Welcome, Karin. Tell
us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
The first heroine in my first novel (which is unpublished and
needs a complete rewrite if it ever wants to be published) was the most
autobiographical. I wrote what I knew, which were my own struggles and issues.
Since then I’ve tried to incorporate different characteristics into each
heroine, though most of them will probably love some type of sports team
(because I love sports!).
What is the quirkiest
thing you have ever done?
I did some weird things in high school and college, but I
wasn’t streak-through-the-neighborhood crazy. I did have a pretty quirky job,
though! I worked on the S.S. Badger
in Ludington , Michigan , during the summers when I was in
college. It’s a coal-fired car ferry that used to carry train cars across the Great Lakes . Now it’s a passenger vessel. It’s still one
of my favorite jobs—I could tell stories about that job for hours!
My crazy college job
was in Longhorn Cavern in central Texas .
I worked down in the snack bar in the cave. People were only at that spot once
an hour. When did you first discover that you were a writer?
I’ve always written stories. I wrote my first novella in
high school (during class!), then I got my degree in English because I couldn’t
imagine not reading or writing for a semester. I didn’t really start writing,
though, until 2006 after my husband’s cancer diagnosis. I wrote a novel
manuscript and wanted to see if I could get it published. As I continued to
learn about the publishing process, I also learned about different kinds of
writing. I think it was 2007 when I started to consider myself a professional
writer because I had my first article published. I’ve been writing ever since.
Tell us the range of
the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
My preference is romance novels—I read a lot of historical
and contemporary romance. But I also read speculative fiction, mystery, young
adult, and suspense novels. However, if someone tells me that a book is
well-written, I’ll read any genre. (But I’ll like the book better if it
includes a romance.)
How do you keep your
sanity in our run, run, run world?
My husband taught me the value of honoring the Sabbath. We
make sure to take a day off together to relax and recharge. It might mean that
we have to miss a fun event, but that’s a sacrifice we’re willing to make to
ensure that we don’t wear ourselves out.
How do you choose
your characters’ names?
I go online and search for names that were popular around
the time my main characters would have been born. I usually have a few names
that I’m considering; when I search for names, I find one that has a similar
quality that stands out to me. Sometimes, though, I find one completely
different that grabs my attention.
What is the
accomplishment that you are most proud of?
I’m most proud of the fact that I kept writing after so many
years of struggling and failing. I finished my first novel in 2007 and
submitted it in 2008. Since then, I’ve written several manuscripts, entered
contests, queried agents and publishers, learned to edit, read craft books,
attended conferences, and so much more. I watched other people succeed where I
failed. I taught other people things they needed to know to polish their
manuscripts, but mine still didn’t garner any attention.
I wanted to quit so many times, especially after I started
writing and editing professionally and struggled to get clients. I’m an
extrovert, so I wanted nothing more than to get a “real job” some place where I
would be around people all day and earn a regular paycheck, but every time I
prayed about it I felt like I was doing what God wanted me to do by writing. It
wasn’t easy and it wasn’t quick, but I grew so much throughout the process
(emotionally and spiritually). I’m proud of myself for not taking the easy
Actually, those who
don’t take the easy usually become better writers than those who do. If you were
an animal, which one would you be, and why?
A dog with a big family. That way I could be around people
all of the time and get lots of back rubs!
What is your favorite
What is the problem
with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
Focusing. I’m easily distracted, and I tend to do everything
else before I write, so it’s not uncommon for me to go days (or weeks) at a
time without writing on my manuscript. Once it’s written, however, I can focus
on the editing.
A couple of years ago, I realized that I need to set aside a
month to write my first draft. I forgo all events and activities to focus on
writing. The first draft doesn’t have to be good, I just need to get at least
60,000 words down. If I can do that, then I can print it off and edit it
anywhere (which is how I prefer to edit).
Tell us about the
featured book.
Summer Plans and Other Disasters is the third incarnation of
the second novel that I wrote. I created some characters and picked a setting that
I loved, then started writing. It was early in my career, though, and I was
learning a lot. I had about 45,000 words written when I realized how flat and
uninteresting my characters were, so I scrapped the plot and started over.
About 45,000 words later, I discovered plot holes big enough to drive tanks
through, so I started over again. On the third try, I finally created a story
that I liked. It took a lot of editing and help from other people to polish it,
but I think it was worth the effort.
My favorite part of this story is the setting. The majority
of it takes place at Old Mission Lighthouse in Traverse City , Michigan .
Years ago, the township’s park superintendent used to live in the lighthouse.
If he ever had to be out of town, he would recruit someone to cover his basic
duties while he was gone (mostly emptying garbage cans and making sure nothing
bad happened). My husband and the superintendent were friends, so my husband
covered for him a couple of times, and I was able to stay with him at the lighthouse.
I included some of my experiences there in the story.
Interesting setting.
I’m in a Barbour collection that will release in November, and all the stories
take place in and around lighthouses. Please give us the first page of the
“Need a hand, sweetheart?”
Callie peeked over the top of her sunglasses. A slick-haired
young man in a lime green polo shirt stood bent over, grinning at her through
her open car window. She flashed him her best Julia Roberts smile as she
inwardly groaned, then flicked her left wrist, popping the car door open and
into his forehead.
“Sorry.” She slid out of her car. “My older brother will be
here any minute now. He can get some ice for that. Would you like to stick
around? I think he went hunting. I could introduce you after he skins
The tall, tanned pretty boy shook his head and walked toward
a group waiting nearby. Callie rolled her eyes.
“Nice technique.” A familiar baritone voice rumbled.
She smiled.
“Lying’s a sin.”
Callie spun around. “Didn’t you go hunting?”
Her brother stood twenty feet away with his arms crossed,
but he chuckled. “I don’t hunt.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m glad you’re here.”
So was she. Callie launched herself at Jack, aiming for the
He laughed as he moved, and she shot past him, but he
grabbed her belt and pulled her back, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing
until she giggled. “You never would have survived on the football field. You
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
I’m all over! I have a dedicated author website and Facebook
page at:
You can also find me on Twitter and Instagram:
And you can find writing and editing tips and tricks on my
business website and Facebook page:
Thank you, Karin, for
sharing this book with my blog readers and me. I’m eager to read my copy.
Readers, here are links to the book.
Summer Plans--and Other DisastersSummer Plans and Other Disasters - Kindle
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This sounds like a funny and interesting book. Vivian Furbay of CO
Thank you for introducing me to Karin Beery. Her book "SUMMER PLANS AND OTHER DISASTERS" sounds awesome and one that I would love the opportunity to read.
Really enjoy lighthouses. We took a bucketlist trip to the New England states, Maine in particular, a couple years ago where we got to take in the sights to lots of lighthouses. It was a major highlight to our trip.
Thank you for the chance to win a copy of this wonderful book!
Kay Garrett from Mountain View, AR
2clowns at arkansas dot net
I live in the Chicago suburbs of Illinois
what a wonderful post and a fun excerpt. i would love to read this new to me author and her book quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net
I can so relate to the title of Karin's book, "Summer Plans and Other Disasters".
We had vacation plans already made and were days away from leaving.
In the county, we rely on our water pump and when it goes out, you don't have water, period.
So we have a brand new water pump, no vacation plans, and no $$ to take a vacation with.
Janet E.
Thank for hosting me! I had a lot of fun writing this story and answering your questions -- I hope other enjoy them too!
Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
Conway SC
sounds great! Shelia from Mississippi
This one sounds like a lot of fun! I love these "first page" reads.
Pam in OH
Love what I read so far, would love to win.
Lourdes Long Island, NY
Sounds fascinating!
Connie from Kentucky
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