Welcome, Patricia. Tell
us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
I was scheduled to attend an ACFW conference in
I wrote my first story when I was six years old. I don’t
remember any of it but my teacher was so impressed that she gave me a bookmark
and wrote on the back of it, “Keep writing, Patty. That stuck with me as I
moved on through school, wrote columns for the local paper, and studied
journalism at the
Though I write contemporary romance with a twist of women’s fiction mixed in, I read a lot of historical fiction. I’m drawn to life in other times, fascinated with the detail most authors include, and like the feeling of escaping to another era.
I’m not a hustler. I’ve lived long enough to know life is more than hurrying from one task to another. If one never slows down, much of life is missed in the rush.
How do you choose
your characters names?
I often begin a work with a stand-in name for a character, like
a place holder at a dining table. Then as I get to know the character and get a
sense of who he or she is, I find a name better suited to his or her
personality. In my most recent release,
I knew I had to have a name that fit the situation comedy of the third
character. Hillary means laughter so that character was born and she gets into
a lot of tight spots. Eileen became the main character but she’s whimsical so I
renamed her Eily (I-ly with a long i).
My daughter has autism. I made a commitment to her when she was very young to give her every opportunity to have a normal life. That meant finding the right teachers for her, discovering activities in which she could grow, and giving up my personal life to see her achieve. My husband and I spent a lot of years figuring her out but she now is a thriving adult who can handle most of what life throws at her. She speaks, even though I was told she probably never would. She has her own art business. She loves church. She will always need support, but I’m proud of what she has accomplished.
That’s wonderful. If
you were an animal, what one would you be, and why?
I would be a cat. Anyone who has ever owned a cat knows they are independent thinkers and they do things on their own terms. The saying that dogs have masters and cats have staff is spot on. Besides, sleeping 18 hours a day can’t be all that bad, can it?
What is your favorite
I had to think long and hard on this question. I enjoy most dishes but to name a favorite is a stretch for me. My most often go to food is cottage cheese. It’s bland and can be combined with many other ingredients. I like it mixed with fruit or with a spoonful of salsa stirred in spread on dark rye toast. That makes a quick and tongue satisfying lunch, though most people would probably find that weird. That’s okay, it’s my lunch.
For breakfast, I
often eat cottage cheese with a little fruit cup with no sugar added and a
couple of tablespoons sunflower seeds. What is the problem with writing that
was your greatest roadblock and how did you overcome it?
I had to learn to humbly accept my limitations. When I first began writing fiction, I thought I could do a fairly decent job. After all, I’d written for magazines and blogs and newsletters for years. What an arrogant point of view that was! I soon found writing a sentence to transmit content is a lot different than writing a scene to provoke emotion. Writing fiction is more than putting a noun in front of a verb and adding, “said.” I joined a critique group who kept me in my place, attended writer’s conferences where I rubbed shoulders with popular best-selling authors, and entered contests where feedback was provided on my manuscripts. Over time, my writing evolved to a level worthy of publication. TIME was the key.
This novel, Love’s Autumn Harvest, is a story
that was born out of a challenge by a speaker at a writer’s conference. He said to change up our writing. Write
something totally different from what we usually write. See what happens. I
decided I wanted to write something that wasn’t too serious, a story that would
make people laugh. Thus Eily (pronounced I-lee) McKintrick and Marshall Frye
were born, one a widow, the other a widower, both with no interest in a love
interest. To further complicate the plot, I added Hillary Shepherd, a divorcee
with her sights set on snagging
Please give us the first
page of the book.
One onion
That’s all she needed
Medium-sized, yellow or white, hot or mellow
Beyond Eily McKintrick’s kitchen window, widower Marshall Frye worked in his garden, dirty canvas cap plopped like an afterthought on his balding head. Bib overalls billowed whenever the wind wafted through the manicured rows. Every day she saw him out her window, hoe in hand, back bent, head bobbing in time to the rhythm of his arms. Today was no different.
But not every day did she need an onion.
She studied the recipe for garlic beef enchiladas in front of her, drugstore reading specs suspended on the end of her nose. Ticking off the list of spices with a forefinger she located each one in her kitchen cupboard—cumin, sage, and chili powder. She removed the spice jars from the lower shelf and set them on the counter.
A stepstool under her feet, Eily rummaged through the assorted canned vegetables stored higher in the cupboard. Standing on tiptoe, she dug into the corners, wobbling when the stool squeaked. Her hands flew out, gripping the door of the cupboard, heart racing.
One of these days I’ll move the waffle iron and the bread machine and put the canned goods below the counter. No sense breaking my neck for a container I could just as easily get from the ground.
How can readers find
you on the Internet?
Facebook: @patricialeebooks
Twitter: lee_patricia__
Website: www.authorpatricialee.net
E-mail: patricialeewrites@earthlink.net
Thank you, Patricia,
for sharing this novel with us today. It sounds like a fun read.
here are links to the book.
https://amzn.to/3gIevER - Paperback
https://amzn.to/3kCCcAC - Kindle
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This sounds like it will be fun to read. Count me in, please. Linda in SoCal
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
If you like to laugh then you will join the merriment my critique partners found when they read this for the first time. Thanks for stopping by.
So happy to find more mature characters! The first page excerpt drew me right in, I love stories like that. Thanks for sharing ladies. Stay safe.
Robin in NC
Sounds like a fun story, thank you for the chance to win a copy.
Wendy in Nebraska
wfnren at aol dot com
Sounds lovely FL
Wendy, Nancy and Robin: I truly hope you'll enjoy the story. I wrote it to give people a giggle and a light-hearted approach to life, something we all need right now. As you will see love is not just for the very young. All of us need relationships in our lives. Thanks for commenting.
From Jonesborough in Northeast TN here. This sounds like a delightful story. So often mature (I hesitate to say older) individuals are left out of stories except as background characters. They still live, love, laugh, and have fulfilling lives. I look forward to reading LOVE'S AUTUMN HARVEST.
Would love to read. You should be so proud of your daughter. I have 2 great nephews with autism and they are such a blessing.
Thank you Lucy. I feel like Charlotte the spider in Charlotte's Web. My daughter has been my great work, my magnum opus. But the journey has had is challenges.
Patricia B, I totally agree with you. I hope Eily, Marshall, and Hillary warm your heart with their story.
I love when a book shows that hope is always present. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to reading it!
Connie from Kentucky
Enter me in your awesome giveaway!!
Conway SC.
Connie Porter Saunders: Let me know what you think. I always love to hear from my readers.
Sharon Bryant: You are entered.
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