
Thursday, April 14, 2022

DRAWN BY THE CURRENT - Jocelyn Greene - One Free Book

Welcome, Jocelyn. I’m looking forward to reading Drawn by the Current.

Bio: Jocelyn Green is the award-winning and bestselling author of numerous fiction and nonfiction books, including Veiled in Smoke, The Mark of the King, A Refuge Assured, and Between Two Shores. Her books have garnered starred reviews from Booklist and Publishers Weekly and have been honored with the Christy Award and the Golden Scroll. Jocelyn lives with her family in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Visit her at .

Thank you for sharing this excerpt from the book with us:

Chicago Friday, June 11, 1915

Olive Pierce chided herself for the tingle of nerves in her fingertips. She was twenty-nine years old and had been working for MetLife’s main Chicago office for the last seven. She had no cause to feel anything less than confident.

Wind nipped her ankles and tugged at her hat as though nudging her to get moving. Putting the courthouse behind her, she crossed Washington Street to the twenty-one-story Conway Building where she worked. The white granite gleamed in the morning sun. Unseen from the street, an inner courtyard brought light to every interior office as well. The Conway had opened earlier this year, shrinking the commute from her apartment to just over a block. All the tenants renting office space were enjoying a major upgrade from wherever they’d been last.

It was a sign, Olive told herself. The time was right for her career to get an upgrade, too.

Bolstered, she breezed through the doors and into a space awash with sun pouring through skylights. Her heels clicked over Tennessee marble as she crossed the two-story rotunda surrounded by shops and cafés and caught an elevator that carried her to the fifteenth floor.

She could do this, she reminded herself, and closed the few remaining yards to the MetLife office.

Greeting the two secretaries already at work, Olive passed between their desks and dropped her things off in her own office. After smoothing her hair, she wove back through reception and hesitated at the door to the corner office.

“Olive?” Gwendolyn Walsh slapped the return on her typewriter carriage and continued hammering the keys, a honey-blond curl bouncing beside her cheek. “Mr. Roth is expecting you. Go right on in, sweetie.”

Olive had long ago given up trying to correct the young secretary, who had been calling her sweetie ever since she was hired fresh out of college three years ago. Still, Olive hoped her boss hadn’t overheard. She was a professional life insurance agent, after all, and if she was going to be promoted, it wouldn’t be for being sweet.

A throat clearing behind her turned her attention to the other secretary, Blanche Holden. At fifty-five years old, her hair was as white as her name, but her brown eyes snapped with the spirit of a woman half her age. “Go get it, Olive.”

That was more like it.

Readers, here’s a link to the book.

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  1. Jocelyn Green is one of my favorite authors!
    Caryl K in TX

  2. Catherine6:47 AM

    That would be an interesting time period, shortly before our involvement in WWI and the Spanish Flu Epidemic. Technology was rapidly advancing, and there were beginning to be a few more opportunities for women to support themselves. I have read a couple of Jocelyn's books, which I really enjoyed. Catherine in TX

  3. Sounds like a must read!
    Melanie Backus, TX

  4. I read the first two books and really want this third book! Thanks for the chance! Paula from Missouri.

  5. I have the first two books in this series and would love to read this one. Thank you for sharing. Blessings from WV.

  6. Sounds intriguing. Would love to read it. Cherie J from Florida

  7. I’m from Mississippi. Jocelyn is one of my favorite authors.
