Dear Readers, when I
first heard of Varina, I read her first series one right after the other. Her
writing, characters, and setting grabbed me right away. That’s why I knew I had
to feature her with this new book. I’m reading it right now, and the subject
matter is one that I’ve understood as needed by every woman who has ever
compared herself to glamorous women. Looking
Glass Lies deals with this subject with deep emotions and insight. You won’t
want to miss this book.
Welcome back, Varina.
What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
In each of my books, I include an element of spiritual or
emotional healing. In Looking Glass Lies, Cecily Ross must
overcome her dangerously low self-esteem, and when she does, she discovers
there’s a whole world out there that needs her.
What other books of
yours are coming out soon?
My next book is still in the depths of my brain. I’m doing
research right now and getting very excited to sit down at the keyboard and get
started. The book will tell the story of a woman who is grieving the accidental
death of her two-year-old daughter.
If you could spend an
evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would
it be and why?
Beth Moore. She’s so incredibly talented and knowledgeable.
I’d like to simply sit with her and listen to her talk about … whatever. And
I’d like to get her advice on writing, speaking, and ministry.
I loved the Beth
Moore study I took, and I’ve really enjoyed watching her on Life Today with James and Betty Robison.
James and I have been a part of the studio audience. What historical person
would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why?
Jane Austen. Her books always take me back to a different
time and place, and then they hold me captive until the end. It would be fun to
chat and get to know the real Jane Austen.
How can you encourage
authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
That’s just part of it, and it hurts. Almost all writers go
through the waiting period, and it can feel like a trial by fire. ☹ But there are many things you
can do while you’re waiting for your day, mainly do everything in your power to
improve your writing. Read craft books, attend conferences, get feedback from
critique groups. All these things make a huge difference in your craft, and in
so doing, you’re proving to yourself and to future publishers that you will
work hard to get your work where it needs to be.
Tell us about the
featured book.
Looking Glass Lies tells the story of Cecily Ross, a young
woman who struggles with low self-esteem after her divorce from an emotionally
abusive husband. She returns to her childhood home on the rim of Palo Duro
Canyon (beautiful!)
hoping to heal from her pain. With help from her father, a support group, and
an old friend who guides her to see her own strengths, Cecily may have a shot
at overcoming her insecurities and learning to love again.
Please give us the
first page of the book for my readers.
I woke up in the middle of the night in our cavernous
walk-in closet. Again. For a moment, I enjoyed the wispy memory of a
not-yet-forgotten dream, but then I realized the plush carpet had become solid
rock while I slept, its gritty fibers pressing against me as though I were
wedged into a sandstone crevice instead of willingly tucked against the back
wall beneath my hanging clothes.
Good grief. You have to stop this, Cecily. I told myself the
same thing every blasted time, but so far I hadn’t been able to do it. Even
now, I didn’t move so much as a pinkie finger, didn’t open my eyes against the
harsh fluorescent light, didn’t crawl past Brett’s shoe rack where I could see
myself in the floor-length mirror. Not a chance. Because that would have broken
the spell and sent me back to the real world, and—no, thanks—I preferred the
fairy tale where high school sweethearts lived happily ever after.
My husband slept soundly in our pillow-top king, just on the
other side of the closet door. The phrase sleeping like a baby crossed my mind,
and I snickered softly because Brett’s snoring was anything but childlike, and
his seemingly undefiled slumber had been brought on by over-the-counter
sleeping pills rather than the serenity of innocence.
Besides, Brett wasn’t the one who was childish. He never
scrutinized his reflection in the mirror late at night. He never beat his fists
against his thighs until he had bruises, hoping a tantrum would somehow change
things. He never bawled uncontrollably, wishing he could mold his body into
what it ought to be—like Play-Doh—kneading and pressing until the flesh became
aesthetically balanced.
He never once cried himself to sleep in the closet.
I uncurled my stiff legs, wiggling my toes and stretching
while the shirts hanging above me caressed my skin like an old friend. The back
of my hand bumped against solid wood: the leg of the chair where Brett sat
every morning, tying his shoes like Mr. Rogers. Smiling.
For seven years it had been the same. On mornings when he
found me asleep on the floor, he’d nudge me with his socked toe, wag his
finger, and laugh. “Cecily, you silly girl. Get in bed where you’ll be
comfortable.” Then he’d pat me on the butt as he slipped his cell phone in his
I hated that phone. Despised it. It was full of videos Brett
didn’t want me to see, websites he claimed he hadn’t visited, pictures he made
certain I never had access to. But his temptations didn’t end there. When he
left the house, there were billboards and magazine covers and posters in shop
windows. There were advertisements and mannequins and sultry radio voices, and
there were women, everywhere, in low-cut blouses, short skirts, and thick
I couldn’t compete with all that. Evidently.
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
Readers, here are links to the book. By
using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Looking Glass Lies - paperbackLooking Glass Lies
Looking Glass Lies
Looking Glass Lies - Audio
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Lena, thanks for inviting me to your blog today. I've enjoyed this fun interview!
I enjoyed your interview and love Varina's new book. I live in Dallas.
Such an intense storyline. Very powerful. I'd love to read more.
Linda in CA
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I also suffered from low esteem after my divorce. Then God gave me a loving Christian husband a few years later and we have been married 31 years. God is so good. I hope this counts for the giveaway for Lee's book.
I loved Varina's previous books and featured my review of Justified on our blog. I love how she makes her characters and settings come alive. I've had my eye on Looking Glass Lies ever since I first saw mention of it on FB. Must read it! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity and also the interview. I love Beth Moore, as well.
Diana from SC
I look forward to reading LOOKING GLASS LIES. The first page sure made me want to flip the page and keep reading. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
Mountain View, AR
Oh, my. Wow, Varina Denman! That first page. I loved your Mended Hearts series and Looking Glass Lies promises to be another must-read book. Would love to win a copy!
Pam in OH
This book is one I need to own! Thank you for this wonderful interview.
Debbie Rhoades in Oklahoma, USA
I love Varina's Mended Hearts series. I thought I downloaded Looking Glass Lies before our vacation, but something must have gone wrong with the process.
I would love to win a copy of the book.
Connie Leonard in Texas
I would love to win a copy! Sounds fascinating.
Bonnie in Scottsdale, AZ
This sounds like a book that most women need to read. I know it's an issue I struggle with.
Such a relevant topic! Thank you for sharing.
Connie from KY
What a powerful opener. My heart already hurts a little bit.
Dianna in TN
These comments do my heart good. A big thanks to each of you for your words of encouragement. I wish all of you could win! :)
I had an emotionally abusive husband. It is very hard to recover from. I have not read any of Varina's books and so glad to have found a new author to follow.
Beth from IA
Enter me!!
Conway SC.
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