
Monday, April 02, 2018

THE PIRATE BRIDE - Kathleen Y'Barbo - One Free Book

Bio: Bestselling author Kathleen Y’Barbo is a multiple Carol Award and RITA nominee of more than eighty novels with almost two million copies in print in the US and abroad. A tenth-generation Texan and certified paralegal, she has been nominated for a Career Achievement Award as well a Reader’s Choice Award and is the winner of the Inspirational Romance of the Year by Romantic Times magazine. To connect with her through social media, check out the links on her website at

Welcome back, Kathleen. I know you speak at various conferences and meetings. What do you have coming up in 2012?
I will be teaching two classes at the Texas Christian Writers conference in Houston on August 4. In September, I will be taking part in the ACFW National Conference (truly it’s International since writers come from all over the globe), and I will also be teaching at an all-day conference sponsored by my local ACFW group—Woodlands ACFW Chapter/Writers on the Storm—in October. Watch for more news about those events as details become available.

If you were planning a women’s retreat, what would be the theme for it?
Forgiveness. How much do we hold against others? Worse, for what do we blame ourselves? Finding forgiveness is such a big part of having an effective Christian life. It’s also the ONLY way to live.

Who would you want as speakers and why?
Donna Pyle is the first to come to mind because her book Forgiveness: Received from God and Extended to Others is just so amazing.

Where would you hold the retreat and why?
Somewhere warm and sunny!

Do you read print books or e-books? Or a combination of the two?
Unless I’m reading the Bible or books for endorsement that are not available in digital format (which is RARE), I read e-books exclusively.

I'm usually reading both a print book at home and an e-book when I'm away from home. Pirate Bride is an interesting title. How did you come up with it?
Actually I didn’t but I like it. Pirate Bride is part of the Mayflower Brides series, and as such, each book has the word Bride in it combined with another word that hints at the story it tells. I’m thrilled to announce I’m currently working on my next book for that series, Alamo Bride, which takes place in 1836 Texas and features the great-granddaughter of the couple in Pirate Bride.

So what is the book about?
The last time New Orleans attorney Jean-Luc Valmont saw Maribel Cordoba, a Spanish nobleman’s daughter, she was an eleven-year-old orphan perched in the riggings of his privateering vessel proving herself as the best look-out on his crew. Until the day his infamy caught up with them all, and innocent lives were lost.
Unsure why he survived but vowing to make something of the chance he was given, Valmont has buried his past life so deep that no living person will ever find it—or so he hopes as he seeks to live as the new man he has become. Until Maribel Cordoba arrives on his doorstep and threatens all he now holds dear. 

One hundred years after her mother's family came to the New World on the Mayflower, Maribel Cordova has landed in New Orleans with one purpose: to find what she has lost. Twelve years after she was pulled from the warm Caribbean Sea and deposited in an orphanage, hazy memories and vaguely remembered stories all collide in the presence of a man she never really forgot. A man who does not want her to remember. 

I can hardly wait to read it. Please give us the first page of the book.
Maribel and the Captain
Part I:
In the waters of the Caribbean, April of 1724

Chapter One
Aboard the Spanish vessel Venganza near Havana

Mama may have been named for the great-grandmother who traveled from England on the Mayflower, but that fact certainly did not keep her in the land of her birth. Twelve-year-old Maribel Cordoba sometimes wondered why Mama refused to discuss anything regarding her relations in the colonies beyond the fact that she had disappointed them all by marrying a Spaniard without her papa’s blessing.

The mystery seemed so silly now, what with Mama gone and the father she barely knew insisting she accompany him aboard the Venganza to his new posting in Havana. Maribel gathered the last reminder of Mary Lytton around her: a beautiful scarf shot through with threads of Spanish silver that matched the piles of coins in the hold of this magnificent sailing vessel and clutched the book she’d already read through once since the journey began.

Though she was far too young at nearly thirteen to call herself a lady, Maribel loved to pretend she would someday wear this same scarf at a beautiful ball along with a gown in some lovely matching color. Oh she would dance, her toes barely touching the floor in her dancing shoes. And her handsome escort would, not doubt, fall madly in love with her just as Papa had fallen in love with Mama.

Her fingers clutched the soft fabric as her heart lurched. Mama. Oh how she missed her. She looked toward the horizon, where a lone vessel’s sails punctuated the divide between sea and sky, and then shrugged deeper into the scarf.

Nothing but adventure was ahead. This her papa had promised when he announced that as newly named Consul General, he was moving her from their home in Spain to the far away Caribbean.
She had read about the Caribbean in the books she hid beneath her pillows. The islands were exotic and warm, populated with friendly natives and not so friendly pirates.
Maribel clutched her copy of The Notorious Seafaring Pyrates and their Exploits by Captain Ulysses Jones. The small leather book that held the true stories of Blackbeard, Anne Bonny and others, had been a treasure purchased in a Barcelona bookseller’s shop when Papa hadn’t been looking.

Of course, Papa never looked at her, so she could have purchased the entire shop and he wouldn’t have noticed.

But then until the day her papa arrived with the news that Mama had taken ill and was now with the angels, she’d only seen this man Antonio Cordoba three times in her life. Once at her grandmother’s funeral and twice when he and Mama had quarreled on the doorstep of their home in Madrid.

On none of these occasions had Senor Cordoba, apparently a very busy and very important man, deigned to speak to his only daughter. Thus his speech about Mama had been expectedly brief, as had the response to Maribel’s request to attend her funeral or at least see her grave.

Both had been answered with a resolute no. Two days later, she was packed aboard the Venganza.

She watched the sails grow closer and held tight to Mama’s scarf. Just as Mama had taught her, she turned her fear of this unknown place that would become her new home into prayer. Unlike Mama—who would have been horrified at the stories of Captain Bartholomew Roberts and others—Maribel’s hopes surged.

Perhaps this dull journey was about to become exiting. Perhaps the vessel on the horizon held a band of pirates bent on chasing them down and relieving them of their silver.

How can readers find you on the Internet?

Readers, here are links to the book.
The Pirate Bride -
The Pirate Bride: Daughters of the Mayflower - Book 2 - Amazon paperback
The Pirate Bride (Preview): Daughters of the Mayflower - Book 2 - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Eeee!! 😀 This whole series sounds so INCREDIBLE!!!😱 I can't wait to read them all!!
    Elly -Indiana-

  2. The cover of this book is beautiful! I've seen it on 3 different blogs today.
    Dianna (TN)

  3. Thank you, ladies. Yes the cover designer is brilliant! I love it!

  4. This book looks so good! Can't wait to read it!
    Abigail in VA

  5. Sounds good. Lincoln Nebraska

  6. Thank you for the information and first page of "THE PIRATE BRIDE and the interview with Kathleen Y'Barbo.

    I loved her answer about FORGIVENESS. After reading the first page, I was wishing I could keep reading. I'd love the opportunity to do just that.
    Kay Garrett from Mountain View, AR
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  7. First, I love the cover! And the title - that draws me in right away! I definitely want to read this book. :)
    Thank you for the interview and giveaway!
    Raechel in MN

  8. We have Kathleen's books in the church library.
    Our readers are anxiously awaiting for this book to come out.
    Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.
    Janet E.
    Sunny & Hot Florida.

  9. I have really been looking forward to this Mayflower Brides series!

    Patty in SC

  10. Vivian Furbay2:46 AM

    This sounds like a good adventure. Vivian Furbay of CO

  11. Thanks for sharing this interview and giveaway. I love historical fiction!

    1. Sorry I forgot my info.
      Connie from Kentucky

  12. Vivian Furbay2:36 AM

    Very interesting story and would enjoy reading it. Vivian Furbay of CO

  13. this sounds so good!

  14. Looking forward to reading this book. It is not the kind of books I read but after reading The Mayflower Bride and really enjoyed it, I can't wait to read another in this Daughters of the Mayflower series. Thank you for the interview and giveaway.
    Karen G from NY

  15. This book looks really good. I a, looking forward to reading it. I live in Colorado.

    faithdcreech at gmail dot com

  16. Sounds like a must read!

    Caryl K in TEXAS

  17. Sharon Bryant6:20 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Conway SC.

  18. Thank you for the post! Sounds very interesting. Blessings, Natalya from California.

  19. Sounds very interesting. Thanks for the opportunity.
    KayLee, NY

  20. Thanks for the chance to win This!
    Beth from IA
