
Wednesday, August 01, 2018

SARAH AND THE DOCTOR - Kit Morgan - One Free Book

Welcome, Kit. Why do you write the kind of books you do?
I love westerns and historical romance, so naturally that’s what I leaned toward when I began to write.

I write a lot of western, historical romances, too. Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?
Wow, I’d have to say there were three. The day my eldest son was born, the day my middle son was born, and the day my daughter was born!

How has being published changed your life?
I’m getting to do not only what I have a natural talent for, but what I feel I’m called to do. This is my ministry and it’s nice to know that my stories have helped a lot of people through tough times.

That’s why we keep writing. What are you reading right now?
A sweet contemporary that is a manuscript from another author. I’m writing the book after hers. Yes, I write contemporary too!

I do, too. What is your current work in progress?
Dear Mr. Comforts. It’s about three sisters on the run from unwanted arranged marriages who get sent to Clear Creek by my nutty matchmaker. She didn’t bother telling the grooms they were coming, because they hadn’t actually sent for brides. Their older brother merely inquired as to the process on their behalf …

What would be your dream vacation?
Europe! Always wanted to go for about three months and tour.

How do you choose your settings for each book?
I’ve created whole towns, so it’s more or less, which town are we in for this one?

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?
Diana Gabaldon. I’ve met her several times and she’s a fantastic writer. Her process is fascinating.

I met her one time at a conference before she was published. We sat across the table from each other at a restaurant where a group of us went to eat. We visited a lot. What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?
Well let’s see, hiking, biking, camping. I live in a log cabin so I sort of get those all the time!

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
Hmm, let me see, having too many stories to tell and not enough time! I’m pretty prolific and don’t have too many obstacles. I don’t get writer’s block. I’m the opposite. Which project to do next? There are so many!

I’m like that, too. What advice would you give to a beginning author?
“Writing is a skill that anyone can learn. Craft, craft, craft! Always improve, don’t settle for where you are when you can advance to the next level.

Tell us about the featured book. 
Sarah and the Doctor is the romance between two beloved older characters from my Prairie Bride and Prairie Groom series. In this particular book, however, they are young and have an interesting time of falling in love.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Somewhere along the Oregon Trail, 1849 …
“Grandma Waller, how old are ya?”

Grandma looked at little Tommy Turner. He couldn’t be more than four. The little boy was a curious sort and asked a lot of questions, as most children do. “Old enough, but not as old as I will be.”

His face screwed up in confusion. “Huh?”

Grandma laughed. She glanced around the campfire. After supper the men sometimes went off to talk amongst themselves while the women told stories to each other.

“Tommy Turner, don’t you know not to ask a woman her age?” One of the women scolded.

Tommy shrugged. “I ask my ma and she tells me.”

Mabel Turner blushed as she took Tommy by the shoulder and pulled him close. “Tommy, mind your manners.”

“I was just askin’.”

“Sorry, Grandma,” Mabel apologized.

“He’s a child, he’s going to ask,” Grandma said with a chuckle. She looked at Tommy. “If you must know, I’m fifty-four years old.”

Tommy’s eyes rounded to platters. “That’s old!”

“Tommy!” his mother said.

Grandma laughed. “He’s all right.” She leaned toward the child. “And I’m going to get a lot older. In fact, I’m probably the oldest person on this wagon train. Why, to think I’m over a half a century!”

Tommy gasped. Mabel clamped a hand over his mouth before another embarrassing comment escaped.

“I plan to live to be a hundred,” Grandma told him and winked.

As soon as Mabel dropped her hand, Tommy gaped at her. “Wow.”

Grandma nodded. “Yes, child. Wow.”

Tommy cocked his head to one side. “Is Doc gonna live to be a hundred too?”

“I hope so,” she said.

“Did you used to be young?” he asked, much to his mother’s dismay.

Grandma laughed again. “Oh, child, the things you say. How can we get old if we don’t start out young?”

Tommy glanced at his mother and back. “Did you look different when you were young?”

Grandma Waller sighed. “Yes, but not too different. My hair didn’t have this grey in it, my face, not so many lines.”

“She was a beauty,” Doc Waller said as he stepped around a wagon. He took a seat on a campstool next to her. “Prettiest woman in Philadelphia.”

Grandma blushed. “Oh, Doc …”

“You were. Remember the Millers’ ball and the gown you wore? I can still picture it. You were a vision.”

How can readers find you on the Internet? 
Go to my website   
From there you can join my newsletter, get to my Facebook page, twitter, and Amazon pages.

Thank you, Kit, for sharing this new book with us.

Readers, here is a link to the book.
Sarah and the Doctor (Prairie Tales Book 1)

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. You must follow these instructions to be in the drawing. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory or country if outside North America. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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  1. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Hello there from Texas, where it’s HOT! I love Kit’s name -it sounds western and fits her genre. I would enjoy reading her book. I especially like that she makes up her own towns. It sounds like fun!
    perrianne (DOT) askew (AT) me (DOT) com
    Perrianne Askew

  2. HI there! Yes, I have several towns under my belt at this point, not to mention I helped create others for multi-author series. I like writing about close-knit communities. Of course, I also like to write quirky characters too!

  3. Hello from Waterloo, Ohio This sounds like a great book to read Thank you so much for the chance Kit!

  4. Sarah! Hey girl! It was a fun book to write. That's for sure!

  5. Hey Kit, Sarah and the Doctors sounds like a great story!

    Caryl K in TEXAS

  6. Vivian Furbay6:39 PM

    I really like historical fiction and would love to read this book. Vivian Furbay of CO

  7. Sounds like a good read. Lincoln Nebraska.

  8. Thank you for introducing me to a new to me author. Kit Morgan is an author that I will definitely have to look into. I would love to explore her works by reading "SARAH AND THE DOCTOR". Appreciate the chance to win a copy!
    Kay Garrett from Mountain View, AR
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  9. OHHHHH, this sounds sooooo good, thank you for the chance to win a copy.

    Wendy in South Sioux City, NE

    wfnren at aol dot com

  10. This looks really good!
    Abigail in VA

  11. I hope you all enjoy Sarah and the Doctor. What was interesting, I know these characters well when they're older, but didn't know how they would be in their younger days! If after reading Sarah and the Doctor you find you want to read more of these characters, you can check out my Prairie Bride series where they are first introduced. I'm sure as I write this series I'm going to be surprised by some of the antics of the younger versions of folks created in earlier books!

  12. This one sounds wonderful...My kind of book! Melanie Backus, TX

  13. Looks like another great historical read! Thanks for the chance to win this book. Paula From Missouri. paulams49ATsbcglobalDOTnet

  14. Vivian Furbay4:16 AM

    Love historical fiction and would like to read this book. Vivian Furbay of CO jtandviv(at)q(dot)com

  15. Sarah and the Doctor sounds lovely! Thanks for sharing.
    Connie from Kentucky

  16. Our Church LIbrary Readers enjoy our Historical Fiction books.
    Thanks for giving me the chance to win this book.
    Janet E.

  17. I read my first Kit Morgan book a month ago and loved it. I so enjoy historical fiction. Thank you for the opportunity and interesting interview. Jane TX

  18. love the cover and book sounds great! Shelia from Mississippi

  19. Sharon Bryant7:17 PM

    Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
    Conway SC.

  20. Thank you all for stopping by and letting me share with you! It's been great fun!!

  21. Another new author for me! I love that this one tells the story of her later characters.
    Dianna (TN)
