dorothy. I've been wanting to read A RESPECTABLE ACTRESS for a while. Thanks for the giveaway.
Caryl in TEXAS
What an exciting first page and such a beautiful cover.
Mary P
Would love to win a copy.
I live in Indiana.
Cindy W.
I am looking forward to reading this one. I like what I've been reading about the characters. Thanks for the interview and giveaway!
Loraine in TX
would love to win. Angela in KY
Sounds like a great read! Thanks for the chance to win!
Beth in Montana
Love to read your books and enjoy Savannah as a book setting. sm wileygreen1(at)yahoo(dot)com CA
For some reason I got this post two times.
Sounds like a riveting read. How mysterious Indigo Point plantation sounds! I look forward to reading this intriguing point. Kathy from Missouri
Nice interview. kamundsen44ATyahooDOTcom. North Platte Nebraska
Wow, this book sounds so intriguing. Thanks for the giveaway.
Sounds like a riveting read. How mysterious Indigo Point plantation sounds! I look forward to reading this intriguing point. Kathy from Missouri
As a South Carolinian, I would love to read Dorothy's newest book!
Patty in SC
What an interesting opening page for a book! I think it would be entertaining to read.
Edward A in VA
This sounds intriguing.
-Melissa in TN
Enter me in your great contest!!
Conway, SC.
What an exciting first page. Definitely want to read more. Thanks for the giveaway.
Looks awesome!
Please enter me!
Blanch NC
Oh wow, lots of excitement, suspense and intrigue. Wonder what India will find out....
Melody from Donna, TX
Looking forward to this book. The first page hooked me!
Beth from IA
Dorothy Love's books absolutely memorize me. I read The Bracelet and absolutely loved it. I can't wait to read this one. It sounds so good.
Deanne in PA
I've enjoyed every Dorothy Love book I've read. I look forward to reading this one!
Pam in Ohio
Hi Dorothy & Lena! I loved The Bracelet, so I'm anxious to read A Respectable Actress to see how they interweave with each other!
Kristen in OK
kam110476 at gmail dot com
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