Welcome, Cindy. Tell
us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
I definitely write my heart. If there are subjects that make
my heart cry, then I can easily draw those into my work. I was raised in the Appalachian Mountains , though not on a farm, I spent lots
of time there with my grandmother and at an aunt and uncle’s small farm. So I
learned the tools of the mountains, the ways, the heart of the Appalachian
people. It makes it very easy to write this knowledge, first hand, into my
What is the quirkiest
thing you have ever done?
Oh my – I’m impulsive, so quirky is right up there. But I
suppose becoming an outbacker on the Appalachian Trail
in my younger years. (If that qualifies as quirky.) I’m impulsive, but not
ridiculous or haphazard. So, something like skydiving would never be in my
quirky place.
When did you first
discover that you were a writer?
As a child. That seems to be the classic answer but for me it’s
true. I am 12 years younger than my brother, so basically an only child. He was
grown before I was in 3rd grade. My friends were in my imagination, so I was
spinning tales in a hole at the base of an oak tree when I was just small.
Tell us the range of
the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I actually like reading Christian Living books. I love books
on the aspects of prayer and knowing God better. As far as fiction goes – I’m a
lover of everything but fantasy and I don’t have the brain for that. My two
favorite books are Christy and Redeeming Love.
Two of my all-time
favorite novels, too. How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
I am grounded in prayer. This summer I gave a friend a
prayer bowl with cards for her to write her prayers on. She surprised me with
one at Christmas. Every time I walk past it, I glance at a prayer card. It
keeps me grounded when life is overwhelming.
How do you choose
your characters’ names?
Some are old family names. Others are regional names I
learned when I worked the Appalachian Trail or when I lived in south Knoxville,
traveling back and forth with work to Sevierville, Pigeon Forge, and
Gatlinburg, Tennessee. I worked for a newspaper and got to deliver stacks of
papers to lots of out of the way places in the Smoky Mountains .
What is the
accomplishment that you are most proud of?
I can say, beginning a ministry with a good friend. The
ministry of Christian Devotions is now 10 years old and we’re worldwide,
putting devotions out daily. I’ve learned a lot through saying yes when God
called – even when I was afraid. Without a doubt, seeing Christian Devotions
thrive in the industry is an accomplishment I share with my ministry partner
and give all the glory to God for calling and making a way for us.
If you were an
animal, which one would you be, and why?
Easy! I’d be a hound dog. I’ve often been told I was as
faithful as an old hound. So, as we say in the mountains, I reckon I can’t beat
that with a stick.
What is your favorite
The obvious is chocolate. But I digress. Chicken and dumplings.
What is the problem
with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
Well, I learned things backward. By that I mean, I attended
my first conference not knowing what classes to take and I ended up in author’s
classes that I’d read their books. To my dismay, I was a new writer in advanced
classes and I learned things out of sync. To overcome – well, I had to put the
brakes on and go back to the basics. It took me a year or two, but I actually
think I’m a better writer. I understood why I needed to do specific things.
Don’t be like me. Learn the craft in the right order.
Tell us about the
featured book.
Liar’s Winter – An Appalachian Novel – is the story of Lochiel
Ogle, a young woman born with the portwine birthmark on her face and neck. In
the mountains this was called the mark of the devil, mainly because folks just
didn’t understand what the birthmark was. In Liar’s Winter, Lochiel
was stolen from her mother’s arms at birth and raised, hidden away from the
world. She was told she was a devil and folks would as soon kill her than look
at her. So her plight begins when she meets up with a peddler who helps her
escape the bondage she was in and as she moves through this phase of her life,
she meets her father and grandmother who lovingly teach her about the good Lord
and how their prayers were answered. It’s a story of hardship, learning to make
good choices, and understanding the choices we make have consequences. Along
the way, she learns, and the reader learns, that God has a plan even when we
don’t see it. The Christian message is threaded very gently through the story.
It’s not a preachy, come to Jesus book. But it’s the story of how determination
and perseverance build who we are, and when we learn to trust in the Lord, that
is strengthened.
Please give us the
first page of the book.
The first time I ever seen that girl she was squallin like a
banshee. Her whole face was beet red so I didn’t notice her mark right off. She
was such a tiny thing. Before I could think twice, I’d picked her up.
Her screams was what brought me to the door of the shack.
The door wasn’t latched. I poked my head in and hollered, but there wasn’t no
answer. Probably couldn’t hear me over the racket of the baby. I’d been
squirrel huntin and left my catch on the front step.
The baby was wrapped tight by its momma’s side. Its momma
laid real still. “You alright?” She didn’t wiggle so much as a finger. If she
didn’t hear that baby bellerin, she sure wasn’t gonna hear me. When I grabbed
aholt and tugged that baby outa its momma’s arm, her arm flopped and I about
jumped outa my skin.
That baby commenced to nuzzle at me and quieted to a
whimper. Then I hightailed it outa there. I was smart enough to know I couldn’t
talk a body back to life. Momma would know what to do with the baby. She needed
a new youngin anyway, to replace the ones she’d lost, the ones that kept on
dyin when they was born. Momma just sit and stared these days. Hardly ever
talked. Havin this youngin would make her happy again. I smiled just thinkin
about it. This baby would do just fine. And Poppy would be proud I’d done such
a fine thing for Momma.
I forgot my squirrels on the step though. And it was a ways
back home. I’d wandered farther than I’d figured. Long before I made it home, I
was right tempted to just leave the baby lyin in the woods. My arms was tired.
Wasn’t ’til I got home I realized I’d left my gun leanin
against that shack.
It goes without sayin that Poppy wasn’t happy I’d lost my
gun. And Momma wasn’t happy when she laid eyes on the mark that spilled down
one side of that baby’s face. That marked baby for my gun, worst trade I’d ever
made. Right from the start, that girl brung me nothin but trouble.
Love the voice. How
can readers find you on the Internet?
On my website at http://www.cindysproles.com/viewproduct/2
Or with Kregel Publications
Thank you, Cindy, for sharing this book with us. I'm eager to read it.
Readers, here are links to the book.
Liar's Winter - Christianbook.comReaders, here are links to the book.
Liar's Winter: An Appalachian Novel
Liar's Winter (Appalachian) - Kindle
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I am intrigued by this book and would love to read it. Thank you for the opportunity.
Melanie Backus, TX
What a sad beginning to this story and what happens due to people's ignorance and superstition. Sounds like she learns about the Lord and love later in life. Would enjoy reading this book. Vivian Furbay of CO
Cindy K Sproles is a new author to me. What an introduction through your interview and her talking about her book, "LIAR'S WINTER"! Loved learning about her and how she can put details in her books from first hand knowledge.
The storyline is not only different from anything else I've read but it's also intriguing. It was nice to be able to read the first page of the book which left me wanting to keep reading.
Thank for the chance to win a copy of a book that I'd very much love to read.
Kay from Mountain View, AR
2clowns at arkansas dot net
I love Cindy's voice. Getting colloquial language convincing is a challenge. I am anxious to read Liar's Winter.
Bonnie in AZ
This book!! It sounds so good! Have always loved the Appalachia setting and the backwoods suspicions and traditions. Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!
Binghamton, NY
mybabyblessings AT gmail DOT com
This book sounds fascinating. I love the voice and tone with the dialect.
Cindy is a new-to-me author, and I would love to win a copy of her book. Thanks for the giveaway! I enjoyed the interview and her two favorite books are two of mine, also. I went to her page and subscribed to her Christian Devotions and look forward to following those. Blessings on you, Cindy.
VanG in NC
Sounds like a very interesting read! Thank you!
Cindy, one of my favorite books is also Redeeming Love.
Natalya Lakhno from Citrus Heights, CA
Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
Conway SC.
I must read your book! I found my best friend in secong grade and her mother had a portwine stain that covered almost the entire side of her face. I think that my parents probably explained that it was a birthmark and it became such an acceptableb part of my young life. I can honestly say that I never saw it because she was such a dear person in my youth. She and my friend are both gone but I imagine that she endured many hurtful words. Thank you for sharing!
Connie from KY
loving the story! Shelia from Mississippi
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