
Monday, July 30, 2018

THIS FREEDOM JOURNEY - Misty M Beller - One Free Book

Dear Readers, when I read Misty’s first historical, western romance novel, I was hooked. Her books go to the top of my to-be-read pile. I have not read this book. It just released, but I’m eagerly awaiting its arrival. Her three-dimensional characters always pull me straight into the heart of her stories. And her settings are authentic. You won’t want to miss this new one.

Bio: Misty M. Beller writes romantic mountain stories, set on the 1800s frontier and woven with the truth of God’s love.

She was raised on a farm in South Carolina, so her Southern roots run deep. Growing up, her family was close, and they continue to keep that priority today. Her husband and daughters now add another dimension to her life, keeping her both grounded and crazy.

God has placed a desire in Misty's heart to combine her love for Christian fiction and the simpler ranch life, writing historical novels that display God's abundant love through the twists and turns in the lives of her characters.

Welcome back Misty. As an author, I know it takes a lot of people to birth each book. Who were the people involved in the birthing of this book, and what were their contributions?
You’re so right! The seed was planted for this book when author Kari Trumbo invited me to be part of the multi-author novella collection, Timeless Love. The collection would feature love stories from in all the main time periods from the Revolutionary War to modern day, and all proceeds from the limited time collection were being donated to the LiveStrong Foundation for cancer support. They were looking for an author who could write a story set in the early 1800s, and I became excited!

I’d already been thinking I’d like to write Mary and Adrien’s story, as they are the aunt and uncle of the main characters in earlier books in the Heart of the Mountains series. This novella collection was the perfect chance. Without the other authors in the collection—Andrea Boeshaar, Kari Trumbo, Stephenia H. McGee, Dawn Crandall, Pepper D. Basham, and Sarah Monzon—this story likely would never have been written!

And I always have to thank my amazing copy editor, Robin Patchen, and the equally amazing proofreader, Jalayne Setzer. They make my stories so much better!

If you teach or speak. What’s coming up on your calendar?
I’m excited to spend a few days with writer friends at the ACFW Virginia conference in November where I’ll also be teaching. Then my schedule is quiet until next spring! In April, I’ll be speaking at the SC Baptist Church Librarian conference. Doesn’t that sound like an amazing group of people? Then in May, I’ll be one of the authors at the Christian Fiction Readers Retreat in Washington DC. I can’t wait!

That’s a wonderful schedule. And I love church librarians, actually any kind of librarian. If you had to completely start over in another place, where would you move, and why?
That’s a tough one! This would most likely NEVER happen, but I’ve long thought it would be amazing to move to the Canadian Rockies, maybe in Alberta. That’s the area where my current series is set, and I’ve completely fallen in love with that area!

If you could only tell aspiring novelists one thing, what would it be?
Wow, just one thing? I suppose it would be to never stop learning. Take every opportunity you can to learn about the craft of writing, about publishing, about marketing—everything related to the book world! Writers should always be working to improve their skills and knowledge.

I so agree! You’ve been asked to be in charge of a celebrity cruise. Who would you ask to take part, and why? (AS in what program, singers, etc. [it doesn’t have to be writing related])
Hmm…I so rarely watch TV or even movies anymore. Since this is completely in our imagination, do you mind if I name some people from yesteryear? Let’s have Cary Grant and Doris Day for entertainment one night. And the I Love Lucy cast for another night. Since we’re in the fifties, let’s have a swing dance with some of the greats from that era!

Tell us about the featured book.
As the fifth daughter in a family of nine, Noelle Grant spent her life striving to be unique. Her love of telling stories helps define her goal—to be known around the country as one of the top news correspondents of her time. And what better way to uncover sensational tales than to travel through the mountain wilderness to visit her brother? The trip comes together perfectly as she journeys with family friends who will be settling in the same area. Her first inkling that things may not be as perfect as she’d imagined shows up in the form of the mountain man hired as their guide for the final leg of the journey.

When Daniel Abrams agrees to guide the small group of easterners along his usual route northward to the Canadian mountains, his gut tells him he’s making a terrible decision. But if he doesn’t take them, who will? The crew’s leader refuses to consider turning back. As they start out, Daniel can’t help but notice the woman traveling under the care of her friends. Though she appears too genteel to last long in these mountains, she soon reveals a strength that draws him more than he should allow.

When the dangers of this wilderness become more than the group bargained for, Noelle must choose to delay her trip northward or proceed alone with the man she’s come to trust against all reason. She never dreams her decision will place her—and the man she loves—in a situation more hazardous than any story her imagination could conjure. 

Wow! I know I’ll love this one. And I really love the cover. Please give us the first page of the book.
August, 1854
Montana Territory

Noelle’s Journal:
August 12th
Today, we left the train—forever, if my aching limbs could decide the matter. The Lord’s mercies are new every day, as the Psalmist wrote, but I think today’s relief from that filthy, rattling car may be the greatest mercy the Father has offered in recent centuries.

We couldn’t have chosen a more inspiring place in which to disembark. The grassland stretches as far as I can see, all the way to the edge of the sky. Flat at first, then ruffled in hills, like creases marring a smooth linen cloth. Elmer says we’ll be traveling straight north, and he’s purchased a wagon to carry us.

I think, perhaps, I’ll be walking much of the way. Tomorrow is far too soon to be sentenced to days on end of another shaking conveyance. I imagine Louise will be eager to stretch her limbs as well, although she looked so pretty when she mounted the wagon bench and sat beside Elmer, the pair of them as much in love as they were a half-dozen summers ago on their wedding day.

Bo stuck his tousled little head between them, his gap-toothed smile as bright as the freckles splashed across his cheeks. Were I to ever consider marriage, I should dream of a portrait just like they formed.

Yet, I’m not foolish enough to see only the loveliness. The lifetime of domesticity may suit many, but I’ll not resign myself to being merely a shadow behind a man. I want more. Greater things. I want to stand out.

I think…the beating in my breast seems to know…this journey is the beginning of greater things. My skin tingles with anticipation. Soon, I will meet face-to-face with my destiny.

Where can we find you on the Internet?
I love to connect at my website, FacebookGoodreadsTwitter, Bookbub, and Pinterest

Thank you, Misty, for sharing this new book with me and my blog readers. I know they’re as eager to read it as I am. 

Readers, here are links to the book.
This Freedom Journey (Heart of the Mountains) - Paperback
This Freedom Journey (Heart of the Mountains Book 3) - Kindle
This Freedom Journey - Audio Book

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Goodreads, Google+, Feedblitz, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link:


  1. Thanks for having me, Lena! I pray you and your readers love this story, too. :-)

  2. Looks good. And I thought it was cool that it said she was the 5th daughter of a family of 9. I am the 6th daughter of a family of 9. 7 girls and 2 boys in all.
    Abigail in VA

  3. Vivian Furbay3:33 AM

    This story sounds like a dangerous adventure and i would enjoy reading it. You have a beautiful cover. Vivian Furbay of CO

  4. New author for me. Lincoln Nebraska

  5. Misty's book sounds very good and I would love to read it. Melanie Backus, TX

  6. Agree with you on Misty M Beller's books. I can't wait for the opportunity to read "THIS FREEDOM JOURNEY". Appreciate all the information and being able to read the start of the book.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  7. How neat, Abigail! I came from a family of 4, which gave me a special appreciation for a large family! What a blessing for you. :-)

  8. Thanks for the kind comment, Vivian! I pray you enjoy the story!

  9. Great to meet you, Kim! I hope you enjoy my stories!

  10. Hi, Melanie! Enjoy! :-)

  11. Hi Kay! I'm so glad you've enjoyed my other stories! I pray you love this one, too. :-) Blessings!

  12. I have loved Misty's books since I read the first one I read, just couldn't stop reading until that series was ended! Thank you for the chance to win a copy of this book.

    Wendy from Nebraska

    wfnren at aol dot com

  13. Oh, Wendy, you make my heart happy! :-) I'm so glad you've enjoyed my stories! Hope you love this one, too!

  14. Thanks for featuring this book. It sounds so fascinating. I'd love to win a copy!

    Winnie T from Utah

  15. Good luck, Winnie! Hope you enjoy!

  16. I love historical fiction!
    Connie from Kentucky

  17. sounds great! Shelia from Mississippi

  18. Sharon Bryant7:14 PM

    Enter me!!

  19. Love this series!!
    Elly -Indiana-
