
Tuesday, April 03, 2018

THE REJECTED PRINCESS - Katie Clark - On Free Ebook

Welcome, Katie. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
I’m not sure I consciously write any of myself into my characters…but I guess a little gets in there anyway! For my upcoming novel, The Rejected Princess, I think the biggest part of my characters that resembles myself is their strong desire to follow the rules. It helps them throughout the story—but it also puts up roadblocks more than once!

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
That’s a hard question! I’m pretty much the most boring person ever, so let’s see…quirky? I once volunteered to write and direct an entire children’s program at our church. That was an experience, for sure!

Been there, done that. It is quite a job. When did you first discover that you were a writer?
I’ve been writing stories since I was seven years old. My first two stories were about angels and animal doctors!

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I enjoy reading almost everything! I used to joke that I would be happy reading the encyclopedia (which is true), but for novels I don’t care what it is as long as it’s a great story.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
I am not afraid to say no. I’m not afraid to put on the brakes. I value my quiet time, and I definitely need it!

How do you choose your characters’ names?
That’s a tough one! Sometimes I just know them. I know without a doubt what they should be called. Other times, it’s more of a struggle. I have a couple of baby name books I like to flip through for inspiration.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
Are we talking writing or just in general? My children are my treasures, for sure. But if we mean writing, I am most proud of the fact that I’ve finished a novel at all (let alone 8!).

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
A cat. Not because I particularly like cats, but because they’re a little antisocial and everyone knows and accepts that.

What is your favorite food?
Do you have a while? Ha! I love food. Chinese, Italian, Mexican…but I guess I’ll just say ice cream.

What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
My greatest roadblock was just general lack of knowledge on the writing craft. God opened so many doors that allowed me to learn. Learning is key, and is something a writer must always be open to doing. I remind myself often that I have MUCH to learn.

Tell us about the featured book.
Sure! The Rejected Princess is a YA romantic fantasy novel about a princess who learns she has an anomaly—in a world where anomalies are stomped out through Termination. She has to keep her anomaly hidden while stalling her upcoming marriage and putting a stop to a rebellion within the kingdom, all while learning all she can about her powers.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Princess Roanna of Chester’s Wake had only been to the dungeon once in her life, but that one trip had scared her enough that she never wanted to return. Now, ten years later, Roanna worked in the palace libraries side by side with Prince Benjamin of Lox, her lifelong friend and cohort in crime all those years ago, as they sorted socks, coats, and blankets to take to the Rejected in the orphanages.

“I just want to look around the dungeon for a little while.” Ben’s voice pulled her gaze toward him.

Roanna hated the dark and dank dungeon, which reeked of bodily fluids. The place gave her chills.

Thunder boomed overhead, and Roanna gasped. Pressing her eyes closed, she took a deep breath to calm herself. Perhaps she was being silly.

Ben quirked an eyebrow at her and grinned. He leaned against the library wall and turned to the windows as rain dumped loads of water into the western gardens of her family’s palace at Chester’s Wake. Ben was taller than her, and his dusty-blond hair was parted messily to the right side. He was handsome, as so many hopeful girls had told him before. Not that he seemed to care about that.

How can readers find you on the Internet?
My website is, and from there you can find me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!

Thank you, Katie, for sharing this book with us. I’m eager to read it, and I know many of my readers will want to read it or want it for young adults they know.

Readers, here are links to the book.
The Rejected Princess -
The Rejected Princess - Amazon paperback
The Rejected Princess - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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  1. Thanks for having me, Lena!

  2. Hi Katie! Wow, we have a lot in common. I crave alone time, too, and also sometimes use baby name books for my characters. I live in Wisconsin, and I set my fiction in different parts of the state :)

    1. Alone time is a necessity! :) You know, I've met lots of writers from Wisconsin lately. Must be a great place.

  3. Your book sounds great! I love the YA genre as well as the Romantic Fantasy one. I like your comment about being like a cat. They do get a pass on being antisocial.

    Cherie from FL

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Cherie! Sometimes I envy the cat''s pass...not always! But sometimes :p.

  4. I would love to win this book for one of my granddaughters. It sounds clever and fun. And they adore cats! Maybe you should adopt one if you haven't already. *G*

    Bonnie in AZ

    1. Thanks Bonnie! And yes! We've adopted two cats. We've had them for almost two years (they're my daughter's). A male and female. They're not siblings but they act like it, as we got them both as kittens. They are CRAZY! :)

  5. This sounds intriguing!
    Connie from Kentucky

  6. Thanks for stopping by and entering, Connie!

  7. This book sounds wonderful.Thank you for the opportunity to win.Have a good week PA.

  8. The cover is lovely! Alone time....what is that? :)
    Blessings, Natalya from California.
